THE MICHIGAN DAILY T-TT1Utl'TD X, .TART'ATI .1, 1929l C """PAGE, FIVE~ ft ft STUDENT DTIN WOMAN OF INFLUE {) )| | IO|| GENERATION TO SP "Amongst English women of today playing their parts in public life and VCE WITH YOUNGER EAK IN ANN ARBOR leading great movements, destined Cynthia Hawkins, '29, Believes Pur- powerfully to influence tne nation's pose of Organization isfuture, there is probably not one more - Worth While widely known or more influential, es- pecially as regards the younger gen- LEAGUE SYSTEM FAVORED eration, than Miss Royden," writes Rev. W. Hudson Shaw of Miss Maude "Though it will undoubtedly take Royden, who is to speak at a special considerable time before the National Sunday convocation in Ann Arbor on Student Federation of America fully Feb. 12. accomplishes its aim-of organizing a Agnes Maude Royden, born in 1876 national student body with a con- and educated at Lady Margaret Hall, sciousness of itself as an effective Oxford, has become famous for her group which will function actively, I writings and speeches on the econce - believe that the project is most worth ic, ethical, and religious aspects of while," stated Cynthia Hawkins, '29, the women's movement. She has beet: representative of the Women's league an Oxford University extension lee- td the third annual convention of the turuer, a woman suffrage leader, edi- Federation, held Dec. 15, 16, 17 at tor and agitator, preacher at the Lincoln; Nebraska. City Temple, and is the founder of the Miss Hawkins felt that the original New Fellowship. purpose of the organization is al- \Vhefi \liss ltoytdeu concluded hen' ready being realized in some measure, ;years of brilliant work at Oxford -ih- that is, to work toward world peace. j decided upon a career of work for It is claimed that the Federation im- the people and spent a year o" bard presses upon its delegates, and and earnest labor in the slums as a through them on the respective col- member of the University Set tletr,-eIt leges, the need of world peace; one of at Liverpool. fluli her healthIi gave way the Federation's most successful ven- under tlie straiin, and at the sugges- tures, as pointeck out by Miss Ilawkins, tion of Rev. Shaw she became a sore Is its sponsoring of student tour's ol qurasi-curate. At that time no ma; with the Open Road. This has as its in iglaIand had dared to dream of objective not mere sight seeing but woimen's miinistr nftions in the Church, actual contact with students of foreign but. when lMiss Royden decided to 'rt countries, who act as hosts to the the lcrime 1n the first step in an visiting groups. The life and condi- ine(vitabile cnl ~5~ piml been I alen - tions of these countries are studied It was a veritable b)ackwvater, w" - and friendly relations st up. es Rev. Shaw; tihat Itiny village i i In the discussion of student govern- Which INiss Royden took up her work. ment at the convention, several factors ler dities, were mainly ceiuiected prominent in the system under which with womniand children. although the Women's league is now operating mot in Sunday School, for sh g drew were given praise. The convention tho line at that. The children a w red favored complete legislative, execu- her and withathe otdhers she haad tive, and judicial power, such as are erandir ifence s he d held by the Board of Directors, Board extraordinary influence. "I have dis- of Rpreenttivs, ad Jdicarycovered in ni-y life only one true Dom- of Representatives, and Judiciary ocrat, as whole-hearted almost in Council of the League, and emphia-ie faith as St. F'ranicis of Assisi himself, sized cooperation with the dean's of- Tice.and that is Miss Maude Royden," The University of Missouri was writes Rev. Shaw. "She loved the selected as the site of the next an- nual' convention. The convention also AU H RSM H D favored the establishment of a fixed REVEALED IN OLD central office in New York so that plans could be carried on steadily MANUSCRIPT COPY during the year. The former plan saw ,--- much confusion as each president, Gabriel Wells, New York dealer in who handled affairs, left school and rare books, has just purchased the office. An executive 'secretary and originalnanuscript of Anatole stenographer will be provided under the present arrangement, and all France's "Thais." business will be transacted by them. The 402-page document, all in the England sent a representative to handwriting of the novelist, is a first the Lincoln convention. draft of "Thais," varying considera- bly from the final printer's copy English Judge Says which is now in the Bibliotheque Na- tionale in Paris. High Prices Attract The manuscript throws interesting light on Fra.nce's mthn di f wUi fk poor folk, and never disdained her cottage visiting, entering easily and unaffectedly into all the simplicities and the trials of the women of the village, and always helpful to them. They remember her still with affection. "Still, sometimes I am horror- stricken with myself for having in- duced her to remain content so long with so narrow an existence, bucolic and dull and uneventful. Possibly the. time was not wasted. She had quiet and leisure and books, and was all" unconsciously preparing for future activities-her hard, busy, wearing labors of the last filteen years for wo- manhood, for education, for religion, for a nobler social state. It was just preparation time." For Miss Royden, who hated Sun-! days because of the long hours in church and who said more than once "I would have given worlds to have ejected you from the lectern and read that magnificent lesson myself, prop- erly, was (lestiinled-- fourteen years hence - to read the lessons r- lcr erly - in a London church, whiile Rev. Shaw listened meekly to leer preachments. There came a great discovery whiej it was found that Miss Royden coil not only recite Shakespeares 1)1 lron ivemory but was also a deep'y read S'hakespearian schotar, armed v it(h Colerid ge, Bradley, a id all the rest, and able to discuss fully ail the more diflicult problems. Aft (' a .lo struggle, stlo ie(eved ahost on the staff of extenlsioli lecturers or ox ford University. ll thbose who (iouiit- ed a woman's ability to perform such work were instantly convinced, and Miss Royden soon established a high reputation all over England. Before long she had far more invitations to lecture than she could accept. In three years she had become one of the most acceptable speakers in the land, and when she abandoned Ox- :ord lecturing for the woman's suf- frage platform she left a gap which' has never since been filled. Women's Influence 'On Peace Is Shown At Stpy Congress MEMBERSO OF PDTI&Abbot Deplores Lack Diplomacy Among UIOMMEIT O N UNOVtLS What the University needs as much ' as anything is a course in diplomacy3 and politeness, according to Prof. "All sorts of books written by all Waldo M. Abbot of the rhetoric de- sorts of authors in all sorts of ways," partment. "These qualities are as was the summary made by Margaret much a part of general culture as a Lyons, '28, in a review of the tenen- knowledge of letters and art," Profes- sor Abbot remarked when interviewed cies of the modern novel during the yesterday. "And if the University in- last year given before Portia literary 'structors could import to the students society Tuesday night. A general movement toward the ro- mantic, a wide range of subject mat- ter, a nationalistic trend, and the al- most total disappcarance of the vwar novel were other characteristics men- tioned. Commenting on some of the out- standing books of the year, the speak- er spoke of the great va it ty of ('lar- acters and the rich detail found in Mazo de la loche's prizewinning worli, ''Jaina" with its portraits of -haracters ranging from tahe ,-year- -Ad grandmother to the smallest mem- 'wr of the family at White Oaks. W-illa Cather's "Death Comes to the Archbishop" has been recommended or its careful workman shlrip 1 XH I. L. Men(ken wlIo believes, however, that Miss Cather has written better books. Another best seller having New Mexico a's a hackgromi and giving a vivacious, covincimg sketc-h of a lan lete erine 11)toix-e a mans life was 'Wolf Srig' by harley Ferguson. a courteous manner and an air of breeding, they would be doing much to make Michigan graduates more like gentlemen. "I do not wish to be misunderstood," Professor Abbot here interposed, "All, th students are not discourteous, cer- tainly. But some are, and these are the ones who we do not take pleasure in claiming as graduates of our Uni- vx'rsity." The lack of courte;y toward the' chaperones at fraternity and other! small dances is deplored by Professo Abbot among other things. And at, the large class dances. he observes Hat the chaperones are thrown coin- pletely into the background. not being ilt i'OducC'( or presene itIfvos The attitude seems to be: "The la p- crones are paid by >eing invited to come to the party: we don't owe them ianything." Conscion l aclt ol' focialIniceties, Of Courtesy And University Students says Professor Abbot, is displayed by some students in their classroom conduct and in their consultations with their instructors. "You see many men stretching and yawning in class, or sitting with their feet propped on the benches in front of them. Then they come up to you after class and begin with a 'Say, Mr. Abbot,' or 'Listen.' To correct such speeches is, of course, within my prov- ince as an instructor of rhetoric, but there are many glaring social improp- rieties which I cannot criticize with-I out hurting the offenders' feelings." It is far from complimentary to an instruqtor, Professor Abbot believes, for a student to come to him and say that 1- ''must have an A in thej 'oiirs'e. It is as good as saying that one should not have to abide )y the instruitoi's opinion lof ones ability. 1ii general, he observes, Wvhule many of the students on the 'l ichigan cam- pus aie al that could be ([(Sired with ga-(Io pci 1t eness yet there arie ,ioluc'in Wio li em a gnihl('old-faill- i ni- court esycould be cultivated to ad '21111a ge. If the inst ru cis, by ~;1'diii''anld example r-ather than by 1) i'( pt, (could1( teach the ordinar'y wl ;') .i : 1 il -erimmlent a pi'"'ciat-ion in the liter- ry society, Wescott's "Tbe Grand- mothers" with its tendency to lose the - sual sophisticated atmosphere of novels, and works by the Norrisses, Edith Wharton, and other writers who have established their popularity were reviewed. Selma Lagerloff's new book "Char- lotte" with its background in the soc al life of modern Sweden was recommended as a novel of character )y Hildegarde Schueren, '30, who hrnl ninw hn stn \o-, eleedT Be Only Golf "Pro," *idsFloridaClub Invading th ohitherto stri lvl ma s- culise caling of professional golft, Bessie Fenn, chief professional of tho Palm Beach Poincianna Golf club is believed to be the only woman S"pro'' in America and certainly the only one heading a large club. Miss Fenn is the sdaughter of the noted professional Arthur Fenn who spent 29 summers at Poland Springs and 27 winters at Palm Beach teach- ing the wealthy and famous. Begin- ning to play golf when she was nine years old Miss Fenn never received lessons from anyone except her four Years she hayed ill national lliiniioli p5, (iUqailying each time and her one i'egret in turning profes- sional is lbat she no longer can play Iin tournaments. Thus far ist Fenn has never enttered a .professional golf- er's tournament. All miakes of ma- 'chines. Our equip- ment and personnel is considered among the best in the state. The result of t1eniy years' careful building. O. D. MORRILL 117 Nickels Areade. Phone 6615. a r i < i i _j _j t n ri BEST BOARD VALUE IN TOWN Excellent Coffee Corner State and Washington j I I I Philosophizing from the bench on the fascinations' of shopping, Mr. Justice McCardie, London's bachelor judge, held that women are often lured, not by bargains, but by high prices. Men, too, like buying expensive things, the court pointed out during trial in the king''s bench division of a firms suit against a woman who had contracted for a quantity of fashion- able clothes for which she had never paid.j "I really believe that if champagne were six pence a bottle," remarkedI the judge, "tomorrow far less of it would be drunk." Justice McCardie discussing the at- traction of high prices with. plaintiff's counsel fearlessly suggested that women favor fur coats chiefly on ac- count of their costliness. NOTICES There will be ai me eg of the program committee of the Junior Girls' Play at 12 o'clock today at Fos-j ter's T'ea Room. As the intramural basketb al I tour - nament will start next week, all man- agers should see that team member , complete heart and lung examinaticns this week. Announcem-ent was made T,10esdaa night at the Kappa Delta hoese of the engagement of Evelyn Ogborn '28, to Richard Whipple, '25. Whipple is a member of Phi Signa Kappa. Announcement was recently male of the marriage f Richard E. Mlc- Ardle, junior instructor in the S'chool of Forestry and Conservation, to Miss Dorothy Aileen Coppage, grad- uate assistant in botany. The mar- riage took place on Dec. 29. Announcing Our PRE-INVENTORY SALE 11 u v r 11ce meoa oI worK, indicating that he composed slowly by a sort of mosaic process of fitting var- ious bits together. Some pages have been reworked two or three times. All kinds of paper make up this first draft. Anatole France wrote on the back of engraved invitations, gal- ley proofs, and other kinds of discard- ed paper. The work is written entire- ly in ink. Even when Anatole France felt impelled to make an architectural sketch to aid him in composition, he retained his pen. The attempts of Misses Mercedes Gleitz and Millie Hudson to swim theI Strait of (Gibraltar failed since they Women's growing influence as a world peacemaker and the greatly in- creased respect and confidence she nowl commands from dipibmafs of the "sterner sex" were plainly exem- plified just before the opening of the International Peace Study Congress of Women, at Amsterdam. Women of only two important nations were ab- sent-Italy and Russia. On the last day, Mrs. Carrie Chap- man Catt, of New York ended an ad- dres's with the words "Go home not to tell how nice this congress was, but go home to work." Professor Maurette, Sir George Paish, and Rear-Admiral Allan asked that women lead the men into the way of greater activity in behalf of arbi- tration, security, and disarmament. Miss Ruth Morgan, New York, chairman of the congress expressed her gratification at finding in Europe so many efficient women. Lady Astor was the chief speaker at the congre'ss. She. said the trouble with Europe was too much armament and far too many toll barriers and traditions. The United States has had bu4 one tradition, to keep out of uriefly reviewed t e s ory.w The next meeting of the 0'soci-ty will father. be the debate with Athena literary When her father died recently mem- society, Jan. 10, in the Athena rooms. bers of the club decided to try the ex- The last meeting of the inester will periment of putting a woman at the be taken up by elections, and the head of the professioials' and so chose plans for a one-act play to which Miss Fenn. In her work she is as- members of Athena will be invited sisted by a staff of three men. yere made. Golf, she believes, is a game which is equally suited to men and women The annual sales of the Montgom- and she admits that she has never -ry-Ward Co. were more than $200,- been able to determine which of the 100,000. That exceeded the record of two 'sexes learns the quicker. 1926 by $3,000,000-a figure which was Miss Fenn is a former Maine chain- the highest of any year in the history pion and on two different occasions of the firm. has won the Palm Beach titles. For 7 TO GREET YOUR FRIENDS Let us supply flowers for your J-Hop party; Spring flowers in quantity for the it . Flowerday s Flowers occasion. Order early. I / ll /' Phone 7014 Greenhouses, 1400 Traver St. Nickels Arcade "Flowers by Wire" had to abandon the idea after each of foreign entanglenents yet tlhey have them had been in the waver more than not been able to carry this out 10 hours. wholly, she remarked. A "SWIRL" OF BARGAINS Bargains to the left of you- Bargains to the right of you- Bargains in front and in back of you! School and Afternoon Dresses, Purses, Hankies and Jewelry AFTER-HOLIDAY ' SALE AT THE RUBLEY SHOPPE In the Arcade CORNWELL COAL - COKE' Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to 'our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you I ~Mik .o nn'. det to-ethe NEW SPRING FROCKS In a wide variety of colors and mt $9.75 and $14.95 308 Maynardt ostreeteeS-- OGo ope aterials Near lhe "11arj" f I i t I' _ __ . .. 11 I A R 9iS = '-111111111 )1111111111lill l lill llll il1 11 1 tll l ll lll i 11 11 lil li1 1 . ANNOUNCING THE OPENING 1== of -- m . -- Sandwich Shop 1204 South University On Thursday Morning, Jan. 5th. -= - - - - l I i s z i i t t i j a.,... 1 J t f((f1 11! S I 2 The Right Play In the game of bridge, it's all in playing the right card. Just so, in the game of fashion success lies inl a careful selection of the bast the season has to offer, by no means a difficult noatter with the mode's latest stylings always at hand at Mack's Store. The frocks, the wraps, the hats; every accessory which is of- fered you here has already been carefully selected from all the mode has to offer. It represents the trump in fashion's hand. Whenever you're not quite sure what the next play should be stop in at Mack's Store and learn the newest rules in Fashion's game. i I SI Iy 15% Off on all merchandise. Ij , I- t1