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j II0 GIRLS' PLA Barbour Scholar Finds Work Valuable l /nn A NR& London Weather Comes To Ann Arbor MUS
UIIfIIAnd Interesting At California Mission And Spoils Clothes And Dispositions
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hi Epsilon, national honorary
om nAriu flU l oo Word has been received by Miss our buildings for part of the beautifulrini DH ALL PfRb IIEm
Candidates For Second Tryouts Receive
Notices; Mystery Surrounds
Plot And AuthorS
The close of school for the Christ-
mnas holidays finds the junior women
elated with the progress of their an-
nual Junior Girls' Play, this year
marking the 24th production of its
kind. Preliminary tryouts for both
cast and choruses were held last week
with a total of 221 women trying out.
Notices have already been sent to
those women who qualified for second
tryouts, which have been scheduled
to 'take place immediately following
the vacation period.
Considerable material for the male
choruses was discovered in these first
tryouts, as well as several excellent
pefrsonalities for the leading roles, ac-
cording to Elizabeth Wellman, '29,
chairman of the play. Another oppor-
tunity is being afforded those women
who were unable to try out during the
past week to try out on Tuesday, Jan.
3, the daythat school reopens. Inci-
dentally, a call is sent out for more
material for male leads, of which the
committee reports a shortage.
Although Prof. John L. Brumm,
head of the department of journalism,
has been announced as the director
of the play this year, other duties have
forced him to resign his position.
Profound mystery surrounds both
the author of the prospective produc-
tion and the nature of its plot. It has,
nevertheless, been selected from the
competing manuscripts submitted by
junior women. The selection was
made by the executive committtee,
elected last spring by the junior wom-
en, with the aid of Mr. Donal Hamil-
ton Haines, director of publicity, en-
gineering research. It is expected
that the author and plot will be an-
nounced following the vacation.
A poster contest has been instituted
by June Marshall, chairman of pub-
licity, and Betty ,Smithers, chairman
of programs. The winning poster is
used for advertisement purposes and
as the cover of the play's program.
Women are asked to watch The Daily
for further announcements with re-
gard to second tryouts, meetings, and
contest competition.
Martha Cook Plans
Noel Celebration
Wednesday night the women of
Martha Cook dormitory began their
Christmas celebrations with the trim-
ming of a huge fir tree, symbol of the
holiday season. Tinsel, tiny bells,
and many coloredlights have dressed
the tree for all sorts of celebrations.
Last night at dinner time Santa
Claus visited the assembled members
of the dormitory with his mysterious
pack. Not a soul was forgotten by
tpie good old saint and the gifts were
of a great variety, ranging from tin
whistles to little dolls. The party
made everyone present wish she could
be a small girl again, hanging up
stockings and believing in Santa still.
This morning Martha Cook will give
a Christmas breakfast, a formal ob-
servance of old Christmas customs
and traditions. The women will form
a procession which starts at the top
of the house and as it winds down-
stairs more of the women will join in.
Each person in the procession will
carry a candle to be lighted from the
large Christmas candle in the hall
downstairs and placed in the windows
of the house. The breakfast will take
place early in the morning, beginning
at 6:30 o'clock, and each girl is priv-
ileged to invite a guest for the oc-
The Junior-Senior Brawl was hd
last Wednesday evening at North-
western university at a shack which
all of the guests, dressed like bums,
entered. A prize was given to the
worst dressed couple there.
Grace Richards, adviser to women, Mills campus. The architectural de-
from thehinesMsi Ho in sign as well as interior decorations
Oakland, California, of the work be-
ing carried on there by Tsui Fangt
Wong, a former holder of one. oft
Michigan's Barbour scholarships fort
foreign students, who left here lastt
Miss Wong came here from Canton,
China, in September, 1924. She was,
in residence at the Adelia Cheever1
house. Her plan when she left was
to visit an uncle in Oakland. Appar-;
ently, while visiting there she devel-
oped this opportunity for social serv-;
ice in the Chinese settlement house.,
Her recent letter tells of interesting
and beneficial work. "You may be
surprised," she writes, "to find that
I am- still in this country. In spite of
several tempting offers given me by
various colleges in China, I decided to
work here in this unique institution for
at least a year. It gives me a splen-
did chance to put into actual prac-
tice some of the sociological training
I received while at Michigan.
"This Mission Home is located near
Mills college; in fact, many mistake
of the home are essentially Chinese.
Underlying the daily program and
Yesterday's practice game between
the junior'and senior teams wound up
training and all, we are trying to re- the pre-vacation workouts for the
tain in our girls what is good in their c
Chinese culture and also to introduce class basketball team aspirants, the
the better side of American life and freshman and sophomore teams hav-
civilization. ing taken their last workout prior to
"Besides their regular public school the Christmas holidays on Wednesday.
education, they have instruction in Practice sessions are to be resumed
Chinese in the evenings; We are also M
trying to reach the Chinese commu- immediately upon the return of the
nity in Oakland through the large team candidates from the vacation re-
amount of case work we have to do cess, a strenuous schedule of regular
there. At present we have to take
care of children from broken homes
of all descriptions; but we hope the
day will come when people can bring
up their children in their own homes
and under proper conditions. It is
certainly painful for me to face the
fact that 'solidity of the Chinese home'
idea among our immigrants is not
being held as it used to."
The institution with which Miss
Wong is connected is known as the
Ming Quong Home, and is conducted
by the Board of National Missions of
the Presbyterian Church in America.
practice games having been arranged
in preparation for the annual inter-
class championship basketball tour-
nament. The first practice game will
be played Jan. i. All players will be
expected to report.
In the recent practices the players!
have displayed spurts of pep and fa-
tigue combined. It is expected that
they will return to the courts more
physically fit following the vacation
period and that the competition be-
tween the candidates for regular posi-
tions will be keen. An abundance of
material has not been noticed in any
of the class meetings and it is urged
that any players aspiring for a position
on any of the class teams report for
practice immediately upon the re-
opening of school. <
Soon after the basketball teamsI
swing into action it is expected that
the indoor baseballttrack and fencing
groups will start practices. Regular
Says Cora that it was said to be, far be it from
"By Jove, dear o1' London. Yes, sir, me to make mention of the fact. ToI
it's right here with us. Would you tell the truth I though it was prettyl
have thought when last Thursday good, once in a while.
morning it was so cold and you lay in Christmas is coming, trala tra la!
bed and debated whether or not you Aren't you happy. I am-just think'
ought to bolt that class you've already of all the useless presents you can get
overbolted-but it was so cold you to give to somebody else next year.1
just couldn't get up, that this week Why you can just stock up on
you would find this inane, tepid weath- things! And then vacation is so much
er. You know that weather is real- fun. Your family are always glad to
ly one of Ann Arbor's chief charms-be- see you and you just strut.your stuff.
lieve it or not, and I think they should Oh, I tell you, it's a great life. Merry
put it in the University Bulletin, you Christmas.
know, something liks this:
"The University of Michigan is lo-
cated at Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the Sa ta M aus -Vests
southern part of the state. One of the Are GivenC ld
chief charms of this city is its in-
finite variety of weather, there seem- ,-
ingly being no limit to its supply. Stu- The National Kindergarten and Ele-
dents have always enjoyed this more mentary College in Evanston has just
than any other feature and have never completed Santa Claus tests. Even
ceased to remark about this fact.-- . .
and so on far into the night." Santa Claus has his psychiatric side.
I wouldn't mind this weather half All five year olds consulted were posi-
as much if I didn't start out with my tive that there is a Santa Claus. The
best hat on for a 10 o'clock class and six year olds voted 15 to 1 for the
then bump into a rainfall on the way. six ye
It's too much for any woman to oldgentleman. Going up through the
stand, and if I were not the kind of ages the nun):r of devotees dwindled
nprson I am I'd probably complain to the varnihing point.
about it. It has been concludd by those who
I suppose you expected me to stick
my little say-so in about the -opera
and give a review or something,but who believes unreservedly in, Santa
not me-I know when I'm well off. Claus should see a phychiatrist.
Irregardless of the fact that it was all
Women's graduates of British uni-
NOTICES versities do not marry readily. Only
---1 in 20 of the women who have gone
Junior women competing in the pos- through college in the last seven
ter contest are asked to carry out years is married now. When asked
the following''trequirements in making why this is the case, they answer
up their posters. They must be 8 that education has made them look
by 11 inches in size and composed of for more in a man and that men are
three colors on a background, mak- afraid of educated women.
ing a total of four colors. They will
be due soon after vacation. For sug-
gestions and material, those interest-IU
ed are asked to call either BettyI DU I
Smithers, at 21716, or June Marshall, WILL
lat 9517, by noon today. LEIS
nusical'sorority held formal initia-
tion for the installation of Mrs. Julins
Beal, and Mrs. A. H. White, as patron-
esses of Gamma champter, Sunday
afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Hugh
Theinie, Geddes road. The purple and
white scheme was used throughout
the ceremony.
Mrs. Theime was hostess to the an-
m al Christmas party, following the
initiation. The program was furnished
by the pledges and gifts for the hos-
pital children were received.
Adelia Cheever dormitory celebrat-
ed Christmas Wednesday night with a
dinner party at which they had as
their guests the board of governors,
alumnae and friends of the house.
After dinner the women of Adelia
Cheever presented "The House Of
Youth," a Christmas masque written
especially for them by Anne Little
Brandes, guest of honor. The masque
depicts the tradition of the dormitory
and will be given every year.
Adelia Cheever is giving a Merry
Christmas to a poor and needy child
of Ann Arbor by providing him with
both luxuries and necessities. This
morning they are planning on having
a Christmas breakfast at which a can-
dle lighting ceremony will take place
and Christmas carols will be sung.
Indiana limestone is the material
which is being used in the construe.
Lion of the newsLincoln Memorial
building at Lincoln City. Ind.
"Miss Esther B. Van Deman is prob-
ably the most outstanding woman in
the field of archaeology today," said
Dr. Orma F. Butler of the archaeology
department. "If not the most promi-
nent of all she is without a doubt the
most famous of Michigan graduates
in the field. Her work in Rome during
the past many years has included date
identification, for the most part,
through such means as the study of
different mortars, bricks, and types
of construction.l
"Through her extensive research
work she has been able to date im-
portant ruins from aqueducts to
ancient walls of the city. She has be-
come such an authoritative person
that she was called into consultation
with government officials when new
ruinswere found in 1925 near Via'
Nezionali which revealed unsuspected
presence of walls of old buildings con-
cealed beneath the level of the city.
"Her expert knowledge and minute
work is evident in many of the art-
icles which she has had published,"
continued Dr. Butler. In the Journal
of Archaeology and in the Memoires
in American Academy she has pub-
lished articles which have made herI
name known-Sullen Forum and Por-
tico of Lucius and Gaius. In these
she has pointed out many features
hitherto unknown concerning the Ro-
man Forum.
"Miss Van Deman," added'Dr. But-
ler, "thinks that she has found a piece
of stone staircase that formerly was
contained in the leg of the colossal
bronze statue of Nero which was after-
ward moved to a place near the colos-
seum from which the great building
was named.
"I saw her many times in Rome
when I was there working," said Dr.
Butler, " and there she was very ener-
getic among the students to whom she
gave most generous advice. Her ap-
pearance and personality were vivid
with an active impulse behind the
short figure and rosy cheeked and
grayhaired head. One of her greatest
traits was kindness which was mani-
fested in her congeniality and soci-
ability. One of her favorite pastimes
was an interesting conversation either
with the professional or friend."
Dr. Butler also stated that Miss Van
Deman's present work is with Dr.
Thomas Ashley of the British School
of Rome. Her part is to date acque-
ducts of ancient Rome and to set times
when various repairs were made.
The "parody" issue, the second
number of the Scrawl, Northwest-
ern's literary magazine, has gone to
press and will be issued Dec. 14.
Tom Goodrich has written a length(
poem which is an important parody
on one of the famous authors.
Ancient Characters
Vere Human People
"One of the things which has ap-
pealed to me most directly in my
study and translation of folk tales and
fanciful stories," said Dr. Enno Litt-
mann, lecturer on "The Arabian scheduled work will not begin in theseI
Nights." "is the fact that the ancient departments, however, unitl after the
characters are human people with inter-class basketball tournament is
emotions and thoughts like modern e under ay.squadcandidates for
folks." the rifle team have been practicing
"I have translated the manuscripts regularly and are rounding into form
of hundreds of these and my work quickly. Several sessions will be held
has been in some instances to write wich ttheteam ill competition in
on their customs," continued Dr. Litt- other universities and colleges be-
mann. "This is a great pleasure to me, ginning Jan. 15.
but I feel that it is better to trans-
late the real poetry through which
the soul and life of those people may ANN A
actually be seen and visualized, un- $
colored by modern thought. Therefore $1
it is my habit quiteofrequently to
quote directly verses or passages
which I believe express feelings and City
the charming ideas of people of that 8 P. M.
age. When I spoke at John Hopkins P
recently in Baltimore I closed my Stop at Uni
talk with some poetry which is typi- TH
cal o the whimsical, imaginative and
yet human mind of the Easterner of
I antiquity,
'Sleep, my darling, sleep until the
morning do
I wake you in the morning when the
cock chants doddle-doo.
Then play with balls and marbles that
I will buy for you. MI
Iwlbufoyo.Sleep, my darling, sleep as well VT
As in the palm shade sleeps the ga-.
"4 humorous incident of my past
schools was recalled to mind recent-
ly when I lectured at Princeton uni-
versity. I told them the story of
what occured when I was taking my A MOS
doctor's degree in Germany. The
subject which I chose was a study CH
of the Tigre language of Abyssinia.
The All-University Vodvil schedule
has been cancelled because it con-
flicts with exams during the middlei
of January.
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SA Merry Christmuas
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Three thousand collegiate dollar boxes of
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Let us help you spread your Christmas
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During the holidays enjoy our hot
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It expresses the joyous, lilt-
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Our Resolution
Do you remember how, when you were just a youngster, you would determinedly
stay awake on New Year's Eve to hear the old year rung out, in order that your good
resolutions would come true? We are just as earnest about our resolutions as you were
about yours. We want to increase the service and the satisfaction which fwe have been
giving you. We are resolved that the faith which you put in us shall not be misplaced,
especially since we want to show you our appreciation of your patronage.
With every good