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January 05, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-05

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'? C;f ; f :rt Tl"C


VTT'F, rT)A '. JANT',%P,


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members o
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
olujie S. THUIRSI)AY, JANUARY "a. Number 77.
Eccanomes 192:
Economics of Consumption, second semester meets M. W. F. in Room
406 G eneralI library. Z. C. Dlicknsn.
Unversity Lecture:
Dr. Raymond Leslie Buell, Research Director of the Foreign Policy As-
sociat ion will lecture on "Africa an' International Problem" at 4:15 p.m., Fri-
day, January 6, 1928, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is
cordially Invited.
F. E. Rob)biis.
Faculty, School of Education:
Announcement No. 1. The Enrollment and Classification of second
semester ,students takes place in Tappan Hall during the five days, January
6 to 11. Al members o the Faculty ar: , so far as circumstances will permit,
requested to be present during this period in order to assist in the work.
Announcement No. 2. The regular monthly Faclty Meeting of the
School of Education will be held Monay, January 9 at 4:15 o'clock. Room 109,
Tapal.n HalIl. Tihe speial order relating to tlt est abl]ishmen t of Seivice
b ureaus wil come upj for consideration.
Announcement No. 3. The regular weekly staff luncheon of the School
of Education will be held at the Union, Monay, January 9 at 12:13 o'clock
The meetin~g will be addresed by Dean Daa of the School of Forestry and
C'onser~vat jion.
C. 0. Davni, Secretary.
(t4lge ofLitlerature, Mcieiwe, and Ithe A rk:.
Senim'; whIio will completie theirel requiirements for gradua ion in Feb-
Sua ry, s 41 Nv ishIito ()rece h e lit (idelgres at that timge, may pay their
(iploma tees anay time bfore the eudof t te semest er. The diploma fcc
blanks mayilbe obtained in boom 4, University H1all.
Horence .Mo hr, Recorde r.
"scool of ECd nt ion:
Second semester o letons for stuioneit s in t he Shool of Education should
be miade in t he oice, Room 1(5 Ta ppan I-Iall. January 6, 7, 9, 1t), and 1 1.
Hlouris 9-1 2 and 2-5, except on January 7, 9-1 2 only.
All elect ion cards must. be in by +i p.m., January 1.
Those wshing to ele(ct' acad(emic courses where act ion of the Clasi fia-
ion Commiit tee of the Colege of Lit erature, Science anid the Arts is neces-
sary mumst get a ticket. for their appointmenct with the committee fromn the
Recorder of the School of Eclut ation when they make their elections.
Grectchen Kru'mg, Recrder.
Graduat e students should make their second semester elections in the
office of the Graduate School, Room 1014, Angell Hal, on February 2, 3, and
4. New students, or students transferring from other Schools or Colleges
should register on the' ame dates. A student transferring at this imie should
at once ask the Secretary of his School or College to prepare and send to
thle office' of tihe Graduate School anl official transcript of his undergraduate
re cor(. iRu'liA. Rouse.
Gradute Fellowships5 And Scholarships : -
St udents interested in applying for graduate fellowships and scholar
shills at thisi:iiv(rsity fo' the year 1928-29 may secure information and ap-
plication blanks at. the office of the raduate School Room 1014, Angell Hall.
All applications must be in by March 1st, 1928.
We also have information relative to fellowships and scholarships avail-
able at other institutions in this country and foreign countries.
1 Ruth A. Rouse.
Scol of Business Adninistratoi-Lecture:
M~r. F. A. Newton of lHodenpyl-Hardy & Co., will discuss "Rate Making as
a. Janigement Problem" for the benefit of students in the School of Business
Admrinistration, and others interested, in Room 206, Tappan Hall, Thursday
afternoon, 'January 5, at 4 o'clock.
Hodenpyl-Hlardy & Co., with which Mr. Newton is connected, has under
its supervision public utilities in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Tenn-
estee. C. E. Griffin.
l~cfjomics 121-Labor:
Examination 3 p.m., Room 101, Economics Building, covering assign-
menets from last blue book through December 16.
Carter Goodrich.
Ibiysologeal C'hemistry 11:
Attention of non-medical students is called to the fact that due to a
change in the curriculum in the Medical School, it will be necessary for stu-
deAts who wish to take the laboratory course in Physiological Chemistry in
the fall of 1928 to enroll in the lectures in Physiological Chemistry 101a dur-
ipg Ithe second semester of the year 1927-28. Students who wish to elect this
course should consult Professor Lewis ini Room 218, West Medical Building.
H. B. Lewis.
The next meietng o Ithis class will be held Thursday, January 5, at 1
o'clock, in thle Wil liam iL . ('lemnent s Library. H. C. lul cins.
('ciun~e In WdhI rencli:
In the sec-ond(Iseoil) 051 shaI ll11otier at 3 octoc( o 94l+'% a corse in
r apidl read(inug of Old l'renc. Those mintrestedS ace reuestedI o counnni-
(ate With me before thle close of the first semeostr.
Jioln R. Ieinlad.
lEdtie^teia l Cou~ nrses:
St trudets imiay secue i as g :in-i'its to d u at lna IConrses A 1 , Aa, 110, (1
(4'in C60 1(1((i)in foonIo6, 'Tappan H all, during thle lpeiol otregistraio.
Gretchen K rug Rcorder.

sultilict' s, :ml A brid--ed An ttiOtlulc(illIts
Copies of thle (Camptus Ed it ion of the A bridged Annouinceinenit of coiurses


for the Summer Session of 1928 may be obtained at the registration office,: of
the various schools and colleges. 11'. E. Marikini.
Course 112 (Higher Algebra) :
Course 182 (Teaching of (eone(ry) :
('ourse 184 (history of Mthemiatics):
These courses are open to Juniors and Se niors who have hid or aret' tak-
ing the Calculus. Courses 111, 181, and 183, respectively, ar. not. pre-regllis-
ites. Louis C. Rarpliuski.
Sentinair £lf, Hygiene and Public Health:
Journal Club will meet today in Room 137 West Medical Building at.
7:30 p.m. John Sundwllall, All).
Signing-Out ;511p)5: T
Signing-out slips for November andl December must be in the Offi1ce of
the Advisers of Women before January 10. Alice C'. Lloyd.
Liuii ersity Women:
I will hold no office hours on Thursday and Friday, January 5 and 6i. Dr.
Sappington will take my office hours at the health service during that time.
Margaret [tell, AlD.
Adisers' Tea:
There will be no .Advisers' Tea this afternoon.
Alie V. 1Lloyd.
Uiiiversity Club:
Next Club Night will occur Friday, January 6, 8:15 p.«i.
Profesisor Laurence Mx. Gould will give an iflhistated lecttare on his
Baffin Bay tip.
I r c'si -Jamaes (O'NeillI x11 illalkon t11cSpch l7 t'liic.
14F!'3'allmu (+timu oi i I c '.

All umemnbers of the student branch meet at Dey'"s Sunday, Dec. 8 at
10:145 o'clock for 'Ensian picture. I. M. Salmondl.
'FTry -(Jt - -Mlilganensian Editorial Staff:
'[cx omits forl. lie Michiganensam Editorial Staff will he held at 3 o'clock
Ii, y at (lie P res.,himuilding.
Liaur Sonie, Women's Editor.
'Wet) amnd Flange:
All ninlers mieel atlDey's Sunday, D~ec. 8 at 11 o'clock for 'Ensian
flit~~G J r. .,. Robertson.
ChlrNistinScencmme Society :
S The C'hristian Science Society mneets at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Lane Hall.
Alice Fouelt, Secretary.

Highland Park Club:
There will be a meieting of theo
highland Park Club on Thursday ,
January 5, at 7 :15 p.m., Room ;k) I,
Michigan Union. A disc'ussionlo Ilt
Alumni dance andl ticket sal ovI'fm alt
will comiprise the we ne~tlg.
Addison ('onnior.
URBANA-r University of I l l imnoi:
glee club has just comnloc d (i as~
day tour of the state, siingimig iniPkia
LaSalle, Mendota, Barri'igtoii, Sft..
Charles, Aurora, amid La G~range.
URBANA-Prof. S. W. Parr of thw
University of Illinois was elected
president of the American Chemicalt
society through a mail ballot.
COLUMBUS.-Scarlet Mask Club of
Ohio State produced its ninth annual
opera "Beau Kay," in Sandusky,
Lima, Cincinnati, and Dayton during
the Christmas holidays.
for all makes of
Rapid turnoi-er, freshi stack imisures
best (lt ality .It a moderate price.'
17 \ i('ke!5Arecade. Phone 6615.

Gmr.,oyle Slaff hand lTr~yuts:
Meetilug Thursda11y afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock.

Frederic WV. Zir.

Mplia Epsilon 3111
There will b,, an important meeting at 7 o'clock tonight in Room 308
:"xcigan Union. All membc rs are urgently requested to be present.
Walter North, ,Jr, Librarian.
f hii i~er~hi'lii:
='11iri.' iegl ar meet IIIg-of ('hi I lh'tza Phi will be held Wednesdlay, January
t0 7:20 &ciockc at 5'S C (humrch. All mnemnbers will please bring (limes.
i afimrym Francis, President.

Play Prioducvtion iryMi..s:

('astS ftor , I t'1e lemt tPrI, ('ax-elm R'''I
amid "San-zip'' arebinig tlio. eu Ibis :_[Come in and examine1111111IIIIlill[IIIIIIIIii~III11~till~ll
week in i Viiversit v I tall Anditoriiuni, jC nei n x mn
S-4 p).n_ aiy. \Voumeii particularly -
are r(equestedcilto st'c tile (irect orif
pat r t drin being considered for a -
ar t.1 Fh en an, 11('fi] Ide sincethe
et nili r~r~e wi l not Ii be (coi rye-Itiv e ttor y
Rliven Iunil h e l p' i ngo f tce xilel miolit'eles e
Ear leichu~iDiecor P rt~ablc rewriter--
N egi'oCa i('IS~l~ '111):We are hai;n g a woncerful sale on this Champion of
Imprtat bsiessmeein wil b ~portables. Lvctybody wants one." Anyoneca
held thIis evening at s o'clock in Lane quickly learn to use one. It is a time saver and time is r
[i1all.Rie' enA-
h. IB. S1101it1I, P resident. money.
Thernes should be typd-fhcses must be.
The rergalair hoard mneeting of the-
Faucuzltywomenm's Club will be held Authoried Dealers. Complete typewriter service. c
fllursday, Jamnuary 5, at 1 p.m,. at the 8 U RYVIcE
Lantern Shop.-
Nrs. 11% ),. Badger.- _______
Del Prete offers all of his fine Alder suits atW
9tol 9to12
FrdyadraudyNi W -uc o*i
$1 per coupler_
Start the new year off right by dancing more omen, during
the new year. You will find no more pleasant means of0 V E IM'CA T S
recreation than dancing to Bill Watkins' Wolverines at one _
or all of our three weekly parties. $506 Q5$91 0
Wednesday, Friday and Sa turdat aue o 6
7- Vle-t 6
'Granger'S Aaem =FURNISHINGS
. Sox ......... ................20% off
- Ties.............. $1 at 85c, $1.50 at $1_
~ ~:Broadcloth Shirts.......... $1.69 and $2
' FO=O R F I1 2 Crew-neck Sweaters ..:... 10 % off
DESK CALENDARS, NATIONAL. AND EXCEL- - Lumber Jacks ..... $4.95 and $5.95
AN E G RLTE IEC R ~Corduroy Coats $7.50.
CABINETS, ETC., ETC. Gloves 20 % off
Anything you may1_laecd in this I1nc can be had at=
.1 RfUN T Y
STATE ST. MAIN ST. 213 E. Liberty Worth the Walk







' :4




Sid Bryant and his orchestra just returned from the opera trip
























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