" , .
DODGE O TALK HE~ickson, Yost Are
Speakers At Meeting
TODAY ON NEAR [AST For RaceBetterment
mimi Tif l lli i l nnv;(By Associated Press)
I' - .
Cosmopolitai Club To Have Special
Session Saturday Night To
Entertain Visitor
"The Educational Outlook in The
Near East," is the subject of the
lecture which President Bayard
Dodge, of the American University
of Beirut, will deliver at 4:10 this
afternoon in room 25, Angell al.
As one of the University lectures,it
will be open to . the public, and all
of those interested are invited to at-
John R. Etinger, dean of te ee O-
lege of Literature, .Science nd the
Arts, will preside at the lechtre. Pres-
ident Dodge will be intniuced by
Prof. Earnest A. Fisher, o the School
of Business Administration, Profes-
sor Fisher is especially acquainted
with the work of President Dodge
since he served under him as a facul-
ty member several years ago.
President Dodge, son of the late
Cleveland H. Dodge of New York city,
follows the tradition of the family in
his association with educational and
philanthropic endeavors. His fat er
was closely associated with several
educational Institutions both in New
York city and abroad. President
Dodge is the fifth in the line of fam-
ous philanthropists in the Dodge fam-
Is Princeton graduate
He was graduated from Princeton
in 1909, and for a year following th'
he toured the world, after which he
returned to complete his education.
He holds now a degree from' the
Union Theological Seminary in New
York City, his masters degree from
Columbia university, and a degree of
doctor of laws from Occidental col-
In 1913 President Dodge was ap-
pointed to the staff of the American
university of Beirut. Following 10
years of work on the staff there, he
was appointed, in 1923, to the presi-
dency. The significance of this ap-
pointment was at once appreciated.
both in American and Syria, and cre-
ated the greatest enthusiasm through-
out the Near Eastern world. President
Dodge, by his unassuming but states-'
manlike manner, commands the ad-
miration and the confidence of offi-
cials and governments, and occupies
a position of outstanding leadership
in the whole Near Eastern world.
Student Body 'Representative
The American University of Beirut
occupies a position of unique and
commanding influence in the Near
Eastern area. The student body, num-
bering 1215, is highly representative
of many of the countries in that part
of the world. Native rulers and na-
tional leaders recognize this insti-
tution as an outstanding inflence for
improvement and rehabilitation of
their countries.
The visit and the address by Pres-
ident Dodge is arousing much interest
among the Syrians on the campus. A
gathering of Syrians is being arrang-
ed in his honor, and S'aturday night
the Cosmopolitan club is holding a
special session to entertain him.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-Farm relief
came up for its first round of con-
sideration this session in the Senate
today amid an atmosphere abparently
as bitter as of old.
At the outset, Chairman McNary
of the agriculture committee, inspired
the McNary-Haugen bill supporter
who -again claim a majority in the
Senate, with the prediction that the
revised measure would be sent to th
White House by Congress by March 1
where he hoped it would be signed
by President Coolidge.
After Senator McKellar, Democrat
Tennessee, had urged passage of th
bill, McNary informed the Senate tha
his committee would take up th
measure probably about Feb. 1.
Senator McNary has revised the bil
to meet many of the objections pointe
out by President Coolidge in vetoing
the proposal. As a result he expresse
hope for presidential approval, despit
the fact that the bill still carries the
controversial equalization fee, t
which President Coolidge objected.
While Senators Bruce, Democrat
Maryland, and McKellar became en
tangled in a spirited row over far
BATTLE CREEK, Jan. 5-Bad he-
redity is in the ascendance and good
heredity is on the wane, Dr. William
J. Hickson, director of psychopathic
laboratories of the Chicago Municipal
courts declared in an address before
the Race Betterment conference here
Criminals, he said, are constitution-
ally defective and thus are impossi-
I ble to reform. The semi-defective
classes from which criminals are brad
are "reproducing at a much faster
rate than normal superior individu-
I als," Dr. Hickson added. j
Fielding H. Yost, athletic director1
of the University of Michigan, appear-
ed less concerned over problens of
heredity than with the development of
men. "I am not concerned with where
a man got his capaciy," said Yost,
"but what he does with it. Many one-
)horsepower men have contributed as
I much to society as 50-horsepower
men. The object in the development
I i
I Emerson Gill's radio roadcasting
band of Cleveland and McKinney's
Cottonpickers of Detroit have been
selected by the committees in chargo
to augment Jack Chapn_'an's band of
Chicago in furnishing music for the
class of 1929 J-Hop which will be
held in the *Waterman and Barbour
gymnasiums on the night of Feb. "',
according to an announcement made
yesterday by John R. Gilmartin, '291;
general chairman of the affair. The
orchestras have all been chosen from
the many bidding because of their
popularity in the various sections
where they are at present playing.
The choice of the Chapman organiza-
tion was announced soune time ago.
The band is at present playing at,
the Bal Tabarin in Chicago and also
at the La Salle hotel during the din-
ner hour. It is composed of 11 pieces.
The Emerson Gill orchestra, wheih
will play in Barbour gymnasium, is
especially known over the country for
its broadcasting from station WTAM
in Cleveland. The band plays regu-
larly at the Bamboo Gardens in than.
city and makes Columbia records.
The Chapman orchestra records for
McKinney's Cottonpickers have
been greatly reorganized during the
last year, -and are now playing regu-
larly at the Graystone ballroom in
Detroit. Since the original Gene Gold-
kette band has been disbanded, this
orchestra has been the premier or-
ganization under the Goldkette hook-
ing. It is shortly to undertake a
tour of the East, during which time
it will make several records.
The grand march for the premier
social event of the University season
will be led by John Gilmartin and
Eva Jo Montgomery, of Cushing, Ok-
lahoma. The competition for decora-
tions which was announced some time
ago has been decided and the re-
sults will be made public in a few
days. The contract has been let to thei
George P. Johnson Flag and Decora-1
tion company of Detroit.
Announcement of the patrons and
t a ) I
: '
_; ,
o mannooa is to develop a man who o
is useful, happy, normal citizen."
_________________John Gilmiartini.
Leader of the J-Hop.
Appropriation Bill Up For Legislative
Action In The House, But No
Progress Is Made Research Director, Who Has Travelled
Extensively In Africa, Is
S - 4 DISASTER DISCUSSED PublishingReport
(By Associated Press) IIS WELL-KNOWN AUTHOR
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-Wheels of Dr. Raymond Leslie Buell, research
the congressional law factory whirled director of the Foreign Policy asso-
feverishly today; but grist from the ciation and former professor of Col-
mill in the way of legislative output onial Government at Harvard univer-
was just about nil. - sity, will deliver an address on "Africa
Curtis, the majority leader, explain- an International Problem," this after-
ed the situation to the Senate at the noon at 4:15 o'clock in Natural
outset. There was, the Kansan said, Science auditorium.
only one lonely little bridge still on Dr. Buell is well known as both a
the Senate work sheet and that had lecturer and writer. Under the aus-
been indefinitely postponed. So he pices of the Bureau of International
suggested a layoff until Monday, Research of Harvard university and
which the Senate did after indulging Radcliffe college, he spent 15 month's
in considerable catch as catch can during 1925-1926 travelling in Africa.
discussion of the 'favorite subjects of Leaving the United States in June
several senators including Nicaragua. 1925, he visited the Union of South
It was almost as bad in the House. Africa, Portuguese East Africa, Bas-
True, a definite legislative progress utoland, Rhodesia, Belgian Congo,
was up in the shape of the $89,000,000 Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Kenya, Uganda,
appropgiation bill for the state, justice, French Equatorial Africa, the French
commerce, and labor departments. Cameroons, Nigeria, the Gold Coast,
But, as there seemed to be no partic- ,French Togo, French West Africa,
ular disputes about the items, and Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
there was nothing else quite ready for Dr. Buell also visited the Euro-
action, House governors decided on an 1 pean capitals responsible for the ad-
oratorical field day to afford an outlet ministration of many of these terri-
to members surcharged with words on tories, returning to the United
any old subject. I States in September 1926.
The discussion ranged from a some- Dr. Buell's report of his African in-
what heated tilt over the S-4 disaster vestigations will be published soon
to the bad ventilation of Senate and in two volumes. The purpose of the
Eva Jo Montgoiery.
Queen of the gala eveni of
Michigan social season.
Gilbert Recommends; Fixed Amount
Of Indennity Be Set; (erimaiy To
Pay Without Superision
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-Washing-)
ton officials familiar with the situa- 1
Lion believe it will take years to settle
House and its possible connection
with the fact that 11 senators and 30
House members have died in 'service
since 1922.j
Fletcher of Florida, led the way in
the Senate talk fest, taking up his
contention for government operationj
of the Merchant marine.+
Later, Wheeler of Montana, slippedI
in a new resolution on Nicaragua,
raising questions about usurpation of
Congress war making powers. Heflin
of Alabama, for a while assailed the
administration's course in Latin
America. Then McKellar of Tennes-
see, diverted attention to farm relief,
only to have Nicaragua bob up again
in a tilt between Norris of Nebraska
and Bingham of Connecticut, who de-
fended the administration course.
Nicaragua got into the House today
when Huddleston of Alabama renewed
his assault on administration policy.
Education School
Enrollment Opens,
s Second semester enrollment and
elections for students in the School
of Education will begin at59 o'clock
e this morning in Room 105, Tappan
1 hall, and will continue through Wed-
dnesday, Jan. 11, when all elections
mfust be made by 5 o'clock. The place
of registration will be open from 9 toS
' 12 o'clock, and from 2 until 5 o'clock,J
e except on Saturday morning, when
t the early hours only will be in force.
e For those students who are entered
in the School of Education and who
d desire to elect courses where action
d of the Classification committee of the
g Literary college is necessary, a ticket
d for their appointment with that com-
e mittee must be secured from the re-
e corder in the School of Education
° where they make their elections.
report is to set forth the problems
which have arisen out of the impact
of primitiye peoples with industrial
civilizations, and to show how andto
what extent these problems are being
solved by the governments concerned.
Upon instruction's, he confined his in-
vestigations to the , situations in
French, Belgian and British terri-
tory and Liberia. Dr. Buell's address
this afternoon will cover certain
phases of his work in Africa.
The list of books and articles lie has
written, show the great range of Dr.
Buell's technical knowledge. His
books on "The Washington Confer-
ence" and "International Relations"
as well as his African studies are all
acceptedi as authorative in their re-
spective fields. He has also written
"Japanese Immigration," "The Native
Problem in Africa," "Contemporary
French Politics," "The International
Opium Conferences,' and a number of
other articles.
Little Denies Paper
ReportsOf Meeting
President Clarence Cook Little
emphatically denied yesterday that he
had seen President Coolidge during
the holidays in an attempt to have
federal aid for Michigan State College
transferred to the University. Sev-
eral newspapers of the state had re-
ported that to be the object of Presi-
dent Little's trip to Washington.
The President, who returned yes-
terday from the third annual Race
Betterment Conference in Battle
Creek, stated that his conference with
President Coolidge was about a mat-
ter which concerns only himself and
President Coolidge. "I did not try to
divert federal aid from any unit now
receiving that money," President
Little declared.
The rumored purpose of the trip to
Washington came probably as an out-
come of a recent interview in which
P-ln 1 m --'-1 Snthe Anin-
the question arising from the recom-
patronesses the favors, and the other mendation of S. Parker Gilbert, agent-
arrangements will also be m'ade with- meneatioror.parktroGsbttagent-d
in a few days, according to Giliarm- general for reearationr that aaraxed
tin. amuto emnwrrprto
should be set as early as possible and
Germany be allowed to pay it with-
raternity Cou Routforeign supervision of her fiscal
To Take Steps For i s a problem that must be de-
cided by numerous international con-
Larger Attendance ferences which must receive the sanc-
tion of parliaments," declared one
offical, callable of speaking on the
Measures to insure full attendance sujct, but o dek on te
at its sessions will be presented be- subject, but who decned to be quoted
fore the interfraternity council at its o nfames
r4gular January meeting to be held at rcserned, ie pointed out, this country
4:30 o'clock Monday in room 304 of is interested only to the point where
the Union. it is concerned over any important in-
The matter of a fuller representa- ternational financial settlement. Ger-
tion from the fraternities on the many has settled her debt to the
campus was discussed at the De- United States, he said, by agreeing
cember meeting and a committee ap- I to pay the $200,000,000 costs of the
pointed to draw up a set of resolu- army of occupation andl is now mak-
tions covering the question. This aymentscunder the Ds pan.
I committee consists of Orville L. Dow- i p ms. Policy Reserved.
zer, '28, Rueben D. Wax, '29 and Wil- crous.ihoffcis ec e
liam C. Campbell, '28. wi anouns high officials declared
It is probable that these regula- Stho t ualifictions thatm t anited
tions will take the form of a fine of promoting these conferences designed
10 to 25 dollars to be imposed upon to agree unon the total which Ger-
any fraternity whose delegates are will be expected to pay, and
absent from two successive meetings manywilbexetdopanl
ofate co Wayn e eet,'8s there is no disposition on the part of
the council. Wayne Schroeder, 28,this government to agree to terms
president of the interfraternity coun- emanating from France that the
cil, expressed the belief that such French debt to the United States be
measures if passed and enforced rencebyo hemUnted te e
would rnueafl tednea educed by the amnouznt of the French
ioldinsure a full attendance at debt that Germany fails to pay to
every session of the council. In the de .
past the work of the interfraternity F biance.
council has often been seriously hin- Published reports that the United
by the lac o an oruym- at States plans a world parley, for a
dered by the lack of a quorum at complete revision of the war debts in-
meetings when important matters
were brought up for consideration. eluding that with Germany with in-
No other business is scheduled for ternational bonds a's a medium of
.s msettlement was branded by Secretary
this meeting. Mellon as untrue and without founda-
MA~ Ition.
SPECIAL COMMITTEE MAY 1"it's bosh," he asserted with a bang
INVESTIGATE S-4 SINKING of his fist on his desk.
INo International Bonds.
(3y Associated Prcs> )He said he had talked with Mr.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 5-After set- Gilbert on the operation of the Dawes
ting Saturday for consideration of plan and the German debt situation,
President Coolidge's proposal for in- but international bonds were not in
vestigation of the sinking of the sub- the mind of the agnt-general and
marine S-4 by a special commission, were not contemplated in his official
the House today indulged in another report.
extended debate over the Navy's res- j The fixing of a definite amount for
ee efforts at the scene of the dis- I Germany to pay is 'specifically provid-
aster teed in the Dawes plan, which was in-
aster.tended only to save Germany from f in-
Two New York members, Griffin, a ancia o and ruin, itmas poi
Democrat, and LaGuardia, a 1epubli- out by an expert who aided in the
can, locked horns as to whether the draft of the plan.
submarine could have been raised by
chains as was done several years ago jOI J-E AR kT S CHOOSE
with the British submarine U-_-. r. 0 DE.3v r A TnxxvA0SFr
First Flood Of 1928
Reported At Idaho
As Result Of Jam
(By Associated 'rs)
.SPOKANE, Jan. 5-Ice jams in the
Clearwater rixvr in Idaho today
spread flood waters from the river
ehannel over a wide area, driving
residents to higher ground, interrupt-
ing railroad transportation andi
throwing hundreds of mill workers
out of employment.
Several communities were menaced
and highways were inundated by the
high waters resulting froni nyting
snow in the mountains which have
swollen creeks and rivers and clogged,
them with ice.
A three mile ice jam blocked the l
Clearwater river betwen Spauldiog
and Arrow and dammed the water to
a depth of 12 to 15 feet above the
I normal state. Northern Pacific rail-
!way tracks at Arrow were Jloodedl
with two to three feet of water.
A washout near Arrow on the
Orofino railroad line was expected to
require 36 hours to repair and pas-
I sengers were routed around it.
Crawling over a treacherous ile
jam in the Clearwater, 15 miles above
Lewiston, Joe McCormick, a young
Indian boy, dragged a rope to the
island home of Roy Luce and made
possible the rescue of the Luce fami- -
Four Departments To IV, Represented
By Professors; Eight Musical
Yunibers Also Included
Talks on exploration, medicine,
drama, and engineering physics, to-
gether with instrumental and vocal
music will comprise the first Michigan
Night radio program of 1928 to be
broadcast between 7 and 8 o'clock to-
night over WWJ, the Detroit News
Following is the complete program
as it will be broadcast from the local
studio on the fourth floor of University
hall, as announced by Waldo M. AbbotI
of the rhetoric department, who is
program manager and announcer; the
12 numbers included on the program
1. Edward Grieg's Bercus Opus
No. 38, prayed by Anthony J. Whit-
mire of the University School of Mu-
sic, accompanied by Maud H. Okkle-
berg, instructor in the School of
2. Adagion Opus No. 34, by Franz
Ries, played by Mr. Whitmire.
3. "Some Adventures in Remaking
the Map of Baffin Island," address by
Prof. Lawrence M. Gould of the geol-
ogy department, who is quite likely
to accompany Comm and ir Richard E.
Byrd as official geologist on his South
Pole expedition.
4. Canto Amorso by Sammartini,
played by Mr. Whitmire, accompanied
at the piano by Miss Okkleberg.
5. "Early Recognition and Cure of
Cancer," address by Dr. Reuben Peter-
son, professor of obstetrics and Cyne-
cology in the University Medical
6. Polonaise in D Major, Opus No.
4, by E. Mlynarski, played by Mr.
7. "Dramatics and the University,"
address by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
director of the Comedy club for the
past 19 years.
8. Beethoven's-Hymn, vocal solo by
Elizabeth Bardeb, School of Music,
second prize winner in the recent At-
water Kent audition contest. Louis
Nelson, School of Music, is the ac-
9. Deli Vieni Non Tardar, from
the Marriage of Fiagri, by Mozart, solo
by Miss Rardon.
10. "Measurement of Noise in Au-
tomobiles," address by Prof. Daniel L.
Rich of the physics department.
11. Lullaby, by Scott, solo by Miss
Rardon, accompanied at the piano by
Miss Nelson.
12. To A Hill Top, by Con, solo by
Miss Rardon.
In between the various numbers
several announcements of importance
to radio fans will be made by Mr.
Abbot. The second program of 1928
and the eighth of the 1927-28 series
will be broadcast on Jan. 20. The
Girls' Glee club will be featured on
this program.
The convocation address of Miss
MAide Royden, preacher of London,
England, scheduled here for Sunday,
Sihver Rey Of City Is Presented To
American Hero As Mark'Of
(y Associated Press)
I MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Jan. 5.
Setting a course from Tegucigalpa,
which carried him down the western
border of Nicaragua to Leon, and
thence to Managua, Col. Charles A.
Lindbergh, ambassador of good will
front the United States, landed on the
flying field in the suburbs of the
capital at 2:25 o'clock this afternoon.
The air line distance from Teguci-
galpa to Managua is approximately
165 miles, but the aviator flew con-
siderable more than that
Colonel Lindbergh took the longer
route to avoiO any possibility of pass-
ing over the disturbed territory in
the northwest.
Masses Swarm Field
Thirty thousand people had assem-
bled at the field-most of them were
there since early morning-to watch
the coming of the Lone Eagle, which
is the name above all others that
Nicaraguans prefer to call him. As
ithe Spirit of St. Louis appeared from
behind one of the volcanoes, like a
tiny bird at first, with an escort of
Marine planes which had gone out
to meet it, aii hour before, the crowd
burst intto cheers. Their long wait
was rewarded. The shouts, "There be
comes," were picked up by all the
small children, who struggled and
tugged in the arms of their parents'
to get a better view. Beautiful s2
noritas, modestly gowned, forgot the
dust and their fine clothes, and joined
the sprinting masses in the rush to
be near the plane when it cane to
'Good-natured jpolicemen and na-
tional guardsmen attempted to re-
strain the surging crowd, but gave
up the task, for it would have been
as easy to hold back a torrent -Nic-
araguans were not to be stopped to-
Field Is Decorated
A beautifully decorated field greet-
ed the airman, and in a prominent
place a huge sign in white block let-
ters stood out clearly. The inscrip-
tion was, "Republica de Nicaragua
bienvenido," - Nicaragua's welcome.
The great field of more than 1,300
acres was marked with flags and ban-
ners. Lindbergh flying swiftly came
directly above the field, circled it
several times and landed gracefully.
A huge cloud of dust was stirred i,
for the grass and vegetation had been
burned and sered by the tropical
The Spirit of St. Louis came to a
stop, the Nicaraguan band played the
Star Spangled Banner, and there were
thunderous cheers from the assembl-
ed multitude, with shouts of "Viva
Lindbergh," "Vivas Los Estados Uni-
dos." Smiling is usual, the airman
stepped from the plane and was
greeted by Dr. Dana G. Munro, the
American charge d'affaires. He then
presented Colonel Lindbergh to the
high Nicaraguan oficials and to the
reception committee, composed of
prominent Nicaraguans and several
Americans, including Gen. E. R. Bea-
die, chief of the Nicaraguan national
Presentation Is Made
Gen. Jose Maria Zealayo, mayor of
Managua, presented Colonel Lind-
bergh with the silver key of the city.
Then Col. Mason Gulick; commander
of the United States Marines and Ma-
jor Rowell, in charge of Marine avia-
tion, greeted the flier, who was cheer-
ed again and again.
After the presentation, Lindbergh
turned and waved cheerily to the
crowd. He remarked that he was glad
to be in Nicaragua and knew that his
stay would be a delightful one.
From the flying field, the official
party, with the aviator in the place
of honor, proceeded by automobile to-
ward Managua. It was a continuous
ovation all along the way and flowers
were thrown in front' of and into the
car as the Viking of the air passed,
and children and senoritas were lavish
in the kisses they threw at him.
The automobile went directly to the
historic Camp de Marte, the home of
the Nicaraguan president, Adolfo Diaz.
who was waiting. The president
greeted the flier most cordially, ex-
pressing his pleasure at his safe ar-
rival, and promising that the Nicara-
guans would do everything to make
his visit worthwhile.
Holders of booths for the J-
Hop are requested to mail listsI
of their chaperones and guests toj
the J-Hop editor of The Daily
as soon as possible. In order toI
- be published in the J-Hop extraI
these lists must be turned in not
- later than Sunday, Jan. 15,
COLUMBUS, Jan. 5.-Former United
States Senator Atlee Pomerene and
former Congressman George White of
Marietta. will be the first and second
choice of the Ohio Democrats for the
presidential nomination.
Lacking an avowed candidate for
the presidency in tire state and being
obliged to have some declared candi-
date to give authorization for the se-