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Three Amendmeis Added To easure
Fought By Republican Leaders;
Bill Called Radical
(By Associated Press)
WASIHINGTON, Dec. 15.-With a
Democratic-Republican coalition hold-
ing the whip hand, the House early to-
night passed the tax bill with three
major amendlments which were vig-
orously opposed by the Republican
On a final showdown, however,
only 24 Republicans were willing to
go on record against the measure
after exhausting every parlimentary
means to eliminate the three contest-
ed amendments, among them one for
repeal of the sales tax on automobiles.
The vote on the passage was 366 to 24.
Sent to the Senate within 10 days of
the time Congress convened, the bill
as approved calls for an estimated an-
nual cut of $289,770,000 in treasury
revenue compared with the $232,735,-
000 reduction proposed to the ways
and means committee which whipped
the measure into shape before the
start of the session. Its total is $64,-
770,000 above the $225,000,000 suggest-
ed by Secretary Mellon as a safe max-
imum, and many of its provisions dif-
fered radically from treasury recom-
Adopt Amendments.
The three amendments which Re-
publican leaders sought to knock out
of the bill at the last minute had been
adopted earlier in the week under
rules which prevented roll-call votes.
Two, relating to corporations, were
sponsored by Representative Garner,
of Texas, ranking Democrat on the
ways ind means committee, Xhile that
calling for repeal of the automobile
sales tax levy was championed by Rep-
resentative MacLaughlin, of Michigan,
a Republican on the committee.
Just before the bill came up for final
passage, however, a rll callc were in
order, and when the House, by record
votes, refused to reverse itself on the
three changes, the Republican lead-
ers made a move to send the bill back
to the committee. But a majority of
the membership wanted it passed, and
the motion to recommit, offered by
Representative Bacharach, Republican,
New Jersey, was rejected by a wide
Many Suported Proposal.
The roll, call vote today on the Mc-
Laughlin amendment to repeal sales
tax on automobiles was 245 to 151
with Democrats and about a score of
Republicans supporting the proposal.
The bill as it reached the House from
the ways and means committee, pro-
posed a reduction of the present three
per cent to one and one-half per cent.
One amendment proposed a bracket
of lower tax rates for corporations
with net taxable incomes of $15,000
or less instead of the flat rate of 11
and % per cet recommended by the
committee, whil: the other would re-
quire corporations and their subsi-
diaries to file separate instead of affil-
iated returns.
The House by a vote of 212 to 181
sustained the lower rate proposal and
then adopted 210 to 187 the joint tax
return plan.
The last minute move of Bacharach,
to send the bill back to the ways and
means committee instead of passing i
along to the Senate would have un-
done all the werk the House had ac-
complished on the bill and the motio
was defeated 301 to 93. Chairman
Green was included among those op-
posing this move.
The Weather
(By Associated Press)
teplying to mayor william llde tion t comTnh t occ h suttI L V V 11 U
Tonghtat o'loc, the student
Thompson's request that he join the and yesterday morning sent a replyI
"America First Foundation," Presi- as follows:
(dent Clarence Cook Little yesterday "Mr. William Hale Thompson,
dispatched a letter to the Chicago President, The America First
mayor acknowledging the receipt of Foundation,
his literature and declining the op- Chicago, Illinois.
portunity to become a member of his Dear Sir:
auto ban will be lifted for the first
time since its inauguration in Sep-
tember. It will not go back into ef-
fect until 8 o'clock on the morning of
All students, acording to J. A.F l
organization. "My chief detailed re-
gret in looking over the literature,"
the letter concludes, "is that Wash-
ington's Farewell Message and not
yours is enclosed."
President Little received on Wed-
nesday numerous pamphlets, litho-
graphs and certificates from "Bill
Bill" urging him to respond with $10
and receive forthwith a membership
in the "America First Foundation."
Included in the collection were
speeches by Washington and Lincoln,
a book of sayings of Benjamin
Franklin, and a "Manual of Citizen-
ship," whose sub-title proclaimed it
to be "A text-book of American citi-
The President declined the invita-
Mlakes Official Visits In Company With
Ambassador iAorrow; Inspects
Famous Plane
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 15.-Mexico
coquetted with America's bashful beau
today, giving him a reception that im-
",ncnrlhimm~nn tan nv thr hP
The various publications, certifi-
cates, facsimiles, and other commun-
ications from your America First
Foundation reached me today.
I believe that America today needs
hard, quiet, creative work rather than
flamboyant advertising of the cheap-
est sort. There is' no shorthand meth-I
od of attaining true patrio;sm by
paying $10 and joining any associa-
tion or foundation.
It seems to me personally that it
is harder on Washington, Lincoln,
and Franklin to use their words for
advertising your plan that it is to
write books about ihem which tend
to show that they were normal hu-
man beings as well as divint ly in-
spired. You object to the latter pro--
cedure and are urging all people who
want tq pay you $10 to support the
former. That kind of 100 per cent
Americanism makes no appeal to me.
My chief detailed regret in looki N
over the literature is that Washing.-
ton's Farewell Message and not
yours was enclosed.
Sincerel vours.
Bursley, dean of students, who have
not already done so should obtain ap-
plications from the office of the dean
of students sometime today if they
wish to re-apply for automobile per-
mits for the coming year.1
These blanks should be properly
filled out and either mailed or brought
to room 2, University hall, before Dec.
27, 1927. Plates and permits will bej
ready for distribution on Dec. 30 and
31 and on Jan. 2.
Borah, Hefilin, Lafollete And 'Norris
Juqn1alifiedly Deny C'laiis Of
MexicanI Document%
([By Associated Press)
WAT-ITNGTON. Do,.c 15-Mexican1
Four Michigan Cities Besides Detroit
11111 See "The Same To You"
Union Orchestra M alies Trip
I- 1
"The Same To You," 22nd annual
Union Opera, will make its out-of-
town debut in formal fashion tonight
when it moves into Chicago for an
appearance at the Auditorium thea-
ter. The reception which will be
granted the opus is partially guar
anteed by the remarkable advance
ticket sale. Early in the week the en-
tire lower floor of the theater, which
is one of the largest to be played
during the tour, was sold out through
applications obtained here at the
The Chicago trip will afford little
time for anything other than the
performance, since the special grain,
leaving here at 1 o'clock today, will
Lapses In efen se Permits Easterners
1j oA mass teord Score Agai'T st
Pittsburgh's clever Panther sharp-
;hooters humbled Michigan's em-
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh )ryonic basketball team wit out ado
Renowned aviator whose reception last night in Yost field house, rambi-
in Mexico at the present time, as a ing out of the East of which they are
result of his successful non-stop flight { ers, and tamed the Champions of
from Washington to Mexico City, is the West, running up a record score
said to be second to none.
I a,
Choose "Hell
pressedn im more t1an any o tere e Next Pub
has received at home or abroad. Play P
"Vivas" flags and bunting in the
capital of the southern republic vied TO HOLD
with 'New York ticket tape, and thef
bouquets and medals of Washington, "Hell Bent1
Paris, and London in acclaiming Col. tic success of
Charles A. Lindbergh as the darling and a product
of the people wherever he goes. been selected
President Calles, who hugged the its next publi
American flyer on his arrival yester- will be give
* ' h1 beginning Jar
day, put the official seal on the na- length of the
tion's welcome by a half hour conver- announced.
sation with him in his private office. "Hell Bent
The aviator left Chapultepec for an Imatization ofF
ligious fanati
afternoon of sight-seeing and other mountains, an
entertainment, to be followed by a tics to be a v
fete in his honor arranged by the cast for th pr
foreign office at one of the city's from all-cam
{ largest theaters. all this week
Lindbergh said at his reception, "I part are req
have never been so impressed by any Fleischman im
of my receptions anywhere as that The playc
in Mexico, and I am very grateful for 'test productio
the warmth and spontaneity of the ex- oratory of P
pressions of good will." versity hall,,
The young flyer made a series of of- other vehicles
ficial visits in the morning after a 12- again constru
hour sleep at the American embassy properties, as
and then went to Valbuena air field to mantic Young
see the famous airplane that carried in the latter
him from New York to Paris, over praise for th(
virtually the entire United States on Direction fo
a tour, and eventuaffy from Washing- ven" will be
ton to Mexico City. Fleischman, s
Ambassador :Dwight W. Morrow ac- monk'.
companied his youthful guest on the "The Romai
official calls. Several hundred per- Martinez Sier
persons had gathered at the gates of day run lastr
the American embassy when Col. ter. It wast
Lindbergh and Mr. Morrow left it for works of Pl
,the foreign office. The crowd shout- this year, an
ed, "Vivi!" and Lindbergh responded laboratory wo
with his usual quick smile and a wave to be conside
of his hand as Ambassador Morrow mester inclu
beamed with pleasure. "Mr. Pim Pas
511 ley y u z,
C. C. Little"d
Bent Fer Heaven" As
lie Presentation Of I
roduction Groupz
Fer Heaven," a drama-l
f the last few seasons,
of Hatcher Hughes, has
by Play Production for
c presentation. The .play
at the Mimes theater
n. 17, although the
run has not yet been
Fer Heaven" is a dra-
a situation involving re-
icism in the Kentucky
ad has been said by cri-
ery powerful work. The
oduction will be s~lected
pus tryouts today and
end. All those wishing a
uested to see Ea
nmediately in his offlce.
was recently given a
in in the workshop lab-.
lay Production in Uni-
along with a series of
. Stagecraft classes will
ct all of the scenery and.
in the recent "The Ro-
g Lady." The sets used
play drew considerable
eir conception.
)r "Hell Bent Fer IHea-
iin the hands of Earl!
upervisor of the depart-
ntic Young Lady" by
rra, concluded its threeI
night at the Mimes thea-
the first of the public
ay Production attemptel
d was chosen from class
irk as was the last. Plays
ered for the second se-
de "The Silver Cord,"
ses By," and "Icebound."
Associated Press)
Dec. 15.-The ice-sheeted
pice St. Charles orphan-
today had given up theI
children who perishedj
destroyed the structure
Twenty-one others still
VVL1 11I k1 i, 1V . .0 M I il
documents of disputed authenticity
saying that $1,215,000 have been set
aside by the government of Mexico to
Senators Borah, Heflin, LaFollette,
and Norris were laid before a Sena*e
committee today and were answered
immediately with unqualified denials
by all of the principals involved.
The documents were submitted by
William Randolph hearst, in whose
newspapers they had already been
published in parts. The publisher
told the committee that while he had
reason to believe the papers genuine,
he had no evidence that any of the
money was paid.
Three of the four members named!
arrive in Chicago about 6:30, and
will leave directly after the show.
The company. will return to Do-
troit and will make its ueadquarters
at the Statler hotel until Wednesday.
The Detroit performances will be
given at Orchestra hall. Toledo wilti
be played on Wednesday, and addi-
tional affairs have been arranged for
the entertainment of the company,
including a get-together with alum-
ni at the University club and a tea-
dance there in the afternoon. The
performance will be at the Rivoli
In Michigan Thursday
The Michigan tour will be begun
Thursday with Lansing. A supper
dance has been provided for at the
came before the committee voluntar- Olds hotel after the show at the,
ily and made their denials undei' Strand theater. From Lansing the
oath. Borah, of Idaho, who chair- company will go to Grand Rapids,
man of the Senate committee whiichwhere the performance and a ball
deals with international relations, will be held in the Regent theater
said he had never been-approached. and ballroom. Flint will entertaIne ,
"either casually, directly, expressly "The Same to You" company on
or impliedly, in any way, shape of Saturday with a tea (lance and ball
form." Heflin of Alabama declared lie at the Durant hotel before and after
had received no money in connection the show.
with Mexico except from ministers, 1 The state tour will be concluded
Ku Klux Klansmen and others for Monday with a showing at Saginaw,
expenses for his lectures on Mexico but Christmas will be spent at the
and demanded that the committee Winona hotel in Bay City. The com-
make an example of those responsi- pany will be entertained at the Sag-
blefor the charges. aFollette, of Wis- inaw club before the performance
consin described the attempt, to l1 k and a ball will be held afterwards
up his name with this matter "'lj at the Saginaw auditorium.
infamous and cowardly fraud." { Tuesday the company will take the
Norris, of Nebraska, confined to his attraction to Cleveland, where the
house by illness, rose from his sick Opera will be given at Masonic audi-
bed to prepare a statement saying i torium. with ball and entertainment
Ithat lie "never had an offer or any at the University club of that city.
intimation that anybody contemplat- The Consistory at Buffalo will house
ed offering me anything." the performance and the dance fol--
Denials Heard lowing, on Wednesday, while enter-
During its two sessions and a third tainment will be provided at the Buf-
tonight the committee also heard de- falo Athletic club.
nials from others who were nailed To Phay Ph ilidelphlia
in the documents. Among the wit- iPhiladelphia will mark the furthest
nesses was Dudley Field 1alone, tie point east at wich the Opera will
New York lawyer, named inm the arrive this year, andI xilil1be playedi
Spanish text of the document as the on Thursday. No events will be held
pay-off man in this country. He said 1 after the show in Philadelphia b
lie never had any connection what- cause the special train will leave iii-
ever with such a project, and de- mediately after the performance for
scribed signatures purporting to be Cincinnati, the place of the las: reg-
lhis as forgeries or copies. ular showing. The Emery auditorium
Arturo M. Elias, the Mexican con- and the Sinton ihotel will be the
sul-general at New York, also tool; I places of the performance and the
Ithe stand just before the long after- ball respectively. Saturday the t in
session of the committee adjourned, will return to Detroit where a spec-
Iand flatly denied the references made ial demand performance has been ar-
to hint"and the mysterious .bcu ranged for New Year's Eve at Or-
nlents. lie volunteered to be sworn clhestra hall. The company wvill dis-
before he told his story despite the band immediately after this presen-
fact that the Mexican embassy had tation.;
taken the position that he need not The Union dance orchestra will
appear at all if he preferred to plead !play for all but a few of the dances
diplomatic immunity. during the course of the trip, since itj
The Mexican government several is being used during the course of
times has denied the authenticity of the show on the stage. This was not
the documents, but both Hearst and done during the Ann Arbor perfor-
several of his employees said on the mances. A few other alterations in
stand today that they had been as- the routine of the show have been
sured the papers came from the oic-h completed during the last week, and
lal files of the Mexican governmlent.f the performance as it xwiil be given
Some of them, it was testified, were in Chicago will be slightly different.
brought out of Mexico, and some!
were taken from Elias' Mexican con- NE W ORGAN SOON
sulate in New York. Hearst said they
cost around $15,000. TO BE INSTALLED
A Work leading to the installation of
the new Skinner organ in Hill audi-
torium is progressing very satisfac-
Total Of 305 Probations And Warning':,
Shown By Statislies; Only 219
Duirhig Last Year
More students y ere placed on
warning and probation as a result of
the mid-semester grades in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts than at the corresponding time
last year, it was revealed by statistics
released from the ofiice cf the assist-
ant dean of the litdrary college yester-
day. The total number of both warn-
ings and probations was 305, while a
year ago it was 269.
The number of probations inereased
this year over December of last year
by 61, being 68 in 1926 and 129 thTis
year. The total increase was some-
what lessened, however,- by the fact
( Vt
that there were slightly fewer warn-
ings this year than last, diminishing
from 201 to 176, a decrease of almos
exactly 12.5 per cent. All of the fig-
ures are far higher than those of th(
preceding spring mid-semester, sinc
in May last spring only 14 student.
were placed on probation with 68
placed on warning, and in May of 192(
only 17 were placed on probatio
while 89 wvere wvarned.
The figures for the two precedinl
years follow: December, 1925, 23!
on wraning and 109 on probation
May, 1925, 45 on warning and 9 oni
probation; December, 1924, 247 o
warning and 66 on probation.
The increase in the number of stu
dents both warned and placed on pro
bation this year is 13,5 per cent. Th
number includes only those disciplin
ed for scholastic causess and lha
niothinlg to do wvith tile (lisciplillar;
measures connected with other phase
of University activity..
Gerald Hoag, manager of the Ma
jestic theater, announced yesterda
that the opening night for the nei
Michigan theater would be Thursda
nighlt, JIan. 5.
Tihreeeiglit-hour shifts- of decora
tors are working steadily on the buili
ing in order to have tie theater read
for the opening night. Backstag+
electricians are at the present tim
installing the three-ton switchboar
Arrangements for the opening pre
gram are not yet complete, but tent
tive efforts have been made to secue
SIda May Chadwick and her troupe f
the opening vaudeville act, Hoag sal
otj 49 points while the Wolverines
found the basket for 39 counters.
While showing flashes of real pow-
cr, Mlather's team at times lasped in-
to the purely nediere, not a one of
the Wolverines but what was a victim
of Panther wile. The first half found
the two teams fighting on practically
j even terms, the period ending 25-23
in favor of the visitors after Michigan
had assumed a 17-8 lead.
' P t sburgh Scores First.
Within five minutes after the second
session began, Pittsburgh took a lead
which she never relinquished, the
score standing 49-35 at one time.
While this half found Pittsburgh con-
' tinning with a great brand of ball, it
saw the Wolverines on a decided de-
cline. Their shooting was attracious
at times as they seemed utterly un-
able to find the hoop.
1 The Panthers, on the other hand
missed few opportunities. They work-
ed throughm tme Wolverine defense
- without much difficulty-in fact they
, made the Michigan "stonewall" look
like pap r mache. Even with all of
their shots missed, the Wolverines
counted often enough to win under
ordinary circumstances.
Exceptionally Large Score
Circumstances, on the other hand,
t were not ordinary. The Panthers ran
- up a score almost unheard of in
Wolverine history, no matter what the
t sport may be, as far back as sport
- records go. Another interesting oc-
currence was that a school was able
e to use an entirely new team effective-
s ly against Michigan.
Outstanding among the warriors
who threw up the Pittsburgh smoke
screen were Wroblewski and Hyatt.
Wroblewski proved himself a marvel-
g Ous shot while IHyatt's floor work
9 bordered on miraculous. He fulfilled
all expectations, being an all-Ameri-
e can prep school athlete. Captain Reed
n was the star of the invaders, with a
delicate eye to say the least. Pitts-
~ burgh had a great team; which Michi-
~ gan, suffering lapses at times, could
c not cope with.
Pitt sburgh (49)
Iyatt, If...........7 1
Cohen, rf....... 0 0
McMahon, c....... 0 2
Wroblewski, Ilg .... 8 0
Reed, rg (capt) .. 7 0
Zehfuss, rf........ 0 2
i'I'la5 Not Settled.
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 15.-Colonel
Lindbergh's plans are not yet settled.
He does not even know how long he
will remain in Mexico City or where
he will go from here. One thing he
emphatically declares-he will go by
air when he does. Invitations have
been received from several Central
American countries, including Nicar-
auga, for a visit there, but these must
be taken under advisement before a
decision is reached.
Lindbergh went to Valbuena field
t"is afternoon and made a careful ex-
ain ination of the Spirit of St. Louis.
He pronounced the plane in perfect
condition-no damage whatever in yes-
terday's landing or by the crowd. He
can start on another flight immed-
iately, lie remarked, if necessary.
ruins of Hos
age for girls
bodies of 33
when a fire
i last night.
taiber, I
Kanitz, I
22 5 7
Mlichigan (39)-
aii, rf,c .... 6 0 1
f ......... 3 0 0
1,.c...... 0 1 1
ig .........3 0 2
, rg (ca. 4 3 1
if ..... 1 0
17 5 5
were missing.
Throughout the day firemen and
volunteers combed the tangled wreck-
age while grief-stricken parents be-
sieged the morgue and hospitalsbin
search for their children.
Some of the missing, it was believed,
had been taken home by friends and
relatives 'who had not reported their
Snmw flurries and much colder to-
day; onorrow mostly cloudy, some
snow likely.
in commenting upon The Michigan wl
Daily in an interview recently, Prof. w
P. M. Jack, head of the rhetoric de- it
partment, stated the belief that more
space and attention should be devoted pr
to student views and opinions than is pr
the case at present. vi
'IT - A }ha T9S n 1 p "j I + -tq. 1A
hich specializes in this field, and interest in literature is not sufficiently extremely well done, ranking witht
ill devote more space and details to stressed. More space, he believes, practically any student publication in
than The Daily can afford. should be devoted to our dramatic and America. These, he said, are at pres-
In place of political news, he would literary reviews. Since The Daily is ent practically the sole means of out-
efer that space to be devoted to ex- litrary re vig T Daily is et pi-actideyt ole
essions by the students of their not hampered by having to cater to let for student opinions.
eew-points upon these same matters. book stores and publishers, it might In commenting upon Toasted Rolls,
s he nuts it "Pnlitical views rather by unbiased criticism become one of Professor Jack stated that before he
torily, according to Chrales S. Sink,
president of the School of Music.
The old Farrand and Voty organ
which was originally constructed for
the World's fair in 1894 has been
taken out, dismantled, and shipped
away. Construction work for the new
With the last Michigan Night radio
program until after the Christmas
holidays broadcast, a great many top-
ics relative to the University and its
interests, in addition to a varied mus-
ical program by University specialists,
have gone on the air, according tIo
Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric de-
partment, program manager and an-
I nouncer of the series.
1 A summary of activities in this re-
I spect shows that athletics have been
Y treated through the microphone 1y
- Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
Aiton and Cross have given radio
addresses; political subjects hav
been discussed by Professor Reed
and Cuncannon; business, by Pro-
fcs;or Sharfman; engineering edit-
cation by Professor Worley; aviation
by Professor Kerber; forestry by
Professor Dana; law by Professor
S'underland; vocational education,
by Professor Myers; topography by
Professor Karpinski; and the func-
tion of speech education by Profes-
organ is well auong, and the real in-
otalain o f-p n w ietrn p f wil