THE. MICHIGANfDAIL Y PAGE SEVEN r-,T , C" A VT A !VTT A TrV r,. I n' F I'IiiIJA]lr1 JuANIUATCYk i0, .L.Y6 i 1 1 l i ia s xvrss fi yr :. 1 10 ImurC TIrVMr MCOURT FIVE IS Sh! Jones Narrates I HUL.VLIIRL I ItW IXIl.L BEGIN TRAINING DRILL Trater,, Start Early Training In Pre-aration For First Meet To Be Held In March CAPTAIN HESTER RETURNS' Two-thirds of Coach Stephen J. Farrell's Wolverine track men report- ed for the initial practice session of 1928 yesterday afternoon at the field house. Thewveteran mentor expressed himself as well satisfied with the un- usually large turnout for the first practice after the holidays. None of the trackmen returned early for training as there remains nearly two full months before the first meet of the season, the Conference in- door championships. This will allow the men ample time to get into the best possible condition before under-1 taking their 1928 schedule. Coach Farrell plans to start the men on a schedule of rather light1 work, which will continue until after1 the semester examinations, because of the fact that it will be necessary to interrupt training for about two weeks at that time. Little is known of -the potential strength of the Varsity track team at the present time, due to the fact that the coach has had but a limited op- portunity to observe his candidates in practice. The return to school of Captain Hester will considerably bolster the team. It will be necessary to devleop a number of capable performers to fill the gaps left by graduation, however, if Michigan is to finish with the lead- ers this season. "Moon" Baker Inc., Sporting Goods -yes, it's the san'e "Moon," former Purple football and basketball ace, who made a formal bow to the Evan- ston business world this week. University of Illinois baseball play- ers will make their annual southernI trip, March 31 to April 9, the Easter recess giving them the opportunity to avoid missing classes. UNIPVI~RSIIVE (Continued from Page Six) As yet there are two or possibly three men who may be called regulars; there is no such thing as five regu- lars. Northwestern, on the other hand, has had no trouble finding a combination, Coach Lonberg relying on five men. Capt. Harrigan and Oosterbaan are the only sure regulars at present for McCoy's showing has been rather be- low par. For some reason or other, he seems to slow down as the games progress. Raber has flashes when he looks like a world-beater; at other times something differentrhappens. Chapman, too has not proved to be a reliable player and his work has been spotted. Realizing the full significance of the situation wherein they have a squad without a team on the eve of the Big Ten opener, the coaches have been working desperately with the other men. Danny Rose, a guard or forward, has been meeting with the greatest approbation, doing -well at Penn and against Bradley. Dick Gawne got his chance agamst Bradley Tuesday and acquitted him'- self very well, displayjng a fine eye 1 for the basket as well as showing up otherwise. Herman Nyland has work- ed excellently in daylight praeice without his glasses, but the glare of the lights at night affects his play considerably. The Inside Story;' Army Won-Ho, Hum' (Continued from Page Six.) the ball that worked so well in the last half also was emphasized. "That was about all, but it worked out better than we figured. "You know how Wilson got going on that off-tackle play early in the third quarter and how he took the ball down to within a few yards of the goal in four or five plays, but here's factors of team spirit we hadn't anticipated: "Our quarterback figured Wilson to be getting a bit tired; he didn't want to run any risk of losing that touch- down and so he called Cagle's signal. There was just a moment's hesitation on Cagle's part; then he said: "'Harry Wilson is making the touchdowns today; this is his last game.' "It is pretty well known that Wilson not only made this touchdown but an- other one later on to clinch the game. CORONA The pioneer port- able. Nearly a iil- lion in use. Dealer O. D. MORRILL L. C. Snith&i& Corona'Typewriters,fIlc. 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. You Better Look this Over Did You Know Fellows That You Came Back Just in Time THIS THIS COLUMN C A" lFECLk CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 PA 7 NOTICE NOTICE-Be sure and visit this most modern and efficient Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan Theatre Bldg. 539 E. Liberty. Tues., Thurs., Sat. DRESSMAKING-Experienced; can furnish references. Estimate given on work desired. Phone 3655. I r gENT-Desirable sunny room fomgrcamus souteast section. Phone 8006. 76, 77, 80 FOR RENT-Second-story front room for medics or married coupler Op- posite Palmer Field House, 1302 N. AU. 76, 77, 78 FOR SALE To Take Advantage of H THE MAIN STREET CASH GROCERY I Our Special Offerings in the art Schafner &Marx Line of Suits and Overcoats For a Short Time Only Our Entire Stock of SUITS and OVERCOATS Offered at 25%a Less Tha Regular Price Including Those Famous 'GREYHOUNDS' Suits and WURSTED CURL Overcoats Conlin and Wetherbee 118 E. Washington St. 11; S~. ue. hus! FOR SALE-Society Brand Tuxedo, ___.,_Tus.,__ rs. Size 38, three-piece, A-1 condition, TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- $25. Call 8884, 1114 White St. 76, 77 sonable rates. -E. V. Hartsuff.AWAmTED Dial 9387. 77-1804ANE - -1 WANTED--Two rooms with bath for Ii+ hni1a110 nn1 i jJ fn" a nE n01Z i 215 North Main St. Whitefish ...... Trout ......... Halibut ...... Salmon .:..... Fillets ........ Perch....... Herring, 2 lbsf Wall-eyed Pike Phone 8111 ......30c ......30c ......30c ......30c ......30c .25c for.... .25c .....30c r Smelt ............35c Smoked Trout .......40c Smoked Whitefish ..,. .30c Kippered Herring 2 for 25c Jloaters .......2 for 25c Smoked Fillets........30c Also-All kinds of Salted and Pickled Fish NOTICE-We deliver between the 1 hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. 20 100, NOTICE-Board by week, 2 meals, $5; 3 meals,. $6.00. 905 E. Washington St. Phone 5872. 77, 78, 79 A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY We operate a large fur ranch in Wis- consin specializing in Muskrats. We have an opening on our sales organ- ization for men who are acquainted with numerous persons. To such men we offer employment in a field that should net, in commissions tenI to twenty-thousand dollars per year. Address: HUDSON SEAL FUR COMPANY, 54 W. RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO, ILL. 76, 77, 78 MEN-You can cash in on your spare time! Get set now to make quick money during your coming holiday vacation. Write, Marvel, Room 503 Equity Building, Detroit, Michigan. 76, 77 TYPEWRITER SERVICE COMPLETE typewriter service; new and used machines of all makes. Rentals by the week, month or semester; repairing of all makes by skilled workmen; all kinds of typ- ing, prompt service. High class rib- bons and carbons. Rider's Pen Shop. FOUNTAIN PEN SERVICE WE have three skilled penmakers back of our retail counter to serve you on correct fitting, adjustments and repairing of all makes. You will not find equal service any- where else. Our prices are no more than you would pay elsewhere. Manufacturers of the famous Rider "Masterpen." Rider's Pen Shop. FORI RENT SINGLE room for boy student. Run- n ing water. Newly decorated. BestI location near campus. 911 Forest. 77 FOR RENT-Furnished 6-room house. One-half block from campus. Phone 6950. 77,78,79,80,81,82 FOR RENT-2 rooms, completely fur- nished for housekoping. 923 Green- wood. Dial 7019. light hiousekeeping ror secona semester. Mrs. Fred D. Houston, I5 14 Brush, Detroit. 77, 78, 7~) WANTED-Girl wanted, work for board and room. Phone 8967. 77 WANTED-Room near Univ. Hospi- tal, preferably with kitchen. R. Hoekstra, 1623 Granger Ave. 77 LOST LOST-Watch chain, with gold foot- ball, at Field House, on Dec. 15th. Finder please call Scheller at 7522. 7 6, 77, 78 LOST-Semi-thin Gruen watch be- tween Thompson and Division. Re- turn to H. J. Foster. Phone 9417. Reward. 77. 78. 79 LOST-Gold hunting case Elgin watch on Geddes Ave. or Hill St. "Chas. H. Canfield" engraved on back of case. Call Canfield, 22491. Reward. 77-78-79 LARGE brown leather notebook, be- fore vacation. Contains lecture notes. Phone Fulghunm at 21217. 77, 78, 79, 80 REWARD for any information or for return of large loose diamond. Lost somewhere between Maynard and S. Thayer. Mrs. G. A. Adams, 202 S. Thayer. Dial 9741. 77,78,79 FOUNP FOUND-Bracelet. Mack, Physics Dept. 77 f Open Evenings-Sun days and Holidays rd d - - ----- .I I t 11 b Subscribe For THE N'1 IHIGAN. WE EKLY :tn% MMMI, if 1 _ MqN Subs cribe For the Weekly FOR RENT-Nice warm heated room and board, in a new home. Phone 7796. 76, 77, 78 4. OMETIME during the so you are goingto nee next month or d a tuxedo--- a dinner coat cut in for University evenii The occasion will p the right thing-may the correct style Announcing the opening of THE MAXROY Ann Arbor's Finest Confectionery Thursday, January 5th I I I I A ng wear. ermit nothing but I you our drop in and "Fifty-Two," get we suggest acquainted that with I I It's fully silk lined-cut with a long rolling lapel-well roundeid front--- we would like to have you slip one on - - - OPENING DAY SPECIAL! 2 Sodas for the price of 1 and y ou will not be asked to bu y. il I I fiftv-tw c dollars eve, y corre ct accessory I The Maxroy Under the personal management of I 0 I 10 I