PAGE FOUR " THE MTCHTGAN DATLY FRIDAY. T7':CP,','v T ri..n SIG. 127 11H1 lMTCHT11V-.1 fl-11A S . L au, A Th l f i!~ Ti 11 1(19 l ______ _ _ _.._ _. __ Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Memker of Western Conference Editorial Association. e Associated Press i§ exclusively en- ttil' to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this papertand the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Fnn Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Suscr eation by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, 14.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492$a MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor......................Ellis B. Merry Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder Theater, Books and fMusic.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor............. Ross W. Ross Assistant City Fditor.....Richard C. Kurvink ,Night Editors Robert E. Fineh G . Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson John H. Maloney Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald Emmons A.Bonfield Richard H. Milroy "Stratton Dluck Charles S. Monroe Jean Campbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Harold L. Passman William B. Davis Morris W. Quinn Clarence N. Edelson Rita Rosenthal Margaret Gross . Pierce Rosenberg Valborg Egeland Edward J. Ryan Marjorie ollmer David Scheyer James B. Freeman Eleanor Scribner Robert J. Gessner Corinne Schwarz Elaine F.. Gruber Robert G. Silbar Alice Hagelshaw Howard F. Simon Joseph t'. Howell George E. Simons J. Wallace Iushen Rowena Stillman Charles R. Kaufman Sylvia Stone William F. Kerby George Tilley Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. WarnerJr. Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer Sally Knox Leo J. Yoedicke Jack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling teacher. Through the years his re- nown has extended beyond the bounds} of this school, and has made for him a position of national prominence. In 1908 he was chosen president of the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, from 1910 to 1913r he served as president of the Interna- tional Association of Medical Mu-f seums, for protracted periods he has edited professional journals and serv-1 ed on government commissions. The really pleasant thing about this1 anniversary of 35 years on the Uni- versity faculty, however, is that Dr.t Warthin is still an active man. Barelya past the mark of 60 years, the Univer- sity can still look forward to many, seasons of service, at least in an ad- visory capacity, from the man who has gained for Michigan such a promi- nent place in the field of pathology. It is scracely necessary to mention that the whole University joins with the Medical School in its appreciation of the work of Dr. Alfred S. Warthin. AUTOMOBILE PERMITS University officials in charge of the auto han enforcement have requested all students, now allowed to operate cars under the so-called Automobile permits and wishing to continue that operation, to reapply for permission before December 27. Though probably advantageous to effective enforcement, the ruling adds1 to the intracacies of University ad- ministration which have been happily reduced in other departments. More- over, the provision of just two days to obtain application blanks, partic- ularly when it comes at a time so busy for the undergraduate is incon- venient and insufficient for the stu- dents, as it also may be for the Uni- versity officials. Despite the wisdom or convenience of the measure, the individuals con- cerned are to be reminded that today is the last one to obtain application blanks for the reissuance of the per- mits, though the blanks may be mail- ed to deans of students office any- time before December 27. CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of cominuni- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Letters pub- lished should not be construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. M L (For the benefit of its iauy readers who will want to send Chiristmas cards during the holidays, Rolls has prepared a set of stock greetings, suitably engraved, which may be clip- ped and mailed with a minimum of t effort and expense. Extra copies of this edition can be obtained at The Daily office--adv.) =K* * j MERRY CHRISTMAS (From a woman student to the gent she took to the Pan-hellic ball)1 Merry Christmas Oscar (*) dear- ' I'm thinking of you, never fear. The J-Hop is a month away; I hope you come around some day. Marguerite W. (*) (*) Here substitute proper names,, if different from those given. * * * MERRY CIIRIST1AS1 *5 * * (From Harvey Emery to a student.) Merry Christmas girls and i;oys, I hope you get just lo1's of toys. Just walk and while the tinge away Anid maybe you'll grow up sone day. So wash your ears and comnib your hair Ilay Santa treat you kind and fair. (Pm waiting for you in my lair So when you come back--beware). t The Czar. I MERRY CHRISTMAS * * * is i Ii it THEATER BOO K S MU:I W - i I I I y SIC' BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BIUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager.... George H. Anjiable, Jr Advertising...............Fichard A. Meye Advertising............. .Arthur M. Hinkle} Advertising ...... . Edward L. Hulse Advertising............John W. Ruswincke Accounts:................Raymond Wachte Circulation............. George B. Ahn, Jr Publica'tion..................Harvey Talcot Assistants Fred Babcock HalA. jaehn George 'Bradley James Jordan Marie Brumler Marion Kerr James O. Br'wn Dorothy Lyons James B. Cooper Thales N. Leningtoa Charles K. Correll Catherine McKinven Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy Helen Dancer Francis Patrick Mary Dive. Ge e M. Perrett Bessie U. Egeland Alex K. Scherer Ona Felker Frapk Schuler Ben Fishman Bernice Schook Katherine Frochne Mary Slate Douglass Fuller George Sepater Beatriae Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson Helen Gross Ruth Thompson Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum E . Hammer Lawrence Walkley ;Carl W. Hamer Hannah Waller Ray Hotelich FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1927 Night Editor-J. STEWART HOOKER l se el r t IDv 1 vIQ i t . SERVICE FOR MICHIGAN Today several thousands of the stu- dent body will leave town, to spend the two weeks period of the vacation in their home towns. Stretching from coast to coast as she does with the representation of her student body, the influence which the University can extend during this vacation period, is vast and comprehensive. The tremendous possibilities which this wide dissemination of the spirit of Michigan affords are inspiring in- deed. Men from our own campus will reenter groups which they have left for months, and will have the oppor- tunity of gaining close contact with institutions and persons completely outside the sphere of University life. They will meet graduates and non- graduates, persons of all ages and walks of life, and, most important of all, they will meet in many cases the boys and girls of high school age who will be the University men and women of The future. It is in this direction, if in any, that the real responsibility of the student body rests over the Christmas recess. Michigan, to continue her high educa- tional standards, must have men and women of high quality, and these men and women will come here only if they know of the advantages which the University can offer them. Michigan's future lies with these boys and girls of high school age-her athletic fu- ture, her educational future, and her future reputation. Truly, very few phases of activity compare in importance to the activity which brings the Michigan men and women of the future to"Ann Arbor. If the student body is interested in the future scholarship, the future athletic teams, the future all-round reputation of its University it will spare no effort to see that the highest type of athlete, student, and personality is brought to' Michigan for its University career. THE TRIBUTE The recent tribute to Dr. Alfred Scott Warthin, professor of pathology, made in thae form of a memorial edi- CHRISTMAS GREETINGS (HA HA) MLhity ('111 iA% "MeryChrita,-itechlrn Merry Cristmas, Little children, (This greeting is for President Lit and God Bless you one and all. Re- tie to extend to any student.) member you are servants of the state: :x and will have to like the auto ban." Merry Christmas little ma1; This is not a quotation from the I hope you like the auto ban. Gargoyle or "Life's Little Ironies," You're just a servant of the state, but in substance an abstract of the But still it's quite appropriate That I, as lofty potentate, heartfelt Christmas greeting which Should greet m whole paatinate Clarence C. Little, genial president Thie President.* of our own University, extended to the () This may be the wrong word student body from the stage of Hill but it rhymes handsomely. auditorium Wednesday night. E * A The speech was announced in ad- MIERRY CHRISTMAS vance as a "Christmas greeting from * the President to the student body in connection with the annual Christmas concert by the band and glee club." The band and the glee club gave a very fine concert, but the President's idea of a Christmas greeting is ap- parently the same speech which he 1 e has given at the Pan-Hellenic dinner, the Highway conference, the football * banquets, and other functions earlier MERRY CHRISTMAS this fall. If our lowly position en- * *" titled us to say it, we might remark (The following is for a student toI that there are times when this speech send to to Harvey Emery.) on the auto ban is out of place, and * * * that one of those times is a Christmas concert. (:';) Of course we all realize that the part about "servants of the state" is (*) It is against the policy of The all blah designed to mollify the state Daily to publish profanity.s legislature. Doubtless the President would like to shift the blame for the MERRY ('1HRIS'TAS auto ban onto the Board of Regents, * * * but that is perhaps not the only rea- (From a student to a professor.) L son for this Michigan enthusiasm. It Merry Christmas, brilliant gentt gives one considerable dignity to say Fm very sorry that I wento that "I and the State of Michigan did Away before your Friday class.t this together." 4, , But I'll return ere iMiclaelinas.- Then.the most disgusting part about May nougtht in joy your Christmas o this auto ban Christmas greeting is -lack- its emotionalism. Never once, during I'm awfully anxious to get back.t this semester, have we had the oppor- A Scholar. s tunity to hear the ban defended from the standpoint of cold logic. The I MERRY CHRISTMAS1 methods which the President uses ini defense of the auto ban remind us forcibly of the methods of Clarence folong is an anonymous Darrw i th cout rom.contribution suitable for use almosth Darrow in the court room. tnwee)1 "Does the President dare," we fain anywhere:) would ask, "to approach the automo- bile ban from any but the emotional )Lerry Christmas to you all standpoint which he has taken thusj throw s in the hospit-all. I far?" "Does he dare to quote figures Finish this the way you will on student accidents with and with- His successor's miname is Hill, 'out the ban?" "Does he dare make Anonymous. public the cost of enforcing the pres- * * ent measure?" And finally "Can he MERRY CHRISTLAS1 explain the democratizing influence h;*f of a plan which displaces the student (This comment was submitted by Fords with taxicabs at 30 cents a Lark as a suitable epitaph for the Stu-. mile ?" Idn oni. "'HEl RO MANTIC YOUN( LADY" A review, by Paul J. Kern. If the general comments on the first wo performances of "The Romantic Young Lady" are correct, then the students of the play production class have improved, tremendously in their hree nights of practice. They are not professionals by a long ways, to be sure, but the Sierra piece wins beyond a doubt all honors for being one of the slowest moving shows ever writ- ten, and any actors who can stay awake during three acts of such a play -to say nothing of acting it-deserve heartfelt commendation. It is no mean tribute, then, to the work of the play production class when one can actually find moments of enjoyment in such a performance. Abounding in long and dull speeches; replete with scenes where nothing happened for minutes; and redundant with the most pointless prattle and verbose peroration, the Spanish com- edy exhibited few qualities that will ever make it a gate attraction, and fewer still to place it in a class with 'The Cradle Song." The plot of a simple young girl being taken in by a great literary personage is too dull ven to be trite, and the expenditure f three acts for the unfolding of the ale is almost inexcusable. On the whole the cast was good. Nearly every actor knew his lines last night-and several of them showed ctual flashes of fine characterization. Leaving the experienced Samuel Bon- ell and Richard Woellhaf out of con- ideration, Charles Green, Marie Boss, nd Dorothy Shore contributed what were probably the ablest bits. So with a final plea that play pro- uction pick a presentable piece for ts next presentation, may the bones )f "The Romantic Young Lady" rest n peace! T HE OPERA Last night "The Same to You" was put through a final rehearsal before ts departure for its Chicago opening onight. There were a few changes nade in the position and length of the numbers, and the costume plot of the irst act was materially revised, since he wardrobe has been somewhat am- >lified. The second act will be left ntact-even the critics were indul- ent with that--and the general pro- >ortions of the show will be the same. Whether the alumni will like "The ame to You" better than Ann Arbor id remains to be seen. They will be iven the opportunity of seeing a nuch better organized show, as the rchestra has ben put through sundry ehearsals under a new director, and his will eliminate some of the rough pots of last week. -L. L. W. "SEVENTH HEAVEN" Mimes next production to be given he week after we get back to school ill be the John Golden success, Seventh Heaven." The show has een in rehearsal for the last three 'eeks. The cast contains an impos- ig list of campus favorites-includ- g Charles Livingstone, Phyllis oughton, Robert Wetzel, Samuel onnell, Thomas ,Dougall, and Nellie oover. MEN WITh OUT WOMEN, by Ernest eming'way. New York: Charles 'ribner's Sons, 1927. $2. (Courtesy of The Print and Book Shop) A review, by Ross IV. Service. Once in ten years there comes along ome countryman to revive the peren- al dying American short-story, more less moribund since the heinous 0. enry. That this should be so is regretta- e, since it encourages a host of 'ros to inflict upon us a multitude f stuff which has no place outside ie covers of a magazine. But I am ire that Hemingway's readers will rerlook this when they come to "The illers," a superb tale of gangmen, eir victims, and the "innocent by- anders." To write in a manner psychological- sound without being obvious about I understand to the acme of the iort-story writer. This Hemingway as done in his two finest books. In is book in the same splendid way he rites of things as diverse as bull- ;hters and country boys, and with most equal skill flies from Italy to etoskey, Michigan, and back again. ith noble sympathy he writes of the 1ounded Italian war hero, and then, ith bitter irony (as good as Swift's seemed to me) he tells of Italy un- er Fascist rule. All hail the small tribe of expatri- es who can still write-Hemingway, anther, Bromfield, and a few others! Read The Want Ads a 'a Osteopathic Physicians Dial 5669 Drs. Bert and Beth Haberer 338 Maynard Street Specializing in Feet SWEETLAND The House of Qua liy For delicious toasted sandwiches and waffles. The Talk of The Town 212 South Main --- ___ __ - - - - -. -- Shaw Grocery Co. Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Quality Meats - Phones 3712-3940 - 709-711 Packard St. mitlttllll U lttllialttlittttlmhhltlttttmmm:,ftlIItI Go to Europe the erican way d enjoy yoursel $177.50 and up, round trip The time to plan your vacation trip to Europe is now. Demand for Tourist Third Cabin accommoda- tions is so great each year that reservations should be made well in advance. Last year many thousands of students travelled on United States Liners-this year there will be even more. These ships are so popular because they are Amer- ican ships. Standards of living in America are the highest in the world and they are maintained on the Leviathan, George Washington, President Roosevelt, President Harding, Republic, and Amnerica. Staterooms are clean and airy; social halls, smok- ing rooms, and libraries are attractive and inviting; the cuisine is well known for its quality by all expe- rienced travelers. Decks are wide and sunny. Best of all, passengers really enjoy themselves because of the American atmosphere of fun on board. Write for new descriptive booklet giving complete information about Tourist Third Cabin accommodations See your Student agent or your nearest steamship agent for further information and reservations from New York to Cobh (Queenstown), Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton, and Bremen, or write - 45 Broadway 'Phone Whitehall 2800 New York City Rider's "Masterpen," a{ $6.oo to $30.oo each; Eversha Pretty Christm Service complete assortmen arps in sets or single as wrapping withou 15 State St. Service t of Wahls Desk Sets frofn Largest stock in the State. it extra charge. - r ' . . 7- 'I\ Leave Your Orders Now for Christmas Candies, WE PACK, WRAP AND MAIL just leave your orders We do the rest BETSY ROSS CANDIES JOHNSTON'S CANDIES Remember the folks back home. Send them a souvenier of Ann Arbor. Nothing finer. BETSY ROSS SHOP Nickels Arcade Pal UALITY. V0 L& ~h nArt - 4. SQUALITY. I few suggestions for Christmas w a..r . .r rit. ElectI IC FEcl'r2(- Pecrcolators-....$7.5) to Urns ............ 15,00 to Waffle rIns .. 7.50 to $17.5A) 34.00 I5.)00 Electric T( Electric Ir Casseroles Special 7-Cup Electric Percolat Silverware--23-piece Jap Tea Se Stainless Steel Steak Knives, 50c to Stainless Steel Carvers in Sets or Pairs fro from Fischer's casters .......5.0 to 12.53 o s ........... 3.35 to 7.50 ih frames..... 5.00 to 5.50 or, $7.50 ts, $6.50 $1.25 Each m $2.50 to $15.00 ost any other safety razor assortment to choose from. 1 11 1 II Schlick Safety Razors and Blades. Also m make from 48c to $7.50. Pocket Knives, a largei l).__ -_3 i-CA . - ,4c fn I A