ESTABLISHED 1890 AMR, ---A4fr 4 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 80. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1928 TFN PACES C FOUNION INTEND TO CONSOLIDATE ALL ADM1NISTRIA'TIVE DUTIES UNDER ONE BOARDI PLAN IS UP TO STUDENTS Will Hold Meeting For Men Early In Second Semester; 600 Must Be Present To Vote A reorganization of the Union along lines proposed by a special committee appointed for the purpose has been approved by the Board of Governors of that organization and by the Board{ WILL MAKE SOME SUMMER SCHOOL BAN EXEMPTIONSj In a statement issued today from the office of Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, it was made public that certain classes o students attending the coming summer session will be allowed to use automobiles. This ex- emption will not affect any one now in school, Dean Bursley declared. Professional men and women such as teachers who are merely following up , their work in the summer will be permitted to operate vehicles. The exemption relating to Ann Arbor resi- dents andmarried students as well as I those who have special permission j will also hold during the summer session._ The alteration in the original ban was passed Friday night at the reg- ular monthly meeting of the Board NSIAN PRICE IS NOW1 'FOURl DOLLARS; TO BE' RAISED AFTER FEB. 1' FEATURE SECTION WILL VIEWS OF INCIDENTS ON CA)IiPUS ( IVE ASK PLEDGES REDEEMED IYear Books On Sale In Press Building Offices From 1 to (i O'clock Every Afternoon Although the opportunity for stu- dents to obtain the 1927-28 Michigan- enslan for $3.50 expired Dec. 15, the price ha's only been raised to $4 and the yearbooks will be on sale at that price until February 1 when they will again jump 50 cents. MARINES ATTACK PORT OF CORINTO MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Jan. 7-The attention o" American Marines, in their conflict with the rebel Gen. Akustina, today was turned to a strike at the port of Corinto, just as the first American wounded arrived after a clash with the rebel forces in the (department of Nueva Segovia. The situation in Corinto had become so serious that Col Louis Mason Gu- lick, commander of the American Ma- rine forces in Nicaragua, felt it ne- cessary to leave today by airplane for the fort. While there he will confer with Adr.t. David S. Sellars, who ar- rived at Corinto with additional Ma- rines. The same landing field that Col- Gulick and America's good will am- bassador, Colonel Lindbergh, used in departure, today witnessed the arriv- al of the first American wounded ix) the two clashes with Sandino at Quil- ali that resulted in six American dead and 28 wounded. Among those who nr ivc d l v fn lin tit n h t " of Regents of the University on the The yearbook subscriptions are on ; a r thiYtU1ttiiL ' of Directors, it was announced yester- request of the various members of sale from 1 to 5 o'clock every after- tiefield through the air were Capt,. day. The reorganization is in thej the faculty. noon in the hnoftichard Livingston, who commanded nature of a consolidation of the ad- ---_-- the patrol that took Qualalai, and Michiganensian at the Press building. Lieut. Merton A. Richal. mi nistrative functions of the organiza-rntin n-u in 0 T t d in*Ie bIar oIIdirectorsThese office hours are being contin- At Corinto a strike or stevedores, ion under a sig , . ued right tp to the time that examina- attributed to symwathy xith General and will have to be approved by a tions start, after which they will be Sandino, has caused considerable an- meeting of men students at which 600 Jdiscontinued. I 'tdents do not take Iety must be present early in the second Iiadvantage of the low price before the ~^ ~~~ semester. -_-start of examinations they may find it smt.Tnirtil B "1'r I irsT The change means, according to '' I limpossible to obtain their subscrip-T William Jeffries, '28, 'president of the e ntaidtion Ptions.! Union, that all the governing power IAThis is the final drive for subscrip- hereafter will be vested in one gov- EIGHT PL S SCHEDULED tions to be made by the business staff erning hoard instead of the two that I of the 'Ensian. Although sales wil: - SSpeakers 1' Will Leave Next lnrW For have been in control previously. Up Advancement o' the date of the op- continue through the spring, the Practiice Mee At 'le'urg To to this time the hoard of governors ening of the Rockford Players' Ann price of the yearbook will continue to i has exercised financial jurisdiction, Arbor season, the mlost pretentious rise later in the spring. j _ and has selected the general manager, ever undertaken in the city, to Sun- Many students who 1}ave made TA hhile the board of directors, With 17 day, January 22 instead of February pledges on their 'Ensians have not asILS members, has had charge of the ad- 14, was announced yesterday. The yet redeemed them. These students f ministration of the other policies of company, under the direction of Roh- are asked to pay the remainer of Michigan affirmative and negative the organization. ert Henderson, '26, will open with their subscription cost in order to debate teams met yesterday afternoon The board of governors, to the "The Thirteenth Chair," featuring take advantage of tho low price, for the final practice debate between present time, has been composed of Mrs. Richard Mansfield in the leading iAore Features. them before the Michigan -affirmative seven men, only one of which, the role. The regular feature section of the- . president of the Union, has been a Performances will be given every 'Ensian will present a cross setion ofI leaves eithe Tuesday ght or Wed- student, while -the board of directors night including Sundays, with noati- college campus life as represented by nesday for a practice debate with has had students as seven of its 17 } nees Wednesdays and Saturdays, for various campus activities and inci- Knox. members. The new board of directors, two periods of five weeks each., with dents. In this connection, pictures of The Michigan team which is com-{ with complete control of all the poli- a week intervening. Eight plays will the Opera, football games, dramatic posed of Jarl Andeer, '29, William cies of the organization, will have 17 be given in the first five weeks per- presentations, as xwell as activities of 'Bishop,'28. and Ormand J. Drake, members, eight of which will be stu- lod, xvith a partial repertory system, Ithe alumni and faculty xwill be shown. '2Ed will go to Galesburg unaccom- dents e a change in the bill being made ev-' The usual custom of senior pictures, ag b amember of the University Denni On Board erv three or four days. accompanied by the compilation of faculty. They are making the trip as The constitlution of the new board Mrs. Mansflield, who has played the activities of these students while the guests of Knox college.t will be the president of the Union, with the company during its seasons I in the University, will be followed this elected as previously, the recording in Rockford, Ill., is returning to the year and the pictures of the officers T secrrtary, and six vice-presidents, cast to play "The Thirteenth Chair," of the four lower classes will be given Galesburg Chamber of Commerce. one ea.h from the literary college, "Aren't We all," "T'he Enchanted as well. This Chamber of Commerce has ap- the Law school, the engineering col- April," and "The Old Lady Shows Her A special feature of the athletic parently taken a liking to Michigan lege, the Medical school, the dental ~ledals." Other productions to be section will be the action pictures of debate teams because it has becon e college, and one from the campus at given during the first period will in- football games which have been se- customary during the past few years i NO ACTION EXPECTEDo IN SENATE DISCUSSION OF TARIFFPROBLEMS HOUSE REPUBLICANS TO HEE)' NON-REVISION D)EMANI)S OF ADMINISTRATION SENATORS ASK REVISION McMaster, Author Of Declaration For New Rates, Expects Solid Democrat Support (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7-For the first time in years the Senate is going to take up the tariff Monday, but as itj is without power to initiate revenue legislation, the move seems destin to be just an expression of opinion regardless of the outcome.{ Republicans in the House, where ta- riff legislation must originate, are heeding the will of the administration against any revision now of the con- troversial import schedules and no action there this session is in sight Hlowever, the proposal asking the Senate for a declaration in favor of general downward revision of, the ta- riff rates comes from the Republican side--Senator McMaster, of South Da- kota, is its author-- and with the a ticipated support of an almost solid Democratic vote its sponsor believes it will be adopted. Leaders have given the Meastert resolution right of way for. Molday and early action is anticipated, al-I thou;gh this favored subject of politi. cal debate is expected to prove a tem'pting morsel for the orators and for those anxious to lay the ground- work for their campaigning next fall. Expects Support Senator McMaster declared today he expected to win considerable support for the resolution also from the Re-, publican side of the chamber. While his resolution would call for a gen- eral slash in tariff rates, the South Dakota senator made .t c:ear that he did not intend any cut in the sched- ules affecting agriculture. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 - The Sen- ate ended two of its innumerable in-. vestigations today; the House shoved another on the waiys, and Frank L. Smith, of Illinois, fixed a solid shot across the bows of a third and brought it to an abrupt halt. The net result was a certain net loss of one for the inquiries on the legislative board, while the status of another-that of the Reed slush fund? committee's investigation :nto the fit. ness of Smith to hold office as a sen- ator from Illinois-remains in doubt. The House, working while the Sen- ate remained in recess, performed the only legislative tasks of the day by adopting a resolution authorizing a special commission to investigate the S-4 disaster, but the Senate commit-I tees furnished the main interest o3 GRENFELL WILL GIVE Famous Labrador. fssion Doctor Will Tell Experiences Encountered In Work Among Fishermen - TALK TO BE ILLUSTRATED Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell, famous La- brador mission doctor, and creator of the International Grenfell association, is coming next Sunday to Ann Arbor to speak in the morning at the 11 o'clock service in St. Andrew's Church, and to give an illustrated1 public lecture at 8 o'clock at night in Hill auditorium. I President Clarence Cook Little will presmde at the lecture and Dr. Iufj Cabot will introduce the speaker. Dr. Grenfell will give a first hand acccunt of his exp(eriences in carry-1 ing surgical skill an imeciical relief to the stricken inhabitants of froz'en Labrador. For 30 years he has de- voted his l,'e to relief work among fishermen in the icy waters of the polar current during the season ofc open water, and to work among the inhabitants who have to be reached by 1 ong t ris with Eskinvo dog teams during the Labrador winter. Dr. Grenfell has attracted hundreds 1of volunteer workers to his hospital l education and welfare work, who go north from all parts o the United States and Canada, as well as Eng- land, to assist him. Groups of college students, particularly, have gone toI Labrador to aid in Dr. Grenfell's work. Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore and the Harvard Medi- cal School have sent the largest num hers. When Dr. Grenfel lwent to Labra- dor in 1892 he found the struggling line of white and half-breed village1 along its shore poverty-stricken and ? demora'ized. His first move was to establish medical stations along th" coast, which have fought a long but winning battle against the scourges of small pox, typhoid, and tuberculo- si. He held Sunday religious services which formerly had been dependent ! upon occasional visits fro~h English missionaries. Often there had been no one to bury the dead or marry the CLASS TREASURERS All class treasurers of the University are expected to attend a meeting to be held under the auspices of the Student council tomorrow afternoon in room 304 of the Union. The meeting will 1 be held at 5 o'clock, and Charles Gilbert, '28, of the Student coun- cil, will distribute receipt books to the class treasurers at this time. A date for the collection of class dues will also be deter- mined at the meeting. WiLD*CATS -NOSE OUT WOLVERINES 1W"ITH 25-20 WIN NORTHWESTERN 8OWS POWER, SPEED IN FAST CONTEST AT EVANSTON HUGE CROWD SEES GAME Victors Use S"tnr ing Lineup Without Sub~stituionu For Duration Of Entire Battle (By Associated Phess) CHICAGO, Jan. 7.--In the fastest game Northwestern has played this season, the Purple basketball five swept over Michigan, Big Ten chai- pions, 25 to 20, in their inaugural game at Patton gym tonight, Going through the entire game without a substitution, the Northwest- ern five established themselves as a force to be reckoned with during the 1928 Conference race by decisively trouncing the 1927 champions after trailing them 12 to 10 at the half. j During the second period, the North- western five started working like an oiled machine and rarely let Michigan even get a try at their goal. A record-breaking crowd packed Patton gymnasium for the first Con- ierence gam-e of the season, as ad- vance sell-outs indicated that the struggle would be one of the lead- ing attractions in the basketball world. Benny Oosterbaan, twice All- American end, and Capt. Frank Harri- gan each scored two field goals 'for the Wolverines, and the latter add,1 two points by the foul route. Gleish- man took scoring honors for North- western by ringing four field goals, but every man on the team had ,his share of the spoils. McCoy, Nyland, Rose, an]-i Gawne all saw service at the disputed fifth position on Michi- gap's lineup before the conflict was over. .a LINEUP: 1liclhigani FG FT TPF Raper, rf...............1 Rose, rf................1 Oosterbaan, lf...........2 Cawne, if. ..............1 Chapman, c.............0 iarrigan, rg. ............2 McCoy, Ig.................1. Nyland, lg...............0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ยง 0 1 2 3 1 3 1 Q 4 8 8 large. in addition to these students three faculty members, to be appoint- ed by the University Senate, will be on the board, two alumni members, appointed by the board of directors of the Alumni association, the general secretary of the Alumni association, one nember of the Board of Regents, thet financial secretary of the Union, who is appointed by the Senate coun- cil of the University, and the dean of Ftudents. The idea of putting the dean of students on the board is a new step incorporated in the plan. The new plan also provides for one extra student vice-president, since the dental college has never had a vice- president of' its own on the Union board before. The financial power of the Union will be vested in a committee of this newly arranged board of directors, with the Regent as an ex-officio member, the president of the Union as an ex-officio member, the financial secretary as an ex-officio member, and two non-students as the other members. The financial committee will in a certain sense displace the present board of governors, since theirs will be the privilege of choos- ing the general manager and he will he responsible to them. Will Direct Aethities The activities of the Union will be under the direction of an activities committee appointed from the board of directors, several members of which will be students, and which shall have charge of all activi ties conducted within the Union building. There will also b', a house committee composed partially of students to assist the gen- eral manager- in the running of the Union, according to the new plan. This plan of consolidating the func- tions of the present board of gov- ernors and board or directors into one unit to be called the board of diref- tors cannot be consummated until the nembers of the Union., represented by at least 600 men students approve. For this purpose a meeting will be called early in the second semester The committee which worked out the change was composed of Are' Diack, Prof. H. C. Anderson, and Wil- ciude "Cradle Snatchers," "The Bark- cured by the editorial staff of the year- er," "Great Catherine," "Merton of book. Complete reviews of the ath- the Movies," and "The Merchant of letic season for each team will be in- Venice." 'eluded in the section. -Miss Elsie Herndon Kearns, whoi Following this section will be three was the leading lady of the company sections devoted to stories and pic- , here last summer, will return for ture showing the activities of the the second group of plays. The sched- student publications; the eforts of ule for this period has not beenar- students in the fields of oratory, a.-music and drama; and the academic for Mliciigan to send a team against a Knox college team for their benefit. The question is to be the same as that debated in the Central league de- bates on Jan. 20 with Ohio State and Northwestern, Resolved, that the prin- ciples of the Baumes law of New York be enacted into law in the other states. ranged, but it is practically certain' that Miss Kearns will appear in Ib- sen's "Hedda'Gabler," which was the outstanding production of the summer season.I The spring season is being con- ducted under the n'anagement of Don- ald McIntyre, of the Whitney theater, in cooperation with the Women's lea- gue, who will receive 60 per cent of the proceeds above expenseM. The se- lection of the Rockford Players to prerform in the stock company season that McIntyre had previously planned was made from a number of com- panies which were candidates. Season. tickets are on sale at the thea ter,and mail orders are being re- ceived now. Others in the company who will be brought from Rockford, where they are playing at present, include Miss 'Velma Royton, from Henry Jewett's Poston company, and Charles War- burton, formerly director of the Old Vie in London, and also of the Memor- ' I thiater in Stratford-on-Avon. whom lHenderson brought back from England last summer. clubs existing in the various schools At present there are eight members the day. and colleges of the University. on the University squad. Of these Halt Smith Affair Campus Views In Color. men the affirmative trio is entirely To begin with, the Reed committee Campus views of this year's 'En- new to intercollegiate debating with called a session to give Smith his day sian will be done in colors rather than ! the exception of Drake who served as in court. Smith replied that so long in the plain black and white of past as alternate to the Michigan negative as the State of Illinois was depri- 1 1 years. Space will also be devoted to in the Mid-West league debate last of a seat in the Senate he did not care the various campus societies, fratern-' spring. The negative team is com- to go into the matter of proving his ities, and professional fraternities. posed of Richard Savage, 30L, Elliott finess to associate with the other gen- Under the general heading of "Wom- Moyer, '30L, and Paul Franseth, '29. tlemen in the Senate. This ended the en" is included a division, devoted to These men comprise the same team Smith investigation for the time 1 1 sororities, social clubs and league i that was defeated by Minnesota prior ing at least. houses, and section on the various to the Christmas holidays. , WASHINGT3N, Jan. 7-The Mexi- campus activities and athletic sports Sava-e is the only member of the can documents published in Hearst in which women participate. squad who is also a member of Delta newspapers were accepted today as A humorous review of the college Sigma Rho national honorary forensic forgeries, on the basis of handwrit- fraternity. He participated in the ing experts' reports, by Miguel Avila. aed in t e 'Ensin of two years ago Central league debate with Northwest- the procurer of the papers, and Joh:n amd has been amonig the most po1 mern a year' ago. Franseth is a new Page, writer of the Hearst stories, lar sections. man to the campus this year although before the special Senate committee' he had two years debating experience as it concluded its inquiry. More than 100 student directories while attending the Kalamazoo nor- Asked point-blank by Senator Reed, are still available at the Michiganen- mal. Itepublican, Pennsylvania, chairman I > of the committee, mt lie forged the sian business office in the Press The two other members of the squad Iof the Avitte , "Nored building. Copies may be obtained are hhowa rd Simon, '30, and John tocments, Avila said, "No. Pressed during the otfice hours from 1 to Webster, '30. Webster is the affirma- go, houd id eer to he o'clock any afternoon. The sot of th( tire alternate while Sinon is the nega- I'ed his shoulders and referred to te books this year i-, $1., v atrnte'an who gave then- to mne. yti al1ternteAvila said that Francisco Tobias, -ET A-T UNVON a clerk in the Mexican consulate of- E AOMANY SEATS SOLD lice in New York, sold him the papers TH ARRANGEMENTS FOR MIMES PLAY ! ilet"e to coille from the official MIME PLY (iles there. Iregistering chaperones, and other measures. When this organization has W\iii gr't numbers of tichets sol I U ARE tfinally been accomplished there will for the early pertormances, prepara- I be given one free ticket to the affair ;tLions for the opening o Austin' IN THAM ES RIVER FLOOD to each booth. This is to be used for,, (By Associated Press) the chaperones. In addition to thisStrongsSeventh Heaventomorroi LONDON, Jan. 7.-High tides driven the privilege will be given to each night in the Minres theater are com- by a violent gale from the North sea group of purchasing one more chaper- plete. E. Mortimer Shuter, supervis- met the flood waters of the upper one's ticket if it i's so desired. ing the piece, has pointed it out to -Thames valley in London early today Fraternity booth arrangements will be one of the bigger and more im- and wrought the city's worst flood be made at the time that favors are portant vehicles that Mimes Players disaster in living memory. Crashing given out, which may he the last of have ever attempted. The play has through the protecting wall into the week. At this time each organ- enjoyed long runs in all the large places and overflowing its banks at a ization must have determined the num-! cities and it is at present playing in number of low spots, the river swept her of couples who will attend from London. into hundreds of dwellings and drown- that house and if other houses are to living. In solving the poverty problem for Labrador, Dr. Grenfell secured fair treatment of the natives from th; I trading companies, fostered cottage industries such as rug-making, and preached abroad the economic im- portance of Labrador. He supported the r water power development of Grand Falls, and he tried to interest capital i in the country's lumber resources. COUNCIL TO MAKE ATTENDANCE RULE I Compulsory methods for insuring attendance at its meetings will be de- cided gpon at the Interfraternity council session to be held tomorrow at i4:30 o'clock in room 304 of the Union. j A special committee, consisting \of ? Orville Dowzer, '29, chairman, Rueben D. Wax, '29, and William C. Campbell, '29 will present a iteport suggesting a means for assuring a complete repre- sentation at the council meetings. This will probably take the form of a fine of 10 to 25 dollars to be imposed, upon fraternities whose delegates are absent from two or more meetings. It is hoped by this method to allay the difficulties which have somewhat 1imidered the prompt and e.. cient ac- it"Ol of the council in the past. On several occasions important matters have had to be deferred due to the lack of a quorum at the meetings. Co-incidentally with the measures for t attendance it is requested that all fra- ternities elect a regular delegate to r be present at all the council meet- ings. This policy is in line with a resolution passed by the council sev- eral months ago. 1 Wayne Schroeder '28, president of I the Interfraternity council, in discuss- ing the work which the council hopes Ito undertake during the next semester, Yithwestern FG FT PF Geishnian, lf............1 1 3 Fisher, rf................4 0 2 Walters, c..............2 1 2 Johnson, Ig.............2 1 0 Marshall, rg.............2 0 1 11 3 8 Referee: Schommer; Umpire, Travnicek. I OTHER SCORES. Wisconsin, 30, Ohio State, 13. Army, 37; Dickenson College, 29. Indiana, 32; Chicago, 13. West Virginia, 37; Carnegie i Tech, 29. Purdue, 30; Illinois, 24. Iowa, 32; Minnesota, 33. Notre Dame, 30; Pennsylvania, r 28. FIVE LAST YEAR'S MEN KEEP TITLES Five of the six 1927 all-campus wrestling title holders, who were en- tered in this year's tournament, suc- cessfully defended their crowns in the 1928 chamnio:sFip matches which Nwere held last u ght in the field house. i Unlike the preliminary bouts, most o/ the matches were determined by de- ems ions. hewitt successfully, retained his-115 pound title by gaining a decision over Rubin, AMA winner, with a time ad- vantage of s:OS in the opening bout. Thomas, a 125-pound star, also de- fended successfully his laurels by winning from Kailes, another AMA man, with an advantage of 7:38. The 135-pound match was won by Dulude, 1927 winner, who won a de- cision over Finley, AMA winner, with a 6:39 advantage. Finley showed the effects of his overtime bout with El- liott in the semi-finals.and, although lie gained the advantage late in the match, Dulude's margin was too great for him to overcome. INDIANS BOW TO PURPLE l , (NDEPENDENTS TO) FOR J-HOP BOO Independent men students who ex- pect to attend the 1929 J-Hop will1 meet next Tuesday at the Union fore , the purpose of organizing groups for rsing the booths in Waterman and harbour gymnasiums the night of the affair, according to announcement lmmad,' yesterday by John Gilmartin, gneral chairman. Arrangements for fraternity groups will be made later ilm th month, the announcement' state d. The capacity for each 0booth has been set at 20 couples, the same a's in the past, and the number of booths I has been drawn up and is being incor-