"TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1927 THE MICHICAN DAILY P'AGE THlRE _. ,; MESSAGE FROM ( SUPPLIES Local Radio Station Recelves Word Of Arrival Of Dog Team At Arctic Weather Camp Bringing supplies to the band of four men who are spending the winter in southern Greenland to study mete- orological phenomena, a dog sled has arrived at the northern weather station of the University on Mount Evans, according to a message to Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the geology de- partment, from Paul 0. Oscanyan, radio operator of the expedition in Greenland. The message was picked up by the local short-wave station of the R. 0. T. C. under the direction of Lieut. Richard T. Schlosberg, profes- sor of military- science. It read "Dog, sled and first shipment arrived, also mail. Thank You for letter." "The import of this terse message from- the radio operator at Mt. Evans might not be clear to one not familiar with the plans of the expedition or the conditions in Grenland today," said' Professor Hobbs. "The navigation of Greenland* waters closes about Nov. 15, and no ship is willingly caught there after that date. It is hazardous to cruise in Greenland waters when the seasoi Is closed, in part only because of the few hours of daylight, but mainly be- cause of the fierce blizzards in which the driving snow effectually blots out all objects. The skipper has then no alternative to but to, stop his engines 3REENLANU ANNOUNCES LITTLE WILL GIVE REACH GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION' ALUMNI MEETING PLAN FOR FUTURE and drift at the mercy of the wind on the tides along these fjords is every- s a coast where there are no beacons where as much as 15 feet, and because A centennial send-off dinner is of any kind. of it, all the ice cover except a narrow scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 21, at "The Disko this summer was far bend on either shore moves up and the Michigan Union. It will be the1 behind her usual schedule and there- down each day much as an elevator occasion of the first formal and com- fore unable to leave Copenhagen for car moves up and down within its plete announcement by President Greenland on her last cruise of the shaft. Separated from this moving Clarence Cook Little of his program season until Oct. 23. This would ice by a so-called tide-crack, there is for the next 10 years for an alumni bring her to Holstenborg, her destina- a narrow ribbon of ice along each university and will embody his state- tion, much too late, and it was ar- bank which remains stationary as a ment of University needs. ranged therefore that she should not shelf known as the 'ice-foot,' and it is The dinner will be held in the ball- go beyond Sukkertoppen, a little set- along this foot that the dog sled is room of the Union and attendance tlement on the coast about 100 miles able to make its way, though it must will be limited to 500. The affair will further south. She carried mail and go up over the ranges between one be for men only. Admission will be supplies for our expedition. The Dan- fjord and another. by invitation, from President Little, ish director for Greenland agreed to "Our instructions were that the first the Board of Regents, and President make arrangements, if possible, to dog sled should include in its load Ottoway, of the Alumni Association charter a small motor-schooner at 100 pounds of Klorr's erbswurst, the of the University. There will be a Sukkertoppen which would make the base of pea soup, which as a German similar dinrer at a later time at which attempt to sneak along the coast and army ration proved its high value, President Little will deliver his mes- forward our mail and supplies to and which in two seasons our expedi- sage to the Women's League. Holstensborg. tion has found an excellent supple- The Alumni Association lias sent "Arrangements had been hastily ment to the pemmican crackers and announcements throughout the counp made with the Danish official there to tea diet of our ice-cap expeditions. have the supplies taken by dog sled This consignment will therefore be a THE RAE during the winter to our camp 100 welcome addition to Helge Bangsted's- miles away inland as the crow flies, supplies for his ice-cap expedition of Today and Wednesday and much further by the route fol- next February or March." Desperado lowed. The message tells us there- -D____De___er__d__ fore that these plans worked out suc- With cessfully and that the first dog sled PRINCETON CLUB TO GIVE with supplies and mail has just reach- ANNUAL PLAY IN DETROIT Leo Maloney ed' our base. Though these supplies (Not an Irish play) were not in the class of first essen- The Princeton Triangle Club will tials, they will greatly add to the make its yearly visit to Detroit, Jan. This "Ad" with l]c comfort of the little party marooned 2, this time presenting "Napoleon Walk a few blocks and save a there. Passes," a comic presentation depict- few dimes "It also tells that the fjords of ing incidents that might have hap- RAE Greenland are frozen. The range of pened to Napoleon in Russia. try to the officers and governors of university of Michigan Clubs, request- ing a reply as to attendance and ask- ing for information regarding the size of the delcgation they expect to send to the dinner. President Otto- way expects that every University of Michigan Club in the association will be represented at this function by a delegation. r; 'ii -- GIFT x U G GmE . . ,i. P' G G r t . I MEN ONLY! WEDNESDAY 7 to 9 P. M. Our store will be open Wednesday night from 7 to 9 p. m. for men only. This is an opportunity for men to buy lovely gifts for their wife, mother, sister or sweet- heart from our large selec- tiorX of gifts she will admire. You will receive individual personal service, service that is helpful and instructive. "The Shop of Personal Service" II 1111 O® i f 1 For "His" C TISNS hristmaws I ii ql 14, iIp [ ,i . . a ;f 1 ' . 6 c-J .ti ; -, , ' ;'a _R,;. 1 ._. 'ha . . . y5 t i -. . ,. ; __ r I I s WATCHES, POCKET KNIVES AND CHINS, (IGARETTE CASES AND LIGHTERS, sTU[j)s AND CUFF LINKS, UINGS CARL F. BAY JEWELER Nickels Arcade Dial 9727 1 ,;. 41 i 1 1111 I t If I ililHililI1I ll lllilllllllllllilllllillllllllillll ll ll ll ll llll IIIII1111 WE CARRY- THE LARGEST STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS N THE CITY= - _ I SLATER'S BOOK SHOP n i Ilt i ii ui iililiiiiiiU11111111111111'1 111111 lillilllllllilllllllll llll aiiti CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phongs, Office : 4351-4552 Yard Office: 5152 - _ -- The Cream ofb the Tobacco Crop _'_ _ _: ' ; .::;; .. . e Q ,. a,... "M :, . ,: 'I I i /' s;I '4 I *, . , r -r -r aI - alr -r a - I)) - Er s a r_ a "TeRmniwon ay a by w aw G.MATNE IER ri - YI * 1 You, too, will find that LUCKY STRIKES give the greatest pleasure - Mild and Mellow, the finest cigarettes you ever smoked. Made of the choicest tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there is an extra process -"LT'S TOASTED"-no harshness, not a bit of bite. MARY EATON Popular Musical Comedy Star, writes: "It seems that most all the members of the'Lucky Coat- pany smoke Lucky Strike cigarettes, and once I was t:..a tempted to try one, and I am glad to say I have enjoyed them ever'since. I am very happy to say my throat has been in perfect condition all season. Lucky Strike is the only cigarette for me .., . t