r W. T rT- w RT TT^A LA! T% A TT X7 1-0-ACIE FIVE THIUlRSDAY, DECEMB~t 1ir , 1927 ETHE MICIGAIN DAIL Y ft u r. CLAIMS ORGANIZATION Blck Satins To Be Pc Says Buver Just B LACKS DEFINITE GOAL'I Xtarlan L. Welles, '28, 1Iepresentative At 1926 Convention, Gives Conm- ment On Federatlon'sAims THIRD MEETING NOW ON' "When the National Student Federa- tion of America met here last De- cember, a striking change was made in its program from that of its first meeting at Princeton in 1925. Recog- nizing that'fact that the national and international political problems which it had considered at the first confer- ence were so far above the practical life of the average student as to hold little interest for him, they scheduled fqr discussion the more vital ques- tions, to the students at least, of col- lege athletics, student government, the curriculum, and the like," affirm- ed Marian L. Welles, '28, who was the women's representative at the confer- ence last year. "It was hoped that the studentl would be awakened to a realization of the existence of these problems, and' the need for serious thought and ac- tion. I felt, however, that they were not getting very far," Miss Welles con- tinued. One of the difficulties which hinder- ed the organization from becoming an efficient working unit, according to Miss Welles, is the actual territory, which it must, almost of necessity, take under its scope. Another objec- tion is found in the fact that few of "Black satins will be very good for '1ing; wear," according to Miss Irene Ilohlenkamp, who has just returned from New York. where she goes ev- ery season to personally select the dresses for Mack and company. "They are decorated with brilliant pins, in arrows and various other shapes, and with lace of either black or cream color. Drapes are used to a large ex- tent. "Suits will be popular, espec.ally in the light colors. Tweeds and kasha are almost entirely in light colors, and twill in navy. White satin vestees will be worn with the suits, in, place of waists. Coats are in straight, tail- ored lines, with and without fur col- lars. Kasha is here again, in the light colors. Some will be made with an ombre effect, of kasha and tweed material," Miss Hohlenkamp went on. "In dresses, there is no particular neck line, as yet, although some col- larless neck lines have been used. Circular skirts are good. Ensembles are in both silk and wool. Some are I Dil length, others three-fourths, or opular For Spring, Sack From New York, short. Where the coat is full length, there may be a one piece dress with it, if not, a skirt and waist. T'he wrap and dress combination is especially good this year.- "Beads and sequins are being much used on evening gowns. In both eve- ning gowns and dinner gowns, uneven hem lines and drapes are common. Most of the dinner gowns have low V necks. Lace and chiffon, and taffe- ta in the bouffant style, decorated with tulle, are the most popular of the evening dresses. "Hosiery will be light. At present gun metal is popular as it always is during the galosh season. "Lacy things will be very good, and lace is used in combination with georgette especially. All colors will be used, but especially pastels, biege, navy, and black, as far as has been yet decided. Prints will be common, especially "talk-of-the-town," a n d Indian tribe prints which represent scenes, and are similar to the Western park scenes used a year ago," Miss Hohlenkamp concluded. Old Book Tells About Women's Sports In Past I s . PRACTICE ATTRACTS C hristmas Spirit Is NOTICES Here Witout now Tryouts for the Junior Girls' play H ere Without Snow r u orchestra, regardless of class or school, will be held at 4 o'clock to- By R. S. day at the School of Music. The fol- Holiday snow may be lacking out lowing instruments are needed: banjo, the Christmas spirit is everywhere traps, flute, cello, violin, saxophone, Holly wreaths, evergreen trees, and and trombone. Exercise of a desirable sort for the This week concluds the third week young ladies of a century ago is one of practice for interclass basketball, of the subjects treated in a book en- and there remain three more after titled "The Young Ladies' Friend," by Christmas vacation, two before and Mrs. John Farrar, published in 1838. one followingthe period of final ex- Intededto erv as maualo;,laminations. The schedule for prac- Intended to serve as a manual of~ jtices after the holidays is as fol- guidance to young ladies, the book lows: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 treats of health, exercise, morals, be- o'clock,. sophomores and juniors; at havior, and fashions, in a way which 5 o'clock seniors and freshmen. is both interesting and amusing to tae The turnouts have not been as large is othintresingandamuingto ~ieas in previous years, but a. great deal twentieth century woman who con- of interest has been manifsted by siders herself so free. those who have been practicing. First "There are some games," says Mrs. year women lead in numbers having Farrar in her book, "which might be had enough players for four teams at nearly every practice; sophomores played in the open. air by grown-up and juniors run a close second, whie young ladies with great propriety, if the number of seniors is relatively arrangements were made for the pur- lo :. pose; and it is to be hoped that the During the first practices the play- time will come when every gentle- ers were put through the prelimin- men's seat in the country will be ary elements and technique of the furnished with the means of out- I game and given instruction in piv- door exercise for ladies, such as oting, bouncing, guarding, jumping, bowling alleys with lighter and small- and shooting for baskets before real er balls to suit their little :ands, playing began. troco-grounds, quoits; bows and %1'.-1 Miss Ruth ige, assist ait coach or rows for archery, bowls, etc. li n terc(ahss basketball states that lie stormy weather, the first ef these material furnished by a]ll classes is games might be played under cover (ne('('l1t, I a IaPeiYs have bocn with a free admission of air, and c-1) g 1r' larl y to practices and prove an excellent substitute for on - c orking harid, a nd that Ilthere is ev- d10r exercise. 01"t ' 1 II(toexpect sgood teams tromp "'Battledoor, t he gracei, aIlc sxipp-'a ('h ofIthe 1four (las ,es. ing-rope are also very usel, as, by j) ayers are reminded that they bringing the arms into play, they ex- nuSt be present at at least 8 of the excise the lungs. If, instead of sitting 1. pra'tic periods ill order to be a whole morning over your books and eligible for teain membership. window displays are all evidences of holiday spirit, and in keeping with this spirit different universities and colleges have made plans for cele- brations. The- University of Wiscon-sin pre- sents the most ambitious plan in the All junior women who were uItable to try out for the Junior Girls' Play during the past week of tryouts will be given another opportunity to do so on Tuesday, Jan. 3, the day that school reopens. According to present plans, the tryouts at that time will take place from 4 to ' o'clock in ATHENA, PORTIA ENGLISH ACTRESS I-JO LD TRYOUTS SHOWS EXHIBITION OF LACQUER WORK Tryouts were held for the Athena- A woman for whom Bernard Shaw Portia debate Tuesdlay night by both wrote a play, Sargent painted a po- .so(cties. According to Fam ine Zol- trait andl Whistler made a friend is ler, '23, president of Athena, Doris 1 . , ,., - Gertrude Kingston, an English act- way of an all-college festival to be Sarah Caswell Angell hall of Bar- given Sunday night. The entertain- bour gymnasium. Women are asked ment will be held in the gymnasium, to watch The Daily for further an- and will be represented by all the 1 nouncements with regard to both this campus organizations. More than 200 tryout and the second tryouts for have already been started and the !women who qualified last week. school of music and dramatic de-- partments will have a conspicuous I part in the celebration. T Women's organizations at Carleton I POSTER CONTEST FOR PLAY college, Northfield, Minnesota, are sponsoring three different parties. All junior women Interested in I s13g Siters" are giving a dinner ieI contributing posters for the an- pegty for the"I-,tie Sisters" on Tues- e( nual Juniors Girls' Play poster l (ay. A tea will be given for 35 childI contest are asked to meet at 5 ren, on Tuesday and Santa Claus willg r o'clock today at the Betsy Bar- be presentsat this pat t esent bour dormitory. E w chinad wit~i a toy andI to, r,(/ite I I i he stir"' ht I Oeore ( lirist mnas,''ticoursd' !ut"ll', M: aiiial ('bruit iDas din- MORTARBOARD DECIDES TO ncr., Iec. 15. Followving the dilnner, CHANGE REOUIREMENTS readings will be given until the at- At the district conference of Mor- rival of Santa Claus at 10 o'clocik. A tarboard, national honorary society special vesner service was conduct- I for senior women, held at Lincoln, e by the college, Sunday when 'Nebraska, a measure was passed stipu- Christmas carols and landel's Mes- lating that scholarship requirements siah were smug. for eligibility for the western district Y. IN.C. and Y. AV. C. A. or- will be governed by a percent ge ganizations on Ohio State campus basis computed on an 80 per cent will sing Christmas carols on and minimum standard. ai)out the campus. Th'le situation was thoroughly dis- I The classical club at the Ilniver- cussed and a decision reached only Sity of Iowa held a meeting in the I after careful consideration of all pos- form of an old Roman Christmas and sible elements entering the problem of conducted their program all in Lat- the selection of members. An entirelty musical seice' dis- "Persons afflicted with a certain tinguishes the special Christmis s - !type of color-blindness can see some per service at Smith college, Sun tinted objects at 20 feet with more day. accuracy than they can at four," stat- ed Henry Beaumont of Stanford uni- University of Minnesota--A course versity, who is conducting a series is being offered in ice cream mak- of tests concerning color vision. t IRS 'ID, Nl. ,'i a I tl 1i1soli, ', Miau-1 !1 . nine Joes, '28L, and Ollie '9. were oho.,wn by Athens 1 d, W -Vy) A lla, 1 the representatives came piepare( two as alternates, and lelen voice the opinion of their respective Irenel Kynast, '29, and campuses on the problems under dis- 1 hIor'sey, '29, *for Portia.. cussion. Of course the numbers with The subject of the debate which any organization (ealing with fI "Resolved that the federal the colleges of America must reckon R sholid enact uniform are also detrimental to intensive work laws." Athena will have the n and effective cooperation the (lebate taking place soo SIniiIar Organizations IbrongIout the close of the Christmas V World The program for the inee This organization is one of many ortia to ae held Tuesday mig that are finding favor in all parts of ria aouned as a ie the world. When the Student Federa- modern fiction. lcildegarde S tion meeting was held here last year will icuss nia a there were representatives of many'30, will discuss Selma La similar federations in all parts hook "Charlotte Lewenshold." of the world in attendance. From the Answers" will be reviewed b speeches that were given by these ,'rine Campbell, '28, and notes ,delegates and by the interest which season's most ambitious nov they evinced in the progress of the be presented by Margaret Lyo movement that was taking place in_ America it was apparent to those con- HEALTH CONTE cerned that the part of the studentA In the affairs of the world is fast as- HELD A T BARN suming an actual and a forceful place, in conception, if not in actual ac- Recently a contest was complishment. Barnard college, in which the Third Meeting Now a Session competed to see. which cla The third annual convention of the could make the sleepiest ins student Federation of America is now Students went to bed three in session at Lincoln, Neb. Michigan's hours earlier than usual and representatives at this meeting are late as possible without being Cynthia Hawkins, '29, representing classes. At the end of the w the Women's league; Charles B. Gil- class having the highest total Bert, representing the Student coun- clared the winner. The conte cil; and Jo H. Chamberlin, '28. man- feature of Barnard's "health aging editor of The Daily, who has- - been invited' by the executive board An experimental study of1 of the federation to speak before the theraphy, treatments with conference on the subject of student agents such as heat and light, government. nection with a course in the for students will be begun at1 Bids for the League building will pital of the University of M Backus, the last Brown, Eleanor will be govern- divorce E i ress and artist. A recently opened ex- iibition of Miss Kingston's lacquer works in New York, 'ity shows mod- els that are (lone to the queen's taste. In fact each year (queen Mary pun'- chases a number of these artistic "an- tiques" from liss Kingston to be used for Christmas gifts. Portraying a period by the curl of an arabesque or the tlourish of a skirt, the English actress-artist pro- I t work, you would jump up at the end or every houm 'o rtwo aiplay It e giraces, or~ skip the rope foir 5 or 10 I minutes, it would greatly help to l keep your circulation brisk and heal thy, and with daily walks might proveV sufficient exercise." Riding horseback is "very exhil- l ating to the spirits," and rowing a negative, on after acation. eting of ht, Jan. view of cheuren, gemrioff's "Dusty y Cath- s on the els will ons, '28. ST ARD held at women ass they school. or four slept as late for week the was de- st was a week." physIcaI physical in con-. subject the hos-' innesota duces various periods of history on light boat with small oa her light, round trays, boxes, and indulged in very proper: pole shields. and retired piece of watt Among her works are patters on ing-oh, my! "Fishingi which both the Jacobean period and commended as good for the arabesque style meet on friendly play the muscles of th harmonious basis. "That is because chest, as well as thosec both are so faithfully adhered to,; limbs; but it ought to 1 Miss Kingston explained. "Every sub- nant to the feelings of a ject is original and grounded on in- delicate young woman, timate acquaintance with paintings pleasure of torturing and of all periods." pretty, harmless creature Miss Kingston now lives in a not tolerate the practic charming Queen Anne house at the recommend it." edge of London. There she has her Walking, according tot studios and works at her lacquer of 1838, "agrees with a works by day, while at night she acts body, and, if combined in Londale's "The High Road." daily exercise of the mu Before the war Miss Kingston play- arms and chest, ana so ed in this country, but when the war object, will answer theI turned all England's women folks to well. The sense of a iublic service, she turned restlessly some little affair that from politics to committee work and mind, as a thing to b charity and finally went back to her much to the pleasure, an old loves-the stage and lacquer de- ly tq the benefit of a w corative work. - -----KA NSAS C ITY,-In c KANSAS CITY.-When Dr. Hezzie sent out to high school Carter Purdom recently obtained a ance, Nebraska, concerni I divorce she sent out engraved an- cations not one signified am's "may be ly on a sate er," nut fsli- is often I-- calling into e arms and of the lower be so repug- humane an(l to make n 'Organize In Social And Artistic Groups Nothinig has hlappenled in agriculture that nrmeans so much to the weltare of Ithe farm home as the organized activ- i iof farn women of the last two fYea rs, a cr'om'd1ilg to 0. M. Brad ford of Nenli,-, 0., forimer prosid 'nt of the Anleia nFarm Buieau corporation. How farm women are organizing ,,' social, educational and artistic progress was broaught out and recon- miendations e'e r made as to what they might do to help brig about "an ado- quate standard of living for the farm home and income from the farm to 1 nay the hills. ing which will include such sub- jects as testing of milk and milk produicts, mechanical refrigeration, preparation of the ice cream mix, sterilizing and bacteriology. 1E i killing those es, that I can e, much less the standards lmost every- with some uscles of the me agreeable purpose very accomplishing was on th.,e e done, adds d consequent- walk." questionnaires girls at Alli- ing future vo- the intention e. j tLy lllc ullln). 'W "'- "" Water Wave ...........$1.00 Marcel ..................75 - Shampo ...............50 Finger Wave .......... 0 lManicure............... .75 Arch ................... .50 1110 S. University Dial 7561 ;i GIVE nouncements to that effect.w of becoming a housewife : :, be opened in Chicago on Wednesday. Dec. 28, at the office of Pond and Pond, architects. under the direction of W. K. Sten- strom, associate professor physiolo- gy. t . k Y , i ., " " s DURING VACATION YOU WILL HAVE TIME FOR LEISURELY MEALS We Shall Be Glad to Serve You Home-Made Mince Pie and' Polly Little Fudge Cake On Order OPEN UNTIL DEC. 23 What kind of a girl is she? She riay be the Sweet, Simple and Girlish Type- She may be the Sophisticated Type- Or she may be just the Type you like- It makes no difference-you will be able to find HER GIFT at THE RUBLEY SHOPPE In the Arcade I:- ...... . .......................................".......".............................................................. I .11 Russian Antique Jewelry, $1.25 up I 1?he Green Tree Inn SPRING FROCKS, I For Every Occasion 75 Import adaptations and exclusive originals in all the approved new fabrics and shades. f + r. v i 4 i " - s i S i + "li t - - :, Jw J Leather Goods-- Bill Folds Collar Cases Handkerchief Cases Traveling sets Bridge Cases Military Brushes Brief Cases Stationery Cases Leather-back Ring Binders Embossing Printing Slip-on Gloves Hand-sewn $4.00 Godet's Chypre Perfume, $1.00 II i I VAliiP_ S2_Kf1 i 1