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January 04, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-04

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be made in the office, Room 105 Tappan Hall, January G, 7, 9, 10, and 11.
Hours: 9-12 and 2-5, except on January 7, 9-12 only.
ILY 0[[ CP ALIU I TI'I All election cards must he in by 5 p.m., January 11.
Those wishing to elect academic touses wbere action of the Classifica-
- - - -- - - -tion Committee of the Collkge of Literature, Science and the Arts is neces-
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of sary must get a ticket for their appointment with the committee from the
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until Recorder of the School of Education when they make their eiections.
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Gretchn Krug, Recorder.
V01m1ne S. WE I)N ESIAY, JAN-AY 4. -Number 7e6- Econom!cs 121--Lahor-
No section meetings today. Hour examination January 5, cover ng assign-
University Lecture: ments from last Mue book through December 16, Meyer lecture January 12.
Dr. Raymond Leslie :Buell, Research Director of the Foreign Policy As- Carter Goodrich .
sociation will lecture on "African an International Problem" at 4:15 p.m., Fri---
day, January G, 1928, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is P1ift SyN CI (onmmitiee :
cordially invited. There w l be a meeting of the committee today at 3 oclock in Barbour
F. E .Robhbns. Gym. Helen Hawkins, Chairman.

University Lecture:
Dr. Earnest A. flooton of
of Human Races and Types"
Natural Science Auditorium.

Harvard University will lecture on ''The Study
at 4 :15 p.M., Monday, January 9, 1928, in the
The public is cordially invited.
F. E.Robbiis.

Action of the Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science and the
At a meeting of the Administrative Board held December 16, Irving Gold-
smith was suspended from the University for the remainder of the semester
for plagiarism in Rhetoric 32.
John It. Effinger.'
General Committee on Vniiersitly College:
The fifth meeting of the General Committee on the University CollegeI
which was announced for Wednesday, January 4, has been postponed until
Wednesday, January 11.
Ira :1. Smith, Secretary.'
Freshman Elections:
Freshmen who do not intend to continue in the second semester courses
elected in September should consult their Advisers before going to the
Classification Committee. Those who are unable to make appointments with
their Advisers should consult Professor Frayer. Room 1220 Angell Hall.
W. A. Fraayer, Chairman, Freshman Elections Committee.
College of Literature, Scince, and the Arts:
Seniors who will complete their requirements for graduation in Feb-
ruary, and wish to receive their degrees at that time, may pay their
diplomja fees any time before the end of the semester. The diploma fee
blanks may be obtained in Room 4, University Hall.
Florence 1olir, Recorder.
Classification, Second Semester, College' of L., S., and A.:
Seniors whose names are now posted in the tentative list of graduates,
and who have signed reservations in one or more sections, may consult the
Classification Committee and complete elections in Room 231 Angell Hall,
Wednesday afternoon, January 4.
All other students who have signed reservations in FOU-t or more sec-
tions may consult the Classification Committee and complete elections in
Room 231 Angell Hall, also on Wednesday afternoon, January 4. The names
of these students are posted in List 1, on a bulletin board outside the Re-
corder's office and also at the door of Room 231 Angell Hall.
, Students who ,have signed reservations in THREE sections (names
posted in List 2) may classify Thursday, January 5, those whose names begin
with letters A to G inclusive in the forenoon in the Recorder's office, those
whose names begin with H1 to Z inclusive in the -afternoon in Room 231 Angell
Students who have signed reservations in TWO sections (names posted
in List 3) may classify Friday and Saturday; lItters A to E inclusive Friday
morning in the Recorder's office, letters F to M inclusive Friday afternoon in
Room 231 Angell Hall, and letters N to Z, inclusive Saturday forenoon in'
Room 231 Angell Hall.
Students who have signed reservations in one section only will begin to
classify Monday, January 9. Announcement concerning these, and concern-
ing appointments with the Classification Committee for others, will appear
here later.
). L. Rich.
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors of the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
Beginning Wednesday morning, January 4, and continuing until Satur-
day, January 14, the Upperclass Advisory Committee will consult with stu-
dents in regard to their elections for the second semester. During the first
week, i.e until Saturday, January 7, inclusive, the Committee will meet in the
Recorder'sOoffice, Room 4, University Hall, mornings and in Room 25 Angell
Hall afternoons. Seniors who wish to consult the Committee should do so on
Wednesday January 4, regardless of the number of subjects which they plan
to continue. Sophomores, and Juniors who so desire, are asked to report to
the Upperclass Advisory Committee before reporting to the Classification
Committee and in the same order in which they report to that Committee,
namely: those who continue in four subjedts on Wednesday, January 4,
those who continue in three subjects on Thursday, January 5; those who
continue in two subjects on Friday, January 6 or on Saturday, January 7,
Sophomores who continue in all subjects need not have their second semester
elections approved but all other sophomores are 'required to do so. Further
announcements will be made later.
C. C. )Ieloche, Chairman.
Sociology 162-The Student 3Minid:
It is necessary to change the hour of this class from 8 to 9 o'clock
Tuesday and Thursday. If any of those who have already applied for admis-
sion cannot take it this hour, or if there are any others who now wish to ap-
ply for admission, they must see Miss Mabbs in Room 106 Ec. before 5 o'clock
today. A list of those accepted for the course will be published Friday morn-
ing. No others may elect it.I
_lR. ., Angell.
iGsperanto :
Those who desire to register for the Esperanto course for beginners aref
requested to telephone dial 21751. C. Stiliman.
School of Educaitn:
Second semester elections for students in the School of Education should

1ry.Outs-li'chiganensian T ditorial Staif:
Tryouts for the Mlichiganensian Editorial Staff will be held at 3 o'clock
today at the Press Building.
---_- aunt Soule, Women's Editor.
Phlysk"Logical 'themistry 10a:
Attention of non-medical students is called to the fact that due to a
change in the curriculum in the Medical School, it will be necessary for stu-
dents who wish to take the laboratory course in Physiological Chemistry in
the fall of 1928 to enroll in the lectures in Physiological Chemistry 101a dur-
ing the second semester of the year 1927-28. Students who wish to elect this
course should consult Professor Lewis in Room 218, West Medical Building.
IL B. Lewis.
School of Business Administration-Lecture:
Mr. F. A. Newton of Hodenpyl-Hardy & Co., will discuss "Rate Making as
a Management Problem" for the benefit of students in the School of Business
Administration, and others interested, in Room 206, Tappan Hall, Thursday
afternoon, January 5, at 4 o'clock.
Hodenpyl-Hardy & Co., with which Mr. Newton is connected, has under
its supervision public utilities in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Tenn-
essee. C. E. Griffin.

!Statistical Mecha nics:
"I will begin my course in Statistical Mechanics, Wednesday, January
4 (announced for Second Semester). This class meets Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays at 10 o'clock in Room 1041, East Physics Building."
G. E. Uhlenbeck.
'university Club:
Next Club Night will occur Friday, January 6, 8:15 p.m.
Professor Laurence Ml. Gould will give an illustrated lecture on his
Baffin Bay trip.
Professor James O'NeiIl will talk on the Speech Clinic.
Program Committee. I
Camitus Organizations:
A' 1f'iat-rnities, Sororities, and other organizations should make ap-
pointments for their Michiganensian pictures at once.
Bryan Bunt, Managing Editor.
Sigmning-Out Slips:
t, -gnin -out slips for November and December must be in the Office of
the Av sis of Women before January 10. Alice C. Lloyd.
i_higaln Emn inm:ering Conference, Detroit, January 27 and 28:
Rtegular'l§ enrolled students, on presentation of an official statement to
that effect, will be registered free of charge at the sessions of the Third
Michigan Engineering Conference to be held at Hotel Statler, Detroit, January
27, and 28.
George I1. Patterson. Acting Dean, College of Engineering.
Hindustan Meeting Held During Recess
Over 75 delegates from 15 colleges Conismerce Tuesday, Dec. 27. That
attended the sixteenth annual con- afternoon officers were elected and
. general business transacted. Discus-
vention of the Hindustan Association sions of social, political, economic,
of America which met in Ann Arbor and educational problems were held
during the Christmas vacation. The also during the convention.
foreign students were taken on an Dr. Nur M. Malik, of Sayadwala,
automobile tour of the University India, a graduate of the University
hospital, observatory, and about the medical school last June, acted as
city by the Ann Arbor Chamber of toastmaster at their annual banquet.

Two of the regular department of
the Union were especially vel ia'
ronized during the Christmas holiday
period, according to an announee~n
given out by the manager's office. ye;-
terday. Mcre people than were e<
pected went swimming in the Uuion
pool in the short afternoon lerioui
from 2 o'clock to G o'clock, and the
Pendleton library, which was open
fronm 11 o'clock to 11 o'clock, was the
object of the attention of more per
sons than during any previous vaca-
tion period.
In addition to these two depart-
ments, the cafeteria and the soda bar
were held open during certain per-
iods each day and met expectations
in the amount of business that was
Three private balls were held in
the Union ballroom during vacation.
More than 600 persons were in at-
tendance at one, more than 500 at-
tended another, and the third brought
the total attendance to around the
1,400 mark.
The regular week end dances. Fri-
day and Saurday nights will be be-
gun again this week nd. Sid Bryant's
Union dance orchestra,, recently re-
turned froim the Opera trip, will fur-
nish the music as before.

Professors Randall, Curtiss, Baker
And G. F. Brett Represented
Michigan was represented by four
men at the 29th annual meeting of
the American Physical society, held
on Dec. 28, 29 and 30 in Nashville,
Prof. Harrison M. Randall, director
of the physics laboratory, Prof. Ralph
H. Curtiss, director of the University
observatory, Prof. Ernest F. Baker, of.
the physics department and G. F.
Brett, graduate student in physics, at-
tended the sessions of the society.
The meetings were held in conjunc-
with the physics section of the Amer-
ican Association for the Advance-
ment of Science.
The annual address on "T'he Gen-
eral Radiation"was delivered by Prof. 1
William Duane, the retiring vice-
president of the association. This was
followed by an address by Dr. C.
J. Davisson of the Bell Telenone
laboratories on "Diffractions of Elec-
trons by a crystal of Nickel," a sub-
ject of great significance for new
quantum n:echanics. The Willard
Gibbs lecture on "Resonance in the
Solar System" was delivered by Dr.
E. W. Brown.
On Thursday afternoon, Prof. Karl
T. Compton gave his presidential ad-
dress, "Recent Studies of the Elec-
trical Discharges in Gases." In the
evening a dinner for the delegates
was given.
The next meeting o- American
Physical society will be held Feb. 25
in New York city.
Henry Bart,'14L, Emmet F. Connely,,
'15, and Selden B. Daume, '201L were
appointed officers of the Detroit Trust 1
cantpany at a meeting of the exe-
cutive committee Thursday.
Bart and Connely were elected vice
presidents and will head the bond
department of the company. Daume
was appointed assistant secretary.
C COLUMBBUS.-Ohio State awarded
130 diplomas to students at the end of
the first quarter of the school year.




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