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September 25, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-25

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notite to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. . Saturday.)

Philosophy 1A; Discussion Sections:
X. 11, Williams, 4014 N. S.
M. 3, Wenley, 207 U. H.
Tu. 9, Williams, 207 U. H.
Tu. 10, Williams, 305 S'. W.
Tu. 1, Lee, 18 A. H.
W. 11, Williams, 305 S. W.
W. 1, Hoekstra, 305 S. W.
Th. 9, Williams, 207 U. H.
Th. 1, Lee, 18 A. H.
F. 9, Kuiper, 106 M. H.
F. 10, Kuiper, 304 U. H.
F. 11, Williams, 1009 A. H.



Articles Published in Current Paper
by Rear Admiral Criticised
Nation's Naval Policy.

1)11U (~S



I Volume 8


Number 6.

University Library, Sunday Opening:
The main reading and periodical rooms only are open on Sunday. 'ihel
hours are 2 to 9 p. m. Books shelved in other parts of the Library Buildingj
may be put on reference in the main reading room for Sunday use on appli-
cation Saturday evening at the desk from which they may ordinarly be drawn.
This does not apply to books shelved in buildings other than the Library.
Most books in the Departmental Libraries may be drawn for home use overa
Sunday during the last hour the Departmental Library is open on Saturday.
William W. Bishop, Librarian.
Presidents of Campus Organizations:
The presidents of fraternities, sororities, clubs and all campus organiza-
tions will kindly mail to the office of the Dean of Studente, Room 2, U:Iver-
sity Hall, lists of their respective organizations, giving the names of the
officers and members. It is necessary to have this information immediately in(
order that it may be included in the 192?-928 directory.
J. A. Bursley. Dean.
Eligibility lists must be submitted immediately to the office of the Dean
of Students, Room 2, University Hall, by all campus societies, organizations,
and publications:
No student shall take part in any public activity during his first year of
residence in the University except by special permission of the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs. During their first semester of residence such
special permission will not be granted to students with the rank of freshman,
but may be granted to other first-year students, provided their work in the
institution from which they came meets the requirements of the Eligibility
Committee. Special permission may ajso be granted to freshmen during their
second semester of residence provided they have completed one full semester's
work (fifteen hours or more) with at least one mark of A or B and with marks
of not less than C in the balance of their work. This shall not include such stu-
dents without conditions and otherwise in good standing, from participatingI
in the public activities of their class.
J. A. Bursley, Dean.
University Lecture:
Dr. Herbert Speyer, former member of the Belgian Senate, Professor in
the University of Brussels, will lecture in English on "Parliamentarism va
Dictatorship in Europe" in the Natural Science Auditorium, W e d n e s d a y,
September 28, at 4:15 p. m. The public is cordially invited.
Frank E. Robins.
University Scholarships
Students of the Literary College who desire to become applicants for a
University Scholarship (value $200.00) should apply at once to the Dean's
Secretary, Room 1012 A. H., for an application blank, to be filled out and
returned not later than October 8.
. P. Thieme, Chairman, Scholarship Committee.
Or(an Recital:
Palmer Christian, University Organist, will give the following program
in the Twilight Organ Recital Series, Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
The general public, with the exception of small ch'ildren, is cordially invited
to attend.
The program in full is as follows: Concert Overture in C minor (Hollins);
Salut d'Amour (Elgar); Andante (String Quartette) (Debussy); Prelude and
Fugue in D major (Bach); Ave Maria (Arcadel) (1514-1574); Minuet (Deth-
ler); Meditation from "Thais". (Massenet) Fiat Lux (Dubois).
Charles A. Sink.
Rhetoric 211:
Students who have been expecting to work with Professor Jack are re-
quested to consult with me in my office, 3214 Angell Hall, at 4 o'clock eitlior
Monday or Tuesday of this week.
T. E. Rankin.
To Graduate Students in Education:
The preliminary examinations constituting a part of the requirements for
the Ph. D. degree in Education will be held at 2 p. m., October 13, 14, and 15,
in Room 4009 University High School.
All individuals planning to take these exampinations should communi-
cate with me at once.
Clifford Woody.

John Kniper.

Philosophy 201:
Will graduate students who propose to take the Pro-seminar iii Kant, and!
any others who wish to consult with me, kindly meet me on Monday, Sept.j
26, in Room 407 Library, at 4 p. in.
R. 31. Wenley.
Comedy Club:
There will be an important meoting of Comedy Club Monday, September
26, at 3:00 p in. in Room 203 U. H. AL members are urgently requested to be
Roy G. Curtis, President.
Student Volunteers:
The Student Volunteer group will meet today and every Sunday hereafter
at 9:30 a. in. at Wesley Hall.
Frances Wilson.
Pbhilippine.-Michigan Club:
The Philippine-Michigan Club will meet on Sunday, September the 24th,
at 3 o'clock p. m. in Lane Hall Auditorium. This is an important meeting and
all Filipinos in' Ann Arbor are urged to be present.
Luis Salvosa, Secretary.
Scalp and Blade Men:
Meeting this afternoon at the Union, Room 302, at 2:30. It is urgent that
every man be present in order that we may successfully launch our- organi-
zation for the coming year.
R. B. Blass, Secretary.
University Girls Glee Club:
Tryouts will be held in the School of Music Monday and Tuesday from
4 to 6. Girls may bring their own music if they wish.
Delma Loyer, President.
University Symphony Orchestra:
Tryouts will be held at the University School of Music, Maynard street,
on Tuesday and Wednesday evening between 7:00 and 8:00 o'clock. Candidates
should bring some music with which they are, familiar. Freshmen in good
standing are eligible..
Samuel P. Lockwood.
Choral Union:
Choral Union tryouts will take place Tuesday, September 27, from 4:00
to 5:30, Wednesday, Septenber 28, from 2:30 to 5:30, and Thursday, Septem-
ber 29, 4:00 to 5:30, in room 223 of the School of Music. Former members
must fill out applications at the School of Music.
Signed: Earl V. Moore.
3latheinaties 145; Elements of Celestial Mechanics:
This class will meet on Tuesday, September 27, at 9 a. m. in Room 229,
West Engineering Building, to arrange hours.
Louis A. Hopkins.
Mathematics 245; Advanced Celestial Mechanics:
This class will meet on Tuesday, September 27, at 5 p. m. in Room 263, West
Engineering Building, to arrange hours.
Louis A. Hopkins.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.-Secretary
Wilbur of the Navy has under consid-
eration the disciplining of. one of the
service's chief officers, Rear Admiral
Thomas P. Macgruder, for a recent
magazine article criticising the Navy
Admiral Magruder, who is com-
mandant of the Fourth Naval District
is said to have violated a naval regu-
lation which stipulates that articles on
military affairs by persona in the
service shall be submitted to the sec-
retary before publication. The article,
which was published under the title
of "The Navy Economy," in the Satur-
day Evening Post, charged the navy
was over-organized and failed to prac-
tice economy.
Whether the regulation of failing to
supply a copy of his article would
be invoked against Admiral Magruder
has not been disclosed by Navy De-
partment officialslandSecretary Wil-
bur has declined to comment on the
article beyond a brief statement, that
no action had yet been taken.
In a statement at Philadelphia the
admiral declared that he was certain
"no disciplinary action can be taken
justly," and that he had "'no fear" of
any such step. He added that he hoped
his article "will be of some good to
the Navy and that was my purpose in
writing it."
The admiral, a veteran of 36 years
service and winner of the Distin-
guished Service Medal during the
World War while second in command
of the American naval forces in Eu-
ropean waters, said that in his article
he made not effort "to hang out the
Navy's dirty laundry." He declared
most of his material was gleaned from
testimony before a special commission
in Washington several years ago,
studying the effecting of economies in
the Navy.
"The principal trouble. with the
Navy today," he asserted, "is that it
never completely demobilized since
the World War. I maintain there are
too many officers on duty in Washing-
ton and with the fleets and that there
is too much money being spent on the
maintenance of naval yards and naval
stations along the Atlantic coast."

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English 144:
Courses in Play. Construction (English 144) will meet henceforth in the
Journalism Library (Room 301 W. Med Bldg.) instead of in Room 2215 A. H.
as previously announced. In future the hour of meeting will be 7 p. in. on
Tuesday of each week.
Donal Hamilton Haines.
English 196-Education 110:
The 11 o'clock section will meet in room 216 A. H. henceforth.
N. D. Solve.
Economics 101:'
Lecture section will meet Monday at 3:00 in 25 Angell Hall. Seating list
will be posted at entrance.
L. L. Watkins.
Mathematics Staff, Literary:
There will be a meeting of those teaching sections of Mathematics 1 in
Room 3010 A. H. on Monday, September 26, at 5:00 p. m. f
John W. Bradshaw.
Sociology 165- Public Opinion:
Students desiring to take this course are requested to call me at my office,
Room .3 Economics, Campus phone No. 20, between 4:30 and 5:30 Monday aft-
ernoon. Plea'se have schedule of hours at hand for reference. Hours will be
arranged to suit convenience of-students.
L. J. Carr.
Sociology 141-Criminology:,
Assignments to quiz sections are to be found, as stated in the lecture, on
the Sociology Bulletin Board in the Economics Building. Students are ex-
pected to find their sections and attend. If any students are still unassigned
they are advised to elect an hour from those published and attend that section.
A. E. Wood.
Zoology 1, Seating List:
The seating list for Zoology 1 Lecture will be posted Saturday noon in
the glass case, which is located in the corridor near Room 2091, Natural
Science Building. Students should consult this list on Monday and make a
note of their seat numbers. The list will be removed from the case at 10 o'clock
on Tuesday and will not be posted again until the lecture is over. Students
whose names do not appear on this list should inform Miss Mosma in room
3093, N. S. Monday. afternoon.
George R. La Rue.

Research Fellowship in Real Estate:
There are still available two of the $500 Research fellowships in Real
Estate offered by the School of Business Administration for the current year.
These awards are open to graduate students in any department of the Uni-
versity. Students to whom the fellowships are awarded will be expected to
devote a considerable part of their time to research under the direction of
Ernest M. Fisher, Associate Professor of Real Estate. Those interested should
communicate at once with the School of Business Administration.
C. E. Griffin, Acting Dean.
Tickets on sale Saturday and Sunday of each week, re-
turning not later than Moliday following date of sale.
See Agent for Particulars

The latest edition of the Michigan
Varsity band marched to Ferry field,
yesterday afternoon, to go through
with their second marching practice
of the year. The first was held earlier
in the week.
Director Falcone has picked the 67
men who are to make up this year's
band. Uniforms are being issued and
practices, both marching and playing,
will be held next week so that all will
be prepared for the first game with
Ohio Wesleyan, next Saturday. Gor-
don Packer will again be drum-major.
"Device sought to aid pilots flying
in fogs.' Some kind-hearted scientist
ought to develop a similar device for
certain pedestrians with which society
is blessed.
EAST LANSING-George Lott, Chi-
cago tennis star and candidate for the
Davis cup team, entered Michigan
State this fall.

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Look for
What Alex
Has to Say
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A lex Says


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