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January 06, 1928 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-06

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E', 1929




._ ;

Same Men Will Make Up Affirmative
Squad Against Northwestern
Here on Jan. 20
Michigan's affirmative debate team,
composed of Jorl Andeer, '29, William
Bishop, '28, and John Drake, '28Ed,
will receive its first taste of inter-
collegiate debating next Wednesday
when it will meet a Knox negative
team in a no-decision practice debate
before the Chamber of Commerce of
Galesburg, Ill., it was announced yes-
The same thre men, according to
Prof. J. M. O'Neill, head of the de-
partment of speech, who is coaching
the team, will probably compose the
Michigan affirmative team in the Cen-
tral league debate here on Jan. 20
*ith Northwestern.
Tean to Ireet Ohio
In the debate at Columbus with
Ohio State on the same night as the
one with Northwestern here, Michi-
gan is to he represented by the
same negative that opposed a Minne-
sota team in Hill auditorium early in
December. The speakers are: Rich-
ard Savage, '304. Elliott Moyer, '30L,
and Paul Franseth, '29.
The question being discussed is "Re-
solved, that the principles of the
'Baumes law of New York be enacted
into law in the other states. "
Tryouts for the Mid-West debates
with Wisconsin and Illinois in March
will be held during the first wek of
the second semester, Professor O'Neill
stated. The debate subject has not
been announced as yet.
Bowling Tourney
Postponed; Entries
Still Open At Union
On account of the fact that the
bowling tournament, being sponsored
by the Union and the Intramural de-
partment, has been postponed until
the fist week of the second semester,
additional entries for this tournament
may now be made at the Union. The
competition is divided into singles
and doubles, and three complete
games. must be played for qualifica-
tion, the results to be turned in at
the Union desk.
Three silver loving cups will be
awarded th winners in each of the
divisions, and it i's expected that some
kind of consolation prize will be given
to the runpers-up. All qualifying
rounds must be completed by Satur-
day, Jan. 21, whe examinations are
scheduled to begin.
IOWA CITY.--Prof. Grant M. Hyde
of the University of Wisconsin was
Chosen president of the American As-
gociation of Teachers of Journalism at
their convention here.
Fossilized insect wings have been
unearthed by Dr. C. W: Gilmore who
is working in Grand Canyon National

Fechet Ard Foulois Rose From Ranks
To New Positions As Air Corps Chiefs



---- ---- -- --



NEW LIBRARY TO BE['Expert Predicts No, Reduction In Rates FELLOWSHIP AWARDER
To Small Gas Users If Taxes Increase
V"If the tax burden thrown upon other wort, , th eo nu : ] mustV
the public utilities increases much 1eventually 1:1 li% th axv.; u.: p rt of
llooum in Newy Architectural Building further, the companies will be con- the cost of service I11. Simpson, associate director of
Mllhave Speclally Designed fronted with the problem of either "There would be no prob1lei if the the American University Union, Lon-
Furniture and Lighting losing the power and industrial gas tax burden of the utility was n don, wa here yesterday to see (.
business, or long postponing the re- gw h 1ht bore ly the large Cart Iibr, dci r of the rduate
T 0 HOLD 8,000 VOLUMES ductions in rates to smll users of thet hy(, deaoth a
1services which otherwise could be (custoner on his own isolated power school in ortler to determine the plac-
The new Architectural Library made at a much earlier date," Frank or gas plant investmient," he con- ing of British scholarship winners.
- A. Newton, rate expert for Hoden- tinued. "There would be no difference Simpson has charge of the award-
which will absorb both the old En- i pyl, Hardy, and company, declared in in the cost of taxes to the utility and ing of fellowships to American uni-
gineering and Architectural libraries, an address before business adminis- the large customer. In other words, versities. Ile is a Rhodes scholar
will be ready for occupancy at the tration students yesterday afternoon. the utilities would find no difliculty from Indiana, having received his
end of this week. The room is locat- With the taxes continuing to mount, in competing with the isolated plant. scholarship in 1913. Simpson has re-
according to Newton, the point will When the tax burden thrown on the turned to America after four years
ed on the east side of the second come where no taxes can be added to utility, however, goes beyond this to note the changes in 13 universi-
floor of the new Architectural Build- (the power and industrial gas sales point, then the difficulty arises, ties, one of which is Michigan, so that
ing, and occupies the middle half of which have made possible present "When the management of the he can best ascertain where to send
the floor. low lighting and domestic gas rates. utility finds that no more taxes can the scholarships winners.
It is approximately seventy-eight Of every dollar the customers pay for be added to the power rates, without Among the awards given is the
!feet long and thirty-six feet wide, gas and electric service from 10 to serious danger of losing that busi- Riggs scholarship of two years dura-
and a story and a half high. Book- 15 cents is turned over to the govern- ness, then what can it do other than tion which sends its men exclusively
cases which line three walls will ment as taxes., he said, to put this burden on the smaller to Michigan. At present one of the
hold about 8,000 books. The cases "The taxes paid by the uWiities are users, thus making it necessary to tellows is studying chemistry; while
are specially built, the lower third proper charges to operating expens-,either increase the rates to this class another is examining the papyri col-
being arranged to hold more than 500 es," he pointed out. "This cost must of customers or long postpone the lection of the university. Another,
folios while the upper part will/'con- be reflected in the rates charged. In reductions in the lighting rates which the Commonwealth foundation,
tain the regular books. T otherwise could be made at a n'ruci awards 20 two year scholarships val-
Special furniture is being da- M/cAndrew T Fight earlier date. The utilities no not, am!hted at $3,000 a year, and also covers
signed and new light fixtures have . .Cannot, complain if they are taxed all other expenses incurred by the
been ordered. but they will not be Dismissal From Post equally with other industries. student. Besides these two there are
ready for several months. 'Mean- "An equitable 'distribution of the 'several other fellowships, among
while the old furniture from the As nr}al IS Started tax burden wiil bring no diHiculths, the i the Rockefeller award, that
A rchitect ural reading room will Ihe but to increase tie taxes on utilities are given to British studlents studying
usedl. .Miss Mabel Randall has beenP es s)iati Pres beyond that of other intiust ries will in America.
appointed assistant in charge of the IbCO, J - trial o - iring the management face to fi'ee'( Simpson will return to tngland
b am McAndrew. slSpefl(I in-! with the rIifte problei n I haved (escrib- 1soon to begin work on the Common-
tend3ent of sheools, is schduled to < . It is tine, it seems to me. to im- wealth scholarship which will be pre-
SIX INSTRUCTORS continue after his term of office cx- press uponi ie public and thlie x sent ed to 20) men for the tird ime
A EEires on January . and he is replaced. a"t"'i""t what te policy of makin" Si'e its inception. Robert M. We i-
t A trail session of the board of edu- ax collectors or the utilities is bou'id *l< vprofessor of philosophy, entler-
-xe o tcation was held today--last before to lead to."ti d S'impson who worked with him
S'in attenl1e to stecontben-il \eCAndrew'S tenure ends. McAndrewj ----------- --- -- while Professor Wenley was director
pa atended thA econd biewna ntpe""Minnesota has her first all-Collegelof the American University union in
Oranc vnwn' f he'Api Pr anktprs iein r ('Iii-Cfo

A\l ajo- eleral James 1. Fec ,et
left, rinid I-rig;adier-(enei'al Benjamin
sistant chie, sna ped at Ilbe war dep
ing the oath 01 of liee. oti have risen

niew chiet' of' thei ' . S. atrmy air cor'ps,
D. Foulois, who .1(ee ed hi as as-
artment. Wash igton, 1). C., after tak-
from the ranks.

LONDON, Jan. 5.-Feeling has been bridge football team was there, but a
running high in London during the large part of the audience was com-
past few days against Oxford and posed of Oxonians. The uproar be-
Cambridge students who ran riot in cane so greattlat the manager went
the west end theatrical section after before the curtain and appealed for
order. This had little effect and the
the annual football match between the performers were drowned out by the
two universities. shouts and songs of tilecollegians.
American actresses 'in particular The "rag" was obviously not spon-
were among the victims when per- taneous but deliberately prepared.
formances were halted by one of the Numberoftheatershad beenundegru-
rowdiest "rags" ever witnessed here. uates and their friends. Soon after
"I thought your university boys the performances got under way the
were gentlemen, but I am afraid I trouble commenced.

ptvii po me mer can .
society held in Columbus, Frank S. Righeinr couelor
0.. (luring tile D. the board, declared tie prosecution of
Prof. Chnistra. *choldays. Icharges of insubordination and dis-
Leigh C. Anderson, Dr. Joseph 0. Hal- semination of British propaganda will
ford, Dr. Kerr, F. D. Smith and John be continued. J. Lewis Coath, presi-
C. Bailar represented the University dent of the board, said a new super-
at the session's of the societyintendent would be named soon after
Many noted organic chemists were January S.
Masny note orgnic chemists were A surprise in the nature of intro-
present at the meeting. Prof. Paul idcino inse fiitdwt
Walden, of the University of Rostack, duction of witnesses affiliated with
Germanynow lectuming at Cornell, !theChcg capeofteEls-
was the guest of honor.gProf. Walden' Sp eaC uon aregar dedas fiend
will be in Ann Arbor for two days to the suspended Chicago school head,
next week to lecture atthe meeting failed to mateiialize at today's ses-
of thehMichigan section of the Ameri- ions. hewitnesses, Allen B. Pond,
can Cemicl socety.vice president of the unioii here, and
Among the moreydistinguished of Virs. John B. McCune, a member, did
the chemists at the meeting were not appear in response to an invita-
Professors W. A. Noyes and Roger tion from Righeimer. Instead Pond
Adams of Illinois, Prof. E. E. Reid, notified Coath that he had "no desire
of John Hopkins, Prof. Norris, of the to participate in the preposterou's per-
Massachussetts Institute of Tech- Iformance that has been going on for
nology and Prof. E. C. Franklin, of !some weeks past under the guise of a
Leland Stanford. trial."


movie in the making.

I riloiiit~.

I t I il .

y e,('} u' i11 ' ; htng Iiid laipiiret.A

at half price
(ift boxes of best makers

(11tlii(' x ys '101, vie rwi :I G)clear. All finiest (jua1di 3, clealt Stock.
Prie0d, 50 MORRILL

was mistaken, they are simply hor-
rid," said Alice Warley in her dress-
ing room after being driven.from the
stage of the Hippodrome in tears.
The Hippodrome was one of the
worst sufferers. The victorious Cam-

A public compilation of failures inE
business in Bradstreet's Journal shows
that there have been 20,265 failures
during 1927 with liabilities of $654,-

17Nic'kels 1° r'ai('.

The ''ypeiwriter and Stationery Store.

r _______________________________________,

~ 111111lllli1illl llli111111111 1111lil1i111111111111I II 1111111111 411l 111111l 11l 11111l 11i1iL :'
Let's Take a Sleigh-Ride
Single Cutters and Bobs for Parties
Phone 7448 -
-illlllit6111lillillllill1111l1111lllilllliiillillllillilllillilillllllilllllltl lllillllli;.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -




Long Distance Rates Are Surprisingly
Low... for Instance
(or less)


We Promise
To turn out perfect laundry work


--- r

To give prompt


You can call the following points and talk three minutes, after 8:30 p. m.,
rates shown. Rates are proportionately reasonable to all other points.
From Ann Arbor:

PITTSBURGH, PA..........
ROCHESTER, N. Y ..........
ROCKFORD, ILL. ...."....... .
COLUMBUS, O.................
MILWAUKEE ...................
SYRACUSE, N: Y. ...........
INDIANAPOLIS ................
HARRISBURG, PA. ............

at the
. 65

To satisfy our customers
And We Are Going To Live Up To Them


The fates above are quoted for station-to-station calls, and are effective between
8:30 p. m. and 4:30 a. m.
A station-to-station call is one that is made to a telephone number, as in a local
call, rather than to some person in particular. If you do not know the number of
the distant telephone, give the operator the name and address and specify that you
will talk to "anyone" who answers at the called telephone.
Day rates, 4:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m., and evening rates, 7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m.,
anr somewhat hisher than night rates for this class of calls.

Jkloiakun d ru


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