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December 15, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-15

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Chap tman, Raber ylI Start Gaulle;
Qosterbaan, garriga, McCoy
.fake Up itest () Team
Champion will meet champion at
7:30 o'clock tonight at Yost field
house when te Pittsburgh Panthers
and the Michigan Wolverilel2 strug-
gle to annex the rubber game of the
series that has noW extended ove
three seasons, and there will be pri-
=ate grudges to settle besides.
Dr. Clifford Carlsons "Smoky ton"
court squad and "Skipper" Edwin
Mather's Ann Arbor town quintet ear
the respective banners of the East
and Middle West. Moreoverv ehWol-
verines are awaiting n asrvouly the
foray of tine Panthers who lastnsea-
son snapped a string of 15 conecu-
tive victories, revenge and protectioun
o£ the new sequence of six tiumph
being their paramount desi r.y
As 1the firt stop on the itinerary
which calls for contests with Nort.-
vwestern and Chicago in addition to
the Michigan battle, the pittsbin;)
five, led by the veterans, Captainf
IReed and Worbleski, opens against
the Maie and Blue.
toplhoizores Lead Pauther Attack
Two sophomore flashes, teammates
of years standing, are the real threat
in the Panther attack, however. Hy-
att, whirlwind forward of the Union-
town prep school squad which an-
vaded the West two years ago to
climb to the semifinals in the national
tournament at Chicago; and Cohen,
center of the same team, are the
Pitt aces who will face lichigan for
the first time. Hyatt's play was so
sensational thatthe was rewarded
k ,with a place on the frst all-American
Hoban, MeCandless, and McClean
are the other Pittsburgh first string
players. ,
Undaunted by the highly touted at-
tack of the invaders, "Skipper" with
veiled confidence announced the
Michigan lineup nominated to oppose
the Panthers. Raber and Oosterbaan
pre paired at the forwards; McCoy
and .ptain H larrigan are paired at
the guards; an Chapman is slated for
the pivot positios.
A glance at the Wolverine start-
ers reveals the fact that Coach ia-
ther has new plans in mind for the
invaders, different entirely from those
employed to baffle the State quintet
which opened the season on Saturday.
Raber, offensive star and leading
point scorer of the contest with the
Spartans, and Chapman, whose work
in practice has impressed onlookers,
are the only Michigan players who
have not played against Pitt.
Have Opposed Panthers Before
McCoy, Harrigan, and Oosterbaan
have all played against the Panthers,
the latter two having opposed them
on two occasions. In '25, when Michi-
gan downed her rivals by a 34-25 mar-
gin, Harrigan and Worbleski, Pitt
veteran, held a merry duel for flon
ors, (liePitt star having the edge in
soring while Harrigan,in his second
collegiate game, showed exceedingly
welli i, the fast company of Doyle
Cherry, Chambers, and Molenda.
Reed was pitted against Molend
In that ecouter, and the uncanny
eye of the Wolverine ace: laer(so-
clared neliible onl several occasion
facilitated I he scoring of six field
goals and three foul tosses, by far t i
evening's best performance.
Fast yer the two fives bat ted o
even termsunt.il near the end of t i
game, when with the score tied a
2-23, Pitt romped through the Mich-
lgan defense to win out, 14-2>. 'le
i~ lineups:
iIi ich ia ii pos. Pitts inrid
RFaber............rf .......... Hyat
Oosterbaan.......Ift...... Worblesci
Harrigan (capt.)..rg .......cClea
McCo y ...........ig . . . . Reed (capt.

Apparently despairing of ever find- 1
ing enough 100 per cent Amer.can
mayors in the country to support his
cause, Mayor William Hale Thomp-
son of Chicago, anti-British fiend, hasI
turned his attention to University
1presidents and yesterday morning
President Clarence Cook Little wa
honored with the receipt of a com-
plete set of informative booklets de-
scribing the work of the "America
First Foundation."
Outstanding among the literature
received was a handsome lithograph-
ed picture of the American flag, meas-
uring some 30 by 20 inches, with the
first -verse of the "Star 'Spangled
Banner inscribed beneath. This artis-
tic work is suitable for framing, aind
would blend well with the surround-
ings of the best blind pigs in Chi;;a-
go, which will doubtless have the
picture framed and hung above the
bar for the Americanization of their
Then second in importance in the
collection was the Constitution of the
United States, printed in a handy
I pocket size on a sheet some 40 by
20 inches. On a similar sheet (tie pa-
per is very democratically economi-
cal) is inscribed the Declaration of
The most impressive piece of the
upper House of Oklahoma Legislature
Votes ')4 Accept Findinugs
Of Representatives
(By Associated Press)
OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 14 -- Pro-
ceedingly rapidly as a court of im-
peachment, the state senate late to-
day voted to receive charges made
by the house of representatives
against Gov. Henry S. Johnston and
two other state officials, without im-
mediately suspending them from of-

collection, however, is the "certificate
of membership" for the "America
First Foundation." It is very exc.-
lently lithographed sheet of paper,
much more colorful than a Univers-
y diploma, all signed by Mayor
Thompson himself (with a space left
blank for the name of the member).
If attempts to auction the memaer-
ship off at cut rates fail, it had been
announced in official circles, some
of the membership certificates; arb
suitable use will certainly be mare
it is possible that it will be filledout
with King George's name in the space
left blank for the member, and (is-
patched to that worthy with the words
"complimentary" written across tie
President Little will acknowle.ge
the receipt of this information in the
near future, he announced.
flEDATifl ov rniiirni



No Schedules Will Be Given Out
Before New Year, According
To Recorder's Office
Final examination hours for this
semester have been announced by the I
Recorder's office of the University.
The schedule includes the time of ex- J
amination for all courses in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, the School of Education, the
Graduate School, and the School ofj
Business Administration.-

(By ssociated Press.)
MEXICO CIT1, Dec. 14.-Without stop Col. Charles A. Lind-
bergh, piloting the Spirit of St. Louis, which earlier in the year carried
him to Paris, flew from W\ashington to Mexico City. For more than 27
hours he was at the controls.
Perhaps there never has been witnessed such a delirious demonstra-
tion of joy by a Mexican multitude as that at 2:39 o'clock this afternoon,
xwhen after some three hours of apprehension that misfortune had be-
fallen the flyer, the Spirit of St. Louis settled on the Valbuena aviation
field, two an(d a half miles from Mexico City. Lindy and his plane were
safe and sound ; nothing was wrong except that a miscalculation of direc-
tions carried the plane in a great circle from Tampico into the interior,
instead of in a direct line to Mexico City.
The LoneEagle not only flew over Mexico's mountains and deserts
ill this first non-stop flight between the two capitals, but he flew straight
into the hearts of the Mexican people
-hearts already long attuned in de-
otion to him by the exploits of which

iiuiir ruLIbonl





Decision not to suspend the accus-
ed officials was made in aneffort to
avoid the possibility of a dual gov-
ernment, if Governor Johnston ignor-
ed the suspension -and the senate rec-
ognized the automatic succession ;0'
Lieut.=Gov. J. W. Holloway to the
executive chair.
Under the rule adopted, the gov-
ernor and those accused with hIm,
Chief Justicet Fred P. Branson, of the
state supreme court, and Harry B.
Cordrell, president of the state board
of agriculture will be automatically
suspended when their trials begin.
Disregarding the warning of the
governor that it had permission to
meet only as a group of citizens and
1 not as an impeachment body, the sen-
ate met in its chamber at the capital
in a peaceful atmosphere. National
guardsmen who last Monday prevent-
ed the house from meeting in the
capital had been withdrawn, and no
effort was made to disperse the sen-
ate meeting.
Upon convening this afternoon, the
senate by a vote of 23 to 12 reaffirm-
ed its power to meet as an impeach-
ment court and charges were p;4ent-
ed by the house board of managers.
Adoption of an order to receive the
charges came after a fiery speech by
Sen. Tom Anglin, of Hoganville, a
Democrat, author of the motion, and
an address of approval by Sen. W. J,
Ottjen, of Enid, Republican. Motions
to accept the charge against Chief
Justice Branson and Mr. Cordell also
were adoptedl by a virtually unani-
Imous viva voce vote.
Senator Anglin. who as president
)ro tempore of the senate, acted as
hovernor on several occasions duiring
hie admiinistrat ion of Giov. M. L.
Fnra pp, leolth" fight against the sus-
)ension of Governor Johnston. He
vas assisted by Senator Ottjen, who
vas a candidate for the nomination
for goveinor in the 1926 campaign, in
whih Governor ohnston was nomin-
ated biy the D~emocratic party.

a According to the schedule the ex- t
aminationswill start on Saturday, -
---1 Jan. 21, and will end on Thursday,
Student Council liscnsses Proposed Feb 2. erman 1, 2, 31, 32 will be ex-
Late Marion LeRoy Buito minied on Saturday, Jan. 21, from 9
Memtiorial Campanile o'clock to 12 o'clock in the morning.
-PoliticalScience 31 will be given on
LARGE FUND CONTRIBUTED the same day, from 2-5 p.m.
___ athceatic s Exams Are On Tesday.
Discussion of the proposed memori I On onola,.Jan. 2i, in the mornping,
campanile to the late President Marion willi e give y all t 1 'skwhi wh are
LeRoy Burton occupied the session of akenton nolnay at 11 o'clac, while
the Student council held last night on the afternoon of the same day will
at the Union. The regular meetIng, to be given all courses taken on Tuesday
which the presidents of the various att 10 o'clock. The next day, Tuesday,R
senior classes were invited, was e- s s taken on Monday at 9 o'clock
voted almost entirely to) a odicsisoni i ,il e ienexamtt~iatine ilthe morning,!
of the possibilities of obtaining funds he ant Ci Math
for the proposed memorial. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 5 will be given. Iv
the propseol memrial.ednesday -morning, stuents
William Brumbaugh, '28, a member i1 ymd
of the counicil committee ap ntettaking subjects Monday at 8 o'clock.
investigate the situation, reported that, will have their finals, Economics 51 e
to date, the various senor classes hat and 185 being given in the afternoona
to ate th vrios snio casss hilThursday morning, subjects taken on
contributed more than $3,000 to the Tcsdy at 9 o'clock will hold theirc
memorial, and that the senior classT
which graduates next June will be the finals, with Rhetoric 1 and Psychol-U
last to remember President Burton. ogy 31 being given in the afternoon. b
It is possible, he said also, that the Friday morning, courses taken Tues-a
It s ossbl, h sid ls, tat day at 2 o'lock will be examined,
alumni may undertake some campaign d athe a' eonkth.l e akin
for funds forsthe proposed memoral,+and ithe afteronktho ataken
though this is by no means certan. Tuesay at 11 o'clock. Saturday t
mor ping, subjcts taken Tuesday at
Any effort to raise funds on the j
8 0,'locl( will be xarnin 'd, andl in t he
campus for the memorial has the 'x
sanction of the University authorities, 'Fr h 2, . T, ai
Brumbaijgh reported, since the cam- : paaizAi 1, , :1, ,32 will be given. This I
ends the list for the first wek.
panile is one of the approved projects Feh 1 I ast m}yv
on the University list. Since the death The next wtek on Monday morning,
of the President, nearly every class Tahn :, eill be given con rs taken
has contributed something, andl Ibdnulh ai3,wllbgvecor, tkn
Tuensday at 1 o'clock, while in the
the fund is still far from its goal, T s aon oclogy,1wilete
hoped that some more strenuous of- afternoon Sociology 51 will be "°x- I
hopetat senmrtken steo ef- amined. Tuesday morning, courses '1
fort can be undertaken in the ne0 ll itaeni on Monday at 10 o'clck will bet
future for its furtherance. tkno odya 0ocekwl e
futue fo it furherace.exainimo. 0, with subjects taken Mon- 1b
The class presidents present at thesaxati3 oclthksbecsgtaken th-
council meeting expressed approval ofI day at o'clock being given in the
the idea, and several announced their afternoon. Wednesday morning, cours-
intention of taking the matter up with es taken Monday at 2 o'clock will be
the chairmen of their memorial com- examined, and those taken at 3 o'clock
mittes.Dueto he asene o Jowill be given in the afternoon. last
mittees. Due to the absence oJome Thursday morning, Feb. 2, the last
morial committee from the Student day of the exammations, courses tak-
en Monday at 1 o'clock will be given,
council, who is away at the conven-I while in the afternoon Geography 1
tion of the National Student Federa-i and 31 will be examined.G
tion of America at Lincoln, Neb., and Irregula.le wic ca. be
the absence of Ellis Merry, '28, a Irregular classes which cannot beus
member of the. memorial committee, mexamined as scheduled without cau-
the council was unable to adopt any ing conflic must be examine'con
definite plan for the raising of the Jan. 24, 25, 26, 27, or 0 from 2 o'clocka
fudsnt for the oras t to 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
The Recorder's office states em-
It was also announced at the meet- ,
ing of thse Stuntouncil that te- phatically that no schedules will be
ing of the Student council that the distributed until after Christmas va-t
sale of seals for the benefit of tuber- cation.'
cular persons would be continued at
the main desk of the Union for the re- BE-
mainder of the week. Russel Sauer,
'28, chairman of the committee in DISCUSS COLLEGEr
charge of the sale from the council __I
reported that the response from the M leeting as a committee of the whole 1
fraternities and sororities of the cam-
pus has been very generous, and that morial hall, the Senate University Col-
t"e ll at0 sh ustained for t1e re- loge committee held its fourth meeting
nionwiof the semester with nearly everyt
inainder of the week for the purpose
of iving those stuents not afiliatedl member present. The various sub-
with a atenityon thecampusa om mittees, appointed early in the
oitpi . .ynity on tne(work. fall, have been at work and are pre-
o~plortuni[y tO aid in th . pigreports ts)o be presented to the
LAST SHOWING OE woiiolt group, all the present tine.
Gsome of the suibets not considered
PLAY IS TONIGHT )tho(se various sub-committees were
takennup yesterday.
The last performance of "The I -) Work toward the proposd Univer-
nantic Young Lady," a comedy by C. sity college is proceeding as rapidly
Martinez Sierra which is being given as ci be expected, according to Uni-
by the play product ion class of thej vcrity officials, and, it is probable
- University in the Mimes theater, w ll that some definite announcement of
take place tonight.. The show has 'the progress made wil be forthcom-
played for two nights, openng Tues- inmm-diately after Christmas. It is
day. hoped to put the new plan into oper-
dAt the last peirformance tonight, a lion next fall, if the tremendous
Atich will eginast 9olocm ue to amount of work necessary preparatory
which will begin at 9 o'clock duie tototspeainanbcmltdby
the basketball game, the Spanish at- to is operation can be completedlby
mosphere will be carried out in the that time.
- costumes of the tishers. Two soloist,S
a singer and a whistler, have been ROGERS APPOINTS
secured to perform between the ac - COMMITTEE MEN
1EIGHT SPORTS ARE Lawrence E. Rogers, '31E,presi.
,CUT AT SYRACUSE ,dent of the freshman class of the
jengineering college, has announced
' (By Associated Press) the following men as members of the
, SYRACUSE, Dec. 14.-The athletic (lass committees for this year:
anYRACUEn De. 14.- e nann Freshman Frolic: Erwin Benz, '31E,

.t. Ferdiand Bb assou
President of the french Lea:gue of
Jen's Pights, who h~is bc-n a varde
he Nobel Prize for Peace for V927.
041Y goes A'aint e11 A el.0
Of Fiance ( onimiti ee Ad Met-


MlIntotes Oil Both Bills
(try Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-Two major
oting engagements in the house to-
lay resulted in the retention of the
ederal inheritance levy in the rev-
nue bill and the complete elimin-
tion from the measure of the sales
ax on automobiles.
The vote to repeal the automobile
ax was 166 to 142. It was taken
y members passing down the aisle
and between tellers. On a previous
standing vote the chair had counted
an even 120 on each side of the ques-
Ti'e motion to eliminate the auto-
mobile sales tax over protest of -.
majority of the ways and means com-
mittee, which in drafting the bill pro-
vided for a reduction in the levy from
three to one and one-half per cent
was made by Representative Mc-
Laughlin, of Michigan, a Republican
on the committee. It was supported
by a number of Repubicans and prac-
tically the solid Democratic mem-
It is estimated complete repeal of
the tax would result in the loss of
$33,000,000 in revenue. Under House
rules a roll call on elimination of the
tax can be demanded just before the
bill comes up for passage.
The House in voting, 191 to 55, to
retain the inheritance tax sustained
its action of two years ago. The
motion to repeal the levy was made
by Representative Merritt, Republi-
can, Connecticut, and the proposal
drew support from both Democratic
and Republican ranks.
It was argued that Secretary Mel-
Ion had recommended repeal of the
tax and that a number of state leg-
islatures had petitioned Congress to
abandon the field of inheritance taxes
in favor of the states.
Members from Florida, which has
no estate tax, were particularly anx-
ious in seeking repeal of the federal
levy which was defended by Chair-
man Green, of the ways and means
committee. Green charged that a con-
certed effort had been made by a
number of persons, prompted by sel-
fish motives to eliminate the levy and
that $500 bills had been "floated"'
around in the cause of its repeal.
Numerous ,University of Mlichigan
clubs throughout the country are buy-
in g pictures of h e campmus to i'e-


~~~~~ Then:-against the purple mountain
Professor lhi liviied Ti M Iui,, lByranges in the distance appeared a
Coil-ressimn 111,.td, fl as 1'ritc
Siews '1T Dean Cooley little white speck. At least 50,000-
---__1.some say 100,000- persons at Vol-
Is HYDRAULIC AUTHORITY buena field, and as many more lining
I the city streets awaiting the coming
Prof. Ilorace W. King, of the depart- of the airman, began to whisper:
ment of hydraulic engineering, at- "Can it be Lindy? Can it be?"
tended a conference of hydraulic en- I They were afraid to cheer; they
gineers in Washington yesterday I were almost afraid to hope. Their
which met in conjunction with the nerves had been on edge as time and
House committee of Congress in in- again false reports were spread that
vestigation of Mississippi flood con- the plane had been sighted near at
citions. hand. At last gloom had conquered
In a letter to Dean Mortimner, E. the crowd; silently and somberly, the
Cooly, o th ' il r ;great masses stood dejectedly, tryinig
Cooley, of th a lge o Engineelng to he, and fining it hard.
and Architectuir, Prof'os'5or i n;g Then that white blot against th11e
stated his vievs on the subject thus: purple ranges that Cortez and his
"The problem involves a study of the tSpanish adventurers mastered four
run-off of the entire Mississippi drain- centuries ago to conquer an empire
age basin which includes more than and open a new world.s
A new conqueror was, crossing
mue-half the area o: the United States. those formidable purple ranges,
A thorough understanding of the « here the great snow-tipped volcano
causes and conditions leading up to of Popocapepal towered against the
the destructive floods in the Mississip- i azure sky-a new kind of adventure,
pi valley should be had before any a messenger of good will, a cavalier
permanent measure to alleviate the of the air doing deeds beyond the
present situation is undertaken. In wildest dreams of those ancient
any engineering project it is neces- knights whom Cortez lead.
sary to understand the problem before
undertaking its solution. This applies WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, - Hailed
with greater force to an undertaking as the harbinger of American good
of the magnitude of that presented by ( will toward Mexico, Charles A. Lind-
conditions now existing in the lower bergh found on his arrival today in
Mississippi valley than to the ordinary Mexico City that both President Cool-
engineering enterprise. idge and Secretary Kellogg expected
"In my opinion the only thing that his flight from Washington to exi-
can at this time be definitely stated Ico' City to assist the two countries in
regarding the best method of con- cementing friendly relations.
trolling the Mississippi river is that a Coolidge Praises Venture
thorough preliminary investigation Coig rie etr
should be made. The preparation of President Coolidge led the way by
plans should await the findings of the declaring that Lindbergh's courag-
investigation. This will lead to max- eous adventure would be understood
imum economy of time and money in as one of good will, and he added that,
the end and is the only method by "The true spirit of your mission will
which an economical and efficient be sympathetically understood in the
plan can be developed." United States and Mexico." To the
Professor King also advocates that President's message of congratula-
not only the questions of drainage tion Secretary Kelogg attached his
referred to above should be studied own-that Lindbergh not only had
carefully but that many related sub- advanced the cause of aviation, but
sects should be thoroughly investigat- would "advance the cause of amity

they had read, hearts torn with tears
for hours for his safety.
Awaited By 50,000 People



ed at the same time. For instance, he between these nations."
advises that the subject of navigation "You have performed a great pub-
and water power on the Mississippi, lic service," Kellogg said in conclud-
and food supply in that region should imig his message.
be fully considered, and that all avail- These messages were only two of
able data on all these subjects should ; scores which went from government
be collected before any plans are laid officials, army and navy officers and
for rectifying the flood menace. cthers who had waited anxious hours
Professor King is a well known while it appeared that Liidbergh
authority on subljects imnvolving liv- mlight have emcoutereol troulie as
draulic engineering and was caled lie neared his goal.
to Washington by Congressman Frank I Lindbergh's business was male tie
Reid. nation's business in many govern-
- ---iment departments, in Congress, on the
CAMPUS MOVIE IS streets, and wherever people congre-
ALMOST FINISHED gate to speculate or seek information
when the New to Paris flier is in
hl air,
Work is progressing rapidly on the
University moving picture, and it is NEW
UniversitWmoving Dec. 14 - Colonel
expected that thce movie will be readyi Cals A. Lindbergh, in completn
for presentation in the very near hgs A. milegh to co Cty
future. The film is being cut and pre- his 2000 mile flight to Mexico city
S. p tcday, has flown approximately 35,-
pared by the Metropolitan Moving Pic- 000 miles since he left San Diego,
ture company of Detroit at present, California, last May to start his fistt
and will be ready for presentation from New York to Paris.
within a few weeks, it is expected. frmNwYktoais
Alumni clubs desiring to show the This total flying mileage to date
film are asked to communicate with would take him almost one and one

1 .

Er. Frederick G. Novy of the
Medical sehcol made the formal
presentation of the Warthin
Allemorial Volume to Dr. Aldred
Scott. Warthin Tuesday after-
no, n fimt end of Carl Vernon
W oller, as ipreviously announced.
Dr. Weller's connection with the
publication of the book was sole-
lv as chairman of the editorial


Two teams of four men each select-
sd from the debating squad will argue
'Ie Varsity question in the Adelph
room on the fourth floor of Angell
hall, Tuesday, Jan. 3, at 4 o'clock.
Prof. James M. O'Neill of the depart-
'ment of speech yseterday announced
lhe names of the eight men who will
aompose the teams.
The affirmative and negative teams
follow: afkirmative, Jarl Andeer,
Spec., Arnold J. Drake, Spec., Jack
Webster, '30R, and William C. Bishop,
28; negative, Richard E. Savage, '30L,
Eliot Moyer, '30L, Simon, '30, and
Franseth, '29. Constructive speeches

sent to various highlsools. Tle
most recent are the clubs at Billings,
Montana, and Pasedena, Calif.
The University of Michigan club at
Billings has bought four of the etch-
ings made by Wilfred Shaw, dlier of
tie Michigan Alumnus. These etch-
ings present views of the Union the
Lawyers' club, old University hall,
land Clements library. The Pasedena
I club has bought a large picture of the
campus as seen from the air. These
pictures will be hung in the high
schools of these cities and will give
ithe students of these institutions an
acquaintance with the Michigan cam-
pus which they could get in no other
I way.
I A~nF-,V / n yI11Tc

Hawyime around the world, :fhe
Alumni association, as soon as pos- followed the equatorial circumfers4cs.e
sible, it was- announced. There will of the earth, which is 24;890 miles.
be no charge for showing the picture, The Lone Eagle's flights since last
and any organization interested should May were: San Diego to St. Louis,
ommunicate with the alumni officers 1,550 miles; St. Louis to New York,
m+ -Ar. ,, 7 950 miles: New York to Paris. 362



governing Doara of ziyrac ti6e umve,

z.r ~t: °?1P, nr Ti'rlwarrl





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