S1 \DAY, JAM APT , 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ...N.AY,.JANUARY..8,...928.T..E-M.C..GAN. DAILY .r. i ,. . i s wwfns i tii a gr M ) (1 { RS TO MPTE' "Athletics For All Women," Says Yost Women Have Not Been In Politics Lotg Speaking About New Athletic Buildino Enough To Seek High National OfficesT NOTICES executive hoa iofNW.A.A Final Selection Of Cast To Begin Toi Barbour #yun LYRIC WRITERS Sarah Caswell Ange hour gymnasium will 1 success ,or failure for pirant young actressN outs for the annual Jun open there at 4 o'clo More than 175 womenN cast and chorus tryout Leing arranged as follo Women who have be pear for choruses are 4 to G o'clock tomorr 6 o'clock on Tuesday 9 o'clock Wednesday for the cast will be he] o'clock on Thursday,o 6 o'clock on Friday. All tryouts have bee committee to arrange on Monday, in order to the needlss confusion which hindered rapid w preliminary tryouts. Both cast and choru be required to sing a the commgittee in deter tual amount of musical will be able to work voice will not necessa one from participation, factor in the arrangin All tryouts must co witl\ dance ,steps. The tion, are required to, pr sug selection, preferabl emu play. Tryouts ai bringt heir own accom: sible. An announcement is important meeting of ly the play, to be held a Tuesday at 1049 Olivia Edna Mower, chairman Minna Miller, '27, w the production, is well campus for herpartici *crous student productio undergraduate years\ as ticipant of both' Masqu Club. Designs for scenery the making; they are ,by Ruth Merrick, '29, of Architecture. AMERICANS CROS Two American wom new record by being th sex to cross the Sahara adventiirers were Misse zier and Ellan McMillt ing ride by autonirbile kar, Senegai and thet by the T'anfzrouft .rout These women who t dous trip through t I "My motto 'Athletics for All' In- Also, our building for boys here at eludes Michigan women as well as the University of Michigan was the Choruses And Michigan men," said Director Field- s for i) 0 e i 1l Th hiouse, for the puripose' of all-rou!14 morrow In ing II. Yost, when interviewed on the indoor athletics, and as far as I know, nashn i !subject of women's athletics in the the women's league building is fl, University. The new athletic field first athletic building for women to TO MEET house for women on Palmer field, an be termed a 'field house.' unprecedented type of building among "An athletic plant is of no value it. 11 hall of Bar- the athletic plants of American col- it does not have first, availability. be the scene of leges, is a concrete proof of Director and second if it is not put to use. 'host's attitude. Opportunity is something to have, but many an as- "I hope to see the time when 'Ath- it is worth nothing unless it is avail- when final try- letics for All' will be a reality, and able to the students. By that I mean, nio- Grl,' Play will cease to be just a topic of con- we could build a field house i Ypsi- )clc tomorrow. versation. But its fulfillment means lanti, but it would not do the stu-, will appear for planning a program for 10,000 men dents of Ann Arbor any goodI at all,' and women, an immense problem, unless their field house was availa- s, the schedule That means buildings and equipment; ble to them. Palmer field is a great in a sense, it demands one for indoor deal more useful with a field house en askd to an- and one for outdoor athletics, because on it than without one. Now, out to co:ne from the weather has to be taken into con- here at Ferry field, both the field ow, from 4 to sideration. If snorts take the form of house and the new Sports building rcd from 7 to competitive athletics, that creates a have facilities for those whose activi- niglzt. Tryouts need for largr facilities, because a ties are being carried on in that Id from 7 to 9 baseball diamond being used for an building, whether indoor or outdoor and from 4 to inter-collegiate game requires a field activities. that might be used for drilling a "Only to the extent that men and n asked by the great many more men. But everyone women use their opportunities will appointments recognized that to the students, there they get any value from them, any- avoid much of is interest and value in some form 'of thing that they can take away with and waiting ,competition over that of drill." them. When a student does not use vork during the Director Yost said that there were his opportunities, he is not giving two distinctive facts about the field himself a fair chance. Our athletic is tryouts will house for wom-en on Palmer field, "As plant offers a wonderful opportunity. lone, to assist far as I know, this is the first time for men and women to grow. It pro- mining the ac- in the world that money which is a vides fine surrooundings and good material they part of the athletic income of a leadership. Attending a university with. A poor school has been used to develop a means growing by one's own ex- arily eliminate I permanent athletic plant for women. I ercise. physical, moral, and mental.' rn Ilf~W 11 As ,he first of a series of speeches to be delivered before the Women's lEducational club concerning the sub- ject of ex1ra-curricular activities for high school teachers, Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the Speech department will give a short talk to the meeting of the club, next Monday afternoon at 4 oclock. Professor Densmore has announced his subject as "The .Value of Good Speech to the Secondary School Teacher. 1 jThe club will meet for the first time in th e rooms of the Faculty Womens Club on 226 South Ingalls street, back of Hill Auditorium. This is also the location of the local branch of the Merrill-Palmer school for children of pre-school age. Mrs. Hellen Sham- baugh, faculty spisor of the club, asks that all the members and vis- itors will please notice the change of meeting place. According to Mrs. Shambaugh, the inexperienced teacher who is just graduated from college or university usually goes into the small school where she must help coach the de-. bate team, direct plays, coach basket- ball, or take some part in a field out- side of her teaching duties. In arder that the 'members of this club, most "I do not believe that a woman I gained a lead over American women would be a good choice for the presi- in politics by securing the vote lirsi, . Cuncannon does not 1,elie vo t i o t dency at the present time," said Paul Cannoh doe n belie that ty have the future in politics that w>. - -M. Cuncannon of the political sfence men have here. In the first plae, department yesterday, "for the rea- England is a man's country and wvo- son that there are no women in the men don't have the influence that higher offices of the country. For the they do here. "The American woman same reason, it would not be wise to is much more adaptable," said C(un- have a woman as vice-president. cannon. "I have seen Anw.erican wo- Since there are no women in the Unit- men well along in years adapt thom- ed S'tates Senate, over which she selves to new and difficult situation) would have to preside, the men would in a way that was remarkable, and not wish to have a woman in that the American girl is equal to any- position. I do not believe a woman thing!" The most prominent woman would have the popular support even in English politics is Lady Astor and if she were nominated. Though it may she is a Langhorne from Virginia. be hard to realize it in a university Cuncannon does not believe that community such as Ann Arbor whr the women's vote has revolutdonized feminine sympathy is very strong, things the way it was expected to, there are few women who would sup- but it has had, of course, great in- port a feminine candidate, and the fluence in certain spheres and will men are not yet ready to put a wo- have a broader influence in the man in such an office for the reasons future. thati I have already mentioned." It is not Cuncannons' opinion that UNDERGRADUA TES women are not capable of filling theA office of president or vice-president, GIVE AUDITORIUM but that they have been in politics too--- short a time to attepmt it. Very few Women of the Michigan undergrad- 'women are in important political po- uate group were the first to rally to isiticns now. There is not even a wo- the need of $50,000 in order to in- I man governor at the present time, sure the l tting of t1he contract for and there are only three or four wo men in the lower house of Congress. the auditoriun wing of the new Wo- These last have gained their posi- men's league.buildi ng at the time that I j, l t f . 1 1 3 : s i t 7 t ' 1 but will be a g of choruses. ome prepared cast, in addi- 'esent a speak- y from a mod- .rc advised to panists, if pos- made of an ric writers for t 4 o'clock on , the home of n of music. ho will direct f-known on the pation in. nu- ons during her an active par- es and Comedy are already in being drawn of the School SS SAHARA en have set a e first of their a desert. These es Susan Fra- an. Their dar- began at Da- trip was made e. ook the hazar- the "Land of 1. Housewarming WillE 3e Wednesday Nighlt A good time is in store for all those who come to the W. A. A. housowarm- ing Wednesday night, and each mem- ber and eligible member is urged to come and bring a friend, not only to show it to them but to see the new field house herself. T'he cards which were enclosed in the letters sent ito W. A. A. members are guest cards, and members must bring their mem- lership cards as well. Those who have not m-embership cards may ob- tain them Wednesday night by pay- ing their dues of $1. Reservations for the supper must be made by Monday noon, by call- ing Dorothy Lyons, dial 9517. It is also necessory that they inform her that they are bringing a guest. The price of the supper is 65 cents, a',l veservations must be made in advance as only a limited number of orders will be made. The state bank of Moscowy will give a collection of ancient coins to the Soviet Museums. They consist of 54 Macedonian coins with images of Alexander, and Phillip, 16 Roman coins, two from Carthage, double gold EFFECTS OF INDUSTRY NOTED IN EXPERIMENT According to Alma Johnston, indus- trial secretary of the Y.W.C.A. of Kan- sas City, industry has three evil ef- fects on women, namely: monotony of the job, speed,-the creed in indus- try, and a feeling of inferiority. "The Y.W.C.A. is trying to offset these f three evils," says Miss Johnston. "In this way the worker has an oppor- tunity for relaxation and self-expres- sion." Miss Johnston has discovered that workers do not have as good a chance in the middle west as in the eastern cities. In the middle west foreign women change their names so that they can get jobs, because they do not have the avenues of help that they have in the east. Students interested in getting down to the facts of industrial work might profitably spend six weeks in the 'sum- mer working as a part of the indus- trial experiment. Such an experi- ment is held in Chicago every sum- mer for college women, in which they find work in some industrial situa- tion for six weeks, supporting them- selves from the wages received. Miss Johnston believe's that the experiment is of inestimable value to the women who carry it out. S t o p Statistics show that women prison- of whom will be required to do some i tions because they are widows of con- kind of like work as soon as they leave gressi'en. Women cannot expect to school, may learn more about the var- reach the top at once, but must work ious fields, the club officials have up from the beginning. planned this series of talks on out- "Women already exert an enorm- side activities. Professor Dhsmore" I1o"s influence on politics," declarll talk will be especially for those girls Cuncannon. "Many of our most prom- who haVe had little experience in the inent statesmen ar~e influenced by field of speech and debating. their wives, and it is in this indirect manner that women can be molt po SCHEDUL, WILL BE werful in politics for the present. For POSTED SOON FOR instance, Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, has INTRAMURAL PLAY inherited her father's brilliant mind, -iand she has helped and influenced her Intra-mural basketball will open its husband tremendously. Then the touinament this week, beginning the President's wife, as -niistress of th:, winter season of intra-mural activ- White House, works in another sphere ities. Betsy Barbour sorority and of influence, for much depends on Kappa Delta sorority tied for the her social ability, aside from the po- chamlpionship cup in the last game of litical influence that she may have the hockey season, which was play- Very few mistresses of the White ed in November. House have been college graduate.s, Twenty-three teams, sorority, dormi- though in the future I believe that tory, and independent groups, have more of them will be. It seems un- signed up to enter the basketball usual that neither of Wilson's wives tourney. Since Thanksgiving, the was a college graduate, though both gymnasium has been availbe at sched- were extremely intelligent women. uled hours for the various team-3 to The second Mrs. Wilson had more in- Ipractice. A league is composed of fluence perhaps than the first. Mrs. I four teams, the winners in which will Coolidge is a college graduate, and take part in tournament A, the losers if Herbert Hoover is our next mresi-. to enter tournament B. dent, the next White House mistress If-there are any groups desirous of will also be one. Whether or not Mrs. entering the tournament who have not Hoover, who is a better organizer anid yet signed the list on the bulletin leader than Mrs. Coolidge, would board in the gymnasium, their ath- he any more popular than the latter letic managers should do so at once,'s because the tournament schedule will r is ha Coiies earlyr tewek1 popularity is due sonmewhat to the be completed early in the week. fact that she is known as a 'nan's --woman.' New Mexico is the only state in the Though English women apparently Unicn which is without street car the contract for the main wing was let. The sum was all that was need- ed in order to let the r'ontracts out at the time, and when called upon, the women of the undergraduate group responded and sigmed a new pledge for the amount. Negotiations are now being made in Chicago. OBERLIN COLLEGE, Oberlin, Ohio -Blind because of an explosion, when he was experimenting in the high school chemical laboratory, Jo- seph Hines of Cleveland, neverthe- less wants to make his letter at Ober- lin where he matriculated this year. Hines says he plans to go out for track, having been successful at that in high school. George G. Booth of Birningiami, Michigan, has given more than $11,- 500,000 to establish a cents: of sec- ondary learning in Bloon-teld lHills, near Detroit. The new Whirpets will be cut in price to place them in competition with Ford and Chevrolet. RIRBONS .ANI) SUPPIE S for all makes of TYP1'I'SITERS Rapid turnover, fresh stock insures hest quality al a moderate price. 0. D. MO RRILL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6815. Thirst" were both art students. Miss pieces with prints of heads of Czar- ers cost the government 10 times as lines at the present. Those which Frazier is the daughter of Kenneth ina Sophia, Czars Ivan and Peter. much as do men prisoners. were in Las Vegas and Albuquerque, Frazier, an' artist of Garrison, N. y.. ' !-New Mexico were abandoned recently aand the great granddaughter of Ham- 1Evidence of witchcraft is still noted Fewer women changed rooms at thus throwing several women, who ilton Chase who was governor of New in the Philippines in the case of the the end of the quarter at Ohio State have operated them since the war,, York. Miss Mcilan is the (laughter beating to death of Cecilia 3abado. University than ever before. out of positions. of Gilbert McMillan, formerly of d e- This took place near Manila and was5 troit and now of Riverside-on-thie-probably partially caused by the fact PENMAKERS Hudson. ,that the victim was inflicted with tu- berculosis. The peasants of Valladolid, Spain, ecloVery soon you will require make quite an income from the ker- Of 130 students receiving degrees at nels of pino cones which are regard- the autumn convocation at Ohio State a Rbow p en ed as a luxury in coal:h:.g an d ca - university, only one, a twoman, grad- baking in that coulitry. nated with honors. The pen that won't balk or run dry in the middle of '*1111111101111! 1111 l1 111111111Il llll11111111111111111 11!111t 1111111111111111111I an Exam . Heioom Handmade Chinese Rus Superior writing qualities. -ilo wdeC i seR gs Large ink capacity. NEW SI1P-MENT ROOM SIZES The pen that will not wear out or get out of Gifts-unique and unusual order easily. Guaranteed and serviced by the makers. No delays. Handmade' ared Personally Selected' Beautiful gifts found in China, Japan, Persia, Egypt, d' e n Shop Palestine, India, Turkey, Greece, Austria, France and Italy-A most unique collection SERVICE ' At Wholesale Prices _. -__ No Jobbers profits, n )retailers profits. - I _ ~~It 1011b1 worth !o or -10le to colle to TH E MER ICK STUDIOS = Woodward,at Elot N 1 'I T S - 928 Church St., Ann Arbor - " ,nt Il - 11111111111111111111 01 111111111 [if III III III ni ll 111111111111 11111 I 111111111111., 'ilur. and Sat, A_._)1)cP L A V 110 UTS } , 7, .......................................... . -' A FUNNY SHOW The home of go d Designed to make you laugh and it does' SPECIALS SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFASTS Waffles, Wheat cakes, Country sausages. Fruits, Jams I SPECIAL SUNDAY LUNCHEON Broiled Chicken, Steaks, Chops, Roasts, Vegetarian Dinners. I ,,. { i Powder Puff Service in A FREE PERMANENT to THE LUCKY PERSON I A coupon given for all work over a dollar. Zave until Thursday! And you POWDER PUFF BEAUTY SHOP Above Graham's -. I Amazing Values In-Frocks An important offering of the smartest frocks for all occa- sions, at prices that make them nothing more than sacrifices. These distinctive modes have all the new fashion details and all the new colors and black are represented. 11 Formal Dresses as low as $15 1i 1wi VI ' T '!C' II 11 I