~SDAJA Y, 2s8. THE MICHIIGAN DAILY PA ... . 2rF PEA B D BLUE CAT EAM'S{ U 'PREPHIAES~kOR MEETS i t t <, . BIG 'TEN STARTS SEASON SATURDAY (Continued from Page Six) teamii, strong tavorites to repeat last to records given out after the gamze !ye rs triumph in pre-season talk. play he forced to swallow another this was the third loss by '. (*ei; intter pill admrinisteredl by the Purple L ,n-, in the last 70 games or so ' defeat in the opening gaince of the and the first win for the Purple in Conference race. ] 1 games .4 Last, ight 's gamnes, Michigan with Northwestern has a fine team, ac- lBradley and ('hicago with the Oregon cordling to every report and will cer- I Ag.gies, endedl the preliminaries to I ainly be one of the leading contend-3 the "main event" with the exception ors for the Big Ten crown now worn of a tilt scheduled between Ohio and~ U~iGL 'h.t , Dy1ii luiga. T . n. s giis c r,+ on+~iOYUW (" .oiuniluuf. ._..... LAS.SI.FIE.... THISTHIS~M * University Of Pennsyyaiiia fetters .Nose Out Wolv-erines In Last Milnute, 99 to :39 GAME TIED AT 'THE HALF Another highly groome Eastern quintet, the Penn cage squad, dis- played -enough in the only vacation tilt on the Wolverine schedule to force 'the Michigan five to bow in de- feat;. 39-36, the salaam marking the second humiliation in three start s f'or the defending Big Ten champions. Coach Edwin .J. Mather's Wolver- ines, performing without the super- vision of the veteran "Skipper," bat- tled the Quakers on better than even terms throughout the .major portion of the contest, but an exhibition of free throw skill under earnest the Penn squad' the verdict in the last 35 seconds of play. After the 17-17 knot time, incident- ally one, of the seven points at which the score was deadlocked, the Wol- verines managed, to forge ahead to a 36-32 advantage with less than two minutes to play. Four gratis tosses overcame the lead and then followed the break of the game, another opportunity from the misdeameanor stripe, a-,wardedt for McCoy's technical foul detected dur- ing the jump at scrimnmage. .McCoy attempted to catch the bail, it was; ruled, instead of ;tipping it to amae and Penn gained a one-poin1t advan- tage. Shaaf dropped a' basket as the gun barked to end the game, llichI gan (36i) B F 13 Oosterbaan rf..........3 2 8 Raber If...........1 1 3 Roseif /............... 3 0i 6 Chapman c*.............1 1 3 McCoy rg ..............0 1 t Harrigan Ig .......7 1 15 15 G ))0 Pennsylvania (39) B F P k artnett rf.............3 1 7 Lovepoy If ..............2 2 6 Connell c "...............5 1 31 Shaaf rg...............4 3 11 LazarIg ................0 0 0 Grube Ig...............1 2 4 15 9 ;>9 V-3, l.'41.11;" ' llv r dl es ii nie t'l PrtA'1 Ice Se,,si4us 11' *OPEN SEASON SATURDAY~ Ca ndidates fr the Woverine wrest- hung team r eturnedl to Ann Arbor six -days eariher from their holiday va- cations in ordier to get into better~ codton for the stren 'oils 1.)28 schedule which includes three hard dual meets in addition to the four regular Conference engagements. * I Practically every one of the strong- :K st; contenders fur the seven weight * - (Iiionls, 18 in all, returned to par- ..v ticip~ate in the extra practices. ac- :s:><' -^ ordlnlg to Coach Clifford Keen. Tie :,;:"::..addtitional wor k has put the ien in *good coniditioni for the first practice * meet which is just one week away. ,.~- -- h mat season will open Friday cc33tftlt"Slaghtr - and Saturday when the annual Unii- "Buch"SI~ightc versity championships will be ae- Former, Wolverine grid star and a trie. Ti et a oDv ' mmbe ofWalerCam~p's All-Amr,- been held b)efore the holidays, out it cnteam in 1924, who has been nam- haed to be postponed on account of a e asassistant to Harry Kipke at'int neto thatwa suffered ,by MichganState college next season. serammbsoftequd Slaughter was assistant to Georgeserammbsoftequd Little at Wisconsin iii 1925. i addition to the practice dual meets withOhio university, West 'VARSITY S IMN E 1'riia n ihgnSaecollege, Coac Ken anouned hatthe Var- WINS FOUR__DUAL MEETS sity squad 'will stage dual engege- (Continued from Page Six)} I]freshman team on January 14 and fancy diving. He was defeated by 28. While this will' be an innovation Strad o Eri, Rnglt ofPen nin local mat circles, it is expected to Strad o Eri, Rnglr ofPen A.provide valuable practice for the Var- C. and Lavin and Harwood of Wash- sity candidates in addition to giving ington S. C. Batter took a secondl and 'thle yearlings a, taste of outside corn- a third in this event. p-letition. One of the high lights of the trip This year's freshmran team includ- was Darnall's performance in the es a inumber of capable performers, 100 yard free style at Erie, when h^ but Coach B~otchen is handicapped by covered the century in 53.6 seconds. !an unusually small squad of candi- Darnall collected several scalps onl dates. The freshman outfit numbers the trip, winning from 'Wright, the only abioutt 30 men, less than half of Colunrr'bia star, in the 40 yard free Ilast year's candidates. style at Erie, and defeating Fissler of The all-campus" meet of Friday and the N. Y. A. C. andl Glancy of Penn. Saturday will have no effect upon A. C. in the century.I the composition of the team that will Wagner covered the 200 ya.rd brea~st meet Ohio university in the opening stroke in 2:49 or under on three oc- encounter on the 1928 schedule Jan casions. Against Penn A. C. his time 11 in Yost field house. The tryouts was 2:47, remarkably fast or thej for this meet will be held Monday event, afternoon. t k this great quintet that the Wolverines epen their season Saturday night. The game is to be played in Bart- 'lett gymnasium at Evanston and it is not at_ all beyond the bounds of In addition to the Michigan-North- western encounter the schedule cealis; for the followving: Saturday games: Purdue at Illinois; Chicago at Indi- ana; WXisc.onsin~ at Ohio State; Iowa NOTICE NOTICE-We deliver iwtween the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p n PromptI Delivery. B~arbecue Iun. Phone 4481. j 20 100 TYPEWRIT INGland lAlimeographiing promplt ly and ne atly done by ex- perienee(l opekrator's at ilodlei'St(' rate;. Colle.-C work a. spec iait y fo' nearly t wenty yea rs. 0. D). Moirrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. 76 FOE RENT FOR RENT-Desirable sunny roomi jfor graduate wvoman, two blocks from campus, southeast section. Phone 8006. 76, 77, 80 FORllRENT--Nice suite of heated rooms and board, in home. Phone 7796. 17G, a ItE \1 77, 78 reason to believe than the ., ichiga : at Minnesota. i i TYP~EWRITER RIBBONS-Ourrpi furmiovemi insures a fresh stock. You s .cur< the best quality at. a modler- ate price. 0.O. AMorrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. 76 Iir Y At Sr ALTERING, RPAIRING AND REMODELING OUR SPECIALTY Start the New Year with a new Marks' Weave. Your tux re- modeled for your next Party. See MARKS the TAILOR 1 05 South Fourth Ave. (OPEN EVENINGS A1 WONDERFII 'L I )1I'OItTUNtiITY' 'We operate a large fur ranch in 'W is- cousin specializing ini M'uskrats. We, have an op)ening on our sales organ-1 izat ion for men who are acquainted with numerous p~ersons. To such men~f we of or empnlioymlernt in a field that. shoauld net, in commissions t en to twonty-thousand dollars per year. AddIress: HUDSON SEAL SFUR COM1PANY, 54 W. RANIDOLPH ST., CHICAGO, ILIA. 70, 77, 78 TYPING--Thmeses ,a specialty. 'Rea- sonable rates. 1M. V. flartsuff. Dial 9387. 76 MEN-You can cash in on your spare time'' Get set now to make quick money dt ring your coming holiday vacation. WVrite, Marvel, Room 50:1 Equity Building, Detroit, Michigan. 76, -77 rF OR RENT-Second-story front room Ifor medics or married couple. Op- posite Palmer Field House, 1302 N. U. 76, 77, '78 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Society Brand Tuxedlo, Size 38, three-piece, A-i condition, $25. Call 8884, 1114 White St. 7U, 77 TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, .re- paired. Our machines and work guaranteed to give best satisfaction. 0. 1). Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. 76 LOST LOST-Watch chain, with gold foot- ball, at Field House, on Dec. 15th. Finder please call Scheler at 7522. 76, 77, 78 s 1; 't i j ;I .tA Sd - ,,, r . r" I Ph 1ll; IEII IIi 'I , 4 - S'I [e 'lII.Illlllltllll 1111IIIl IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 1 111 U 1I1II1II ii li 111 1111111 HiiIIIIIIII I 11111111 - - -I - ~--I - er Eu / >';- j 'GreewoodOan r _ i 11