9 PAGE EIGHT TT-IF, NITCTTTC,,-l N SATrP.DAY, PRM.NMER to, 1127 ,.....r...... .m...... . .MTITAMPT . ,. . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN NEW PLANES ASSEMBLED FOR U. S AIR MAIL FLEET a _ ~ Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 8. S ATUIRDAY, DECAEMBERL 19. Number 70. To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the University Library are notified that such books are due Monday, December 12, before the impending Christmas vacation, in pursuance of the Regents' regulation: "Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more than a week must first return all borrowed books." 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between Decemberj 12 and the beginning of the vacation may retain such books by applying to the Superintendent of Circulation on or before December 12.j 4. Students who have special need for certain books during the vacation, will be given permission to draw these books, provided they are not in general demand, on application to the Superintendent og Circulation after December 12. W. W. Bishop, Librarian. Special Final Examination Periods, Literary College: Since the number of requests for special final examination periods ex- ceeds the number of periods available, it is imperative that the matter be1 settled at a meeting of representatives of the departments that are concerned. Will such departments appoint representatives for a meeting that will le held in Dean Effinger's office on Saturday, December 10, at 11 a.m. H. C. Carver. Cosmopolitan Club: Members are reminded of the Christmas party on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in Lane Hall. New members will be initiated; there will also be talks on Christmas customs of several different countries. Raja Howrani, President. All Campus Organizations: Contracts for organization space in the 1928 Michiganensian have been mailed to officers of all fraternities, sororities, clubs, and miscellaneous or- ganizations appearing in the Michiganensian last year. There will be space available for a few additional pages after the usual number is taken care of. All contracts must be signed and presented at the Michiganensiah business office on or before Friday, December 16.gr Organizations Department. Brosseau Foundation: There will be a meeting of the committee on the administration of the committee on the administration of the Brosseau Foundation on Monday, De- cember 12, at 2 p.m., in room 2, University Hall. Students applying for loans from this Foundation should present them- selves before the committee at this time.' J. A. Bursley, Dean. Freshman Women: Required Hygiene Lectures: Be prepared for a final blue book on Monday, December 12, at 4 o'clock, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Margaret Bell, M.D. Entering Sophomore and Upperclass Women and Those Who Have Not Fin. shed the Requirement in Hygiene Lectures: HYGIENE LECTURES: Be prepared for a (final blue book on Tuesday, December 13, at 4 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. , Margaret Bell, M. D. Oriental Women: All dormitories do not remain open for the Christmas vacation. I shall be glad to help all foreign women find accommodations for the holidays, if they will see me before Wednesday, December 14.1 Grace Richards. ' 0 CHOOSE FRESHMAN YEAR COMMITTEES Freshman class committees in the College of Literary, Science, ani the Arts were announced yesterday by 1Hollis Jencks, '31. recently elected president of the class. The commit- tees, as appointed, follow: Freshman frolic: Dean Anderson, '31, chairman, Samuel Dibble, '31, Dave Finley, '31, John Yeagley, '31, Palmer Crawford, '31, Jerry Gardiner, 51. Harold Seder, '31. Cap night committee: Palmer Craw- ford, '31, chairman, 'John DenBleyker, '31, William Coombs, '31, Earl Roedel, '31, Lisbon S'chmaiske, '31, Morley Crowthers, '31, Kenneth Rahn, '31. Social committee: Lee Bookwalter, '31, chairman, Arthur Mackey, '31, Hugh Clark, '31, Robert Lockton, '31, Nathaniel Field, '31, George Gowan, '31, Wilbur Hutson, '31. Discipline committee: Malcolm Mc- Cort, '31, chairman, Emerson Schroy- er, '31, William Post, '31, J. W. Cur-t ry, '31, Thomas Heywood, '31, Edward Dans, '31, George Kloess, '31, Leon Lyle. '31. Athletic committee: Vinal Taylor, '31, chairman, Sidney Friedman, '31, Joseph Witter, '31, Pierce Peltier, '31 William Alderdice, '31, Ernest Rush, '31, William Graham, '31, Merton Bell, '31. Auditing committee: Lester Rapp, '31, chairman, Hilda Braun, '31, Ro- land Stanger, '31, William Badger, '31, Laurence Goodspeed, '31, Edward1 Weinman, '31, Nellie Norton, '31. 1 Finance committee: John Innis, '31,1 chairman, Kathrine Todd, '31, Philip Davies, '31, James Carr, '31, Law- rence Hobart, '31, George Ryerson, '31, Alfr dHiggins, '31" Advisory committee: Malcolm Hume, '31, chairman, William Orr, '31, David Orr, '31, Theodore Metz, '31, Keith Hackett, '31. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY--For- eign students numbering 68, and re- Varsity Band Plays At Saginaw Concert The members of the Michigan Var- sity band left for Saginaw, yesterday afternoon, to play at a concert in thawt city last night. Special busses were chartered to make the trip. 75 Bmen, Director Nicholas Falcone, and Rob- ert A. Campbell, treasurer of the Uni- versity, made the trip. They returned late last night. The band has been practicing reg- ularly during the past few weeks in anticipation of their joint concert with the Glee club next Wednesday night. .y , SENATOR SCORES FINANCE POLICIES (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-A policy of "finanial and economic imperial- ism" was charged to the present Ad- ministration by Senator Burton K. Wheeler, (Dem.), Montana, in an ad- dress prepared for delivery today to the newly formed Anti-Monopoly Lea- gre's conference on "What Americans' Concessions Abroad Involve." "The attention of the Administra- tion," Wheeler said, "seems riveted on helping wealthy . Americans to amass even greater fortunes by ex- plointing the natural resources and t e people of foreign countries, to the ekelusion of any+ concern for the [ farmers of the nation. "An investigation of the concessions Americans have obtained abroad will throw light upon this strange other- worldliness of the present adminIs- tration. Tihe value of farm products exported is falling and they are bo.- coming a smaller proportion of the value of American exports, while im- ports of farm products are increas- ing. These are inevitable results of a policy of financial and economic imperialism, which demands cheap raw material for -food and clothing as well as cheap raw material for man- ufactures, without any concern for the farmers of the nation." Thirty new planes, of the typ3 now in use on the San Francsco-Chicago air mail route, are being assembled at Seattle, Wash., for the U.S. air mail fleet. This photo sh ws a view of the assembly room of the Seattle plant. Student Convention UNIVERSITY MUSEUM STAFF TO MOVE INTO To Discuss Missions NEW QUARTERS SOON AFTER FIRST OF YEAR With an anti-Christian movement strong in China, with Russia having just evpelled religious leaders, with a strong predjudice against the mis- sionary enterprise throughout the Orient, and veiy notabe indifference here in America, the students of the university who are to be delegates to the Volunteer Convention, being held in Detroit Dec. 28 to Jan. 1, expect very strikingly different results to the discussions' than to any every held before. According to Eric Thomsen, stu- dent Councilor of the Students Chris- tian association, the convention is going to deal with some topics that have never been discussed before. He said, "For some time the best type- of missionary activities have been in the field of education, medical work and agricultural improvement. De- troit will undoubtedly give new em- phasis to the aspects of international understanding, cooperation and a world consciousness, which in turn is likely to bring out much of our American complacency, provincialism and extravagance." Today is the last day of registering for this convention, which is To be at- tended by many of the world's lead- ers in the missionary line, and any- one interested should call Homer Grafton at Lane hall. According to a survey of the Illinois women's college marriage plus a ca- reer, rather than plain marriage of a career is the ideal of most college girls. Plans and hopes of the past 10 years will be realized when the staff of the University Museum moves its offices and exhibits into the new building on Washtenaw avenue, short- ly after the opening of the new year. The new structure to house the Uni- versity Museums has been under con- struction since last June and is now virtually completed. Only a few items of interior decoration and finishing remain to be lone. All these are ex- pected to be completed on schedule'! time by the first of January, when, according to an announcement by Dr. Alexander Ruthven, director of the museum, the staff will begin its n:- gration from the old landmark, on the Western side of the campus, to its new quarters. Most of the exhibition cases will be built by the Hamilton Manufact- uring company, of Two Rivers, Wis. These cases will be of a new type for mesum use, embodying novel fea- tures in structure and lightina. They laboratory tables will be constructed by the Kewanee Manufacturing com- pany of Kewanee, Wis., while the cabinet contract was let to the Wal- rus Manufacturing company of De- catur, Ill. S'ome other items of the equipment are being built by the Building and Grounds department of the University. The total cost of equipping the new museums will be Imore than $170,000. Built of rough red brick, with white stone facings, the new structure em- bodies many refinments in architec- ture tending to make it a truly dis- tinctive structure. The main entrance has a magnificent pair of bronze doors Varsity Debate Squad: The following members of the Varsity Debate Alpha Nu Room, Monday, December 12, at 3 p.m.: Rein Moyer, C.P. Olson Scholten Maduro Squad are to report at The Thompson Simson McCreery Webster Langen J. .1. O'Neill. and is carved in an intricate design. At various intervals along the mould- ing, running around the building, plaques are inset. The main doorway opens intorthe rotunda, which rises for two stories, topped with a dome. Immediately in- side the rotunda are the elevators and telephone. The basement which is only excavated under part of the building contains the garages and the fish ranges, where specimens are stored. The first floor has the offices and laboratories of the mollusk de- 'artnent, the departments of paleont- ology and paleobotany, additional fish ranges, the aquarium, where the liv- ing fishes are kept and the vertebrate and invertebrate sections. There are two exhibition .ralIs in tho building open to the public, both on the Washtenaw avenue wing of the museum. The larger hall is on the second floor rising two stories righ, with a balcony at one end. In additvyn the second floor contains the geniral offices, the general library, the rep- tile, amphibian and,the insect ranges. Each department of the museum has its own small library besides the general library on the second floor. The third floor is partially occu- pied by the main exhibit hall and the balcony, with the bird and mammal- ian departments and ranges filling the -remainder of the floor. The balcony of the exhibition hall is devoted to the Michigan exhibits, showing all the bird, animal and insectiverous life to be found in this state. The fourth floor has a second ex- hibition hall, the Great Lakes range, consisting of the anthropological col- lections from the lakes region, the Oriental collections, and the photo- graphic and sculpturing rooms. 1OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY-Que:s- tionaires have been sent by the Y. W. C. A. to all the universities br fhe United States for the compiling of data on vocational guidance. The group will act as an exzenuon of the employment bureau bringing students idesiring work in contact with em- pioyers. year. veritable treasure house, iwhere you will forget the cold winds in the intensity of your interest. For an enjoyable half hour- bisit Chc lPrint aub ISoohZbo 521 East Jefierson 11111!!11l11111g llllltI i ti llltlllllltllllll presenting 22 in attendance year-. different countries are at the university this Ir -'U 4raduate English Club: All graduate students in English and Rhetoric are cordially invited to hear Professor Dawson read and discuss notable selections of poetry, Tuesday, night, December 13 at 8 p.m., at the Michigan Union, room 306. R. B. Parks. University Symphony Orchestra Rehearsal: r The regular rehearsals o the University Symphony Orchestra will be held in Hill Auditorium, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, until further notice. Samuel Pierson Lockwood, Conductor. University of Michigan Band:_ Formation at 12 o'clock noon today to go to Detroit. Uniforms with cape. Russell L. Malcom, Student Manager. Alpha Kappa Delta: The initiation of ne w members will take place Sunday, Dec. 11, at 4 o'clock. The group will meet for this occasion at tihe home of Miss Ella M. Hanawalt, 1328 Washtenaw avenue. Following the initiation, Dr. C. H. Cooley will discuss his most recent book, "Life and the Student."j Richard C. Fuller, President. Phi Delta Kappa: Members of Phi Delta Kappa will meet at 1 p.m., today for luncheon at the Michigan Union. Professor Davis will speak on the "Virginia Survey." Reginald D. MacNitt, President. p.m. All men students are cordially invited. George G. Alder. )lortarboard Gloves: WILL the following girls who ordered Mortarbeard gloves please come to get them in the corridor of University Hall between 11 and 12 o'clock this morning: H. Beery, M. Bauschard, M. Brook, K. Campbell, H. Domine, K. Evans, E. Gruber, M. Gulick, B. Hankinson, M. Hyslop L. Jarecki, D. Johnston, A. Knight, R. Madison, B. MeHale, M. Morin, D. Nickols, K. IRnihan, Al. Ficker, E. Smith, D. Swann, E. Vaughn F. Watchpocket. Josepliie Norlo1), ployers. I 7 Upper Room Bible Class: Upper Room Bible Class meets in the "Upper Room" in Lane Hall at 7 E - .__.- Sri ..................... r _,, ............. ........ ............ :(1 Detroit Symphony Orchestra will give Two Concerts in Hill Auditorium as follows on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 2:30 P M. NCERT FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN A SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL BE GIVEN. VICTOR KOLAR, Conducting EDITH RHETTS, Speaker School Children coming in groups, under the guidance of their teachers, will be admitted free. Tickets for adults may be procured at the School of Music in advance, or at the Audi- torium just before the concert at 54c each.. -ev FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK Cornwell 111. (Temp. iHl(ts.) 33 S. state Street I ,,. L '. II I I II 'I V HA rshall IgiveP Fe It isn't the easiest thing in the world to select a suitable Christmas Gift-such a prodi- gious variety to choose from. You want something pleas ing to the eye, of course, a thing of beauty in fact; you would wish it to last long and keep alive the memory of your friendship; and you don't want to spend too much money. You can see just such gifts at our dis- play room -pretty electric toasters for the breakfast table, handsome coffee percolators, and many other beautiful appliances for home use thatI mI n.aao T, ., , s. -4 . i. 1' We wish you the Merriest of Yule- tides, and with that wish, we extend our hopes that your New Year will be most Happy and Prosperous! If our services at any time will aid to your contentment-call on us! A 3 i I El 11 : 5