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December 13, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-13

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XIany Stage Productions Are Included Troops To Stay On Duty Until Courts
Amntong Repertoire Of Noted -"Settle Qucstion Of Legality
lDramiuaic Recitalist Of Assembly
Presenting the i -linown comedy, (By. Associated Press)
"Tha Tailor Made Mal," Edwin M. 1dVliM*JIIilley I OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 13-Strik-
Whitney, noted American dramatic N , Ae ica iraiatic recitalist, uig with the mailed fist, Gov. Henry
rwh1 ilaw e will appear here in hill auditori- S. Johnson today prevented inemoers;
recitalist, will appear here in H11 um tonight at 8 o'clock. Mr. Whitney iof the Oklahoma house of representa-
auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight in the will present "The Tailor Made Man." Jtives from meeting in the state capin
fifth reguarly scheduled number on ~--~~ tal to consider his impeachment, but
the annual Oratorical association failed to overcome their detei!nina-
series. it will be0his second appear- HlUI tion to proceed w :-h thir program.
ane hee i tw yers nd is ourh tShortly after national gua dsmen
in A nn A rb or . yies an hLsA D U IPudrth. .arm ed w ith rifles ad p is ol had
in nnArbr.ned te leilatrsbcl at the
"The Tailor Made Man" is said to doors of the house chamber this
be one of Whitney's favorite plays, in -Imorning, a majority of the members
each of which he portrays all of the Recipient Of Award, Who Is Whliaums met secretly, at a hotel and agreed to
parts. Last year he played, Winchell College Graduate, Resides convene again tomorrow to recee
Smith's "The Fortune hunter" in Hill In Battle Creek 11charges voted against the executive by
ulitoerium, taking in all 13 different --ANGEan investigating committee.
parts. Aong the other plays in- MAY CHANGE ALLOTMENTS The scene of tomorrow's session
eludced in his repertoire are "Ilit the j-was not revealed but it will be some
Trail llolliday" by George M. Cohan, 1 Robert F. Baker of Battle Creek was Place outside of the capital.
in which he takes the part of 15 char- I Whether Governor Johnston will at-
ers; "The esage from Mars,byannounced yesterday as the winner of tempt to have troops disperse the
Rich ari ( ta ithony, 1 characters; the Rhodes Scholarship from the legislators tomorrow was a matter of
"Turn to the fright," by Winchell State of Michigan. Nine other resi- speculation tonight. His directions to
Smith, which he presented here three dents and college men of the state i Adj.-Gen. Charles F. Brett were to
Nears ago, taking the parts of 12 were entered in the competition. "suppress all insurrectionary mee-
chavact era; ';"Ap>t auce," by Barry .lgs, whether held at the capital or
Tooth," Baker is a graduate of Williams col- igwehrhl ttecptlo
'onioor; ;'"'The Wisdom Tooth," ' byBt any other place in the state."
Marc. Connclly; and "The haunted lege, having finished his studies there Scenes today at the capital with
Man," by Charles ,Dickens. Each year, iin 1926. Since that time he has been soldiers on patrol recalled the day
it is said, Whitney adds to his recitals in the Harvard Graduate school. He is a little more than four years ago
some succes: both desirable and en- majoring in philosophy. when Gov. Jack Walton used troops
tertaining, which is suited to his re- Coincident with the announcement to prevent a selfummoned asse'/bly
markable powers of impersonation. of the winners of the scholarship in of house members bent on impeach-
Is New Yorker the 32 states of the Union which elect ing him. Walton later was removed
Whit ney is a native American, hav- this year, there came the announce- from office when he withdrew the iron
ing been born in New York, and he men from Presid'ent Prank Ayde- hand and formally called the legisla-
has been on the stage for 25 years. lotte that former Rhodes scholars now ture into session.
During that time he ha appeared in the United States have proposed a Troops To Stay
before more than 5,000 audiences, ap- change in the method of allotment. Governor Johnston annonced late
pearing in Ann Arbor on four differ- I The outstanding fact in the history today that troops would remain on
ent occasions. of the scholarships since the war, Dr. active duty until the courts finally
When 21 years 'old, the dramatist Aydelotte said has been the large in- settle the question of the legality of
enlisted in the army for duty in the crease in the competition and corres-sttlet sti onfhcleglityo-
Spanish-American war, and at the ponding improvement in the quality of th legislative session which was con-
close of the war had reached the rank the men selected. voked without his call.
of top-sergeant. He later attended Want New Districts. Tthugh mgovernorlaexplained that benafo-
the Emerson College of Oratory at "Encouraged by this improvement," though marialtlawahad notabeengfor-
Boston, from which he graduated in he said, "the former Rhodes scholars mally declared "the act of calling out
1902 He immediately set out upon have proposed that the United States the national guard clothes the mil-
a stage career with his brothers as be divided into eight districts of six tary arm with authority, the sarir as
vocalist and reader, and has remained f states each, with a competition to be though formal martial law had been
in that field ever since. held in every state every year, instead declared."
At the present time Whitney is di- of only two years out of three as at Governor Johnston fortified his le-
rector of the Whitney Studios of Plat- present, and that each state commit- gal position by obtaining a temporary
form Art which he established in tee be allowed to nominate one or two restraining order from District Judge
1914, and is actively engaged in sev- scholars who would appear before the T. G. Chambers, forbidding the 1ugps-
cral projects for the cause of art r:gional committee as candidates for lature from returning impeachment
thl'oughout the country. le still ap- I the four appointments from that dis- charges against state officers.
pears regularly on the American stage trict. The regional committee would The state supreme court, which has
and is a comparatively young man. then appoint the four best without re- already declared the session to bet
Liked By Critics !gard to state lines. without standing, today 'inidefiinitely
New York critics have varied from "This plan would insure a geograph- postponed the hearing on a test case
lime to timc' in their estimation of his ical distribution of the scholarships 'that was intended further to clarify1
various performances, but they have among the different parts of the the situation. It was an applicationj
always agreed upon the fact that his United States which is approximately for a writ of mandamus forcing the
performances are wholesome, genuine the same as it is at present, but it state auditor to approve, and the state
nd ar tstic. Of him they have said: would no longer guarantee each indi- treasurer to pay claims of legisla-
"hIe is a typial, clean-cut wholesome vidual state its share of the appoint- tures made incident to the session.
American gentleman; trained in his ments. Within a given district the ap- ; To Ignore Court
art to the finest degree of perfection; pointments would go to the various While the executive said he would
he brings to his audiences something states in proportion to the quality of place his reliance on the courts leg-
far bvyond that which theycame to their candidates. islative leaders reiterated that they
hear. His atmosphere of wholesome- Indorsed By Majority. would ignore any court order against
ness attracts and arrests attention, "The proposal has been indorsed by the session. They hold that the legis-
his personality demonstrates his an ovrwhelinug majority of the form- lature has an "inherent right" to con
genuiness and ideals, his ability seizes 1r Rhodes scholars in the United vene at any time on its own c\'I arid
your imagination and visualizes the States and by a similar majority of that this right cannot be taken away
characters as they weave the pattern the leading authorities in education, by the judiciary.
of the play." including.the members of the Associa- Charges against Governor Johnston
Mr. Whitney's performance tonight tion of American Universities, the As- to be laid before the house by an
will be the last sheduled number on sociation of Urban Universities and investigating committee are under
the Oratorical series until after the the Association of American Colleges, stood to include an allegation or gen-
Christmas holidays. It will begin as well as by prominent men of col- eral incompetency.

promptly at 8 o'clock, according to lege and university circles,
Two specifications are reported to
.officials.For the 32 Rhodes scholarships relate to the employment by the ex
__________ Iavailable in the United States this
__^yaa-lathe 4thcnitedstptesiouslyecutive department of Jose Alvarado
T 7SELL BENEFIT had been selected and approved by as a special police officer to hunt
SEALS AT UNION t liir irespective colleges and univer- lbank robbers. Legislators have charg-
ed that Alvarado him-vlf is wanted'
Ayt-by Texas authorities for bank rob-
;",;,opportumity for men stucdents bery.
11t01 connected with any fraternity to ENGINEERING CLUB Pya
Ihitlssasfrtebn Payment of salaries of certa~n em-
r hl Christmas seals for the be- H E A R S WILLIAMS ployees of the state banking depsrt-
ord iu2the lobby of thelon to- - Ilent through the alleged illegal is-
i it wys announflce U' by William "The formation of the governmentIsuane of deficiency certificates is an-
S i, ,itad., presidnt of fhe Un-'of the united States iwas due largely other matter the house investigating
; . ,A tablde will be placed in thill to the original convene of delegates committee inquired into.
7,iiItl,,'lby, with commnitteemuen fr'onm ,from the eastern states concerning
the [ U illhi 'arge, anl any wishing I the colonial waterwaytsystem, fron WIEMAN SPEAKS BEFORE
to niurchliase the seals may do so. which the constitutional convention, CLUBS IN SEVEN CITIES
The Student council, as in the past, and finally the United States of Amer-
haF taken charge of the solicitation of ica, was evolved," stated Gardner S. Coach Tad Wieman returned to Ann
the fraternities otf the campuis for Williams, internationally known as a Arbor Sunday morning from a trip to
the purpose of selling the seals, and I consulting engineer, in his illustrated various Michigan cities in the vicinity
:at the meeting last Wednesday .night address to the Transportation club in of Ann Arbor. His tour included Mt.
t was decided to give the non-era- an open meeting in the East Engi- Pleasant, -Flint, Owosso, Charlotte,
ternity studbnts a chance to aid in neering building last night. Saginaw, Bay City, and Midland. In
the work. For this purpose Jeffries Economic and engineering features most of these cities he addressed the
was apointed from the council, -):st of the St. Lawrence Waterway pro- local University of Michigan Clubs,
wek, to arrange for the sale of the 'ject were the subjects of Williams' but he also spoke at several high
ras. Today has been set aside for lecture. He also included in his dis- school assemblies.
n a mimhpr of comments upnn

Today and tomorrow a last chance will distinguish the 1928 volume, along
will be offered to obtain the 1928 with an enlarged and improved ath-
'Ensian at the special early price of letic section in which will appear
$3.50, which is being given to those some unusual action pictures. The
staff of the yearbook will have tables ed, but will probably resemble lastML
on the campus for sales during this year's imitation leather job.
two--day period, ater which the price With the football season, the fall h0IT S E OF REPRESENTATIVES
I will go up to $4. games, and the senior pictures in WORKS AR) ON TAX
Orders for 'Ensians can be made at their final form on the dummy, the t ( ' EASURES
the Engineering arch, in front of the work o editing the 1928 'Ensian is j
libra'y, at the State street end of the proceeding according to schedule. The I
diagonal. or at tables which will be engravers have been occupied, al- VENEZUELAN IS HONORED
placed in the lobbies of Angell and though nothing as yet has been sent
University halls. Sales will be made to the printers. The last copy will be "Jim" Reed, Missouri, Drives Througlt
at these tables from 8 to 4 o'clock on sent to the printers in February, and Resolution To Renew Life Of
( the days mentioned. the volume will be issued the middle Slush Fund Committee
Following a plan inaugurated with of May.
c(onsiderable success last year, an op- -- -- -- -(y Associated Pres)
portunity will lie ivtered to campus Il;.lIl1WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-A study in
organizations to obtain a free copy IT HHcontrasts again was presented today
of the 'Ensian with the name of the or-'1 L LMIT by Congress, with the House show-
ganization engraved ii gold on the ing every disposition to do its legis-
corner, i 15 members of the organiza- IlL verydisisiton NUdIItsIVgEsIl
tion sign up for 'Ensians before Dec. 1 Un i ii dlative shopping early while the Sen-
15. The staff anticipates distributing ate let its work pile up.
Smany more tfree copies to fraternities Unflaggingly and aimoit without
and sororities than last year. interruption throughout a long after-
Views, of the campus in color, re-
placing l1st year's flat tone views, noon session the House leaders kept
I ~SPCIAL (O'( I IPRESEINT El) " ]the tax reduction bill moving toward
IN AFTERNOON BEFORE passage. The Senate, which had ixmen
SCHOOL (HILDREN ( I in recess since Friday, passed with-
£ out debate the bill giving a special
LARGE AUDIENCE ATTENDS medal to Colonel Lindbergh, adopted
LAE AT - a resolution to renew the life of
Choir And Pianist Are Two Remaining f the Reed slush fund committee, and
Numbers On Extra Series then adjourned before mid-afternoon.
Martinez Sierra Is Author Of Comedy Program For Year Not only did the House keep to
Which liar Been Translated By --a its knitting, but it seemed to enjoy it
Harley Granville-Barker Making the first of their regular ap- immensely. The tax bill assembled an
pearance in Ann Arbor for this year, I 1M I'unusual turnout of members, and dur-
FLEISCHMAN WILL DIRECT the Detroit Symphony orchestra gave A1C ing most of the afternoon half of the
__ concertbefore a large audience in Senators-eect iFrauk L. Smith, of seats were occupied. On the Republi-
will mark tie first perform- Hill auditorium last night. This con- Illinois, .11141 ilhiama . T rmaf side of the aisle, to the left of the
ance of "The Romantic Young Lady," stituted the third of the five attiraic- lienmsy :nia vpeaker, the members of the majority
sponsored by Play Production, at 8:15 tions scheduled by the University The storm centes of a bitter fight1 spread out before the 10-foot\ maho-
o'clock in the Mimes theater. The School of Music on the Extra Jeries Ito keep them from ho;:Ig scat(d in the any table where Chairman Green kept
play is a direct translation of a this year, and marked the last musical 70th Congress. ttab on the progress of the bill, while
moderu Spanish comedy by Martinez event in the University circles until -AN G E C U on the right the Democrats were
Sierra, as presented at tme Teatro Jan. 18. Bgrouped similarly about their erst-
Royale in Madrid in 1918, and later Ossip Gabrilowitsch wielded the while leader, Senator Garner, of Tex-
in London and New York. Perform- baton for the organization for the en- as, the final Democratic authority on
ances will be given tomorrow and 'tire program, which included the TOONITE INNT questions of taxation.
Thursday nights only in addition to Schubert overture, "Rosamunde," I Discussion Unstopped
tonight because of the closing of Symphony in D minor by Franck Only on 'two or three occasions
school in all schools and colleges of Tschaikowsky's theme and variations was the tax discussion halted even
the University. from the third suite, and the Brahms Program Will Consist Of Numbers By temporarily. It was hushed once
The cast for the production includes overture, "Academic Festival." Ga- Two Organizations And Solos when a Senate messenger was an-
Helen Workman, '3U, Richard Woelhaf, brilowtsch has ifmis year received Of Individual embers nounced and, after the established
Grad., Samuel Bonell, '28, and Charles more than the usual amount of favor- --manner, stood at the foot of the cn-
Green, Grad. The direction was in able comment for his work with the maner,
the hands of Earl Fleischman, general orchestra during the Eastern tour just LITTLE WILL GIVE TALK terhaisle and intoned the information
compleed. ,that the Senate had passed the Lind-
director of the work in Play Produc- completed.
dirtio owthe workhaiste chnProduct- In keeping with the custom which bergh medal of honor bill. Again there
retor while s Woelhaf is technical de iwa was a momentary hiatus, accompan-
rector and has superintended the I A review of last night's concert was begun just before the Christmas sied y a burst of handelaping, whe
building of all of the sets used in the by the Detroit Symphony orches- holidays, last year, the Varsity band Republican leader Tilson told his col-
two acts. This work has been doneI tra will be round in the Theater, and the Glee club will present a leagues that the House had as its
by the classes in stagecraft. Books, and Music column on I
The play has been in the process of page 4. i t Christmas concert tomorrow guest in the gallery the speaker of
production for some time due to the night in Hill auditorium. The band the house of deputies of Venezuela.
fact that it was supposed to be given gave the 1926 concert alone, but A dark-clad leader bowed his ackow-
earlier in the year but had to be post- In the afternoon a special concert nce the Glee club has come under lodgement above the gallery rail, and
toned .case of complications in was given by the orchestra for the then the tax debate was on again.
scheduling the Mimes theater. The benefit of the Ann Arbor school chil- the mnagement of Robert A. Camp-
second production of the organization j dren. Arrangements for this were bell, treasurer of the University, it WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-By a de-
will be given at the same theater be- made through the public school of- I was decided to have both organiza- cisive vote of 58 to 20 the Senate td-
ginning Jan. 18, but its title has not ficials, in order that a maximum at- tions doine in the 1927 event The con- y o n, tae feud of its only two
j yet been announced. IJtendance could be secured. Childreno in.t- n cousins, "Dave" Red, of Pennsyl-
"The Romantic Young Lady" deals coming in the regularly supervised cert will be free to the students and vania, and "Jim" Reed, of Misgtouri,
with the disillusionment of a girl of ! groups were admitted free of charge, I all the others who wish to come, the formally reaffirming the authority of
Ithe debutante age in Madrid, who has while seats in the balconies were i expenses being borne by the band. I its special campaign funds committee
ben forced through seclusion to seek available to adults who were'interest- President Clarence Cook Little will headed by the Missourian.
her entertainment in the contempor- ed. This program included the Reed of Pennsylvania, who gained
ary novels of a Spanish writer, de Cor- Tscaikowsky "Nutcracker Suite" and l'"e present to extend Christmasgreet- the upiper hand when lie led a suc
doba. Through a fatal incident she Waltz of Flowers; the Bach-Gounod mugs to the student body, and will I cessful filibuster at the close of the
is thrown into the company of the "Ave Maria," and the lungarian give a short talk between numbers. !last session, which prevented a vote
autlmor, known to her as the apari- Rhapsody No. 2. Victor Kolar direct- The program will consist of alter I on the proposal to continue the com-
ion hcecause of his unconventional (ed the orchestra during this appear- nate numbers by the band and Glee mittee submitted almost without a
manner of app'aring. The comedy af- ance, since Gabrilowitsch was unable club, with several special numbers struggle as .the Missourian drove
fords a comparison with the current to appear. Edith Rhetts, educational by soloists from both organizations. I through his resolution after lashing
Euglish and American drama of the director for the Detroit symphony ar- Among them will be ;Jarsimal Byrn, tmhe Pennsylvania senator.
samce type, and is one of time few ex- ranged the program and lectured on (rad., cornetist, t. K. Beccer, '29E, Will Continue Plans
aniples of Spanish drama available .fthe various numbers. This was an ex- flutist, and Frank Mercier, '28, bari- Ordered to carry on, the commit-
through translation. tension of the regular educatiinal work tome. tee of which Reed of Missouri is
The translation was made by Harley j along musical lines that has been a Several of the numbers will be giv- chairman, will meet tomorrow to
Granville-Baker and his wife, who also Iconstantpart of the Detroit programen together and it is expected that p plans for resuming Its investiga-
the English p'oduction of the organization. ithe audience will be asked to sing tion into the Pennsylvania and Illi-
I in 1920. Tickets for the play have The St. Olaf Lutheran Choir under some of the better-known coege and roms primaries last year. On the basi
been on sale in the box office of the the direction of F. Melius Christansen, Ci'hristmas songs which will be mixed of its partial report the S'enate re-
Mimes theater and in the lower corri- and Myra Hess, English pianist, are 1 to make up the program. fused by overwhelming majorities last
dor of the University hail during the the two remaining numbers on the This is the second step made by week to administer the oath to Frank
past week, and some are s.Ir avail- program of the ninth annua4 Extra i University officials and by the ma- iL. Smith, of Illinois, and William S.
.A s s .series, while the next musical attrac- agements of the band and Glee clubs Vare, of Pennsylvama, both Republi-

tion in Hill auditorium will be Paul to bring the students together in some cans, pending a further investigaon
I ATHLETIC BOARD Koch'anski, violinist, on Jan. 18. kind of holiday observancevbefore I by the Reed commitee. nI
WI L-EIB RAT they leave school for the vacation, Smith and Vare, in peeuga
IWEATHER DE A according to CampbeY.S This concert uments why they are ented to
Meeting at a luncheon Thursday MEX'CAN FLIGHT wi" "ie the " ""p""ty for Senate speeches, will-stress, among
noon a~t the Union, the Board in Con- __ the students to get together in such other points, their election after the
trol of Athletics will consider the (By Associated Press) an observance and it iy hoped that it voters of Illinois and Pennsylvania;
adoption o the schedule arranged by WASHINGTON Dec 13 - Col. will become a regular occurence each i had- been, fully advised of the charges
the Big Ten whereby contests will be Charles A. Lindbergh probably will year. The two organlza ons will hOld brought against them during the Reed
arranged for two or more teams i not be able to take off for exicoa similar concert with secial Easter quirymore than a year ago.
the various varsity sports. eCnty be able to ta e so ico - music, before Spring vacation, if During a brief discussion whichi
-.hevrosvriysot.City for another 10 days, he said, af-I
er consultation today with weather plans now being made are carried out. preceded the Senate vote, Reed of
LOUGHRAN WINS LIGHT bureau officials and officers of the ----------Missouri declared that the Pennsyl-
I IEAVVWEIGiHT CONTEST naval hydrographic office. Informed T CRAVIS TO TELL vania Reed had "thwarted his plan"
that a low' pressure area existed over SPEECH' DEFECTSi by "leading the filibuster" in the clos-
(By Associated Press) the Rio Grande, he said it probably tr__dasof__ thelatsessionagain
woul be10 dys r een to weksthe resolution to continue his comn-
woul be10 dys r een to weks Dr. Lee Edward Travis, professor .
Tommy Loughran, sturdy younge y mittee during the recess. Then ne
Philadelphian, won general recogni- before he could start the journey from I of speech and director of the speech referrd t nhis st ti "+1,.

tion as the light-heavyweight cham-
pion of the world tonight by whipping
Jimmy Slattery, Buffalo dancing
master in a thrilling 15-round match.
Loughran scaled 173, Slattery, 165 .


i UUrt e wpusctstanc cousin as eI1
Polling Fold here.-j clinic at the University of Iowa, will only honest man of his "
Lindbergh set aside part of today talk this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in yhone d mno generation.
to take aloft the new amphibian plane the Natural Science auditorium. His The injured innocent attitude o~
belonging to Assistant Secretary F. "topic will be "The Place of Speech tme senator from Pennsylvania is
Trubel Davison, of the War Depart- Correction in Modern Education." amusing," the Missouri Democrat
ment. Lindbergh filled in part of yes- . Dr. Travis has been a Fellow of the said. "Future generations will go to
terday with the Navy's flying boats. National Research council for three his shrine to inscription on it of 'The
taking several of them up for briefyears, and spent most of that period ; only honest man of his generation.' "
spins. investigating stuttering, according to In reply Senator Reed of Penn-
TTnless he is retarded by strong ( Prof. James M. O'Neill. of the depart- sylvania said he realized there were

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