aT - . J l c . ; ' ICJ ,- ?,, Fi;' ;F T . :", .T ';L 1P, ' . Iii?., TLIF. MICHIGAN DAILY ~DN~S DAY, JANTJAPX 4, 1q28 mwmmmkw OPER ('ST KLAOMASTATE TOOPS GUARD CAPITOL CHAMBERS F oresters To Visit UNION POSTPONES AS HOUSE MEMBERS AT TEMPI" TO USE SENATE ROOMS Schol Drin-We BOWLING TOiURN EY I~hOO Dul e helIowlng tournament, sponsored AFE811S tyI j . __________ ate 1Myiofte1ntdby the; Union and the intramural [de- ____________________HMeerfteU ite partment, has been postponed until tia llnSlthe thest erxior e an nd :Shirley the first of the week.of the Second se- .Allen.of.te Amer an.F"stry a.-meSte, acording to an annlonce- O LN O PR D C I Noc ationwlloh istheUit met made by the nmanagement of the w THE£ RAE LJAS4T 'i)ES TODAY LON CHA.NEY" "Tell, It, to the Marines" Children, Wec; Adults, :sac -'Read The.W ant. Ad s THtAN LAST11 YEAR'S, PLAY.......S............. TO%)CAPACIITY lQ SS {- .WILL PLAYAFTER J-IOP, y r x'z 'TheJ10 Same T1 0You" Receiv es FIi2r j or able Comnmenit Fronm Easteru Critics i Pila deiph i.t "The Same To You," 22nd annual w ., ,.f>-il. production of Mimes and of the Un- ion, completed one of the n -ost sue- Sclurds of ;t~tr1I:ocis have 1i,'en exercising dIaily on 'i sgroaunis o? tIlie 0Oklhoma state capitol at Oklahoma cessful tours in the history of the ; ity, where thn'y have Ie]n onl guard since Inec. 12, by ordo*1 ci (ioverlot' 11- zl'y S. Johnson, to p~revent the" legislature Opera when it gave the last of 21 ftram ing ii ti: the . 'ho~tSG ell':a seCl-l-oVenle( session to i ii f: rid othe- stalte officials on imipeachmnent charges. performances Saturday night at Or-; The gcv: rnor withdrewv the troops from the senatie claimm her and peran 0 co nmembers of the ,upper branch to con- chestra hall in Detrqlit. Following this :(ht the ir ses,,iols. 'V ha a'.nlta lpassed a resolution grant ing perm les> ;on to the house memb~ers, whose chambers- presentation the company brokze up ere undc'er gulardta use the un guat-ded seniate ehnmbero Wit'l the house members tried to tzse the chambers the until Feb. 4, at which time a special guardl was restored. performance will be given on Sat ur -______________________________________ day afternoon .fol lowing the ainnual D~ tr n e e S OtsFr her OCteoaneRceve T-hep trip this~ year, while not Ne sFroColge uskegon Fans' Gift extensive as 'that undiertaken -by "Front Page Stuff" of last year, wvhen ! ATIrON ( f'O)URSF 1NSTI''TItFD have ,otters tog ether for dramatic ptir- i nie Oosterbaan, captain of the" New York, Washington and Indian- Avl _M7'(I~LL BsiAE R01 LA Nf,(LUB poses. It was unsatisfactory to see the;: 1927 football team, is the proud re- apolis were visited, was more suec- playng t caacit hoses - ~T hrst men diresse(1 as women in t he dentI of a diamond signet ring, the cessful i ingt aait ossI Mcicl University, Montreal.- ACliuristagitoth al aon he wa. h pec de t wa c ure fo sud ns ho ar ntret d (ranmatic association plays. Smith t a git o th admirers from all lon theway Th preedet wa , oure fo stdent wh ar Intresed i; homxe town of Muskegon, Michigan. set in Ann Arbor the openinig week in flying htas bjeen inaugurated at Mc- I ulndler'graduates lfelt fie sanieway The ring was purchased with the do- when more tickets were sold, for 1lo- ('ill under thle auispices of the Mion- about: seeing womeni in mona' roles. nat ions of thce townspeople, and it is cal performances than ever before., The two associations now lend each uiqua~e in style. The stone is set in treat Light Aeroplane club. Pilots The show was'given in all four times; other to the other, and real women - plattinum and on one side is engraved in Detroit, and Orchieslra ;tall was are tieing hired, and students will lbe take part in the Amherst plays, and at. fire in football garb catching welfle teeyocso.Rvc iven a thorough training in the relme n h mihply.a orward pas. Onl the other side is well-filld at evey occasint red ae bbseeaamenplayere atitbat.yBe- ers in this city declared that no Mi-I groundwork of aviation. The coursepitrdaasllllyeatb.B- es production of the past had rivalled' takes the form of a series of lectuves CA0 AI)IA.N IEBATIIDS OBSERVE ? low the stone a lone basketball is en-r "The Same To You' in kaleidoscopic and demonstrations. COLL1!G F IFEAT i3IIN N I'SOTI' graved. Abcove the stone is the Michi- richness and beauty and1 that it madle ______gan seal and surrounding that is a its strongest appeal through its color qOui.It SCHOOLS WILL CARRY ON~ St. Paiil.-A studly of d'ollegifate ife siuitable inscription. and anim'ation. II31ISSOURI VALLEY ('ON IEEVI at the university will be made tonsight East Gom niliinents Show lvi 4 y members of the Iiversity of The greatest compliments rendered( St. Louis.-The Missouri Valley To.ronto debate team who mnet thle ! , a the production were given ini theI Conference continues to live. Despite Gophers in the music auditorium. The East, where there is considerable the withdrawal of the six largest I Caniadians, who have mnade a reqjuest competition in: the college, opera field schools from the conference, leaving to observe university life at an Amerii- from such organizations as tiele only four smaller ones, that organiza- ( can school at close range, will stay at "t Princeton Triangle club and the Uni- tion will continue to exist 'under its; fraternity houses on 'the campus, ac-- versity of Pennsylvania Mask andI present names, with the privilege ofj cording to students in charge of thel Wig, The Buffalo Consistory, the adding new members at will. affair. ePhiladelphia Academy oEey uiofiumatic, atindThe nw"i i"woenm a teEmery adtrn2a icnaintbe officially sx chosen , will meet were all filled for the performnances i in May to complete its organization. Osteopathic Physicians in those cities. While a greater part; Dil56 of every audience was made uip of SMITH COLLEG~E AND A-MUERST Drs. Bert and Beth alu ni'i and friends of the University, UNITE IOR D)RAMATIC('UPRPOS ES, H beer - there was a marked attendlance of --Ad-hca curss o yuFni outsiders indicated by box office irec-1 Amherst, Mass. - The women of Specayznardintreet ver sity courses and be prepared, orris. Smith college and the men of Amherst forY a position in a great and this week. Meyer comes today, while Allen will be here at the end of the week. Meyer was formerly stationed at tile Northeastern Forest Experi- ment station at Amherst., Mass., of which Dean Samuel T. Dana, of the School of' Forestry and Conservation was formerly in .charge.' The postponenment was due1 in part to a petition sent to the Union mange- ment by 11 of the men who have qualified for the tournament. The petition pointed out that a tournament might "interfere seriously. with the necessary preparations for final ex- aininations." Paiper's Praise .lProthic ion The Public Ledger described the show as "the most gorgeous and pep- piest of all simiar pieces,-' while the Inquirer specially praised tile pro- fessional aspects of many of the num- bers including the fan dance. A lIarge delegation from Mask and Wv\ig at-j tended the Philadelphia performance an expressed adm~iration for-.the work of the company. Seats for every performance during the Michigan part of tii~e toiur, coii- ducted earlier in the trip, were with- out reservation sold out long beforej the day of presentation. 'Grand Ra- pids, Lansing, Flint, and Saginaw all contributed to the success of the un- dertaking, while Cleveland and Trole- do accepted the production more than cordially. Regular social functions were 'a part of the trip in almost ev- ery city visited,. and these were sup- ported and attended by alumni of the University. These events took the form of ball, tea dances, and sup-. per dances held in the University clubs and hotels where, the opera made its headquarters. The Biuffalo Athletic club andl the Penin Athletic club were both thrown open to the members' of the company, andl all privileges of members were granted. Franklin C. Chapman ached as host in Philadelphia. In' this city, also a special trip to the United States navy yardi and a tour of various points of historical in- terest was arranged. This includedI inspeclon by special permnissionl ofj the new Saratoga, naval airplane car- rier. ----- ----an__ ,.,, COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN NvIii find the Packard Restaurant bigger and better than ever. 703 Packard St. !interesting proession where em-I lploylnent is certain and the I 'opportunity for advancement un- surp assed0(. *** Sf 41 Q a But W aeaHtdl TERF/ . ' . a 1 ta 1 A Sodia, welc in- Back- From t-he Holiday Acivities Tha~t Is Sure to Uit Your Funnmy-Bone for a Flock of LauaghIs and Agve You a Good Send-off for the 'New Year sTIME T1ODA r Finds _ , ? ., . 1 for "Breakig Columbus, Ohio Larm& Br. Co March 10, 1927 Larus & Br.o Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: Two years ago my wife gave me an expensive pipe. I smoked it a great deal for two or three weeks, put it aside, then began smoking it again. This time it was very strong. Veterans told me that it had been smoked too hard for a new pipe and should be put away. The pipe; was laid away again. A short time ago I got it out and smoked one of the common brands of tobacco in it. The results were disappointing. I told the druggist of my experience with it. 'He asked if I had tried Edge- worth. I told him I never had. I fol- lowed his suggestion, and I am honest when I say that it has restored the sweetness to the pipe, and has made me wonder. Was it the pipe or the brand of tobacco that caused me to lay it away for the long period of time? As a novice, I prefer Edgeworth. II am going to stick to it, as I feel satis- fied that there is none better on the miarket. Sincerely yours, Philip C. Shera ,Y r h rf r I Picturecl LfArtio ayga I '°, ; _ 1°jl ..., f , t , a f 1 2'J r // . " . . h 3 ''°,a24 1 t " I 1 .l... 1 'Y =a h Ws ; rlf i . ' nT' frs 1A ' Y ' f, .i fir.- " 5 With LoIS NV iison H. B. \Va rner Clive 13 rok and Li yan Ta hman POLICY 3I:30 8:410 lOc ON THE STAGE LLOYD IACH' TI- T-7 1KOHRFEATURES 1A CVODSON in ABS bTHFGRAVY" - 1NIC~1V 'T/ MTV TAT VQQ- -t nAt~ruI ind Ai vAA-r' -AAl't %Afl1x1 Y1IA i nF flr iM I4.1 .ir' AN «l111 hP thnt Vincint n 111