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December 14, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-14

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WEDNESDAY, ]7FCT 1iTE[; 1 4. 192

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Publication in the Bullet in is conrstruct ive not!ice to all meniber"; or
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)

Il Circolo Italiano announces its first lecture of the year, which will be
given Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 4:30 o'clock in Room 2003 A.H.
I liss ary J. Pearl will talk on her impressions of Naples. This lecture
be illustrated. All intercstd arc cordialy invitd.
A. Di1 Giulio, President.

.. savrwsD,-~c AY YDJ,1. IBE ll 1'r Itq_0



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Volume S.

'EI)NESi)AY, I)ECEI~IBE1i Ii. Number 7~.

Numbor 73).


General Committee on the Un i iersil y(college:
The fourth meeting of the General Committee on t 10University College
will be held in Room D, Alumni Milimorial Hall, at 4:15 p.m., on Wednesday,
December 14, 1927. In preparation, mrembers or the committee are requested
to re-read Section B o: Exhibit B which is attached to th- minutes of the
first meeting of the General Commithte.
The tentative report of the sub-committee on Selection, Placement and
Guidance of Students will b discussed.
Ira M. Sm ii i, Secretary.
Automobile Permits :
All students who wish to re-apply for Automobile permits should call at
the Office of the Dean of Students on or before December 16, 1927 to obtain
application blanks. these blanks should be filled out, and handed in or
mailed to Room 2, University lail before December 27, 1927.
Permits and plates wil lie rea(dy for distribution on December 30 and 31,
1927, and on January 2, 1928.
J. A. BursIcy, Doan.
Bureau of Appoluniments : I, J, and .:
All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names
begin with I, J, or K, are requested to call at the ofloe, . Room J12( Tappan
Hall, for interviews this week. Office hours for this purpose will be held from
9 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m., December 12, 13, 14, and 15.
ilellen R. Shambaugh.
School of Educauion: 'Second Semester Electious:
Second semester elections for students in the School of Education are to
be made in the office of the School o_ Education, Room 105 Tappan hall, Jan-
uary 6, 7, (morning) 9, 10 and 11.
Further announcement will l, made immediately after the holidays.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
Graduate Students:
Students who have received a summons from the Graduate School office
and have not responded should do so before leaving the city for the Christ-
mas vacation. Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
Executive Staff:
There will be a meeting of the Executive Staff on Wednesday evening, De-
cember 14, at 7:30 p.m., in Ro2m 040, Administrative Building, University(
Secretary's. list of topics:
Dr. Cabot: Question of our obligations to the negro of high grades.
Dr. Bruce: Reconsideration oz the arrangement for the rotation of
Junior internes.
Dr. Peterson: Question of a memorial to Perry Briggs.1
C. D. Camp, Secretary.
Speech 41:
The 2 o'clock section will continue its program today as previously ar-
Carl G. Brandt.

(;,egeic Range Club: _--
There will be an important meeting of the Gog ,bic Range Club, Wednes- "Modern science is full of fairy
oay ni ;ht at 8 p.m., Michigan Union, Room 304. It is desired that every- tales, unfounded dogma, empty asser-
one be present. Peter Bui Psit tions and Robin Hood mythology," ac-
cording to L. E. Akeley, dean of the
llesear'h Cliib: engineering college at the University
Th Research Club will meet in Room 2528 East Medical Building, on of South Dakota, writing in a scien-
Wednezday, December 14, at 8 p.m. The following papers will be read: "The tific paper entitled "Wholes and Pre-
Definition of Personality Needed for Research," by Professor C. S. Yoakum, hensive Unities for Physics and Phil-
and "Experimental Work of the Naval Tank," by Professor E. M. Bragg. osophy," appearing in the November
The Council will meet at 4:30 o'clock in Room 1, Pharmacology Building. issue of the Journal of Philosophy.
Louis I. Brevold, Secretary. Dean Akeley attempts in his paper
to get rid of many unfounded assump-
F1orestry Club M.leeng: jtions on scientific subjects, saying that
At the Forestry Club meeting tonight, Donald R. Brewster, trade exten- science has been claiming to know
sion manager of The National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, will talk many things it does not know, and
about the lumber industry, and the purpotes and methods employed in the Einstein with his theory of relatively
trade extension campaign. 7:30 p.m., Room 2039 N.S. has done a great service to the scien-
Fred P. Struhsaker, President. tific world in pointing out the myth-
ology and folklore in many aged and
lunior Engineer's: venerated scientific assumptions.
There will be a meeting of the class Thursday, December 15, at 11 o'clock In an attempt to avoid unconscious
in Room 348, for the purpose of selecting Jackets. assumptions emphasis is placed on the
William R. Hough, President. human side and not on the scientific
Le Cerele Francais: side, in the opinion of Dean Akeley.
There will be an important meeting of Le Cercle Wednesday night at He states further that the scientist be-
7:15 o'clock. Business for the evening includes the choice of new members lieves that it is all right to make as-
A short and interesting program has been arranged. It is desired that every sumptions, but it must be clearly
one be present. realized that they are such. Science
111o S. Ryan, President. must not confuse .assumptions with
facts, he asserts.
Alpha Nu: In defining the human element in
Meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The program will consist of the second science, he claims that the physical
round of the freshman debates. An important business meeting will be held objects which science measures get
directly after the programEtheir human meaning not from their
Lyle E. Eiserman, President. residence in the mind of the scientist,
Chi 1eita Phi: but rather from existing in the rela-
Clii eltaPhi:tions of his bodily organism as it
There will be no meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Will all members works in the laboratory.
please bring dues. athr Franc

Crosby A. Hoar, district forest
superintendent of the federal forestry
service, after a survey of the forest
fire fighting organization of Michigan
recently praised the department high-
ly, in an interview.
Mi. Hoar found the Michigan organ-
ization highly improved and the only
criticism he had to offer was in re-
gard to the morale of the force. He
came into Michigan at a time when
the reorganization work was in pro-
gress. Orders had been issued placing
forest fire wardens in the woods to
guard against violations of the deer
law and there appeared, according to
Mr. Hoar, to be a general uncertainity
among themembers of the organiza-
tion as to the future.
Yost Gives Address
At Banquet In Ionia
Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics, spoke at a banquet last night in
Ionia in honor of the football letter
men of all the high schools in Ionia
county. The affair was given by, Gov-
ernor Fred L. Green, whose home resi-
dence is in that city.
Director Yost will not return to
Ann Arbor before the start of the
Christmas recess, but will be absent
for a period of a week or 10 days.
Lyman Fenwick, formerly editorial
writer with the Booth publishing in-
terests, has been appointed the hew
editor of the "Michigander," the of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan club of Detroit.

I f

Osteopathic Physicians
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Specializing in Feet


the Regal representative to
show you the $6.60 Regal
Reproduction cf London's
Leading Shoe Style selling
on Regent Street at 75 shil-
lings ($18.25).
An English Oxford made
from Genuine Martin's Im-
ported Scotch Grain, Full
Leather Lined, $6.60.
$6 60
Campus Representative
Sidney K. Meyer
Dial 9327


Logan's Spanish Sections:
My classes will meet as usual Thursday morning.

i~u uu' athryn Francis.
Faculty Womens' Club-Nursery Section :
The next meeting of the Nursery Section will be held Wednesday, Dec
14, 8 p.m., at 226 S. Ingalls street. Miss Clancy will speak on "Toys and
Games for Young Children." The books for the library haveaarrived, and will
the members please bring money to pay for their books.
Margaret Wolaver.
1928 HIchigaliensian:
Houses having 15 or more pair subscriptions by December 16, please send
list of subscribers to theMichiganenstan business office if they wish a compli-
mentary copy of this book. T. L. Yates, Sales Manager.
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The American Federation of Arts Water Color Exhibition in the West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, closes Friday afternoon, December 16.
Bruce M. Donaldson, President.
GeologIcal and Geographical Journal Club:
There will be a meeting in Room 4054 N.S. at 8:15 o'clock on Thursday,
December 15. Professor Hobbs will give an illustrated lecture on "The Re-
sultstof the 1927 Greenland Expedition." All interested are cordially invited
to attend.
it. W. Senstius, Secretary.
Gargoyle Business Staff:
There will be a meeting of the entire business staff, Wednesday afternoon
at 4 p.m. It is important that all be there.
Ray M. Read, Business Manager.
Point System Committee:
There will be a meeting of the committee at 3 o'clock in Barbour Gym.
Helen Hawkins, Chairman.
Read The Want Ads

. South Africa is putting into effect
its new "precious stones" law for the
control of the diamond output.


- --mo M"




Rugs and Carpets
Cleaned-Sized-Re paired

A. J. Logan.

- It's -
- for -

1032 Green St.

11. E. 35:
The class will meet in- Il:xn 206 Tappan Hall, Wednesday, December 14,
at 9 o'clock. C. B. Gordy.
All Campus Organizations:
Contracts for organization space in the 1928 Michiganensian have been
mailed to officers of all fraternities, sororities, clubs, and miscellaneous or-
ganizations appearing in the Michiganensian last year. There will be space
available for a few additional pages after the usual number is taken care of.
All contracts must be signed and presented at the Michiganensian business
office on or before Friday, December 16.
Organizations Department.

ThereIs Still Time
Before the holiday festivties begin. See


Phone 8115



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ning make the
successful tele-
phone pioneer.


Behind the scenes with Columbus

T HERE is a forgotten chapter in
the life of Columbus which in its
way had as much to do with the dis-
covery of America as the voyage itself.'
We refer to the years spent in prepara-
tion before he set sail-years filled with
painstaking.-study, planning his voyage
with the aid of what crude maps and
geographical data he could procure.
In telephony, too, the success of each
new development depends on the years

of intensive research and careful planning
that precede actual construction. Bell
telephone men are continually mapping
out the course of this great industry for
years to come.
The true telephone pioneer is he who
brings vision and initiative to his work
as supervisor, engineer or executive -
and who backs this up with the pains-
taking study needed to crystallize the
dream into the reality.


Tl T T T C C T P'TRiff

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