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January 06, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-06

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11 1 1 1 mw %


1 and could quite afford the portion of
the construction cost which would
fall on it in building such a separa-
Published every morning except Monday I
during t, University year by the Board in) tion.
Control -ofStudentsPublications. r Railroad economy may be a very
Member of Western Conference Editorial O sound business principle; but after
Association. all a railroad is a pubhlic utility, and

With a new blaze of glory, rousing
cheers of the multitude, and acres of

130 K,S
Miu S IC

spr h., ,r s! .




The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttiled to the use for republication of all newsj
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise'
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
fished herein.
Entered} at the postoffice at F nn Arbor,
Michigan,.eas second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by 3pail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May-
ard Street,.
Phones Editorial, 4925 ; Business 2124' i
Telephone 4925
1 Editor............Ellis B. Merry
Editor Mi igan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Ed r...............Philip C. Brooks
City Ed r.............Courtland C. Smith
WmnsEditor......... .Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor..... ..Herbert E. Vedder
. , Theater, sBks and Music.Vincent C. Wal, Jr
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert Er Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Fern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
.l Milton Kirshbaum
7 Reporters!
Esther Anderson Marion McDonald
Margaret Arthur Richard H. Milroy
Emmons A. Bonfield Charles S. Monroe
Jean Capell Catherine Price
Jessie c rch Harold L. Passmian
Clarence N" Edelson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie Follmer Edward f. Ryan
James 13reeman David Scheyer
Robert J;,Gessner Eleanor Scribner
Elaine E. Oruber Corinne Schwarz
Alice Hagelshaw Robert G. Silbar
Joseph . Howell Howard F. Simon
J. Wallace 1lushen Rowena Stillman
". %Charles R. Kaufman Sylvia Stone
William F. Kerby George Tilley
Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Donald J. Kline Bnjamin S. Washer
Sally Knox Leo J. Yoedicke
Jack L. Lait, Jr: Joseph Zwerdlint
John Ir. Maloney
A 4 'Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.... George H. Annable, Jr.

the needless loss of half a dozen lives
seems, to some at least, to be adequate

are alwaysa feature at


cause for the construction of protec- 'horse-radish, Baron Butterfield, Ann "S' V 1 N'J'II EA V E)"
tive measures. Arbor's foremost movie The Mines announce the following
A b r fo e o t m v e m r n t I, cast tr their produ c tio n of A ustin
A QUESTON OF SUPPORT swung open the doors to the greatest Strong's "Seventh heaven" which will
achievement of his lifetime, The Mich- open Monday, Jan. 9:
No more fitting tribute to the or- elModyJa.:
ganization and service of the Alumni igan. 1oul................Robert Wetzel
of the University could be made than * * * Police Sergeant.... .Wallace Baxtei
the statement by the hundred students Fortunately CSM, official Rolls The Rat .................. Roy Curtis
more or less who accompanied the cameraman, was right on the spot and Arlette ...................Leone Lee
Opera on its recent tour that their en- brought in some photographs of the Maximillian Cabin ..Samuel Bonnell
tertainment every place was a suc- big openig Night...............Lucette Moulin
cess. Whether it was Grand Rapids or C * Recan ....... William M. Lewis, Jr.
Toledo, Philadelphia or Buffalo which YOU CAN'T.FOOL S! iane.........PHYLISS LOUGH1TON
was doing the honors, they were un- ,L CBrssac..........Thomas J. Dougall
questionably lone right. The pleasureA.
derived from the various events by IT'S BARON BUTTERFIELDI Pere Chevillon ....Frederick I'.sAdall
the beneficiaries was made up at least Lamplighter ...........John StarretI
in part by pride in the strength of the Uncle George.......... .Wade Carney
various graduate bodies and the en- Aunt Valentine......Nellie I orer
thusiasm with which they served. Chico .....CHARLES LIVINGSTONE
The opportunities even in the larger!
centers of population for usefully ex- TE ) "IT N "PN
pressing Alumni backing are not The Turkish bath school of theater
many, a fact to be deplored. Con- architecture has a new and over-
sidering the multiple interests of the whelming triumph in tl e new Butter-
University and vast number of stu-Ifield gift to lie world of popular
dents that it turns out annually, the amusement, The Michigan. Rising
really fine' organization that is main- nobly to the skies, behind a facade of
tamned by Alumni everywhere is ad- shops and shop windows, this palace
mirable. With this in view, it would of the movie is the epitome of all ef-
well pay undergraduates to take more forts of its kind. It is unque in Ann
interest in the Michigan groups in The artist read all the advertise- Arbor, for the sole reason that it is
their various localities, and, thereby ments just before making this sketch. more nearly like a theater than any
bring about a mutual interest rather other of the converted skating rinks
which have served the intellectual
than one that is one-sided. ANAGER HOAG GREETS
audiences of the city for so long.

y Y 4 11AMS ]h


Both Ends of the Diagonal


r - .. ... ,.

Excellent CoFfe
Corner State nd

ANN A RBOR - - Interstate - - TOLEDO
$1.25 one way, $2.25 round trip

Lave Aimi Arbor
City Pharmacy
8 A. ]l. 12 Noon
S'. Al. s P. M.
Stop at Union 5 Minutes later

Leave Toledo
Interurban Station

5 A M.
4 P. M.

12 Noon
5 P. M.

lioiw J , 115 Fourth St.
Subscribe For the Weekly

F, c ^,; -r.x a,:oxarr c araa e. ep cf a ::u;.

Annonynious c inmunications will b
disregarded. The names of com niui
cant'. will,, however, be regarded'' as
confidential upon request. Letters pub-
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The

Advertising...............Richard A. Meyer PUBLCITY FOR VIOLATORS
Advertising...............Arthur M. Hinkley To the Editor:E
Advertising.............. Edwrd L. ule
Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel Not infrequently, and unfortunately,
Accounts ...............Raymond Wachter
CirculatioA"............George B. Ari, Jr. notices in the Official Bulletin greet
Publication .................Harvey Talctt
Assistants our eyes conveying the information
Fred Ba k; ; . Hal A. Jaehn
George B ey amen Jordan that it was decided at a recent meet-
- Marie Brwn lr Marion Kerr
ames 0. Brown Dorothy Lyons ing of the Administrative Committee
James B. Cooper Thales N. Leningtoa"
Charles K. Correll Catherine MKinven to suspend MIr. "John Doe"' for some
Barbara LtComel W. A. Mahaffy
Helen Dancer Francis Patrick reprehensibe act or other. I beg
Mary DiVely George M. Perrett
Bessie UU. gafl Alex K. Scherer , _
BiYe gdl AeK.Shrr leave, Mr. Editor, to voice a protest
Ona Felker Frank Schuler
Ben Fishman Bernice Schook with respect to the manner of pub-
Katherine Frochne Mary Slate
Doug] ss Fuller George Spater lication of such announcements.
Beatrite Grteenberg Wilbert Stephenson Undoubtedly there is good reason
Helen Gross Ruth Thompson
Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum for the insertion of items dealing with
E. J. Hatefiie° Lawrence Walkly'g
Carl W. Hammer Hannah Waler disciplinary measures taken by the
Ray Hotelich I
FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1928 University authorities upon violations
of the school's rules and laws. It is
Night Editor-MILTON KIRSHBAUM self-evident that, the sole purpose is
and should be to proclaim to the stu-
dent body that the school has rules
and laws which must be obeyed and
RAILROAD ECONOMY AND whose infraction will be severely and
PUBLIC SAFETY promptly punished by suspension or
The University and the city of Ann expulsion. Such news is not publish-
Arbor have recently lost two prominent ed, I presure, to afford spicy, thrill-
men and valuable citizens at another ing reading to those of us who may be
accidenttat the grade crossing of the obsessed with the sensationalism-com-
Pere Mariiette railroad on the Ecorse ple.
road 12 iiles east of Ypsilanti. It is If my above-stated premise is cor-
scarcely a year since a student was rect, let me state the gravamen of this
killed at te same crossing; it is less letter-why publish the name of the
than two Vears since another student offender? Not maudlin sentimentality
was killed there; and it is scarcely for the wrong doer, but considerations
two years sihce three other students of policy, of the relationship between
were struck there by a train in an ac- university and student, of the effect
cident tat caused the death of one of upon the life of the student, partic-
them. ularly concerned prompt my query.
The tll of the last,30 months to the Unquestionably, the man or woman
University is augmented by a number who breaches his or her university's
of accid.ents to other persons at the laws should be promptly and properly
same plae; and the deadly Pere Mar- punished therefor. Such action, vig-
quette crossing seems scheduled to orously taken impresses upon the stu-
continueiJts fatal work. kdent mind that university laws are
It was possible to accept rather made to be obeyed, and that it is the
gullibly for a time the idea that these student who must obey them. When,
terrible tragedies were sheer acci- therefore, somebody has erred, that
dents-unavoidable. It was a gullible person punished, need notice of such
acceptagee because anyone at all fa- occurrence broadcast the identity of
miliar with the particular place on the the erring party? Would not actually
road Will realize that it is only all the good sought to be accomplished
miraculo4i(s that so few persons have by such publication have been attain-
been killed there. It is a crossing at ed if the bulletin contained a notice
a sharp. angle, where one must look merely to the effect that Mr. "
almost behind him to see the trains has been suspended or expelled for
.approaching from one direction; and this, that or the other cause? In a
added to the diabolical angle is the way the school has failed in one of
fact that it is between two main its duties; it has failed to impress
highway intersections, one of which upon the offender that necessity that
is marked by flashing lights and the laws be obeyed-that such obedience
other by an approach at almost the is a basic factor for a harmouious, or-
same angle and place as the railroad. derly, progressive community and gov-
As protection at this crossing the ernment. On' the other hand, once
Pere Marquette railroad has gener- the erring student has been chastised,
ously provided a feeble red signal light, need we make his burden any harder,
which generally works when a train kick the man when he is down?
is approaching. The fact that it is in In short, Sir, I feel that the names
working order means little or nothing, of the defatlting students should not
however, for in the daytime when the be published, emphatically not, for the
sun is low its operation cannot be simple reason that a notice of action
noticed and at night its puny efforts of the Administrative Committee leav-
are scarcely recognizable as a rail- ing the offender's name in blank per-
road crossing liglt. forms all the good which can be ex-
Further increasing the peril of the pected or hoped for; i. e. discourage-
place, the Pere Marquette railroad ment of future offenses, and only does
runs passenger trains at hig speed irreparable injury to the one person-
through the crossing, though it is ally implicated.
nearly within the corporate limits of -David J. Cohen, '29L.
Detroit's suburbs. At night long
.trains. carrying lights only on Now Henry Ford has announced his

The famous aviator feared the Re-
gents might attempt to confiscate his
Selected members of the Ann Arbor
riot squad decorated the lobby. A
small vial of tear gas was given each
patron as a souvenir.
* * *
RJRt'5 Me-..
K-T t tO5
1 r o..,
- *
* * *

The bill offered deserves little com-
ment for apparently till the city turn-
ed out to see it. The problem now is
to keep everyone you meet from tell-
ing you all about it for the hundredth
The one unfortunate result of the
new theater, if you call the rest for-
tunate, is that there will be no more
vaudeville at the Majestic. It seeWs
too bad that Ann Arbor should linger
in the minds of the gods behind the
Butterfield management as being too
poor to sustain two 'variety' acts at
the same time. Now that there is
something better, I must confess to a
romantic attachment for the Maj,
where I've so often had my ribs nearly
bashed in and to see it sink to the

u e

..., . --- -




Skates are priced from $1.25 to
$3.50 Pr. Shoe Skates, very good
quality with straps sewed on to
shoes, Ladies or Men, $5.25.
Nestor Johnson Hockey. ' The
easiest sKate to skate on. Ladies
or Gents, $8.00. Skate Straps.
Northland Skis, the kind cham-

Pine, 51 2-ft.
Pine, 6-ft. . .
Pine, 612 ft.
Pine, 7 ft. ..,
Pine, 712 ft.
Maple, 6 ft.
TlJTn1 7 fi-

.. $3.75
_ nn

, ' pct
A Ali " I

ap el~i, I
6 ft. ...
10~ ft-

it. .. ... ....... .
rthland Toboggans
. .. . . .... .. .. . . .$


level of the Arcade-a level low in-
deed-is a. bit saddening to one who,
in spite of an intellectual convictiou
that the movies are stupid and not
worth while, finds himself regularly at
the show four nights a week.
R. L. A.
SOULS," by Gamaliel Bradford.
j George H. Doran Company, New vYor,
A Review, by R. Leslie Askren
There is a hint inthis book that
the life of that great evangelist,
Dwight L. Moody, will be the last one
that Gamaliel Bradford will, attempt,
and for that reason his choice of sub-
ject is suggestive and his manner of
dealing with the character provoca-
tive. One factor in-the choice may be
that Bradford's daughter has been for
a number of years on the faculty of
the boys' school which Moody founded
at Mount Hermon, Massachusetts.
The picture that Bradford paints,
j for all his biographies are pictorial
studies of his characters rather than
exhaustive inquisitions, is a strange
mixture of enthusiastic revivalism and
skeptic repression. Moody was an im-
pulsive and violently energetic re-
vivalist. A story told of him is that
on an impulse he drove his buggy
across a hundred feet of soft lawn to
speak to a man, and then five minutes
later, having forgotten the whole in-
cident, dashed around widely shouting
for fhe criminal who had so destroyed
the grounds. It was Moody's own
The skepticism is Bradford's and it
leaves the effect that the phenomena
Moody presented by his repeated and
overwhelming successes with revival
meetings has proved an insoluble
mystery regardless of the amount of
research and analysis the author has
set for himself. No one can doubt
Bradford's genuine scholarship nor
his infinite capacity for taking pains,
but the book represents his feeling of
only having scratched the surface of
a vast subject. The skepticism of his
treatment is the result, as I see it,
of Bradford's desire to give his life
and'intellect the lie and fall' blindly
into the emotional mold that Moody
has cast for the world. Quoting from
the chapter on hymns, which Brad-
ford admits have always brought
him misery and anguish:
'"Oddly enough, with the approach
of age, with the depressing, withering
blight of illness settling down upon
me, with the deadly imminence of the
grave, my feeling has changed and of
late I have been imploring my wife to
sing to me the very hymns that up to
five years ago I could not endure.
What I once detested now becomes

pions i usec. I~IV u . . . . .. . ..pt
JAL11Y0. C. isher Co.
Hahn e a ria, .uitduugtllWits Itingtnnear Main
C/A 1




Now you' ve got it-that taste-that Lead-
me-to-it, Gee-how-I-like-t taste! Cool as a
COnditionS Sweet as making it up, Mellow
and satisfyin. Try this mid, long-burning
tobacco, Felnoibls. I know you'll like it.

Fails to get refund

after long argu-

Many students left before the per-
formance was over. They declared
they had received so much for their
money they were ashamed to stay any
With this issue, the present editor
of Rolls announces his resignation as
active conductor of this column, the
resignation to take effect at the close
of the semester.

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