TPRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1428 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VA -.., *r r i r L SEODT T EAmerican Woman Will Decide Fate Of 1i Her Country," Declares Lucien Romier After an extensive Am'erican tour, Iing of the moral structure of Amei- IELU AT 11110 Lucien Romier, French publicist, has can society. .-- . recently published his impressions. It I "On the other hand, if American Final Selection Of Junior Women For is his opinion that the American wo- women rebel against the obsession of An opportunity to tak Atu1iaI Produetion Begins man will decide the fate of her coun- money making in favor of education, peek into the new w( Mondaty. try. At present, he says, the Amer- personal culture and the taste for re- house will be given to a can woman enjoys advantages and finement, the United States will have of \\. A. A. and their MINNA MILLER To DIRCT privileges unknown to her European nothing to fear for a cenlur' ivery WCes(ay aftternioon fir sisters. fortune needs to be defended by war- 7:30 o'clock. The event Second tryouts for the cast and "She has beauty, health, liberty, riors; women - not the spenders but that W. A. A. is sponsor choruses of the 24th annual Junior superiority of culture, traditional au- the true producers of the tradlitional informal opening of the Girls' Play will begin on Monday, thority. She is protected by the laws, type-make the best warriors." the formal opening to take .lan. 9, under the direction of Minna she does not fear her men folk, her --- --------_ . er in the spring. Miller, '27, who takes that position life is far less hard than that of her MUSICAL COUNTRY Every member of the W( following the resignation of Prof. husband or brother . . . . She is lack- - |letic association as wel Jchn L. lbrumnrn head of the depart- ing in sentimental happiness." IS AIM OF CLUBS who are eligible for mem _ _ _ . .... r..f M A's.-ft r r) eN 1 ST TV T FAT [r M M T'7 J"' I llierizly onfmrfainingr ginrv n'11011t "I ke the first (men's field ll members guests next om 5 until is the party ring a:, the field house, ke place lat- GRADUATE OF MICHIUAN WINS I'1KIanion, and the John Day Co. This Quincy, Illinois, high school, and then ten. prize is the largest one ever offered engaged in newspaper work. From tr a purely literary work. The cor- ithat field she graduated in magazine James Hay, blacksmith by trade and panics offered one a prize for tlwe J writing. Nevertheless, Miss Brown has investor in bonds has just been elect- anbest manuscript submitted by a man continued to make her home in Quin- ed to the presidency of the Bank of and by a woman. It was unanimously cy. ' Norfolk in California. At present he agreed however that no man had en- Among the books written, "White is 87 yearsn of age and he still divides tered a novel' which couldm be conid- Roses," is by far the best one, ex- his time between the forge and his Aereanrvofewinnioledth be priz cluding her present novel. It is a bank. s s c t l 'i eredt ior ny of wlzug 110 .LL~ iomen's Ath-, Out of the 1,391 contestants only 418 R as others were men. Miss Brown's novel "The bership will Father" was by far the best one sub- which will mitted. y ,I 1 AI .31U 111, 1 _ V . 1 _ ient of journalism, who was to have directed the play. The complete schedule of tryouts, which will determine those junior wo- men who will finally partake in thet prodllCtion, is announced by Elizabeth Wellman, chairman of the play, as+ follows: chorus tryouts will begin fron, 4 to 6 o'clock on Monday, and will be continued from 4 to 6 o'- ,4tlock on Tuesday, and from 7 to 9 o'clock on Wednesday, all tryouts. taking place in Sarah Caswell An- gell hail of Barbour gymnasium. Those who have been asked to re- t rn for cast tryouts will appear eith- e from 7 to 9 o'clock on Thursday,, Jan. 12, or from 4 to 6 on Friday, Jan. 1 :,also in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All tryouts are urged to come on. Monday in order to secure appoint- ments. A limited number will be al- lowed to try out on Monday but all others will be given numbers for the remaining days; this will enable the con imittee to arrange the tryouts and eliminate much unnecessary waiting and confusion., Everyone, whether trying out for cast or chorus, is required to sing alone, to assist the committee in dis- covering how strong or how weak the individual's voice may be. The quali- ty of one's voice will not necessarily disqualify h'er for a part, but it will give the committee some idea of ac- tually how much musical talent they cail count on. Both cast and chorus tryouts are asked to come prepared with dance steps. The cast, in addition, are re- quired to present a speaking selec- tion, preferably from a irodern play. Tryouts are also advised to bring their own piano acompanists, if Dos- sible. Announcements concerning poster requirements and meetings for lyric writers will be made within the next few days, and junior women interest- edy in this work are asked to watch for notices in The Daily. Miss Miller, who has undertaken the direction of the play, will be re- membered -for her part as Becky in "Becky Behave," the Junior Girls' Play of her class, as well as several other dramatic productions on the campus. I - I - - - - According to Romiere "men workt too hard and women spend too fast." "To make America the most trulyI "If," he asserts, "women increase musical nation in the world" is thet their already enormous appetite for aim of the National Federation of, the material advantages of existence, 4 danger lies ahead. It will be only nec- E Music Clubs, according to a state-t essary for a little crisis, for some sort ment made by Mrs. William Arms! of trouble to arise after 20 or 30 Fisher, first vice-president of the or- years to cause an irremediable crack- ganization. The affiliations of the' Intfederation comprise some 3,000 music C, lasses ToI S tr clubs, with representatations in Alas-( . Imk, the Philippines,. Honolulu, ald New Sports Buildino Porto Rico. S Since the purpose of the federaton It is only a m'atter of days now is the extension and development of. until tseneyWome'sfAyleticwfiedmusic, special efforts are directed to- until the new Women's Athletic field T-ar aiigteyuho h on house will be completed. The t ward aiding the youth of the cou- week vacationerod g e t try, though it is believed that love of weekvacaionperiod gave the car- music should be taught at home. The , penters and painters time to make a m great deal of progress on the builld-study of music is encouraged in thej ing, sothat it has assumed now an public schools, and the aim of the appearance like an athletic building organization is to have a state super- rather than the iron skeleton which visor of pub school music, super- it was not more than two months vision by counties, a radio in each ago. school, and at least one day a year A report from the office of Fry and in every grade and high school that Kasurin, the local architectural 1irm is set aside for a musical program to that has charge of the work, states which parents and friends may be that the last work will be done next invited. week. The bowling alley, consisting The federation is also active in or- of four officially equipped lanes, has ganizing choral clubs, and in support- already been installed. One large room mng civic and other musical projects. will be devoted to riflery, golf, and A present undertaking is to establish archery. The rifle range will be 60 a scholarship loan fund of $56,000 to feet long, while it will provide roon aid worthy students who are serious fore 15 prone positions. Another need and talented. Another im-portant ob- that has been felt greatly in the past, jecive is the encouragement and sup- that of facilities for indoor golf, will Iport of American composers and ar- be fulfilled, since this room will in- (ists._ dlude seven or eight cages or prac- tice. !"ATE NAMES ARE Classes in bowling and golf during I the new semester will be carried on F N AR G in the new field house, it is expected. Miss McCormack in the physical edu- Of the 48 states in the UnioU 21 cation department states that the hear names which are of Indian ori- classes will be started there at the gin. This does not include Indiana, beginning of the semetser if it is possi- which, while not Indian, distinctly ble. conveys the meaning "lands of the receive a letter and a cardo enable her to bring one guest who is Miss Brown was born in Alton, 11- not a member of W. A. A. All men- linois in 1876. Her parents were Ho- bers must bring their membership race Safford and Elizabeth Holland cards, and those who have not had Brown. She received her education at the opportunity to pay their dues of Washington and the University of $1 may pay them to Audrey Wright, Michigan, enrolling here in 1895, and '28, treasurer, who will -he at the graduating in 1898. Her school life door. was quite undistinguished except that The building is fast nearing coni- in her senior year she served on the pletion. The hardwood floors are Invitation Committee. In 1924 Miss finished and present a shining, glossy, Brown received her honorary A. M. homelike appearance and will be from this university. S'he is a mem- ready for dancing Wednesday nignh. her of the Phi Beta Kappa and the The bowling alleys have been com- Wom-en's University club. Mi'gs Brown pleted and the lockers both upstairs never married. and down are ready for use. Ther Prof. Thomas E. Rankin of thej is also an attractive kitchen from Rhetoric department who had her as which the cafeteria supper will be a student remembers her as an ex- served. cellent scholar. At that time Miss Everyone has been anxiously await- Brown was slender, dark-haired, and ing andI watching the construction of vivacious. the first women's field house at Mich- Miss Brown has written a great igan, and now it is waiting your in: many books, mostly for children. spection and approval. Come next Many of her contributions have a- Wednesday at 5 o'clock, to the new peared serially in "Lippincott's," "The field house and be sure and bring a Critic," "The Outlook," aid the friend. crimination is made on account. of fl- V4.GoV) - Mlonday & Iries. This No. & Next Shampoo aid Marcel.......$1.00 Shampoo and Finger Wave.. $1.25 Shampoo and Water Wave....$1.25 Finer Wavink a Specialty Daft 7561l 1110 S. ulIversity _ * BUREAU PROVIDES WORK FOR MANY, nancial status in the student body. Personality and leadership are what count." says Mrs. Stewart. In the past year over 300 re- # v=__ quests for student help were supplied by the employment bureau of. the i Shaw Grocery Co. - University of Michigan, furnishin I work for 1,510 students, Mrs. Mary L. Stewart, who has had charge of tbe Staple and Fancy bureau since its establishment six e - years ago, has made it possiblo for OCERIES over 6,000 students to stay in schooliG r during that period. I Many students, in order to remain in school, have to obtain work either for their board or for both their Quality Meats loard and room. A number of women students only want part time work, such as taking care of children, sony- ing at parties, office work andl tutor-= Phones 3712-3940 ting. "Over 35 per cent of the stu- 2 dents enrolled, in thesUniversity are1. 709-711 Packard St. = to some extent self supporting. Stu- dents working their way through school keep their self-respect. N s-(illhlIllltlfll1llllllIIIllllI v , a- - = Exclusive Importers of !: H.& ."Sugar Cured I iCanadian BaCOn VOGEL BROS. MARKET - res an moked Meat Fish and Poultry Phonie 6656 339 South 3Iaini Street 4. .. ..IlY .. .. .. .. .. . ...Y . . . ISure, Its the Only Place The Sugar Bowl serves excellent hot lunches and dinners-Dainty sandwiches and salads. I . Home Made Candies Refreshments PREKETE'S' SUGAR BOWL 109 South Main Street Have you ever fried our special malted mils. ................ .... ' Besides the athletic equipment it- self', the fittings of the building are beautiful. In the lounge, a beamed ceiling and a broad white brick fire- place add dignity to the room'. Iron side-lights on the roof-less veranda are consistent with the Georgian, rather colonial, style of the architec- ture. LEAGUE TO ENTERTAIN Indians." The names of Wyoming and Oregon may be Indian in origin, but Most people believe that Texas is a Spanish or Mexican name, but the state librarian o. Texas says that i is neither Spanish nor Aztec but In- dian and means "friends" or "allies." The Spanish influence on the South- west is evident in the names of six different 'states - Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and California. Pennsylvania is one of ten stater which take their nam-es from per- sons. It is a combination of "Penn' and the Latin word for "woods." i I. D ' I 1S i >7 CORONA The pioneer port- able. Nearly a mil- hioii in use. Dealer 0. D. MORRILL L. C. Smith & (coronaTypewriters, Inc. 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. WOMEN WILL NAVIGATE AT WINTER PARTY SOON The Women's League will resume SHIPS IN NEAR FUTURE their winter entertaining with a par- Capt. Thomas Drake of Chatham, ty to be given Friday, Jan. 13, frou" England, says that in the near fut- 4 to 6 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angehr ure ships will be captained by wo- hall. Arrangements for the affair will men. Cant. Drake piloted a 35 foot be in the hands of Jean Dow, '28. It schooner from Plymouth to the Unit- is expected that all women of the' ed States. University will attend and meet their "The modern liner is so wonder- fellow students. fully equipped with every device of science that it can be navigated by Harold Saunders, a rancher and air- women," stated Capt. Drake, "Being plane owner of Oregon used his plane a captain of a liner isn't a man's pob for planting winter blue grass sowing any more." 10 Peres in a very few minutes. Our Achievement is Ingenuity in The Smart Bob MIRROR BEAUTY SHOP Phone 7355 COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN will find the Packard Restaurant bigger and better than ever. 703 Packard St. 10, "- 1. :. u - -_' _ 'r PA R UM "PAR! sI C 0y00 RILLIANT, challeng- BDing - reflecting the living radiance of Paris, the pageant of its colorful days andi nights,-Parfum "Paris" creates the atmosphere of joyous grace and charm. Es....-. -.. - . .l.l. .llll 1 i[aI a I SaS 5ll l[tlil11 [ [III 111l i ii HOT NOONDAY SPECIALS Quick Service A variety of good things to ~ eat or drink Betsy Ross Shop -' 15 Nickels Arcade - "Sa OIt WthFlowers" On Ever Occasion Every day there's a birthday, anniver-ary, foir someone --let flowers carry your greetings. Every day some friend ocnfined with sickness--send~ flowers to hasten their recovery. We specialize in Loral r 1101 c _ 40K _ ; 4<: / / 11' t ii t 's ' i ti ! 1 _ !' Cs L 11 CLO THES You Prefer to Wear Whether interested in price, a connoisseur of fine quality, or seeking the newest mode, you will find all these qualities in Mack's clothes, three-fold. As soon as you step within the portals of this shop you encounter the world of fashion, its every whim a criterion of good taste. What's more, every item is very sensibly priced. A Smart Woman's Shop ( ; , ; i t i ti A i ,! i .. "I " lit