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September 27, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-27

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t a n



Adds Almost Forty Miles Per Hour to
S Record of Italian Who Took
Cup From America.
(By Associated Press)
VENICE, Italy, Sept. 26.-Flight
Lieutenant S. N. Webster, in a Super-
Marine Napier S-5 monoplane, today
smashed all existing seaplane speed
records in capturing the famous
Schneider cup for Great Britain. Italy
had held the cup for the past year as
a result of its victory over the United
States at Hampton Roads, in 1926.
Lieut. Webster averaged 453.282 kil-
ometers, or 281.488 miles, an hour, as
compared with the record of 246.496
miles an hour established by Major
Mario de Bernardi of the Italian
Royal Air Force, who won the race
last year in the United States.
Many Forced Down.
Lieut. S. M. Kinkead, of Great Brit-

German and Irencn press over rres-~I Premier of France, who with Dr.
ident Von Ilindenberg's recent Tan- Gustave Stresemann is seeking to end
nenderg war guilt speech, in which he Iutv teean sseigt n
denied Germany's responsibility and the stories of the beginning of the
declared that Germany stood ready to { war and the guilt for its inception.
prove her innocence. These two men, meeting informally at
"Let us glorify our war hero's all the League of Nations assembly, have
we like,"-this is said to epitomize
thetal bewee M.Brind nd r.,discussed the question and have ar
the -talk tbetween M. Brianrd and Dr
Stresemann-"magnify their exploits, rived at an amicable agreement ,ac-
but do not reopen the question of who cording to press dispatches.
started the war in which they fell."
Indications from the Geneva stand-,
point are that recent speeches made
in Germany and France will not be
permitted by the German and French
leaders to interfere with the steady
drawing together of the two nations,
sostrikringly evident by the negotia- j U D T D B R 0
tion of a Franco-German commercial ---
past. Rhine Overflows Ranks, Spreading
The 4merican Library system, Death and Destruction
clent in cataloging,,will play an im- in Lichtenstein
cient in catalloging, will play an im- --
portant part in the proposed new LARGE DAM GES WAY
League of Nations library, for which
John DE Rockefeller, Jr., recently do- I (By Associated Press)
nated $2,000,000.
The Assembly today approved a re- INNS'BRUOCK, Austria, Sept. 26.-
port which authorizes Sir Eric Drum Lictenstein, the smallest princ 1 ality
mond, secretary-general, to invite sev- in the world, was almost obliterated
eral literary .experts, among them 'today by the mightiest inndation the
Americans, to visit Geneva for a con- country has known since its founda-
sultatlon relative to the best possible tion.
use of the gift. Unable to withstand the titantic
It was also decided that it would pressures of the swollen, rushing
be useful to obtain the benefits of ad- river Rhine which borders the tiny
vanced ideas in library construction principality, a 5,000-foot concrete dam
in the United States, either through dividing Lichtenstein from Switzer-
a visit to the United States of the land, collapsed during the night, the
League's library and the architect of torrents spreading distruction ia every
the new building, or of inviting quali- direction.
fled Americans to come to Geneva and Peolple Flee in Panic.
give advice. . The inhabitants fled in panic to
The Assembly will probably finish housetops and the hills, and although
its business tomorrow noon with the details are lacking concerning the
Council meeting in the afternoon. loss of life. it is feared the number of
Cvictims will be great. The govern-
ment has sent frantic appeals to the
Enth usiats Gather neighboring countries, but railroads
telephonic and telegraphic comniunioai-
n pokane O V ew tions are cripp .1.
Overla d Ai DIn the town of Shaan, the entire
er n 1 efire brigade was riowned while at
tempting to stem the roaring waters.
(By Associated Press) The property damage throughout
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 26.-With Lichtenstein runs into millions. Tens
tle conclusion of the trans-continental of thousands of cattle were drowned.
and Pacific coast air derbies and tie T add to the horror, Lake Con-
National Air Races, pilots and other stance has risen 15 feet, threatening
aviation enthusiasts turned today to to engulf the entire neighboring ter-
the Spokane-Portland air derby, which ritory. The gas and electric ilghting
starts tomorrow.ys systems are paralyzed, and the terr.i.
The feature of yesterday's program,! fled people are attempting vainly to
an attempt by Lieut. 1. A. Johnson, of fight the flood in darkness at Inn-
W'riglhl Field, Dayton, Ohio, to break brock, where the river ha~ risen 10
the world's record for 100 and 500 feet. T o of the principal bridges
kilometers (62 and 310 miles), carry- have been washed away." Every road
ing a load of 500 kilograms (1,103 leading to Innsbhrnk i strewn with
pound. ), failed when engine toroblelC huge bowlders, making traffic impos-
compelled him to halt after covering sible.
2 l0iometersI. His average speed for Bridges Wiped Out.
this distance was 152.177, which is be- Every bridge from Steinach to
low the record of 174.622 miles an Schnidz is demolished.. The town of
hour for the 100 kilometer distance. Ramsberg is entirely submerged and
Twelve entries have been received the populace has taken refuge in the
for the race from Spokane to Portland. hills.
The prizes are: First, $1,000; second,-
1,11. a thired, $250. New Play Productior
LEldie Stinson, whose Stinson-De_
trainer monophIne was forced down at Over ProspectsFor
1i scula, Mont., Thursday in a New
Yor to Spokane non-stop race, pilotedbal emphasis on a pro
l:s ship he eyesterday.(r o Laying eamus dramatics embracing
A bg monoplane owned by Vance ra ofamus dramti hembracin
Br~-se o Saa F an isc , a d ilo elSeveral features new to the Univer-
Lbreey, of San Francisco, and piloted sity, Earl E. Fleischman of the public
ay C.'~ . yr, s peaking department, expressed him-
at Pelts Field here late yesterday self yesterday as optimistic over the
xvlen the motor stalled. Meyers es- 'outlook for the forthcoming season.
caped injury. A wing and undercar- Mr. Fleischman has been recently ap-
ria?;e of the plane were damaged. . pointed head of the department of
play production and direction, sue-
he Weather ceeding David Owen, who is now at
Northwestern University.
1. ' day and probably tomorrow. The work of the classes in produc-
Colder. tion and direction will follow the same
lines laid out last year, according to

ain, and all three of the Italian com-
petitors, Maj. Mario de Bernardi, win- Concerning the Senate committees
ner of last year's race, at Norfolk, Va., ruling last spring forbidding house
Capt. F. Guazzetti and Capt. Farrarin, dances after football games this fall,
were forced to give up before complet- Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students
ing the seven circuits marked out says that the ruling means that fra-
along the front of the Lido bathing ternities and sororities on the campus
beach. can not have dances of any kind on
the Saturdays when there are foot-
From the very beginning it was ap- ball games. The ruling states that
parent that the British machines and
men with their thorough preparation dancesson she fotbl hou es
would outclass their opponents among dung on days of the foo 9 game
whom it was an open secret that cer- This, according to Dean Bursley,
Lain strained feelings recently had de- will be construed to mean that there
veloped because of political considera- shall not be any tea dances, as well
tions and were hindering the develop- as any regular :dances. In the case of
ment of an esprit de corps. house parties over the week-end, it
Start Delayed by Weather, will be permissible to hold dances on
Whether the race would start was j)the Friday nighls before games, and
doubtful until nearly the last minute. the house party may be continued on
The sky was heavily overcast and a Saturday. There- shall be no dancing
slight drizzle fell all morning. This en Saturdays during the house parti/,
caused a noisy lamentation from the however, says Dean Bu'rsley, for in-
spectators who packed the beach. The fraction of this rule will bring about
officials, however, decided that it was disciplinary measures against offend-
possible to race. ing organizations.
Lieutenant Kinkead took off a few The rule if an experimental nea-
seconds after this decision was sure, which it is hoped will do away
reached. The others started at five- with much of the violation of the pro-
ninute intervals. hibition law after football games, de
Before half of the first lap had been lared Dean Bursley, and its contin-
"inished Major de Bernardi and his uance will depend largely on its suc-
teammate Capt. Farraris, the Italian cess in eliminating the evils which it
,avorite, had been forced down. Up to was designed to meet.
the fourth lap, Kinkead's average
-peed was 446.60 kilometers an hour, JAMES P. BRIGGS
Forced down during the sixth lap. Cap-
'ain F. Guazzetti was well in the rear DIES ON SU DA Y
when almost at the end of the race he
was obliged to give ilp, leaving the ! University flags were at half mast
field clear to the English. All the yesterday on account of the death of
forced landings were carried out James Perry Briggs, for several years
safely and without incident. I chief pharmacist at the University
jhospital. Mr. Briggs died Sunday after
COUNCIL W ISHES ,t brief illness. He was 62 years old.
Mr. Briggs graduated from the Col-
NEW BOND ISSUE I lege of Pharmacy in 1891 and since
that time has been connected in some
Enlargement of Ann Arbor's water way with the University hospital. He
system was advanved a step farther had perfected a large number of
ast night by a unanimous vote of the formulae which had brought him rec-
City Council to refer to Ann Arbor lognition in the medical world.
;itizens at a special election on No- Surviving Mr. Briggs are' the
vember 8 the question of a bond issue mother, Mrs. Mary E. Briggs, of Eu-
of $500,000 to defray the expense in- reka, and a sister. Short services were
volved. The proposal calls for an held here yesterday afternoon after
issue by the city of $500,000 worth of which the body was sent to Eureka.

bonds, none of them to run longer
than 30 years, bearing an interest rate
,>f 5 per cent, the sum so obtained to
be used in enlarging, extending, and
improving the distribution of water
in the city.
The projects in view include the
construction of a new reservoir, and
the replacement of a number of the
larger mains. Engineers' estimates
for the work are somewhat in excess;
of $475,000.
B Ten Grid Teams,
Prepare For Initial
Contest Next Week
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Sept. 26.-Football mo-
tion pictures made an early entry in-
to Big Ten training when Coach Jack
AXTVnn ofUL l Udn CtZU , liU.l mnVI - V ,

jJ.'.. &, lL PZU L I, US a i '. . P -, II
TO GIVE ADDRESS traming the treaty.
A protocol for the arbitration of
([3y Associated Press)I disputes in connection with commer-
NEW YORK, Sept. 26.-Psychol- cial contracts already is in existence,
ogists and scientists of America and but fails to provide a procedure for
Europe will hold an educational con- the execution of arbitral awards.,The
ference- at Wittenberg College, Spring- new treaty fills this gap and is con-
field, Ohio, from October 12 to 22 in- sidered to possess considerable inter-
elusive, it was announced here today. est for Americans doing business in
Dr. J. McKeen Cattell, of New York, foreign countries.
has been chosen chairman of the meet-
ing. Addresses will be delivered by Dr. I EDGE CONSIDERS
W. B. Pillsbury, University of Michi-T
gan, and Dr. Joseph Jastrow, Uiver- TAX T ENFORCE
sity of Wisconsin. PROHIBITION ACT
European scientists who are ex-
f pected to attend the meeting include (y Associated Press)
Dr. Henri Fieron, Dr. P. Janet, both of WASHINGTON, Sept. 26-Senator
Paris; Dr. David Katz, University of Edge, Republican, New Jersey, one
Rostock, Germany, and Dr. C. A. S e dgepbian-e Jre , on
Stear- of the leaders of the Senate "Wets,"
man, of London. I sadtoday he was considering a pro-


wncee of unto a aes useq ivesu
last week's scrimmage to show J eak-'
ness in scrimmage. Modern Man Puppet,
Bad weather, the first to strike the 4-
conference gridiron, hampered the Chicago Artist Says
practice today. Indiana and PFrdueh
which had practice contests last Sat-
urday, began working on the plays (BY AssociatedIr . )
which they will use in the 1927 in% CHICAGO, Sept. 26.-The marion-
yptte, with its unchangina wooden face,

posal recently made to him that the
fund for a "real enforcement" of the
Volstead Act be raised by a special tax
on necessities to which all citizens
would have to contribute.
"In order to give the law a real
test, a cool billion dollars could
easily be used to employ the army of
cd,,- h n-nn a -tora1nn -- th

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