ESTABLISHED 1890t Jr Ar Ifoltr4t V.Iau l"71aitl MEMBER ASSOCIATED VOL. XXXVIII, No. 79. COULD NELSON RICH AND PETERSON SPEAK ON WWI RADIO NIGHT PETERSON IAINTAINS CAN4'ERI I SCURABLE IF TiEATED IN EARLY STAGES NELSON TALKS ON DRAMA Gould4 Tells of 1temaking Baffin Bay Map; Rich Takes Automobile Noses As Subject "Cancer in its early stages can be cured," declared Dr. Reuben Peter- son, of the University medical school, in speaking on the first Michigan Night radio program of 1928, broad- cast over WWJ, the Detroit News, last night. "Hence," the speaker add- ed, "it is the duty of everybody to be on the lookout for unusual signs and symptoms and seek advice from their doctor immediately if any symptoms are present. Prompt treatmen of the disease when it is local means cure, delay means just the reverse." Speaking on the subject, "Early Recognition and Cure of Cancer," Dr. Peterson went on to say that in the beginning cancer is aways a local affair. "It is not at the onset a gen- eral, blood or constitutional disease," he said. "Cancer always starts in a small way with a collection of can- cer cells. If the disease could always be recognized at this stage and re- moved, there would be practically no deaths from cancer." Early Stages Unrecognized Dr. Peterson explained that it was impossible to have these ideal con- dit'ons in the recognition and cure of cancer, because it is only occa- sionally that it can be recognized at this early stage. There is still con- siderable time from the beginning of cancer however, he said, when con- plete cure will result if the growth be thoroughly removed. "Dramaltics and the Universities" was the subject of Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, director of the Comedy club, who was the second speaker on the program. Interest in the study of the drama and particularly in the pro.. duction of the drama, Professor Nel- son told his radio audience, which has developed so rapidly in the past de- cade, did not find its first inspiration and impulse in the universities. "It has been distinctly a popular movement," Professor Nescni said "springing spontaneously from inher- ent interests of the peopIo 'if spreading by its own contagion until its influence is felt in the remotes and most obscure corners (f our country. Its socializing offect va a from the first its most rnotable vir- tue. Communities have found expres- sion for their local tradition and ideals in their pageants and commun-I ity plays, and groups quite hetcro- geneous have often leen drawn to- gether into a new social unity by their common interest in their little theater or other dramatic ventr:es." Develops Appreciatioi Professor Nelson pointed out that this enthusiasm has transformed at- tics, basements, barns and garages into artistic little playhouses, and has made actors of clerks, school teach- ers and common laborers. With it, he said, there has been a rapidly growing appreciation of the educa- tional value of drainatics, a growth ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7,1928 EIGUT PAGES University Sociologist Backs Up Charges HEADS Calling State Insane Hospital Inadequate OIL C-onime t-i- on t-e charges made money for this purpose," he dclar- yesterday by Dr. Thomas K. Gruber, ed. superinitendent of the Detroit receiv- Professor W(-ld further pointed outj ing hospital for the insane, that Mich- the parallel between the cases Nw igan state institutions for the (IC- York alid Michigan, (declarilig that mi ented were dangerously inadequate, up to very recently the New Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of the Uni- York institutions for the insatie versity sociology department, declar- were in as bad a condition as those ed that. Gruber's statement was sub- of Michigan are at the present time. stantially correct. ! However, according to Profes -or{ Dr. Gruber, in an interview pub- Wood, New York under the leader- lished yesterday in the Detroit Free ship of Governor Smith has finally Press, charged that the city of De- awakened to her danger and is now troit was in constant peril from the offering a new bond issue for the large number of violently insane per- purpose of raising money to build ad- sons allowed to be at large because ditional accommodations for her vio- of insuficient accon, modations for lently insane. Professor Wood stated them in the various state asylums. He that Michigan would do well to fol- went on to say that state hospitals low the example set her by New York often release dangerous patients to and so remedy an exceedingly dan- make room for more dangerous ones, gerous as well as inhuman condi- and predicted that before long the tion.- NA TIONAL COMMITTEE University Museum To Vacate Ancient Quarters For Move Into Modern Structure l EAI IL FOR EDUCATION NEAR EAST TREND, Preliminary to rolling up their sleeves and carrying their coletions to the new museum, the staff of the University Museum are doin the ine- The museum staff, on the other hand, resenting the imputation of the French department that they lack i, i IRAV n nf r WHITn cessary indoor work before evacuat - culture, are leaving a memo of their _, ing their old building in favor o theIcivilized state on the wall of the French department. combination lunch and dark room oi COMARES OLI) IS3INAGED SYS. The Legg collection is in the ardu- the fourth floor. Members o_ the staff TEl!i OF 'rFAV IIIm WTH! ous process of being crated under the are executing nmural decorations of:PRESE' direction of Prof. A. E. Wood, and a highly decorative nature on theI the ornithological specimens are be- south wall of this room. A large or- S OLARSHIP KEPT IGH ing put into the new (ustproof cases ange reptile is the contribution of theLRP specially developed for the new mu- reptile department, an Alaskan land- scape to which tile tracks of s0ome agt.I nlih a'gmg seum. sw tsFor Other Subjects Adjusted To Meanwhile the French departmnent mammal have been added is the con- Stuent Nationalies are paying visits to their prospective tribution of the manmalhan depart- and making measurement ment, and some obscure artist whose" quartersnd makitg p asr mn- department is unknown has contrib- I "Reconstruction of national life and calculations preparatory to iLO'4- uteri a pycro:tc mlilin and. a new zeall for learning is; the ing in. S'cience and culture do not ue poylchronmatic amphibian of ;n e elfrlamgi h seem to prove congenial in the aged doubtful parentage. code of the Near East at present," gray fire trap for even the formalities The museumites report that their specified President. Hayard Dodge, of of greetg are omitted. inferiority to the French in the niat-- the American University of Beirut, in ter of savoir fair'e is amply out weig-li-1; h 1p' lire delive e rday after- ed by their practicality. Two French- imen, desiring to discover the distainee I state will pay- in blood for its fool- ish parsimony. fIlenryH. Hte Professor Wood stated that there is UOf e - law .ool, wbo-is chair- no doubt but that the state of Michi- Of thelaw Thoo, whoas cair- gan is faced wih a very pressing ne- mpn o ivetie teerious cessity for imniediate action in thel Ipol~lemnot o investigate the serious inttr "hesat ms aprpiaeproblem of oil consumption and matter.. "The state must appropriate IlLTENDUAlNCL I LLUI 1waste, has (alled a further session of the comiittee for January 23. The Fraternity Body Will Hear Report conmittee to date has made a seri- Of Committee For Suggestions To ous and comprehensive study of the Improve Numbers At Meetings problem and the meetingi t th- endi of the month will be for the purpose T ONTARIO T[AM, 4- PLAN TO FINEABSENTEES ot "19"some solution. Wolverines Make Good Showing After Ways and means of assuring a full Having Only One Week Of quota of members in attendance at IU L L Y llNUSTRY Practice On Ice its sessions will be considered by the Interfraternity council at, the rieet-1 MANEY SHOWS UP WELL ing to be held at 4:30 o'clock next ItP O L M fA HC Monday in room 304 of the Union. Using a defensive style of play and Measures for insuring a fuller at- Claims Africa Contains Extensive{ carrying the play into the oponEntstendance were discussed at tbe De- Resources Awaiting Development I cember meeting and a committee con- By Enterprising People territory only infrequently during the sisting of Orville Dowzer, '29, chair- three periods the Michigan hockey man, Rueben D. Wax, '29, and W-il- SAYS EUROPE H AIDED team was able to hold University of lian C. Cam'pbell, '29, was appointed, HAS Western Ontario sextet to four goals to prsent suggestions for acomplish- in the Wolverines opening ,game last ing this end. The solution will p:-oba- "The great problem in Africa today, night. The final score was 4-0. The bly be the imposing of a fine of $10I that of placing industry under some Ontario squad got three of its goals to $25 on fraternities who fail to form of social control, is a problem in a second period flash when Kelley send delegates to two or more sue- of international importance and con- cessve eetigs.I cern to us' all," stated Dr. Raymond sunk two shots in rapid succession, cEdward Weachs '29, secre'ary of the cr ou'l, ttdD.Ryod followed by a scoring putt by Mowry. dadWcs 2,sceayo h folow sed bythscorig purt oy council, in commenting on the cites- Leslie Buell, research director of the in the last 10 minutes of play. tion of poor attendance a+ some of Fo'reign Policy association and for- The Wolverines, who have been the previous meetings of the Inter- mer professor of Colonial Government fartctiainipracticing on ice for but one weekrtriy ouc an creei I university.ii-, ndrAI '-'0 lI III L U IX L 10 U 11 11 between two walls ata PUBLIC, SA-LEMONDAY Play To Be Presented ffadi Origin Among Denizens Of iaris Sluins Before Start Of War UVINGSTONETO BE HERO Tickets will go on public sale today, for the production of '"Seventh. Heaven," which will be given all next week beginning Monday night by the Mimes Players. The box office in Mimes theaters will be open at 10 from the floor, are sai off 10 feet upwards on and after much stand and stretching they measurement, not notin tance would have b nearer the floor. REGENTS DC BANiSI SADVAN Consider Conisolidating Of English, Rietor At Itoaiy ,fhl o'clock. All seats are reserved. U'C11M "Seventh Heaven," from the pen of' AWARD I1scii Austin Strong, is a colorful story ofA wartime France, taking ito locale in The first steps towa the forgotten streets where the street consolidation of the d washer,- and sewer rats make their English, rhrtoric, and homes. It deals with the fortunes of taken last night byt two girls who have run away from Regents of the Univer home, and who come into contact regular meeting in the with many curious underworld char- when the establishment acters, including Chico, a pathetic sort bined department was a of atheist. committees were names The part of Chico -is played by c.t tineigeal Charles D. Livingstone, '28L, who has ents to investigate all carried the leading. holes in most of matter involving probl the recent Mimes productions, includ-i in the future. ing "The Bad Man" and "Anna i The general committe Christie." Phyllis Loughton, '28, will Ters eneral con mey be seen in the feminine lead, Diane. bers will be named by J Others who will appear in the cast of er, deandof the College 1 the production are Robert Wetzel, cutive committee at th 28, William M. Lewis Jr., '29, Thomas I tie boa'd vil be cot ',, rilmen 'ofthethree a point 10 feel I1l'Sesideut Dodge descrifed the rise d to have laid of the Near Eastern comitries in a the two walls, social and in a intellectual light. lie ing on chatiis 1onipared particularly Ih e former secured the g that the dis- type of education to tile present. een the same f Previously, lie asser'tred, education hadi been con1cted with deplorable -intolerance and mismnaugement. But "wi thi"he decay of tho lfeudalsys- IDIA TO ien in which one moan might have owned more than 300 towns in a prov- ince, there came a decline of the aristocracy caused by the influx of western learning. "ducationimthe past," he con- SDepiirbmnents tinned," was conducted by the relig- rc, Spech lions orders of the Christian, Moham- t NightImedan, and Jewish faiths, and with the utmost bigotry." QLARSIPS i Describes Beirut Slirit. OLARSHIPS 9 -~wn IFrom that point the speaker went ard a possible on to describe the institution and the epartments of co'smopolitan student body adminis- speech were , trated by him. Countries of the Near the Board of East, he informed the audience, send sity in their students, both men and women, thou- law building,( sands of nmiles in order that they may of such a com- enjoy the opportunity of attending pprovd. Two-the university at Beirut. d by the Reg- The language in which the studies at the school are conducted depend on }aens of com- the nationality of the individual, the are to report -president explained. It is believed tmore feasible by the university author- e of nine mem- ities to instruct the student in the ohn R. Effing- language in which he has received of Literature, his secondary education than to teach while the exe- hime an entirely new language, since ie direction of the benefit of his new learning will mposed of the be his native country's. English, departments. however, is the language in which all .d by the Inter- sciences are taught. ing from the Standards of scholarship and en- of the aims to trance are of the highest type, Presi- e present reg- jl"Int bodge stated, and lie illustrated student opera- the fact by giving statistic's that s heard at the showed the strict check kept on onsiders it to Schoil'arship and the number of stu- the University dents who fail to make the grade. u' the present. 'Cocdueation presents Problet. ration of the OOne of the most difficult of the uni- eferring to the verisity's problems, it was shown, was given no coin- thait of ('o-education. It was difficult :d that a state- It) get the Ea-ternei' to learn the prop- ng today from cr standards of 'elationship during Bursley, dean periods of recreation. Spiritual life is well taken care of will of the late ( at the school. No religion is insisted e of the botany upon, but it is urgently requested of estate was left every student that he attend the tablishment of ; church of his chosen worship. Re- own as the F. , ligious training at the school aims to usan Eastman accompli'sh two objects: to instill the plant physiol- spirit of tolerance and to teach relig-. s death Oct. 1, ; ious belief as a practical thing. donor was a President ,Dodge is a descendent of showed a remarkable passing game for so early in the season. The final scoring punch was lacking in last night's game, but Coach Lowrey's for- ward line appeared as having plenty, of potential scoring power, which should be brought out as the season progresses. Bill Maney, at center on the Michi- gan team, looked good and displayedi the fastest work in a game that was somewhat slow. Shea playing at right defense in his first game was the Wolverine's strongest barrier facing the Ontario wings. Steve Jones, goal tender, was accredited with making 25 stops. Walkem, Kelley, and McTague were, the outstanding players on the Ontario team. Lineup: On tario 3ichligan Bowen ......... Goal..........Jones Armstrong ......RW.... ........Hart Mowry .......... LW....... Copeland McTague ........C........... Maney Vail ............ RD ............ Shea Walkem .. . ..... LD........ Waldron Goals-Kelley (2), METague, and Mowry. Referee-Rankin. Substitutes: Michigan-Joseph, Ny- measures for this lack, said: "Undoubtedly, the council Nvill be- come a more efficient and iml;portant ! campus and 11fateroiy af- fairs if some means of assti inlg at least a quorum at every ineetin(g n be passed. In the past sevr'al i-n~ portant matters have had Is be delay- ed'because not enough members velre at the meetings. IPepreseintaauves :riii every fraternity will certify a a in- telligent and comprehensive (Iismci;s- sion and the certainty that any men sures will truly represent the will of. the fraternities of rim'iigan.. 'It is also to be hoped that the i'ra- ternities will adopt the prartic 0 electing a r'egular delegate to at tend all thegsessions of the comtcil so that all will be fully conversant with the matters under discussion. A resolu- tion requesting all houses to elect la regular delegate was passed seve ral months ago." . i urd ~l liU 1y, 1111ba u ss yesterday afternoon in Natural S0c- once auditorium . Dr. Buell has recently- returned from a 15 months trip throughout 17 countries in the continent of Africa sponsored by the uerau of Interna- tional Research of Harvard university and Radcliffe college. His lecture which was entitled, "Africa an Inter- national Problem," was concerned with certain high lights of his report t which is to be published in two vol- anmes th11is month. The purpose of the report is to show what problems the entrance of Europe into Africa has created. "There are two outstanding facts concerning Africa which distinguishj it," he said, "it is a country of great Iimaterial resources which have scarce- ly been touched, and it is a country sparse and primitive in human re- J. Dougall, '2, Leone Lee, '2, ani Roy Curtis, '28. Livingstone is also directing the piece, which is under the supervision of E. Mortimer Shuter. "Seventh Heaven" will be one ofi the most important productions ever fostered by Mimes from the stand- point of dramatic presentation. It has enjoyed long runs on Broadway with Helen Mencken in the part of Diane, and was recently adapted for the moving pictures, being nained in this form one of the 10best pictures of the year. It is now being played in London with IVfiss Mencken in the lead. Special musical numbers have been arranged by the Mimes orchestra under the direction of Roy Langham, '30, who directed the full orchestra during the recent tour of the Union Opera. The score will be woven around the piece "Diane," which was written especially for the show, and is now a popular waltz number. t~T nvitlIr -1A P-V 11ti""hT chairmen of the three The petition presente fraternity Council ask board a clear statement 1)e accomplished by thet ig t ulation regarding the tion of automobiles wa mweeting. The board c be to the advantage of to continue the pan fo A possible reconsidei regulation as passed r Summer Session was ment, but it is expecte( meat will be forthcomi the office of Joseph A. of students. By the terms of the v Prof. Fred C. Neweomb( department the whole( to the Board for the es a fellowship to be kn C. Newcombe and St Newcombe fellowship in ogy. At the time of hi 1927 in Honolulu, the No other matters are schddule l fir sources. Africa is the one continent discussion at this meeting at pres- of the world which has not been de- ent. veloped and it is not too late to adopt policies which will prevent the acute An Australian has invented a ma- racial difficulties which have else- chine to do for flax what the cotton where arisen, and the evils of which gin did for cotton. The device prom- have ln' i thoroughly recognized only gorn , and Marshall. Ontario-Lowrie, Iises to revolutionize Australian agri- ater they lave been in existence a professor emeritus of the University. Nwhich has bam itsueffecth upon modery . Kelley, and Kress. culture. ilong time." Funds were appropriated to adapt Professor Gould stated that the ONDi'. Buell pointed out the effect W ILL CONTINUE the old University hospital heating north coast of Bafin Island, wwhich the entrance of European gov- plant into a laboratory for the school is just west of Greeland, should be ernmlents into Africa has upon the M. of forestry and conservation, to le mnovedl about 75 miles to tihe south of nativesVI2AXtin breakOiUngS up their tribal orIthn ,600 students ithe o oetyadc~Slai~,t)b BYAMERICAN OIL PRODUCERS uateoe "un the study of wood utilization. thle positilout indicated on1 present ganizations anmd fotcing them to workd College of Literature, Science, and After the laboratory had been movedl tepstnidiad n psntin the interests of the Europeans. tho rs hv opee hi l from its present location there will by maps. This region, Professor Gould Changes in the Sherman anti-trust waste condition results through' the "Th ertects of th g oca td, the Arts have completed theirnacug- its pe'sent li n the saidis known as Foeln.O"Tha n iiarlw fsvra ttslle effects are bothl good and bad," in ne h e ytmiag available space for a library in te Foxe land. Of it law and similar laws of several states fact that many of the large oil fields, le stated. "Disease has spread and urated this year, according to an an- basement of the Natural Science he said, "The corrected coastline, to provide for control of the pany have been itroduced by for- nouncement made by the Recorder's tion of oil by cooperation between 000 acres, are owned by many individ- eigners and as a result the death office yesterday. The holders of the Marsh scholar- that Foxe land is less than half as producers and at the ame time reg- uals. Oil is found in a big pool under rate is very highThe natives are u ships for the coming school year were large as has always been supposed ulation of price by the government is several tracts of land and it is natural also forced to work in the great in- N to Z inclusive and who have sign- announced as Mildred Innis, '28 and and that Baiin Island is between six the logical solution to the present that the greatest competition will re- dustrial centersN" ed reservations in two or more sec- Clark E. Boyd, 28. The amount is and seven square miles smaller than problem of waste in oil production," sult between the owners to get the oil "On the other hand," he continued tions may consult the classification $200. Winners of the Henry Strong indicated by the existing maps. declared Dean Henry M. Bates of the out of the ground in the fastest way "the rincle of trusteeshi held by committee this morning between the scholarships for the same period are Rich Outlines Auto Noise Law school, chairman of the federal possible, little consideration being t theEuopea nationsthashdon much hours of 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock. The Robert E. Carson, '28, Hastings A. Prof. D. L. Rich, of the physics do-pocommittee1 of EuineanselectedhatodstudychI patnn wasthe fourth sakr committee of nine selected to study given to the resulting waste. to relieve the situation. Educational committee will be situated in,room Brubaker, '29, Roy G. Curtis, '28, the program. "Automobiles, like tis pDean B ae edmengs 'An additional loss through lack of facilities, medical instruction, mis- 231, Angell hall, today. The Upper Herman L. A gta chi'dren, should be seen but not tis committe nde eek cooperation among these various own- sionary enterprises, and the introduc- Class Advisory committee will hold Niethamme '28 Pl A . i heard' he declared in opening his f this committee during the w ers of the oil tracts comes through tion of politis have all been installed, consultations with students who are Robert H. MacRae, 28, Loren B. Mill- talk on "The Measurement of Auto- prior to the closing of school for the putting too much petroleum on the giving the African all the best meth- continuing in one subject this morn- 28, 'he last three are awardedc$tin, mobile Noises." Professor Rich cx- holidays, market through one production so .ods of European civilization which Iing, in room 25, Angell hall. '28. The leatnhrere awaded$.0 Milos fdllr rewse Classification for those studentsanthre idr$20 planed that the buyer of an automo "Millions of dollars are wasted that it must be used as best it can," are known."Cs tSth sS e today expects a vastly superior ach, year," said Dean Bates, By Dean Bates maintained. "This has iwho signed reservations in one secTOISC SS biliedtatex uerof anvaslsuteroomacper,"whosaieeantoBates, "ByDeanoBtesomantaine. "Thi har-an-ged-for__the v'PLANrTI car than in previous years, and that competitors who seek to hasten pro- brought about uneconomical uses of SOMOLOGISTWILLESCOtiEC ony has been arranged for the consequently manufacturers are duction and in doing so permit the petroleum, which, if it were refined, WILLo first three days of next weekClassi- working earnestly to reduce noises in escape of natural gas, the sinking of would be worth from five to eightLECTUREOND fication for those who signed no reser- A meeting of all class treasurers The peakerts. oil and the misuse of petroleum. In times as much to producer and con- ----vations will begin Thursday morning, of the University has been called by The speaker said that, since the their haste to get oil out of the ground sumer." Dr. Earnest A. Hooton, prominent Jan. 12, and will be by appointment Charles Gilbert, '28, chairman of the .teasuriig inst'ument, is ahead of adjacent owners, the opera- anthropologist and professor at Harv- only. Appointment tickets may be class dues committee of the Student ecidedlyei't'ac ses rts aren b- tors use the pressure created by the "Intelligent producers with capitalj ad university, will speak at 4:15 obtained in University hall beginning council, for 5 o'clock Monday after- decidedly erratic, ef d lenof natural gas to force the oil upward. could handle the situation if they 'clock, January 9 in the Natural Monday. noon in room 302 of the Union for In adt t)bui the meat- Less than one-half of the oil avail- were permitted," he concluded, "Butt Science auditorium on the subject of the purpose of announcing the ar- inei at of Itoi "se1tis work hmeas- able is obtained sometimes. the rest the wildcat companies must 1) con- "The Study of Human Races and TOMM Y LOUGHRA N rangements for the collection of class gee n O now fos fi yas . pelled to come into unit production. In Types." dues. Receipt books after the official e going on now for five years," sinking, and gas usually s lostro this it will e necessary tO i I mn f the Ii Sit will iven fa lino, of philanthropists that have (m- ! (lurcd for five generations. le has been in charge of the school for a period of four years and has been on the staff for 15 years. IHe is a holder of the belief that it is through the in- totuction of American, teachers to the Near East that the trust and co- operation needed there for peace 4an be secured. John R. Effinger, dean of the lit- erary school, presided at the lecture and Prof. Ernest A." Fisher, of the School of Busin(:; - Administration; a former colleague of Dr. Dodge at Beirut, introduced the speaker. FRANCE TO AMEND ANTI-WAR TR.EATY (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-A proposal from Paris to amend the Kellogg a.nti-war declaration treaty plan by confining it to wars of aggression cast I a cloud today over prospect of early signature of such a pact by France and the United States and its presen- tation to the other great nation's of the world for adhesion. The note of the French government was presented at the State department by Ambassador Claudel. It drew out an immediate official. though informal comment, that introduction of the , words aggressive war would open the ' door to endless debate over the ques- tion of the aggressor in any conflict.