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January 06, 1928 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-06

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.)

Voluiiie S.


Number ?8.

Inriversiiy Letre:
Dr. Raymond Leslie IEell, Research Director of the Foreign Policy As-
sociation will lecture on "Africa an International Problem" at 4:15 p.m., Fri-
day, January 6, 1928, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
F. F. Robins.
Uiversity Lecture:
Dr. ]Earnest A. Hooton of Harvard University will lecture on "The Study
of Human Races and Types" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, January 9, 1928, in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
F. E.Robbins.
Senate Council:
The next meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday, January 9,
a,t 4:15 p.m., in the President's office.
I.E. Robbis.
Plros'pc ii s' 8tdent-school of tItseifioi, :
St udcnis v5 o pn) Uto rt r IsI o the School (of Educa t1011at the egin-
ning of the 'second semester 1927-1928 should enroll for the present in the
School or ('ol ege, in which they are now registered.
At. the end1 of the present. semester the transfer can be made provided
the students can present 25 per (ent more honor points than hours credit and
also provided t hey are not oni the delinquent list in the School or College
fromt which they are transferring. A. S. Witn~e.
(e ttl~er; of the Facily:
Parking permits may be obtained witheout delay by applying at the
r office of the Secretary.
Ile4rlwIrt G. Watkins, Assist ant Secret ary.I
(Col~ege o l~ieraitare, Science antd the Arts:
Stuens who have signed reservations in two or more sect ions may con-
sit the. Classification Commnittee andl complet e elect ions toay and to-
morrow as follows:
A-+ inclusive--Room 4. UfII Friday forenoon.
F-AT inclusive-Room 231 All Friday afternoon.
N-L inclusive--Room 231 All Saturday forenoon.
Students who have signedl reservations in one :section only may con-
suilt the Classification Commit tee andl complete elections as follows:
A-13 inclusive-Room 4 li, Alonday forenoon.
C-G inclusive -Room 231 A, Monday afternoon.
il-J inclusive--Room 4 U4, Tuesday forenoon. I
K-N inclusive-Room 231 All, Tluesday afternoon.
0, R inclusive-Roomn 4 U1I4, Wednesday forenoon.
S'Z inclusive-Room n231 Al-, Wednesday afternoon.
Students who have made no reservation and who are electing courses
through the Classification Committee will be admitted to the Committee, be-
ginning Thursday morning, by appoinment only. Appointment tickets may
be seenred at the booth in the corridor of University Hall, beginning Monday
morning, I). L. Rich.
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors of the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
Until Saturday, January 7, inclusive, the Upperclass Advisory Committee
will hold consultations in the Recorder's Office, Room 4 University Hall,
i mornings and in Room 25 Angell Hall afternoons. Sophomores and other
Upperclassmen who are continuing in two or more subjects should report
on, Friday and students who continue in one subject on Saturday.
D~uring the second week of elections, January 9 to 14, inclusive, the
mtembers of the Upperclass Advisory Committee will meet in their respective
offices. All studlents who do not have opportunity to complete their elec-
tions during the first week shuld arrange appointments with the clerk
at the desk OPPOSITE the Recorder's office in University Hall beginning
Monday, January 9.
C. C. Ateloche, Chairman..
School of Education:
Second semester elections for students in the School of Education *should
be made in the office, Room 105 Tappan Hall, January 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11.
Course ]'2 (History of the Relations
of China with the Western World.)
Course 162 (History of the Relations
of China with the Western World) is
open the second semester to new reg-
istration with the permission of the
Instructor. Course 61 (General, His-
tory of the Chinese People) is re-
peated the second semester.
Esson 11. Gale. T
Api KpaPitoAll Alpha Kappa, Psis on the camr- 9t
pus report to Dey's studio at 4pm.
Friday, Jan,. 6 for the 'Ensian piture.
i'ii 1)eln i~ap a: l ltaTw vo big
P lVDelta; Kappa: ai These pleasai
vited to ,meet at miy home 628 W1es. a fie orchlesi
Sulmmit, t .8 pam., this evening. 1
should like to disciuss the proceed.
' ings of tihe'Twelfth National Council
with mnembers at that time. To get to
my home, pro(ceeo West from thre
Post-ofice out Miller avenue to) Foutn-,
tain st reet. and Ithen North on Foun-
tain streeC(t to West Summit. TvivG
of Inembers are also invited to at-.
Dt1. ICaeN\ itt, President
Omnega Cha pterl.

Hours: 9-12 and 2-5, except on January 7, 9-12 only.
All election cards must be in by 5 p.m., January 11.
Those wishing to elect academic courses where action of the Classifica-
tion Committee of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts is neces-
sary must get a ticket for their appointment with the committee from the
Recorder of the School of Education when they make their elections.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
The E~ducallonull Outlook in the Near East:
D~r. B~ayard D~odge, President of the American Unive'rsity at Beirut, Syria,
will speak upon the above topic at 4:10 p.m., today, Friday, January 6, in
Room 25, Angell Hall. President. Dodge has long bleen a residlent of the Near
Eas-t and can speak from personal experience. Students and Faculty and
all others interested are cordially invited.l
John R. Effinger.
Graduate Students :
Graduate students should make their second semester elections in the
office of the Graduate School, Room 1014, Angell Hall, on February 2, 3, an(d
4. New students, or students transferring from other Schools or Colleges
should register on the same dates. A student transferring at this time should
at once ask the Secretary of his School or College to prepare and send to
the office of the Graduate School an official transcript of his undergraduate
record. Ruth A. Rouse.
Gradunate Fellowshiips And4 Scholarships:s
Studunts inite(rested in applying for graduatL fellowships atndt schola r-
hiriat, this University for the year 1928-29 may secure information and ap-
plication blanks at tihe office of the Graduate School Room 1014, Angell Ball.
All applications must be in by March 1st, 1928.
We aliso have informat ion relative to fellowships and scholarushipils a vail- '
aIble at other institutions in this country and foreign countrie's.
Runth A. iRouse.
Educational (Cours.es :
St udent 5 may securte assigInm('tts to Educat ionalI Courses Al, A2,5' 1320, C1,
('40, andI CfO iln Room 106i, Tlappanu1hll, daring the period of regist rat ion.
G~retchien h rta[Reo rder.
ProspeCctive I'e TC14-e ", of En9ish
The comprehensive examination in the field of English requi red of all
thoso who offer E+nglish as eit her a major or minor subject for teaiching will
h e held Saturday morning, Jlanuary 7, 1928, from 9 to 12 a.in.. in Room 2225
IAngell Hall. All materials will lbe provided for the, students exc'ept pen and1(
ink. C. C. Fries.
Poult Eva I Se-icae 161, liii eraational Law :
1 shall not meet this olas' today. 'l. S. Revs

of Women and to the lessor of her intention to leave"
The final (late for these notifications is Monday, January 9.
Grace Richards.
j A'eb, and41 Range:
All members ineet at D~ey's Sunday, Dec. 8 at 11 o'clock for 'Ensian
picti £r. G. J. Rob ertson.
AMembers (of lhi Ka ppa fromt other institutions or members from this in-
stitnio(n whose names appear incorrectly in the students dlirectory should1(
ratif thoe secretary, :302 Engineering Annex, Campus Phone 2:37, if they

The next regular me--ting of the
Prescott Club will be held Tuiesdiay
evening at 7:30 o'clock i Room :Wi8
Chemistry building. Mr. J1. R. Worden,
manager of marketing tmol advertis-
ing for the Frederick Stearns ('uim-
pany of Detroit will addrs the t1 Club.
All members are urged to be lrsn
and others interested are cordially in-
IL C. Byt~e, President.


0)O(tJ~ CI~ iRLk . S. Swinton, Secretary. Student Branche, A.S3.M: 1]
_____The official picture for 'the :M iuli
Cwsuiopolitanl Club: ,ganensian will be taken Sunday, Jan1.
The last. meeting of the semester will be held Saturday evening, Jan. 7, 8 at 2 p.m., at Spedding's (on Liberty,
at 8 p.m., in Lane Hall. three doors from State.) All members
President Bayard Dodge, of the American University of Beirut, Syria, are urged to be present as promptly
Will be the mrain speaker. His broad knowledge and extensive experience as possible.
in international good will make him the ideal representative of Cosmopolitans. F. A. Norqist, Secretary.
All members of the Club, their friends, and the public at large are
cordially invited. Raja F. llowrani. Business Adudnistration -Cub:
______________The Business Administration Club
('aniptis Organizations: will have the 'Ensian picture taken
All n-aternities, Sororities, and organizations must have their pictures Friday, Jan. 6, at 4:30 p.m., at Dey's
for. the Mlichiganeusian taken at once. studio. I

B~ryanutIlunt, Chairman.

C'lyne Crawford. I

.5rrsrJsriciar.s rar, Rr


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Anything you may need in this line can be had at



FreshmniHIyiene L[cturne:
The third freshmen lecture in hygiene for men, will be given in Water-
mlan Cymansium, Monday and Tuesday, January 9 and 10. at-. 3-4 and 5 p.m.
This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular }physical training
groups and others that have been'excused from these groups.

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The Dramatic Event of the Trheatrical Season
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