TPP Mr~TC4TflAN 1"fLAY PAGE THREE ..... ,..r,-.M..", . tr V A XTt7 A'TtTT C" -4 nOo a THURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1928-1AK1 K, J1YLN.'L A.V'7Ly LLL. .. -... _. -A . . . . ................. . . . -- TRAVL DURFU PLAS. TOUR OF EUROPE FOR UNVRIYSTUDENTS SU-MMER )1iAIDE TRIP AT LOW PRICE IS POSSIBLE BY ACTION OF BIUREAU NEW AIRPLANES FOR BATTLESHIPS I.. One of the new Loening air-cooled amphibian planes, ordered by the United States navy to replace the water-cooled types now used on battleships. They carry a "crew of three, are equipped with machine guns and bombs, have a speed of 125 miles an hour and a cruising range of 560 miles. PRESIDENT D SCUSSES PRO ONGATION OF LIFE AT THIRD MEETING OF RA y ETTERMENT SOCIETY Having spoken twice at major meet- have to extend or prolong the processjof the physically unfit and will live to nas during the Christmas holidays, of senility or growing old. And we transmit their unfitness to future gen- inhaveunotgmade asriuthaprooridsysn WILL VISIT MAIN CITIES Itinerary I cldes Figland, Belgium, Franice, Switzerlanid And Italy Michigan is to be included this year in the plans of the Bureau of Uni- versity Travel, by the formation of a special travel group for Michigan men who are interested in spending President Clarence Cook Litte is still absent from the city during the sessions of the third Race Betterment1 Conference now being held at Battle Creek. The first of the important ad-, dresses given during the vacation period was a speech on Tuesday, Dec. 27 on "The Opportunities for Re- search in Mammalian Genetics,", which the President delivered to the Sigma Xi meeting in Nashville, Tenn., in connection with the annual ses- sions of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science. The second address was delivered to the RacekBetterment Conference at Battle Creek on Monday night of this week, where several hundred scien- tists are assembled. "Shall We Live Longer-And Should We?" was the subject of the talk given by the Pres- ident, who Is also acting technical head of the organization. Difficult Attainment President Little declared at the conference that it is not anywhere nearly as simple a task to secure a condition where most persons would live to an age of 120 years as it is to secure a condition where the aver- age age is in excess of 60 years. To bring the former condition about, President Little said, "We should have not made as much progross n this direction as many of us would believe." "There are many difficulties ir the way," he said, "We should hamve to develop a human one horse shay which would run 100 years to a day and then fall to pieces all at orce, for there is a nice balance establisl- ed among the various orgaans of the body. The first symptom of disite- gration is the upset of this balce." President Little also pointecd out that universal prolongation of life may not even be advisable. He pointe l out that infants born with constitution defects at birth who must be help- ed over the threshhold of survival are T THE RPAF- The Littlest Theater wishes good luck to the Michigan RAE= orations Increase In Weaklings He predicted an ever-increasing number of weaklings, and an increas- ing number of organs which genera- tions before lost their true functions and which must then be artificially supplied. 'President Little declared that the present generation of city-dwellers, PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS t Corona, Underwood. Remington, Royal. We have all makes. Some in colored duco finishes. D.MORRILL 17 NickelsArcade. Phone 6615. I il- i with their bad a'ir, lack1iof sulightll, absence of proper food aind clotibing, is the "hardest boilo any race the world has ever see~n and the next generation, which must survive con- ditions even more unnatural, will prove biological wonders." o RPHEUM THEATRE NOW SHOWING Belle Bennett 1N "MOTHER" A GREATER ROLE THAN "STELLA DALLAS" A Picture Worth Your While Evenings Only, 7:00-8:40 0 the summer in Europe, accompanied by expert travellers and guides. The meet the interests of those seeking a i knowledge of the vital places and Bureau has been organizing such[ trips for university students for the lthings pertaining to European coun- past four years, and this year they tries. As lecturers for this purpose have agreestoorganize a special trip Professors William A. Frayer and Ar- for Michigan students. There will be thur S. Aiton of the History depart- two separate parties, one for women nent, and Prof. Rene Talamon of the and the other for the men. French department have at various The party of n-en will sail from times been affiliated with the bureau. New York on July 1, and willreturn As associates of the Bureau who are to this country September 5. The thoroughly acquainted with its aims, itinerary includes all of the important ideals, and purposes, they will act as points on the continent and ailows;advisors to those men who may be liberal stopovers at places of especial interested in the tour. interest. Among the places which will be visited are the main cities of Eng- land, Belgium, and France, including the show points of these countries. Stop In Italy 1 / From France the party will proceed to Switzerland, and from there will proceed to Italy, where 23 days will ou will be surprised at be spent. From Italy, the party willY move to France, ending the tour with month by bringing your laund a week in Paris before embarking for New York. . Office of the White Swan Lau The price for the trip is $500, this on all work. price being made possible by the na- ture of the Bureau, which functions as an educational institution and not W HITE TAasacmeca nt h tnrr as acomm"eilunit. Te itnrrWITJE SWAr is so arranged that at many points the Michigan party will meet groups CASH AND C from other colleges who are traveling Maynard St., Opposite the "N under the same auspices. POLICE NEW DEMAND AUTO TAGS II ,a s Last year's auto license tags are in bad repute in Ann Arbor. Police of- ficials are making a strenuous cam- paign against drivers who have not yet secured their 1928 tags. Chief of Police Thomas M. O'Brin made it plain again yesterday that there will be no extension of time for motorists to purchase their new plates. All officers have been instructed to stop everycar not equipped with the new numerals. I 11 )iscount PENMAKERS Very soon you will require a Rider Masterpen The pen that won't balk or run dry in the middle of an Exam. Superior writing qualities. Large ink capacity. The pen that will not wear out or get out of order easily. Guaranteed and serviced by the makers. No delays. What are Your Stationery IRequirements? Would you rather have just a good substantial bond or do your tastes and fancies run more to the unusual, the unique? In any case we can supply your wants. Printing or embossing of names, initials or insignia on your stationery may be done for little extra cost. The Maer cair Co. Stationers, Printers, Binders and Office Outfitters the saving you can make each ry work to the Cash and Carry ndry. We give a 15% discount I i .N LAUNDRY ARRY OFFICE Maj" Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Rider's Pen Shop SERVICE Phone 4515 112 South Main}Street --O The Bureau of University Travel - conducts additional tours designed tol- ' 1 11 1111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 9111111111111111111111111111111 1111 111111111111111111111l ll'- j r Continuing Our OH Semi- Annual at Even Greater Reductions You'll find a pleasing assortment in all sizes of Suts and Over-l - coats in the latest styles and fabrics at rock bottom prices. All seasonable Merchandise included in this sale. On All Men's and Boys On All Men's and Boysv SUITS OVERCOATS (All with two trousers) (Latest shades and models)a Men's and Bays' 20% Discount Odd Trousers 20 % Discount On Men's and Boys' On Men's and Boys'1 Corduroy Coats UNDERWEAR Leather Jackets Heavyweight Blazers Men's and Boys' 2000 Discoun SilkGolf Hose20% 2-% Discount Silk and Wool Hose iscoun °This is your opportunity to save. It will pay you to investigate our merchandise at these prices. Ann Arbor's Magnificent New Institute i o Welco The MI The MICHIGAN bids --s tte' ieZd C24'ea ',.e o 0 _ , )p hl.- e To CHIGAN you welcome. To you who read these lines THE MICHIGAN owes its being. To you and to the hosts of arti- sans who, down the ages, devoted their lives to development of that which you and the hosts gone on before you approved. And to those other hosts whose inspiration,given permanence in expression, freight that great incentive and reward-the Motion Picture. ENGINEERING, Architecture, Invention and their train produced this structure. Painting, Sculpture and their allies mode it beautiful. Music, hand-maiden of the Arts, gives it life. PRESENTLY Science will lift you out of your- selves and take you to far places where Romance and Adventure still live, returning you anon to the happy contentment of Here and Now. HERE and now, You are You and the Michigan is THE MICI IGAN-made for you by countless generations of 'toilers for your comfort and pleasure, the glorious fruit of whose labors it is t,11-A 1e1 in deliver to you as the I 1 111