ESTABLISHED 1890 6 Sit al MEMBER PRESS EIGHT PAGES VOL. XXXVIII, No. 73. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1927 EIGHT PAGES OKLAHOMA SENATORS GATHER T 0 IMPEACH GOVERNOR_JOHNSTON' BILLS OF IMPEACMENT VOTED AGAINST TWO OTHER OFFICIALS MILITIA GUARD CAPITAL, State Executie Defends His Policies In Sneech Before Oklahoma Bankers Convention (By Associated Press) OKLAHOMA CITY., Dec. 13-While the militia continued to guard the leg- islative chambers of the state capi- tal, members of the Oklahoma senate tonight were gathering for the avow- ed purpose of considering impeach- ment charges against Gov. Henry S. Johnston and two other state officials. Mac Q. Williamson, named presi- dent pro tempore when the senate last week resolved itself into a court of "impeachment, notified all members that the senate would meet but the time and place were not designated. Senator Williamson announced that 22 senators, one more than a quorum, already were in the city. Assembling before dawn at a down- town hotel, the house summarily vot- ed six charges against the chief exe- cutive, bne of which was based on the mobilization of military power to replace civil authority and prevent his impeachment. Bills of impeach- ment also were voted against Chief Justice Fred Branson, of the state supreme court and Harry B. Cordell, president of the state board of agri- culture. Gatler Informally The impeachment session was call- ed to order at 3:50 p. m. Many of the legislators we're attired in pajamas and bathrobes and with only a few chairs in the makeshift chamber, some sat or lay on the floor while the business of the session was con- ducted. Leaders emerging from the secret meeting said the allegations were in the hands of the board of -managers to be presented to the senate. Charges voted against the governor included incompetency; illegal em- ployment of an, attdrney for the state banking department; commissioning of a man accused of bank robbery as a peace officer; illegal payment of $7,900 to employees of the banking department, and an alleged conspira- cy with Mrs. 0. 0. Hammonds, the executive's confidential secretary, and another woman to aid a contractor in collecting a claim from the state. Illegal expenditures of state funds and padding of payrolls were charged to Cordell and allegations of "corrup- tion in office" were made against Jus- tice Branson. Johnson Defends Self Governor Johnston defended him- self in an address before the annual convention of the state bankers as- sociation and won applause when he declared: "There Will be no tlal gov- ernment in Oklahoma, He stressed the fact that he had not proclaimed martial law, but said that troops had been stationed at the capital until "things got back to the law and order side.", Referring to the impeachment charges voted against him by the house in secret session, he said: "You do not take a case before even a justice of the peace until the man is present and represented by his at- torney. That is the American prin- ciple. They just don't try men by a jury which is pledged to get the de- fendants." The bankers were told that officers of their association had requested the employment of Jose Alvarado as a special state officer to capture bank robbers. The commissioning of Al- varado, alleged to be wanted himself in Texas for bank robbery, formed the basis for two of the impeachment counts against the executive. DEMOCRATIC VOTE HALTSTAX BILL (I y Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-A cordon of Renublican voters defending the tax bill in the House was pierced today for the second time by a Dem- ocratic attack that hit directly at large corporations which file affilia:- ed tax returns. The Democrats, by a vote of 158 !c 153, mut through an amendment which in effnet woild nrohihit. narent and BATES TO ATTEND1 LAW CONVENTIONI 'Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law st-hopl, will lave Washington today; for New York where he will attend a three day session of the Council of the American Law Institute. This council plays an important part in the work of re-stating certain laws such as laws on torts, conflict, cor- poration, and other types. The re- stating of laws is the program of the American Law Institute and the work has been going on for some time. AllI re-stated laws after worked over by a committee are presented to the council of which Dean Bates is a member for final approval before be- ing submitted to the entire group of lawyers. DR1. TRAVIS ADVOCATES VOICE DEFECT CLINICS' Speech Correction Authority Wants Every City To Have Means For Vocal Treatment O'NEILL PIONEER IN FIEJ dD "Strong, centralized speech clinics should be established in every com- munity of sufficient size to suppor'a one," advocated Dr. Lee Edward Tra- vis, speaking in the Natural Science l auditorium ysterday afternoon on thei "Place of Speech Correction in Mod- ern Education." "Such clinics should be directed by men who have a broad background of the biological sciences. including psychology and neurology," he said. There are two types of vocal de- fects which are generally placed in two classes: voice defects, and speech defects. A voice defect is the result of some disability of the mechanism of vocal expression, while a speech defect is an inadequate adjustment of an individual in relation to his social environment, Dr. Travis be- lieves. Number Large! One of the facts in connection with speech defectives is that the number of persons who fall in that class rut- ziumber the combined fig'ure for all the other disability groups. These other classes are the deaf, blind, crip- pled and feeble-minded persons. Dr. Travis state d that from 3 or 4 to 12 per cent of all school children have speech defects, which range from lisping andsbaby talk to the pathological states of stuttering and stammering. He cautioned against assuming that careless or slipshod speech was the result of speech de- fects,has in, a true case of speech de- fectiveness the individual is unable to speak correctly, try as bt. will. Related To Personait y The relation of speech to person- ality is one of the most interesting fields, according to the lecturer, as there develop such stages as com- pensatory behavior, for early speech defects, then come paranoid reactions, and finally perhaps, a psychopathic personality is fully developed. Dr. Travis does not believe that there is any causal or sequential relation be- tween speech defects and intelligence, although experiments would tend to show a lower intelligence quotent for speech defedtives than for normal (persons.' FORESTERS WILL HEAR BREWSTER Donald R. Brewster of the National Lumber Manufacturer's association will addressta meeting of the Forestry Sclub tonight at 7:30 o'clock in room 2039 of the Natural Science building. Brewster has spent a number of years in the federal forest service in the West and later at the Forest Pro- ducts laboratory at Madison, Wiscon- sin. He has been a consulting forester s in Ohio and Tennessee, being interest- ed primarily in the seasoning of woods and their utilization. He is now doing forest extension work for the National Lumber Manufacturers' association at Chicago where he is in charge of advising lumber users and t timber owners. LINDBERGH MISSISSIPPI WAY TO Ml IV MATTHEWS WILL COLLEAGUES GIVED Li OVE LEAVEFOR CUBA ! U"R''IBOOK TO WARTHIN IJDiANU AND n CLU o Fof.Donal ==MMatthews of01 theL I P1NT 'NELL ONi ml CONSULATE IN CNTN W ~LL PRESETJINT Scho leaofforCes t rr w.on e ren, EXICO CITY STARTS 2,00) M I L E JOURNEYt FROM BOLLING FIELD AT CALLES REQUESTf WET EARTHDELAYS START2 Decision To Takeoff Startles CapitalI By Its Suddenness As Weather Conditions Improve1 (By Associated Press)f BULLETINr BALDWIN, Miss., Dec. 73,.-The sound of an airplane motor flying low over this place was heard by several individuals about 8:55 this evening. Baldwin is about 160 miles southwest of Chattanooga, near where Colonel Lindbergh was re- ported two hours earlier. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. - Col. Charles A. Lindbergh soared into the air on his second international flight today, heading from Bolling Feld to- ward Mexico City at the invitation of President Calles. Disaster threatened the young trans-' atlantic flyer at the start, but the Spirit of St. Louis responded to his touch and succeeded in a third de- termined attempt to take off. The rain-soaked earth twice defied Lind- bergh's efforts to lift the plane off the ground as it roared across the field. Finally it slowly ascended," skimmed over trees bordering the avia- tion grounds, and winged southward into the grey mists which blanketed the Potomac. Start At High Speed. As though exuberant with victory, Lindbergh and his silver partner started the 2,000-mile journey at such speed that some planes of a convoy which set out to cover the first stage of the flight could not keep pace. It was estimated here that Lindbergh I was traveling at 110 miles an hour, but first reports of his progress esti- mated his speed at 80 miles an hour over Lynchburg, Virginia. Lindbergh's decision to take off to- day on a non-stop flight from'capital to capital startled Washington with its suddenness, as there had been indi- cations that weather conditions might hold him up for a week br 10 days. Reports Reveal Ill Weather. Weather bureau hydrographic re- ports agreed that better atmospheric conditions were not in the offing, so he ignored a threatened rainstorm and started on his long journey, satisfied that wind conditions, at least, were favorable. Warned that flying weather tomor- row might be worse than today, Lind- bergh said before leaving that he in- tended to make a bee-line for Galves- ton, Texas, thence follow the Gulf coast until daybreak before turning inland after establishing his location. His path across the mountains to Mexico City, he said, was to be guided entirely by flying conditions. He lex- pects to arrive at the Mexican capital around mid-day tomorrow. hewill examine lands for th Cuban r u etrailway and arrange for the establish- metof a forest nursery. P rofessor f Matthews is consulting forester for the United Fruit company and the CITY STIIlLL IN POSSESSION O1} Cuba company in their project to re- COMMUNISTS WHO WON IT forest unused lands of Cuba. BY CLEVER COUP Professor Matthews will travel first to Jobabo, Cuba, where he is to ar- LOOTING STILL PERSISTS range for the establishment of the for- est nursery and will then leave for [Minton Newspapers Intimate Russhin Banes, the headquarters of the United Influence; ClaimtRussians Arei Fruit company, where he will exam- Oned Ary St ft ine the results of a nursery which he established last summer. Forest (y Associated Press) planting has been carried on at Banes SHANGHAI, Dec. 13 -- American for six months under a plan devised guns tonight were protecting the by Matthews before coming to the American consulate at Canton against University of Michigan. He will con- possible disorders resulting from the suit his staff there and make plans I seizure of the city by communists. for the expansion of the nursery, 1 The communists, who gained con- leaving instructions for its operation trol of the city in a coup during the until he returns to Cuba next sum- absence of regular troops, still were mer again. in possession tonight and were un- derstood to have established a Soviet AT People'scouncil on the Russian plan. Chinese newspapers here, intimat- ing influence from Moscow, say that four Russian officers are on the Red army staff oserating in ,Canton. A leader of the seamen's union and the former secretary of Michael Borodin, Eight Men Conpose Two Groups For once Soviet commissioner for war, ConmpetitionIn Centrala re said to have been prime movers League in the formation of the council. Looting Persists SAVAGE IS ONLY VETERAN "lootingand incendiarism persisted 1 _Li___a today, and there was sonme local Two debate teams which will repre-lighting, but nothing of a serious T character has occured as far as is sent Michigan in the Central Debat- known, and there was no indications ing league were announced yesterday tonight of danger to foreigners. by Prof. James M. O'Neill, head of the Foreign representatives, however, department of Speech. The Central are taking all needful precautions. league is composed of Michigan, Ohio American warships and other foreign g vessels have been busy bringing State and Northwestern. their respective nations to safety, and The affirmative team is composed of most of the foreigners, including a Jarl Andeer, Spec., William C. Bishop, fairly large number of missionaries, '28, Ormand J. Drake, Spec., with have evacuated. Jack Webster, '30P, as alternate. The Further, in vew of possible attempts negative teams is made up of Richard to recapture Canton, tae :,merican nEgSatvaems30smaliotpMoer '30Lrd;gunboat Sacramento has landed field E. Savage, '30L, Eliot Moyer, '30L, guns and placed thei in position Paul Franseth, '29, with Howard t before the American consulate in tne Simon, '30, as the alternate number. foreign section to protect the lives These eight men were chosen from and property of Americans and Euro- an original debating squad of 1 men, peans. That this is advisable is shown which was selected from more than 40 in a statement from Nanking source tryouts. Thesetryouts were held in that Hanking forces are organizing a the second week of November. military expedition to suppress the Richard E. Savage, '30L, is the only communist revolutionaries in Canto member of the teams who has repreo- and restore order. sented the University in debate before Former Generals Blamed this year. He debated against the Uni- Gen. Pei Ching-hsi, foremost Nan- versity of Illinois in the Mid-West De- king military leader, and Li Chaisun, bate league last spring. Paul Fran- { who were ousted from Canton last seth, '29, had two years of exper- month in a military coup, have beer ience while attending Western normal. named chiefs of the counter expe- The negative team composed of dition. Savage, Moyer, and Franseth has al- The Nanking forces, through their ready had a practice debate with Min- mouthpiece, the Kuomintang news nesota which was held last Thursday. agency at Nanking, accused the Can- None of the members of the affirma- j ton Kuomintang delegation, now in tive team have had active experience. Shanghai, for a party conference, of Drake was a member, however, of the plotting and provoking the Canton re Varsity Debate squad, of the second volt. The Kuomintang branded Wang (semester of last year. Webster and Chang-wei, former chairman of th( Simon, the alternates, are both sopho- central executive committee of thi mores and have had no previous train- Kuomintang party was a ringleade ing. under Bolshevist dirqction. The Nan- king group demanded the arrest o KING TO CONFER the whole delegation. WITH COMMITTEE SOULE TO ATTEND Prof. Horace W. King, who holds SCIENCE the chair of hydraulics on the faculty; of the University, was suddenly called Dr. Malcolm H. Soule, asistan to Washington yesterday to coner professor of bacteriology in the med with the flood committee of the Sen- I ical school, will attend the annua ate. The discussion is to concern the meeting of the American Society c flood situation on the Mississippi Bacteriologists to beheo at Roches river, and Professor- King will repic- te r N. Y~, Dec. 28-30. sent the University. le has lately Dr. Soule will deliver a paper be - been doing special research on this fore the society, entitled "The Inter problem. ;convertibility of R and S Bacteri Types of B. Paratyphosus B by Homc SIX INITIATED BY logous Immune Sera." It is expecte IEDICA L SOCIET Y that Dr. Soule will also present to invitation from the University to th - CHRISTMAS CONCERT TWo MtMSICAL ORGANI/ATIONS PLAN ON LARGE CROWD TONIGHT INBAND TO HAVE 75 PIECES ;President Little Will ('i4e Yuletide (LeGreetings To Student Body I ur g termIsSitfn . :Two University musical organiza- tions, the Varsity band and the Glee iclub, will unite to give a special Christmas concert at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. The colicert is the second attempt in two years to renew the old custom of the "band bounce," and will be the first time that Dr. Alfred S. Warthii the band and Glee club have united in Whose associates of the Medical 1 a joint concert since they came under school presented him with the War- one management, early in the pres- thin Memorial Volume yesterday aft- eut school year. ernoon. The book, containing articles on Last year, more than 2,500 people various phases of medicine, was corn- attended a Christmas concert given piled to commemorate Dr. Warthin's ! by the band alone, on the Wednesday 35 years of service in pathology before vacation began. This year, the teaching. managements of the two organizations hope that a larger attendance will be present and have planned the program in accordance with the demands of such an audience as they hope to at- VOLU E T WAR HINtract. Little Will Talk -- At this same time, President Clar- Colleagues Of Eminent Pathologist ence Cook Little will take advantage Commemorate His Services By of the chance to extend his Christmas Memorial Book wishes to the members of the student - body, and will give a short address 3 t CABOT OPENS CEREMONIES Formal presentation of the Warthinj Anniversary Volume, recently pub- lished, was made yesterday afternoon in the medical amuhithealer. I an Hugh Cabot of the Medical school,, opened the ceremonies by giving hi personal praise to Dr. Alfred Scott Warthin, to whom the book is dedi- i cated. The details of the compiling of the 57 articles which comprise the 1 book were given by Carl Vernon Welt- ler, chairman of the editorial com- mittee. He explained that the .book had been prepared by the early pu- pils and colleagues of Dr. Warthin teoween "umbers near the middle of the program. President Little address- ed his greetings to the student body at the similar performance, last year, and it is thought that if the concert lbecomes a regular institution at Christmas time each year,. the Pres- ident will make it the regular occa- sion to deliver his Christmas message to the students. The band of 75 pieces will open the concert with "The Wolverines" by Carl E. Gehring. After another num- ber, Marshall L. Byr-n, grad, will play a cornet solo. Two numbers by the Glee 1 club will follow Byrn's solo, and the band will succeed the club with some selections from the opera, Faust. '. K. Becker, '29E, will next play a flute solo, accompanied by Fred Bigelow, j '28. t z 1 t E . C , STIMSON IS APPOINTED AS GOVERNOR OF PHILIPPINES (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-At the urgent request of President Coolidge, Henry L. Stimson, of New York, form- er secretary of war, successful medi- ator in the Nicaraguan war, and close friend of the late Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood, whom" he succeeds, has ac- cepted appointment as governor-gen- eral of the Philippine islands. The nomination was sent to the Senate to- day by the President. In accepting the post Mr. Stimson is !understood to have put aside fears that his health would not permit a pro- tracted stay at Manila. The Presi- 1 dent's appeal was to this patriotism and that, coupled with his long-stand ing interest in Philippine affairs, in- duced the New Yorker to disregard health considerations. CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Six specia trains of the Illionis Central railroad will leave Champaign within an hour of the final dismissal of classes on Dec. 22. arr % .r1fA Rr% V F' ' An5 as an appreciation of his contrbou- PrsdnLitesCitmsge- ions in the field of pathology, com- ings will be presentedhduring the in- memorating both his thirty-fifth year termission. After the President's as a member of the faculty of the greetings, the Glee club will sing University and his sixtieth birthday. three songs and the band will play Dr. Warthin responded with a short another overture. Frank Mercier, '28, speech of appreciation and thanks. will appear as the third soloist on the The volume presented to Dr. War- program to sing a baritone solo. The thin was a specially bound and pr- Iband will conclude its individual share pared edition, published by George ;of the program by playing one or two Wahr of Ann Arbor. The 57 articles, I!numbers and the Glee club will close all written concerning Dr. Warthin's by singing a group of Michigan songs. work, are by 64 authors, 5 of whom As the finale, the two organizations are early colleagues of his. It also will unite in playing "The Yellow and contains tributes from his classes, 11u. proclaiming him the greatest living Audlien'e May Join teacher of pathology. The forewords by Although no definite announcement Vaughn and Dock are appreciative was made concerning whether or not and historical. 270 illustrations and I the audience would be invited to join an autographed photograph of Dr. in on some of the more familiar songs, Warthin complete the volume, which ! it is expected that some of the num- will have an appeal to all graduates I hers will be sung by the audience with of the Medical school of the Univer- the help of the organizations in order sity, as well as to all medical men to carry out better the spirit of the in the world. affair. - - The expense of the entire affair is PLA Y PRODUCTION being borne by the Varsity band. Rob- ® p~ rt A. Campbell, treasurer of the Uni- PRESENTS COMEDY versity, who bas charge of both' the organizations, points out that the ex- The Spanish romantic comedy byI nense for this concert is indirectly Martinez Sierra, "The Romantic being carried by the students, as the Young Lady" was given its initial money for the band. expenditures presentation by Play production last comes from the student tuitions at the night in the Mimes theater. It will beginning of the ye ". continue tonight and tomorrow night.-! The stage will 1-' appropriately Helen Workman, '30, Samuel Bon- dressed for the occasion and Christ- ell, '28, and Charles Green, Grad., mas trees will be located at different carry the leading roles in the pro- points, duction, which is a translation by Harley Granville-Barker ana his wife. DEAN'S OFFICE TO The sets were constructed in the REISSUE Play production workshop under theP M Imt on 01 -f R~.IciA ru IV UT~11iat[, (.Ti - l Six men were intiated into Alpha Omega Alpha, national medical schol- astic honor society, at a banquet held last night at the Union. The men chosen for the organization, on the basis of their scholastic grades, were: Donald Booth, '28M, Olin Cameron, '28M, Franklin Johnston, '28M, Martin RECITALIST GIVES READING OF PLAY hi 1 IBRARIAN DECLA I Edwin M. Whitney gave the fifth READING BETTE regularly scheduled number of the_ current Oratorical association lecture "Students are reading a better tyre series last night in Hill auditoriun I "Stdn, are rig a e giving a presentation of the comedy, of fiction, more biography, and less "The Tailor Made Man." This was the of the literary essay than ever be- dramatic recitalist's fourth appear- i fore," declared Francis L. D. Good- ance in Ann Arbor. rich, associate librarian of the Uni- In the reading last night, Mr. Whit- versity library, in an interview yes- ney took the part of all the different terday. "This attitude of the stu- j characters of the play. Last year in dents is an index of tire trend "The Fortune Hunter," by Winchell throughout the entire country at the I O.-.+ r. Whitnamto +h nhrts of1 present time. At one time we thoughtI jPatmos, '28M, Clare Ritterschofer, '28M, and Paul Samson, '28M. ES STUDENTS ARE R TYPE OF FICTION a practical, serviceable place where the students can be best aided in securing material for their Univershy work. February will mark the anniversary of Goodrich's 21st year with the Uni- versity library. Over that period lie has seen the students' tastes for read- ing change time and time again. At one time the literary essay was ex- council of the society to hold its an- nual meeting here in 1928. The ex- tending of this invitation was passed at the last meeting of the Board or Regents. WILL PLAY OPERA MUSIC FOR DANCE' Several of the musical numbers which featured this year's Union Op- era, "The Same To You," will be among the dance numbers which Sid Bryant and his orchestra will play at the Christmas dance to be held to- night at the Union, according to an announcement made last night by the management. Eight of the men in Bryant's orchestra are members -r the Opera orchestra which played the songs during the run last week at the Whitney, and special arrangemenits have been made to use the Opera mu-{ sic at the party._ A l I ! 7 direction of icard woevais Graa.- 1hile the piece was supervised by' All students who wish to re-apply Earl Fleischman, head of the depart- for automobile permits for the com- mnt. This is the first of the Pay ing year should call before Dec. 16 at production vehicles for the season ? the office of the dean of students, in and the last regular theatrical enter- order to obtain application blanks, prise on the campus until after the according to an announcement made production of "Seventh Heaven" by yesterday. After obtaining the blanks, the Mimes players after vacation. students should fill them out and Tickets may be obtained at the IMLimes jhand them in to room 2, University box office for the performances to- hall, before Dec. 27. If this is not night and tomorrow. possible the applications may be mail- ed in before that date. UPermits and plates will be ready for U VIO ANNOUNCE distribution on Dec. 30, Dec. 31, and ,CHRISTMAS HOURS!Jan. 2 at the office of the dean of Hours during which the various de- students. No student will be allowed {