A PAGIE TWO THE NITCHTCA N DAILY '"' '1 T5 A V T1 L"S e"r L"x1aTLl T"1'L) 1 1 1AAn .T....I -...... - - - ..-...- , . II - . I xT N f -U~IJ )Aj .) )AY, DECEMBER 14, 192'7 _. _ . __ _ I WILL HOL RHARSAL Of 'THE SAME TO YOU' BEFORE TOUR BEGINS I SENATE GROUP OF INSURGENTS SUPPORTS G. 0. P. FOR ORGANIZATION O UPPER HOUSE OF CONGRESS )A1, LII t~Mb1idi~ 14, L'J~ ESPECIAL1 TlIAI'N CHARTERED CARYi1EMRS ) '114) ' News From( A17IFIMPT TO ( lII(! i(6.ANIZE?:dFI I'ANHEI~LLENIC lI,)V pAT I I)Ia a.; templ]t to Peo -galuize 1Ei ts l I'S Ira, hiellenic trc(i1 'II. spllia a dssl 1last year by di1i52 2recwient ainolig i organ izatl ions, is beia ae Nwit ,li ,adoption of n eouiti) ~o 17 camlpus i t r t c .pr f1o the four reinaining i'' itsei tvi was given later. I1lilIAiNUNIVEI~l -Y TI atIkan. traffic management wilt ho hi vo(,,-c. aS CoUr-Ses inl the imner esio i 1928 through the effort of hreenex Professors who :iare e-xiiertinilIh I field. The cours wit1 mcli uero a - es, policies,. statist ics, busines(.<, n- agement of traffice organi . t lol-ti 1'- eign tourist traffic andi hot,,L:, legal~ A ~ther Colleges tJ11ts .t 1015 olier(ngi raihe I S .f(, the teot- a niH e , tle orid 's commer( cial 1tra f- (a ,wof eren cc ne of the leadting ill~~ t re 52~1e(ill eremices in the mid- V,; e \ot1 ta<;11bee(n('i11('2,01 dC' by the large, ahitg i dt't itto itlrallge a2ian f.tt si bdiles: and the dii- I DE .SEES BRAZ L~ AS GREAT NATION Major 0. Z. Ide, '15T,, attorney for 0he Ford motor company, was the gu:est spenker at the jiinct Meeting of the des'}(i' duation acnd Physic,l Edu- (cltimil clubs recently. Major Ide re- cent ly represented the Ford Motor company in the purchase of 5,000,000 acres of land in Brazil for the cultia- tion of rubber trees, and gave a few o.' th- sidlelights and imipresejons he gained while on the trip. George I Tonak, also of Detroit, gave several piano novelty numbers during the pro- fgranms. "Brazil needs only capital and a few I MUSIXL SCORES ON SALE Clieveland, Buffalo Anil Philadelphia VCilise Eastern ii inerary C Of Annual Show A final rehearsal of the 22nd an-l nual Union Opera, "Trhe Same To You,"' which was presented all laSt week at the Whitney theater, wrill he held before the production takes to the road for its periodical touir, ac- cording to E. Mortimer Shifter, f en- eral director of Mimes. Tfhis re hea r -I al will be for the purpose of slig htly altering andl retouching the show in a ,,- itletic, (Ii tuiiot: of Ithe valley; ink; country of the world,"' Major ide ., l: ol:- made'Air a iuTeven cm ;tideclare(1. j~ltmpositle.Th e withdrawal wily an o beconi e e Il o(i ie 1itil Otle cnd o01 the athi eti" yea r. A\ new six nmemberr (tonferen('e is be),iing p1Zaflh10(. _ I .® U THEATER 'V TODAY ONLY a form m ore fit for out of tow n )ro- x:: :< #;-;:;.:<." '."I L. du to .T e C rs m st u il o e1Friday night at the Auditorium then-A tr i 014 ago, after which t he corn- _i' .:.:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....:.......*..*.L*. . ::r><:. pany will come back to Detroit for ' _ a four-day stay over the week end, Here is a picture of the Senate insurgent. grolup Who held the b alane of B~ower in the upper house and swung their'4 with three performances at Orchestra ;influence to tile support of the Republican party ywr C'(o ngress convened recently. Tho picture was snapped at the; hall1.. opening of Congress in Washington. Left jo rig h', front r wv, Sen. Sithn.] W.rookhart. IRcpublican, Iowa; Sen. Wit- iV Sptelal '.rini Engaged ' ham E. Borah, Republican, Idaho; S an. George W. Norris, Iepublican, Nebraska; Sen. Rotbert M, LaFollette, Jr., j As was the case last year, a special Republican, Wisconsin, andl Sen. Lynn J. Frazier, Repultica a, North Dalota. Back row, left to right, Senl. Gerald( train will be chartered to carry the '.Nye, Republican, North Dakota; Sen. Robert B1. Howell, Republican, Nebraska; Sen. John J. B~laine, Republ"can, cast, choruses, and technical staff of Wisconsin; and Sen. Hecnrik Shipstead, Farmer- Lablorite, Mnnesota. tI "The Same To You" (luring thle en- tire trip. The company will mane its FOR NSI SO IE Y NistLsh,1 ng sinlce it shows both bright andr headquarters on this train except ; Ni"Ilisnes.a k when in Detroit, where it will stay at! TO MEET TONIGHTdakins 1__________ the Statler hotel. "__ 1a 0icen ssI_____RE No Sunday performances have b~een Continuing the p~relimninary round in ____THE______RAE11L scheduled for this year, and thte sec- its debate tournamentAlptha Nu will j Dr.' Hazel Losli, research assistant ' r !PE OA ondSunaywhch s Critma, wlthold its regular_ meeting toniht. This .)f the ob)servtiory, -,poke on "The be speti aia.Tld ilb l.* Don Desperado played directly after Detroit, and then will be the last session before the Spectrum of1'Leta Tauri" at. the joint Wt will -follow the Michigan tour with hlolidlays, and according to Lyle lEiser- colloqu1ium of tha hyic ad s- LEiM LO EY performances in Lansing, Grarnd Rap- man, '30L, it is important that all troniy departments, held yesterday c: '1' tLIi,,MM~ dsFlnadSaia.members be present. afternoon in fl le physic's building. TeOeawill I Resolved that progress is a' deiu- Dr. 1oli tool. hr doctor's degre<- MERRY 0111RT TMAS Th pr ilgo east after this, with ith 1Iesis on this saadscee--on- despite the fact that no chows will be s~fon, will be the question debated. coming a 11"ei,11ei'e of the dlepartment Riegardless of sire we have as given this year in Washington or New The debators will ho six freshmen has done additional work: in studlying ; ood pic tures as you cat see. D N York. Cleveland, Buffalo, Philadelph- members of the society. it. Zeta, Ta uri is a w'ery bright star _____________ ___________N ia, and Cincinnati will be played and although in; g rear (dist ance from theER E the 'show will close Dec. 31 in De- China's new Mukden-Hailung rail- earth ranks it only isSiin the tilird' troit.I way line has just been opened. mwg nitudllei. It:, 5t1)11rumis interest- C OOPER as a root in', tootin', sharp- shootin' terror of the cattle country, con- verted to the ranks of law and order through his love .for a beautiful girl of the plains. C.ome to NEVADA where the thrill of a life- time awaits you ! -I . ,a I I Denny's Greatest Mirthquake -- He's Funnier Than Ever -1 DDEI)E ('031E1REVIEW HEY! HEY! TONITE IS COUNTRYSR HNT 12 Free Gifts A GIET TIIE IIOLII)AY SPIRIT-IT'S FUN 0 i a, . NOON= - U. Positively Presenting the Most Luxurious. Pre- Christmas Fun Festival in the History Of This Theatre N. D.COOPER, Gener al Engineer, U ilversity of Fla. '2 J. J. M4ELL.ON, GSeneral Engineer, Rensselaer '2.4 A. P. DING, Substation Engineer, Oregozi Agricultural '23 I 4 J. C. GILBERT, Service Engineer,' Bliss Electrical '22 i.. sj _ n!:iry ';..n 7 ":;':thti k;. ':i" s t.' .f' +, j '... . rf : t r , r . r .:. .. ,. ,^ i Ra+} x ".Kr r / /'"' }ir~~r( , . 1> ea. t t4 Sp c p 'l Ei " Y BJATRO 1?T~ MARY ASTO (Starefw"Th VogasBoarmans nw D~oty (., .as Anis Bin dliain. .? LOUIS WOLHEIM Th le Original (Capt. 1'I.igz; r of .1Wllt Price Glory-, now as Smer"ant Peter McGaffne3 4 t4 .IHYODSwitchjboard Engineer Syracuse '22 YOUNGER COLLEGE MEN ON RECENT WESTINGHOUSE JOBS R. G. DAILEY, fleadquarxers Correspondent, M.X. T.'24 .._..__ T., -,r '~'-'~ The Homestead Steel Mills Wnhere do young college men get in a large industrial organization? Have they opportunity, to exercise creative talent? Is individual work recognized? S TAND on the hill-top near Homestead, Pennsylvania, and look out over the Carnegie Steel Company's vast works. Your eye falls on a huge new building, covering ' o acres. It is the ment. This Homestead electrifica- tion, predominantly West in g- house, is one of the most notable in history--notable because of the number and size of the motors employed and. notable because of rnew features of automatic control introduced for the first time. This is a type of engineering that only an organization of the size and resources of Westinghouse can undertake. Achieving the stupendous, the never-before- undertaken, is not rare here. Hence younrg men of capacity, of enterprise, of genius, are offered much to challenge their imagina- tions and abilities. 'F I' f In one unit of the Homestead Mill is a reversing motor rated at 8,ooo h.p. and 40 r.p.m. (pictured above), the largest single-armature motor ever built. This motor and all the mill ac- cessories are controlled by two men. They maneuver steel ingots 1as heavy as 30,000 lbs. There is a total of 336 motors in the new mill, of which __._ __b J - --- structural steel department, and .4 here electricity performs every mechanical operation in steel <:.. r +y I