THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, SMPTEMB1 uTrtrxg t Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in C(ontrol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial As"sociation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled tb the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, $4.50- offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4g2S; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor....................Ellis B. Merry Staff Editor...... .....Philip C. Brooks City Editor.'~. ...Courtland C. Smith Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Women's Edifor ..........Marian L4. Welles Sports Editor.... . .HerbertCE. Vedler Theater, Books and Music-Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor..............Ross W. Ross Assistant C,y Editor.......Richard Kurvink Night Editors Robert E. FineCh G. Thomas McKean T. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.' Milton Kirshbaum Margaret Arthur Alexander N. Bochnowski Reporters Donald J. Kline Sally Knox Jack L. Lait, Jr. Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy StrattoneD. Buck Charles S. Monroe jean Campbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Mary E. Ptolemy Sydney M. Cown Harold L. Passma . Harlan Cristy Morris W. Quinn William B. Davis Pierce Rosenberg William C. Davis David Scheyer Mason de ]a Vergne Robert C.,Silbar Orville L. Dowzer Howard F. Simon Edith V. Egeland George E. Simons Marjorie Follmer Sylvia Stone James B. Freeman Mary Lou Taylor Robert J. Gessner- George Tilley Milton I. Goldstei Edward L. Warner, Jr. Elaine E. Gruber George Wohlgemuth Joseph E. Howell Leo J. Yoedicke Charles Kauffman Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer Advertising.............Arthur M. Hinckley Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse Advertising .........ohn W. Ruswinckel Accounts ...... ....Raymond Wachter Circulation ............George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication ........ ..'..Harvey Taleott Assistants Fred Babcock Ray Hofelich George Bradley Marsden R. Hubbard James . Brwn Hal A. Isen James B. Co'pe James Jordan Charles K. ('orrell Thales N. Lenington Bessie U. Egelan.l W. A. Mahaffy Ben Fishman George M. Perrett Douglass Fuller Alex K. Scherer Herbert Goldberg William L. Schloss L. H. Good i Herbert E Varnum Carl W. Hammer SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1927 Night Edtor-MILTON KIRSHBAU'.. POT, FROSH Through the years that freshmen classes have come to Michigan, there have inevitably grown up traditions in connection with the members of these classes that give them a distinction in outward appearance as complete as their distinction in attitude from that of the average upperclassmen.. Among the most notable and colorful of these traditions is the practice of wearing 'that significant article of headgear-the freshmen pot. In recent years, however, there has been a growing neglect of this custom on the part of the freshmen. This fall, thus far, -large numbers of the class of '31 are noticeably neglecting to observe this custom which for years has been judged the 'duty of all fresh- men. The freshmen should understand that the little gray pot is not a mark of degradation or servitude but rather a sign of distinction. It is a means. by which the members of the begin- ning class may readily recognize each other and thereby become more easily acquainted with their class- mates. The wearing of the pot is a boon to class unity which in turn is a stepping stone to true Michigan splrit. For the freshmen t attempt to. de- ceive the student body as to their identity is futile, for, to the experi- enced eye of an upperclassman, a freshman is as distinguishable from a veteran student as the sunshine from rain. Moreover, for the fresh- men to assume an attitude of defiance to the traditions of the school is to at- tempt to overthrow one of the most colorful and time-honored customs of the univerdity which they have adoptedi - Rather than attempts at either de- ceit or defance, it is better that the freshmen wear their pots; it is better that they avoid any general resent- ment which their contrary action may kindls; and it is much better that they use this traditional method of foster- ing class unity. WHAT IT MEANS Amid the conglomerate confusion of the League of Nations, where dozens ready to go to work on the whole armament question. Naturally of especial interest to citizens of the United States is whether or not their governnent will be represented in these conferences.. It is incongruous, to say the least, that a 'ation posing as a champion of uni- versal peace should refuse to co-.. operate; but, on the other hand, per- mission to send a delegation would only be a matter of courtesy on the part of the League if Nations, for we have as yet no legal status in con- nection with that organization. On the preparatory committees the American government has been fully represented. It has fostered and abetted proposals for arbitration and security guarantees, and it is only reasonable to suppose that if invited it will take part in the disarmament conference. The experience of last summer should have proved that any attempt to negotiate outside the League on the problems of naval or land armaments is likely to be futile; and if. America Is to contribute her share to the progress of pacific pro- posals she must not neglect to avail herself of the opportunities that the League of Nations commission will afford. Despite the insistence with which the assembly is demanding the report of the preparatory commission, how- ever, it is difficult to believe that any- thing definite will come from the negotiations. With masses of tech- nical and often unimportant objec- tions responsible for former failures, only the most optimistic observer can view the present situation without cynicism. Yet, sooner or later, it is hoped, European diplomats will cease their silly bickerings to do something worthwhile in the way of disarma- ment and other anti-war moves. CONTROL FROM WITHIN It is recognized that in the infant stages of any industry pioneering may often lead to lengths that must later be restricted by control. The nature of.this control offers a prob- leWp that is ,best determined by the nature of the industry; but it is al- ways advisable, if possible, that the control should come from within and not from without. Al of the plans that have been sug- gested for the control of aviation, by individuals, by societies, and by committees, have suggested that the government should take immediate action. They have all smacked of paternalism and the resultant stunt- ing of free endeavor. Eward P. Warner, assistant scere- tary of the navy for Aeronautics, now comes forth with a plan that seems to clarify the whole problem and lead to a logical and definite end. Mr. War- ner's plan strikes at the evil by mak- ing aviators and their companies re- sponsible for the injection of sanity and common sense into the acts of fliers. . He suggests rigid tests for pilots and mechanics, and the regis- tration of all machines which might be used for such flights. Armed with all of -the knowledge which would be required for a license, and protected by a good plane and an understanding of the weather conditions, the chances for disaster to the pilot are reduced to a minimum. The Warner plan is indeed the most, senisible one yet suggested. Not only does it remove the stigma of govern- mental control from the field of avia- tion, but it places the responsibility in the hands of those who have the fu- ture of aviation at heart. RUSSIAN DIPLOMACY Settlement of the Russo-French debt negotiations in Moscow recently is apparently indicative of two fur- ther steps by Soviet officials: first, to settle up its debt to the United Sates; second, to promote goodwill th.roughout the world in the interest of world peace. Coming as it does, after a period in which Russia paid in interest alone on the debt to France no less than 400,000,000 gold francs, the settlement is hailed as a big victory for Soviet diplomacy. It is that, but a great deal more. Russia's economic interests with the United States are materially more vital than those with France. These can continue to the best advantage of both countries only under conditions which permit a wholesome attitude on the part of one country toward tthe other. Settlement of the debt would be a great stride in that direction. Indications are now that Russia's debt to the United Stateso will soon be settled. A foreign spokesman is credited with saying that such an exigency should prove more simple because of he fact that a smallerI amount would be involved, and be-l OASTED ROLL FRESHMAN ENDS Enthusiastic approval of their own entertaining and instructing program for this year's entrants into the Uni- versity was expressed by the exe- cutive committee for Rolls Freshman week on the eve of the final day of the ceremonies. "No matter what the Freshman, the faculty, or anyone else around here thinks about it," declared the president of the committee, "we are sure it has been an unqualified success." ROL*LS I ROLLS FRESHMAN WEEK Final Progran I 10:30-12:00-Freshmen will at- I tend church of preference. A strictly non-religious service for those without preference will be given by members of the coaching squad at Ferry field.' 1:00-5:00-Special showing of the feature picture of each Ann Arbor movie house at Hill auditorium, under the auspices of the Student council. An or-j gan recital by Palmer Chris-, tian will accompany -the pic- tures. 6:00-6:30-Farewell banquet, at State street lunch counters. 8:00-11:45-Farewell program, at Hill auditorium. * * * No effort has been spared by the executive committee to mate tonight's farewell program the biggest event of the year for the entering Frosh- men. All the campus is invited, the only reuest being that guests will not interrupt any part of the program. * * * A number of other events have been considered, including reception of a radio message from Professor Hobbs, and if possible they will be included in the program. * * * THEATER B 0 0MKUS MUSIC I.' Rolls Freshman Week FAREWELL PROGRAM Duet-"Till We Meet Again".... . ...Deans Bursley and Emery Bass Drum Solo-"Forget-me- not" . . President C. C. Little Reading-"I'll Meet You At The' Corner".................. State Officer Kenneth Wood- row Vocal Solo-"'What Do I Care What Somebody Said"..... .....,.........Harry Tillotson Novelty Reading-'Don't Go Away Mad"....Dean Effinger Address-"Our Freshman Week" ...............Benjamin Bolt Itesponse-"It Wasn't So Bad"' .Percival Squirt Song-"Some .Other Day" ..... Gamma Iota Mu Girls' Quartet Feature-"'Ask Me Another".... ...............Dr. Tom Lovell Closing . Address - "Get To Work!" ......Student Council "THE GRANDMOTHERS," by Glen- way Westcott. New York: Harper and Brothers. $2.50. A review, by Maryllnd Frank's. It is too often the case that the awarding of a prize for any work of fiction has a stigmatizing effect. That is, thereris always some one to find fault and propose at least a dozen other books of superlative qualities which should have received it. How- ever with the Harper prize novel for 1927-28, this cannot be said. It should stand with the mose excellent prose works of the most experienced. "The Grandmothes," by Glenway Westcott- is the author's second novel, but is a distinct contribution to American let- ters of the last decade. The book is a history of a Wiscon- sin family told through the medium of Alwyn Tower, whose grandmothers title the book. He had sat at their feet as a child and hear.the strange stories of his family, and these stories form the chapters of the novel. They live through the pages unstained by sentimentality, and the characters breathe as strong men and women -characters who color the book with a unique tone. Each chapter is de- voted to one or more members of the family and the chapters are not re- lated as to time, but nevertheless they merge one into the other and form a perfect and indissoluble whole. It is an unfamiliar form that Mr. Westcott has chosen, and yet it could not be better for setting forth what he has to say and what he says so poignantly and well. ; 0 The bulk of the book is the human drama of the Towner family with its death and birth and life. But in the last chapter Mr. Westcott turns to consider the country in the light of its men, and women. But the interest always is in the story of his grand- mothers - resolute and divergent strong women; his mother, whose tragic and lovely history is one of the finest parts of the book; and other relatives who are sketched here and there with accurate strokes. It is this quality that makes "The Grand- mothers" not only entertaining but something more than an ordinary t'prize novel." THE BONSTELLE OPENING The Bonstelle Playhouse is to open for the winter season Sept. 19 with several ne* members added and many of the favorites remaining. The new Bonstelle company is of unusual in- terest this season in that it will have two leading men and women, and the whole organization is more one of youth than heretofore. Among the new members are the two new leading men,;Craig Ward and George Blackwood. The former is a graduate of the University of Cali- fornia and a native son of tOlat state. He was associated 'with Sir eerbohn Tree and also with stock companies on the coast, had started on a career in moving pictures wlhen an unfor- tunate accident made itg necessary .to abandon that pursuit. During his recuperation he wrote short stories and fantasies, some of which are being used by Ruth St. Denis in her dance programs. Mr. Ward was the original hero in "White Collars" during-its run of two years in Los Angeles. Mr. Blackwood, formerly with the Coburns and under the Belasco man- agement, has done some very credit- able "o rk in a special production com- pany ii'y Brooklyn. The types of the two leading men are vastly different, which will add zest' to their interpre- tations of roles. The.: two leading women' who will sharo honors are also "of a -different type.. ss Eden Gray will be remem- bered as having been with Miss Bon- stile di'Iing her occupancy of the Gar Fj4a few years ago., Since her forme ij)onstelle days she has reach- ed a hiigh rung in the ladder, having resigned from one of Brady's pro- ductions now current in New York to join the group at the Playhouse. Her companion in the leads is not new to Detroit as she has be'en playing in- genues during the last season. She is Joan Lowell, at present the object of a new play which Thompson Bu- chanan is writing for her, and which, when completed, will be given its pre- miere at. the Playhouse under the di- rection of Miss Bonstelle. Miss Bonstelle has also announced that four of her people who have been with her for ten or twelve years are remaining. They are the two "Walters" Sherwin and Young, in their usual -- .. I 1 I * * * Program Draws Comment Great was the suprise manifested yesterday by the executive committee of Rolls Freshman week when a rep- resentative group of Freshmen, head- ed by Percival Squirt, came to thank them for their efforts in behalf of the entering class. * * * "It was far better than anything of the kind we have ever seen," de- clared the perfect Freshman, "and I have no doubt but that the events I missed were fully as good as those I attended." * * * Freshman Squirt, who will respond for his classmates as a part of this evening's program, was the winner of the autographed datebook awarded by the Pan-Hellenic association for the survivor in the general information contest. "After my experiences with the team that conducted the tests," he declared when presented the tro- phy, "I have made my choice of a campus activity." * * * A FALSE ALARMJ Our fullest measure of gratitude is hereby extended to the enterprising reporter who brought in the news that the scaffolding erected about the Law building was merely for the purpose of putting a new cover on the roof. * * * We had been worrying about that, scaffolding ever since returning to Ann Arbor. Our first guess was that it had been placed thei-e as an emerg- ency measure and we were about to 1 hii to R nd CThnvcfnrPyn,, n i