/, 'admommil- --&
. . . ..............
Famous Orchestra, Home After Eastern President Little Decl
Tour, To Perform Here Tomorrow Night SPEAK EREMore Tuneful T
Michiigan Spirit 'Busts' Loose Entirely
In Boisterous Gathering At
Hotel Statler
By Clarence Edelso.
Football stars, coaches, deans, B.
M.O.C.'s of former days-all of these
were present at the football bust
which was presented for the Michigan
team at the Hotel Statler last night.
All the notables supposed to be there
just were not there, for the national
gridiron dinner at Washington divert-
ed even Col. Lindbergh from the big
affair at the Statler-but there were
plenty of them here. Lindbergh's
boon companion, Maj. Tom Lanphier
of Selfridge field, took Luck's place,
and he piloted the vast throng of ap-
proximately 900 enthusiasts to the
celestial raptures of unconfined plain
ordinary "pep."
So hilarious were the proceedings in
general that Fielding H. Yost, actually
forgot his professorial dignity and
really lit that stogie which he explains
he first smoked at the 7-6 thriller at
Minneapolis last year. Everybody
of importance was at the Statler. Some
sent their excuses, though. Among
these for example, was Mayor W. H.
Thompson of Chicago, who said,
"Sorry I can't be with you tonight,
but I heard that most of you speak
Riot Breaks Loose
Pandemonium broke loose when theI
actual business of speaking com-
menced. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley,
surprise guest, started the discussion
with the real theme or the night, a
tribute to the grand Michigan team,
when hesaid, "I'm for them and for
them strong, God help them to win,
but if they have to lose, God help
them to lose as lose they did, like
gentlemen." Loads of former grid-
greats attended the shindig, as the
boys say. Four captains of Wolver-
ine elevens, Bob Brown, Ben Friedman,
Ben Oosterbaan, and Georg Rich at-
tracted most attention, but aside from
these there were the following: Judge
Willie Heston, (if you can call a
judge "Willie,") and he presented the
Varsity ringsyto the distinguished
gridmen; Shorty MacMillan, quarter-
back who called the play that beat
Minnesota, Conference champions in
1910, when Michigan was out of the
Conference, but already showing them
how to play the game; and there was
"Dutch" Marion, and P. P. Douglas;
and Tom Edwards, all-Americans; asnd
Harry Hawkins; and last but as they
say, not least Lain "Squib" Torbet
general chairman of the "Bust."
Many Celebrities Fail
To return to some of those other!
Michigan football players who could
not attend, Ruth Elder said, "she
would have beengglad to come, but,
she could not leave her husband."
Coolidge wired that he just "did not
choose to come." Some gentleman:
in a dark fedora hat, but who possess-
ed a soft smile, said "can't be in town,
and if I wuz, I wou'd have managed to
get another engagement. At any rate,
Michigan men, Michigan songs, Michi-
gan coaches and above all, Michigan
spirit filled the Statler ball-room. The
Statler never witnessed such hullaba-
loo, such blatant, stentorian, obstrep-
orous, sonorous-just plain noise
flavored with the delectable spice,
Michigan pep.
cellent show and I must say that I
thoroughly enjoyed it," stated Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little after see-
ing one of the performances at the
Whitney theater. "It is far more
tuneful and proceeds along a greater
speed and with more vigor than did
last year's Opera," he said.
"Of course the outstanding feature
of the show was the dancing of Lewis
and Dougall as well as their general
per:ormance throughout the two acts,"
declared President Little. "Both are
extremely talented and are valuable
members of the cast. I was glad to
see that after the number in the
A review of last night's per-
formance of "The Same To You"
will be found in the Theater,
Books, and Music co'lumn on
Page Four.
Coming here directly from
city, the Detroit Symphony Orch
in Hill auditorium. Ossip Gabrilo
tomorrow night won the acclaim
masterful conducting, but also fo
piano solo, for which he utilized
Heroic Struggle Enables 4 Members of
Shipwrecked Altadot Access To
Aid For Stricken Mates
(By Associated Press)
CALITMET, Dec. 10.-Four members
of the crew of the stranded steamer
Altadot on the rocks of Keeweenaw
peninsula reached here tonight after
1 a heroic battle through ice-clogged
!waves to shore from whence they
tr eked ninesmiles through three feet
of snow to the Copper Harbor light-
house. The men were brought here
from Copper Harbor on sleds.
The Altadot the men declared will
haieY d "the FortUie Ilner" Last
Year For Ann Arhor Auidience;
On Slage 2-> Years -
__Edwin M. Whitney, recognized by
many critics as America's foremost
dramatic recitalist, will appear he-e
Iillill i IIIII IIIIlllilll I Tuesday night in, Hill auditorium as
the fifth regularly scheduled number
11ltlltlllitlltIl~l~lI lll I ltllt on the annual Oratorical associatiou
Whitney, who last year played
Above, the Ensemble W inchell Smith's "The Fortune Hunt-
er" before an Ann Arbor audience,
elowwill take for his performance here
this year the latest addiLion to his
Ossip Gabrilowilsch, repertoire, the well-known comedy.
The Tailor Made Man''"
the Conductor The dramatist is a native Ameri-
can, having been born in New York
state and -has been on the stage for
25 years. During that time he has
IIIIIIIIIIIttIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllII appeared before more than 5,000 aud-
IIIIIIIIIItlillIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIII iences and his appearance here Tue's-
day night will be his fourth in Ann
Arbor. Three years ago lie presented
the play "Turn to the Right," in HiJI1
a recent success in New York auditorimn.
estra, will play tomorrow night Directs Many Projects
witsch, who will wield the baton At the present time Whitney is di-
of the critics, not only by his rector of the Whitney studios of la'-
r the genius he displayed in his form Art, which he founded in 1914,
Rachminoff's Second Concerto. and is actively engaged in several
projects for the cause of art through-
Special Low Prices out the country. Being acompara-
tively young man, he still appears
For M ichiganensian reg'irly on the American stage.
j A; 11-: age of 21 Whitney enlised in
ohe irmy for duty in Cuba during the
X anish-American war, and at the
.lose of the war had reached the
Offering students their last chance rank of top-sergeant. He then attend-
to obtain the 'Ensian at the spec'al ed the Emerson College of Oratory at
boston from which he graduated in
1902. He immediately set out upon
to those who buy the annual before a stage career, with his brothers, as
Dec. 15, the business staff of the year- vocalist and reader, and has remain-
book will have tables situated on the ed in that field ever since.
Campus for sales Monday, Tuesday, Among the various plays included
and Wednesday. After Dec. 15 the in Whitney's repertoire are "The
IHaunted Man," by Charies i'ickens,
price of the book will be raised to ' "'uedM Tooth," by'MarckCns
$4.50. lyahe Widom Tooth," byBiarry Con-
Tables will be situated on the diag- , "Tpp esauce, "gy Barry Con-
onal, at the Engineering arch, in front Smith, ThetFortune Hunter," by
of the Library, and at the State street Winchell Smith, "The i Message From
end of the diagonal. There will also Mars," b- Richard Ganthony, "Hit
be tables in University and Angeil the Trai Holliday," by George M.
half. The sales will be made at these Cohan and "The Tailor Made Man."
In each case Whitney takes the INtrt
tables from 8 to 4 o'clock an any of I ahcs hte ae h at
ta d to of all the characters in the play, the
the days mentioned. number varying from 10 to 18. He
be a total loss.
The men, Eigineer
Hardman and three sailors, said the
Altadot drifted helplessly across Lake
Superior when her steering apparauts
was smashed in Tuesday night's gale,
and finally was driven aground -a
short distance from the wreck of the
steamer City of Bangor, which was
driven on a shoal last year.
Hardman said many members of the
crew were injured in the terrific
pounding the freighter received from
mountainous waves when she went
aground. le and his companions
came ashore to obtain fresh supplies
of food and medicine.
The four sailors' hardest battle
came in attempting to reach land with
their frail craft which at times was
nearly swamped in its short journey
of less than a quarter of a mile by
huge rollers. The Altadot cleared
from Owenston for Fort Williams, its
home port, on Sunday morning. Al-
though weather' conditnos were not
favorable the freighter plodded on un-
Organizations have an opportunity took 13 different marts in "The For-
of obtaining a free copy of the 'Ensian. tune Hunter," which he played here
The plan follows that inaugurated lass year.
last year, which is as follows: any j Praised By Critics
fraternity or sorority having 15 paid According to many critic;, WhIt-
subscriptions from the house before ney's interpretations are the essence
Dec. 15. The complimentary copy will of artistry. As one New York reviewer
have the name of the organization en- said, "He is distinctive, an individual.
graved on the corner in gold. This A typical, clean-cut, wholesome
plan was fairly successful- but it is ex- American gentleman, trained in his
pected that many more houses will art to the finest degree of perfection,
take advantage of the plan this year ( he brings to his audiences something
than last. far beyond that which they corae to
hear. His atmosphere of wholesome-
MRS. ALLEN DIES ness attracts and arrests attention,
AFTER SICKNESS his personality demonstrates his gen-
uincness and ideals, his abiliv seizes
your imagination and visualizes the
Mrs. Lydia Allen died yesterday characters as they weave the pattern
noon at her residence at 324 E. Jeffer- of the play"
son street, after a brief illness. The Whitney's performance will te the
funeral services will be held at 2 last scheduled number on the Ora-
o'clock on Monday from her home. torical course this year. The series
The burial is to be made in Milan, will be resumed Feb. 9, 1928, when
Michigan. Gay MacLaren, another dramatist,
Mrs. Allen is survived by her daugh-
Ster, Miss Eugenia Allen, cashier for presents the play, "Father and Dad."
terMis EueniAlencasierforS he will be followed by Governor Al
second act in which the choruses do a
great deal of twirling and dancing
around him, Lewis was only groggy
instead of passing out of the scene
completely. ie survived remarkably
"The music was exceptionally good
Ossip Gabrilowitsch) Will Direct Nex
Of Extra Concert Series At
Hill Auditorium
Ossip Gabrilowitsch will make th
first of his annual appearances i
Ann Arbor tomorrow night, when h
will direct the Detroit Symphony or
chestra in the third concert of th
Extra series under the auspices of th
University School of Music at Hil
auditorium. In addition to this anothe
concert will be given in the afternoo
for the benefit of the Ann Arbo
school children, in accordance wit
the musical educational plan spon
sored by the orchestra.
The overture by Schubert, "Rosa
munde," the Frnack symphony in
minor and Tschaikowsky's Theme an
Variations from the Third Suite wil
make up the principal numbers of to
morrow night's concert. The after
noon event has been arranged wit
the approval of the public school a-
thorities of the city in order that a
pupils may attend with permission
There will be no admission charg
when they are attended by teacher
in the regular groups. Adults ma
obtain admission to the balcony upo
a 50 cent charge.
The program for the afternoon wi
begin at 2:30 o'clock, and will includ
the Tschaikowsky "Nutcracker Suite,
and Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody N
2. It will be accompanied with a le
ture by Edith Rhetts, educational d
rector with the Detroit symphony r
garding the numbers to be performe
The Detroit symphony has mad
considerable name for itself durin
the last few years under the directio
of Gabrilowitsch, and has indirectl
brought much credit to the Midd
West and the city of Detroit. It h
but recently returned from a touro
the East, where it played in mosto
the principal cities.
The direction in the afternoon wi
be in the hands of Victor Kolar, a
Gabrilowitsch will be unable to a
tend. Tickets for the evening conces
may still be obtained at the offices
the School of Music.
Suspend Hunter Fo
Auto Ban Violatio
George G. Hunter, '28, was suspen
ed yesterday from the University fo
the balance of the semester for viol
tion of University automobile regul
tions. The action was taken by t
administrative officers of the litera
l college after a recommendation f
suspension was made from the offi
of the dean of students.
Hunter had been issueda permit
operate an automobile for busine
purposes only, and after an accide
between Ann Arbor and Ypsilantih
was apprehended for violation of t
terms of the permit. Hunter w
placed on probation last spring by t
student automobile committee f
violation of the automobile regulatio
that existed at that time, and it w
stated that this fact had some effe
on the decision for suspension.
han Last Year s Piece
to " continued, "and the GAME OF BASKETBALL
songs had tune and rhythmu which ET
added materially to the success of the rn.1
show. fIhere is some clever dialogue
enjoyed the witty reparte between
Lewis and Crane in the second actj RABER, NEWCO MER TO INAZE
after their fall from the bicycle." AND BLUE, LEADS ATTACK
President Little was exceptionally WITH 19 POINTS
impressed, he said, by the complexity
and difficulty o'the dances under- M'COV'S LONG SHOTS
taken in "The Same To You" and the 11[ HT
execution of these numbers by the I DISPLAY OLD FORK
cast and choruses of the show was
very creditable, he believes. "The Team Still Ragged In Spots, But Gives
'acrobatic dancing' occurring in the Promise Of Developing Into
first act was very well done and much Effective Machine
credit is due, the company for the
way in which it is staged," he re-I By Herbert Vedder
marked. Led by Fenton Raber, a newcomer
"Never have I seen better tackling j who tallied 19points on eight baskets
since a tackle made by Oosterbaan at and three free throws. Michigan's
Joesting than the way in which basketball team ran over Michigan
'Buck' Samson 'tackled' some of the State's ineffectual efforts rather easily
members of the choruses in the course to win its opening game, 43-23. About
of the 'One-two-three' numbers," said 5,000 people witnessed the game.
President Little. In spite of State's 23 markers, the
Dean Joseph A. Burshey, who .was Wolverines displayed a great defense
with President Little, added that he, for an opening game, and with the un-
too, had enjoyed the performance a covering of a new sharpshooter in
great deal and thought that the show ,taber should develop into a fine agre-
was on the whole very good. He 'gation when Oosterbaan enters the
stated that he was particularly in- lineup. Their efforts last night, while
pressed by the work of Lewis and effective, showed many rough spots
Dougall and that he thought the music l and the Maize and Blue quintet must
and the dancing of both the cast and improve materially to cope with Con-
choruses were deserving of commenda- ference competition.
tion. Others in the President's party After the first few minutes during
were Mrs. Clarence Cook Little, Mrs. which State's stalling managed to gain
Joseph A. Bursley, Miss Louise Littl, her a four point lead, the Wolverines
daughter of the president and Miss were never even close to being press-
Margaret Davis. ed. Dickinson slipped by McCoy for
t -the first basket while Felt brought
the score to 4-0. McCoy and Kanitz,
however evened the count and after
Dickinson dropped in a free throw
for State, the Wolverines finally got
WI1 on a scoring spree and chalked up six
C Ifree throws and four baskets without
n a return from the Spartans to assume
e General Debate On Tax Bill hurried Woverines had a 20-10 lead.
- By House Of Representatives McCoy Is Star.
e For Consideration Monday i Ernie McCoy was credited with 13
e - -points onW six baskets and a free
I COMMITTEE TO FIX DATE I throw, specializing in long shots from
r all points on the floor. Although ti-
n (y Associated ress) . playing a fine eye for the basket, he
r WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 -Further failed to pass the ball to his mates
hearings in the cases of Senators- in the way Captain Harrigan di.
h elect Frank L. Smith, of Illinois, and Harrigan took a back seat so far as
i-William S. Vare, of Pennsylvania, will scoring was concerned, but played a
await action by the Senate on the wonderful opening game. His dibbl-
Sresolution of Senator Reed, Democrat, Iing was excellent and his passing con-
e Missouri, reaffirming the authority of tributed immeasurably to team play.
d the special campaign funds committee. In this spree McCoy, Harrigan and
LI This was decided today by the com- Raber each made a free throw good
'- mittee after more than an hour of in- following which Raber, the latest find,
- formal discussion in the office of the sank a basket in close following a
h chairman, Senator Reed. The resole- pass from Harrigan. Harrigan then
- tion was presented in the Senate yes- added another point on a gratis shot.
11 terday, but consideration of it was Michigan's new forward then tossed
n forced over until Monday by Senator one in on a pretty shot from the
;e Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania, who corner of the floor. McCoy sand-
s led the fight to seat Vare. wiched in a basket at this point, but
y As soon as the resolution is adopt- Mr. Raber became incensed at this
u ed, Chairman Reed will call the com- and sank two more bringing the score
mittee together with a view to fixing to 18.
11 an early date for opening the hearings IRab)er Settles Down
e on the first of the cases to be taken With Raber calmed down a bit, the
," up. Whether that will be the Smith Spartans were able to do better than
o. or the Vare election remains to be one point against two in the second
c- determined. I half, but the relentless Wolverine at-
i- tack continued with McCoy matching
e- WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-General Raber's eight points.
d. debate on the tax bill was hurried for- As in the first half, Michigan State
e ward in the House today with leaders pried off the lid with a goal by Shea-
g hopeful that when the measure is tak- thelm under the basket. Harrigan, Ha-
n en up again Monday members would her and McCoy each scored after
.y be ready to proceed with its con- him with Russo, the best staller on
le sideration under rules permitting the the Spartan team, squeezing in a
as offering of amendments. free throw. Raber made two free
of The discussion today touched upon .throws good and Golvin added three
at~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~S prciat m usso u it jta UJL uj~i
- u til struck by a terrific northwester
LINDBERGH FLIGHT Wednesday night followed by a blind-
TO MEXICO WILL ing snow storn which made it impos-
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 11-Presidenr
Calles, it is expected, will be presen's
at the landing field when Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh, the American lone
(agle, reaches here by airplane. The
date so far as known has not beer
fixed, but Lindbergh will alight on the
Volbuena army flying grounds.
Scores of telegrams are coming to
the presidential offices from through-
out Mexico asking Lindbergh to fly
there also. If these requests are not
granted, thousands will do the next
best thing and come to Mexico City
to see America's premier airman.
The railroads are preparing to
handle the largest excursions of
crowds in Mexican history.
The American ambassador, Dwight
W. Morrow, will have Lindbergh nt!
the embassy as his guest, but Presi-
dent Calles also desires that the avi-
ator should spend part of the time
-isl to enetate akeSupeior or te Bard in Control or Student Put RtcioMayndonebIan
more than 200 feet. lications. Ih orewl ecnlddIe.2
heathe b tcou rlanbe oncluded Feb. 20
- with an address, "Eastern and West-
Authority On Political Science Explains ern Ideals," by Syud Hossain.
Why Kansas Will Be Site Of Convention A TEBUILDIN
"The Republican National Conven- be quite safe with them, the danger FM Rg B E R RHD
tion has gone to Kansas City for two lying in the possibility of the Conven- FOR BADGERHOP
ion becoming deadlocked between the
principal reasoms: partly because of three and the nomination going to a (By Associated Press)
the flight led by Wiliam Butler, chair- !'dark horse' who is a second rater." IMADISON, Dec. 10.-Clinton B. Bal-
man of the Republican National com- I "Any of the three candidates who lard, superintendent of public prop-
mittee, and partly because of the fact are now prominent, if nominated, will erty, today threatened to revoke a
that Kansas City is located on the be elected," he said. "If Mr. Hoover permit for University of Wisconsin
edge of the farming country which has at this time should secure the sup students to hold their 1928 Junior
shown dissasisfaction with Republican port of the New York Republicans, promenade in the state capital unless
politics," stated Dr. Paul M. Cuncan- there would be little doubt of his he could learn the author of a letter
non, of the political science depart- eventual nomination." published in the Daily Cardinal, stu-
ment, in an interview yesterday. The In speaking of the cases of Senator- dent newspaper.
Convention will meet in the same hall elect Frank L. Smith, of Illinois, and The letter ridiculed the assertion
in which William Jennings Bryan was William C. Vare, of Pennsylvania, I that their was no drinking at the an-
nominated in 1900. who have been denied the oath of o nual promenade.
"The elimindtion speech of Presi- fice pending further hearing, Dr. Mr. Ballard said. "They can either
dent Coolidge and the statement of Cuncannon said, "the cases of Vare C tell me the name of the author of that
Charles Evans Hughes, announcing and Smith are not likely to play a letter," which was signed "Sis," "or
definitely his withdrawal from the ! part in the campaign. There is no they may look for another place to
practically all phases of the tax clues-
tion, a number of members defending
the bill as drafted by the House waysj
and means committee and others vig-
orously attacking certain of its pro-
Representative Hawley, of Oregon,
senior Republican committee member,
took an active part in supporting the
measure, arguing that the proposal to
reduce the tax rate on corporation in-
comes from 131-2 to 111-2 per cent
would benefit two-thirds of the wage
earners in the country.
"Straight Thinking in a Crooked
World," is the subject Dr. Edward A.
Steiner, professor of Applied Chris-
tianity at Grinnell college, has chosen
for his address at 7:30 o'clock tonight
in the First Methodist church.
Professor Steiner is nationally and
Kanitz, r f . .. ,. . . . ..1
Slagle, rf ........'...0
Balsamo, rf .........0
Raber, If...........8
McCoy, c, rg........6
Schroeder, c........0
INyland, rg.........0
!Hlarrigan (c), Ig ...
Rose, lg ............1
Mici sgatal
Dickinson, rf.......3
flood, rf............0
Drew, rf...........0
Van Zylen, Ift.......0
Sheathelm, if.......2
1Felt, c ... ........ .1
s 'U. . .. . .. .f)
points to ai es su e.
7 43
To tten, e ... . . . .
internationally known as a lecturer Colv
and teacher and as also the author of oin, rg. ....1
a number of books. le has written usso, Ig.......
primarily upon subjects relating to -
sociology, immigration and applied
Christianity. .-
He accepted his post at Grinnell in
1903 and still retains it. Taking aI
great interest in the alien immigrant
and in the problem of assimilation, he
has made a number of trips to Austria
to study the problem and is recog-
Frree throws missed: Michigan-
Harrigan 1, Kanitz 2, Balsamo l;
Michigan State-Colvin 3, Sheathelrm
2, Russo 1.
Officials: Maloney (Notre Dame)
referee; Thompson, umpire.