$IATURDAY, DECEMNBERl 10, 1027 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE THREE ORRESEARCH EXPERT SAYS FIRE SWEEPS COAST MOUNTAIN INDIANS ARE SUPERIOR _ IN ACCURACY OF WORK 121 "Whites may work more spedI < bu: nIilinians work more accurately, OF uio~nm~inri ME[I~iue to the environment of reserva- tinlife,'' declare(I Dr. Otto Kline- berg, distinquished McGill graduate, Y5*- IN JECENTLY ISSUEl who has just returned to Montreal PtBLICATION l after several years of research work S RAILROADS MAKE SPECIAL NATIONAL MUSIC WEEK HEADS SCHEDULES FOR STUDENTS REPORT GAINS IN OBSERVANCE DURING COMING HOLIDAY Within the past four years, the ex! sized events in the smaller towns. Ianong Indian, negro, and white 7 BRITAIN FEARS CRUISERS groups to determine the question of superiority among them.- T'his asser- ].ritish eleaion Refuses To ('11 tion was Dart of a statement recently iderIdifiaticon Of Forn issued by Dr. Klineberg,outlining his ding Program sebDfindings during this research work. (BIy Assoc~i:atc- Press) "There is evidence," he continue;] (EVADec As oeirmasson "that the superiority of white o-ver GENEVA, Dec. -Confirmation that negro and Indiana cniidiren is large- the fundamental cause of the collapse ly, if not entirely, a superiority in of the Three-Power Naval Conference scores for time. There is superiority was the inability of Great Britain and and in some cases inferiority in the the United States to agree on the scores for accuracy of performance. question of the eight-inch gun cruiser Dr. Klineberg reached his conclusions is found in the official records of the afterp honeer psychological work conference published here. The boo1k 1 waong the different groups in wsich contains 164 printed pages and is en- heWa interested for his study. su-e titled: "Records of the Conference stated that lie was frequently sin'- for the Limitation of Naval Arma- prised at some of the results o ment Held at Geneva From June 20 taine(l. to Aug. 4, 1927." m Attempting to find the cause for the An examination of the recordsdis- stated situation Dr. Klineberg main- closes that many incidents of thetained that "There is evidence that coudnernhavebeenhepugatedessn the greater speed of the performance elui n thaof then piat sessio of the white child, which is responsi- when the American delegation threat- file for the better scores in time, is eed td leave afteran atnack by Lord1 probably determined by environment Cecil on the American position. The rather than by racial difference. re(ords shw that on suly 28, hlugh There is some evidence, too, that s. Gibson, at the lhea of the Ameni other racial groups are at least equal .an deegation referred to a state- to the white race in the ability to ment i had made at a previous meet-learn or to profit by experience. Fin- ing setting forth the views of the ally, there is no evidence for an im- Unitd States respecting fehedoh of provement in score for the perform- armament for cruisers and the eighT- ance tests as the proportion of white inch gun. 1 blood in Indians or negroes. decreas- Brnchl Nelu1.-11.,es." TherecrdaI h '-r. The work which Dr. Klineberg did The recorol says tLuau Mr. Gibsoias ofndams xlsvl o inquired whether the British govern- was confined almost exclusively to ment was adaniant hi its view with performance tests rather thanto the respect to alisying the eight-inch use of any other types of tests of gun for new c,)pstruction -other than bility-and intelligence. Much of his 10,000 toircruisers and certain spe- work was done on the Yakima reser- 0,000 tos ad certainp vation near Washington and at the cified vessels, ads "Viscount Cecil explained that this Haskell institute at Lawrence, Kan- was the case and that they had in- sas, as well as with negro groups in structions not,to deviate from this New York and West Virginia. point." -i ,, h One of Dr. Klineberg's outstanding{ At the fatteful meeting, on the night successful research experiments was of Aug. 3, when the decision was conducted at the Yakima reservation reached that it would be useless to in July and August of 1926. He gave continue the conference, the records a performance test to a number of' indicate that Mr. Gibson announced white children and to a number of that if the"authorized progrars" in- Indian children with the result that cluded forĀ° Great Britain the ships the whites completed it in the cor- which were projected, but for which paratively short time of 60 seconds, money had n9t been appropriated, the but made 14 errors, while the Indians, c nuiser stren th of the British Em- taking their time as they did, made1 pire would be far in excess of any no errors in the 137 seconds which figure which in the opinion of the it took them to complete the test. American delegation would consti- Commenting on this finding and' tite limicantiola. n s other results of similar experiments,, Level Was Too Hmigh Dr. Klineberg stated that, "The Ind- When the British had explained that ians lack any concern for speed al- Whem the "authorized program.'h most completely. This has always to them tbeen noticeable by observers of these were those passed by the government tests. The emphasis which is one o and submitted to Parliament, the testrikingechaistics oAen-f American delegation declared that the 1ah tiknchaaceritiysnof Aetr- Britsh ntel~rtatin rpreentd ~can life has apparently not penetrat- Pritish interpretation representert so"n high a level as not to constitute real ed within the cultural pattern of the limitation. Indian, at least on the Yakima res- Rear Admiral Pound, of Great Brit- ervation. Nobody hurries. If the fam- ain, remarked that the calibre of ily starts out in the car for a 150 guns was the great difficulty. Ar- mile trip, nobody cares very much rangements were then made for a about getting there at any particular final plenary sessioti the following time. To them there is no advantage day. Mr. Gibson read a telegram from of getting there in one day instead Secretary of State Kellogg intimating of two. If the family is away picking that a public discussion of content- hops in the early fall, the children ions problems might jeopardize a will come back to school a month late.4 future solution. !What difference does a month make Mr. Gibson pointed out that public anyway? Contrast this whole mode opinion was much excited and the present place and time did not offer m n tmn- ~ ra Fe tc ncn Christmas holiday train service has tent and scope of the National Mu- a been announced by the Wabash and sic weeks has more than doubled, a- r :Michigan Central railways. Special cording to announceffents made this r trains are being run on both these we0k by the National Music Week I committee. These figures show that c lines to take care of the large number 1614 cities and towns participated in of students who will be going home ;the observances of National Museis from Ann Arbor. week, which was held last May, in f A representative of the Wabash will f contrast with the 80 observancos x be at the Hotel Allenel for a week, nhich marked the inaugura ion:. ofit intrviw Ithe idea in 1924. Thew Conunittce4 lays; starting Dec. 12. He will interview this remarkable growth to th v quiet I students and advise them on trains, jpromulgation of the idea by the local c reservations and routes and will have organizations and to the cooperation c all necessary information. in local observations by the various A special train from Ann Arbor to societies in the individual cities air . . -..,tOwls. - St. Louis is scheduled to leave at 7:.0 Previous to the synchronization of p. m. from the Ann Arhior railroad 11w many local music weeks, only 1-5 ~ station. It will go by way of Milan, cities and towns had ever held such Fort Wayne, Peru, Logansport. La- a special observation. The gradua l- fayette, and St. Louis, arriving in St. growth of the movement after the Louis at 7 a. n.i National committee took hold is. Trains will also be run by this com- shown by the statistics sent out by pany from Detroit to St. Louis, leav- the committee. In 1924, 780 communi- l ing at 12:55 a. mn., 10 p. nm. 4 p. in., ty and partial observances were made. and 7 p. m. Other trains from Detroit This numbr increased to 122S in 1925,7 will go to Kansas City Buffalo, South iand grew to 1397 in 1926. The larget Bnumber was reached in May of 1927 Bend and Evansville. Special trains being run by the when 1614 community and partial ohl- Michigan Central railway will be as servances were mai. The rapid follows: to Chicago, leaving Ann Ar- mgowth of the participation in this bor at 1 p. m. and arriving at Chicago movement, from the 150l"ore 1924 at 6 p. m., C. T.; to eastern cities, ;to the large number of ls a, leaving Ann Arbor at 3:15 p. i. and'laid almost wholly to the 'eling ,f arriving at New York at 7:50 a. m., at pride in the various town in that Boston at 10:55 a. m., at Philadelphia they were taking part in a. sutan- at 9:25 a. m.; to northern points, leav-- eous national festival. Many towns ing Detroit at 8:30 p. m. and arriving found it very hard to fall in line with1 at Sault Ste Marie at 9:40 a. in., C. T. the dates set for the national observ- at Marquette at 11:40 p. m., C. T. at ance, but all have expressed them- Houghton at 3:4p p. m., C. T., and at selves to be well repaid for having Calumet at 4:30 p. m., C. T. All of adopted the national plans, according these trains will be run on Dec. 1Ito the report. only. Idea lha" G(reat Spread Other regular trains to New York Not only in numbers but in geo- are the Wolverine, the New York Spe- Naphie "iowth has the idea mnaI cial; to Boston, the Wolverine and a great s'pread. The celebration now Boston Special; to Philadelphia, the carried out not only covers all of Philadelphia Express and the Aol- the states in the Lion, but Hawaii, verine. the Phillipies, Alaska, and the fir- 1 Booklets have been issued by both gin islands as well. The governors of railroad companies announcing all these territories are now members of trans leaving Ann Arbor and D troit the national honorary committee ton Dec. 16.gr along with governors of the states, -n ec. __and the idea has been adopted in SPEECH STUDENT Canada and South America. 1 eunsylvania still holds the lead in TO TALK TUESDAY the number of participating communi- ___ties1with23, but Texas is gradually Dr. Lee Edward Travis, well-known forging ahead with 118. Illinois is student of speech defects, will deliver third with 93. In many cases, the a lecture on the "Place of Speech Cor- leadership is due not only to the size rection in Modern Education," at 4:15 of the state but to the activity of the o'clock Tuesday in Natural Science state organizations promoting the auditorium. ideas. Pennsylvania's work is done Dr. Travis, according to Prof. James by the Department of Public Instruc- M. O'Neill, of the department of tion, and three or four state socie- speech, is one of the outstanding speech ties campaign in Texas. clinicians in the United States. For In diversity lf observation of Mu- several years. Dr. Travis has been at sic weeks, th celebrations range from the University of Iowa, where he is the big Auditorium events in San an assistant professor of speech, and i Francisco and Denver, with its "Pag- director of the speech clinic. eant of Colorado," to the moderate- Daid you try the Ann Arbor Dairy Special ice cream brick last week? Well, here's another equally as good-- VANILLA FRUIT SALAD, CARAMEL Tasty, delicious, delightful! OIL nd down to the observances in the ural districts. Mluch of this rural Cbservance is due to the promotion lone by the government's home dem- 'ustration agents. In many places the observance of National Music week has brought orth beneficial results to the com- munity, in the way or organizing of andls, choirs, glee clubs, and other nusical groups. In many cases, it. has brought together the musicians o the community so that they could organize for better music in the city. The committee expects to eclipse all of its former work in the next elelratirn whi-h will lie heid on May G-12, 1926. Among the special features planned for this week are a special recognition of American music, the better development of congregationul singing in the churches, the use of musie-memory contests in rural coin- munities, and the tying-in of motion )icture houses and radio stations .with he Music week observances in tlh various localities. * 1 Fanned by a 40-mile wind, this fierce mountain lire has burned over miles and miles o territory in tle V'erdugo range of Southern California, laying waste hundreds of mountain homes. Above, a view of the blaze from the town of La Creseenta. Below the ruins of a fire-swept mountain home. of life with the hustle and bustue oi any American town of a few thousanu inhabitants, and the speed difference of the tests is easily understood." Dr. Klineberg who had great suc- cess in the application of his material. began his work more than two years ago, setting as his object an experi- mental study of speed and other fac- tors in 'racial' differences. NORTHWESTERN.-Florence Bee- be, a freshman at Northwestern uni- versity, is Illinois women's golf cham- pion, and besides playing golf illus- trates a bible with which she teaches her Sunday School class, plays hockey and is Women's sports editor on The Daily Northwestern. Cosmopolitan Club Will Hold Initiation, initiation of new members into the Cosmepolitan club will take place at the regular meeting of the club to= night at Lane hall. This is the lastl initiation of the year, and anyone de- i tring to become a member is re- quested to be present MISI'01 M When the city marshal of MIountain rGove, Missouri, attemp- ted to halt the annual class pennant rush ti' the high school, a group of girl students mobbed him and held! tIm uner the town pump until the lirec leramrtment rescued him. CQ9o ANN ARBOR DAIRY COMPANY Dial 4101 I9 .. .... MOUKUYAW ..... ._... -Um. -I It IF IDEAL ISfor MEN Something for Iis car FYRAC NIGHT GUID S CIGAR LIGh TERS bINDa2ALWIPERS We are rn g with great Savings 'loc reducing An23 sale a good atmoshere for discussion. TRAVELLING FELLOW FROM BERLIN WILL SPEAK HERE Dr. Eva.IFluegge of the Univfrsity of Berlin, a traveling fellow of the Rockefelt- -*memorial foundation, will spokhbefore the next meetingj of the University Economics club on the subpeg- of "Tendencies Toward Integratf6 in -athe Automobile Indus- try". The meetin will be held at 8 o'clock next Tuesday at the Union. Crude oil production in California lst aeek Averaged 626,000barrels j dlly, aim increas e of 300 barrels daily Gilberts Norris Juilleret s ha 2 ,rr WCS 1 2 1 1 5 4A,71- 302 S. State )ial 586o pl"" (,6 1 Prices slashed this week on Morsers' and Buntes' Box CANDY 1% lb., 45c 1 lb.,c90c " a over the week before: -"1#EQBIIEEEIIIli l E~~lil EIEttil i i iE#E111 i11illtilll 1111illiltl lillll lill ll llli lli llll #I'9 -I -WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS IN THE CITY I -11-') ]o . /Ashley r'none ui J i Best Grade Alc hol9 c per Gal. .-xx xxx...... "eae x .aaa - '..+ . .- , - '.e_ . +. . a .. . . . . . . .--_I _ GaloShes Zppers Several L Styles to Select from t\'\Wj KPriced V' <~_ to ~ $.U 2V NV/ God. That's what it is . .. No UsE trying to put a definition around Camel. It.is as diverse and fugitive as the delicate tastes and fragrances that Nature puts in her choicest tobaccos, of which Camel is rolled. Science aids Nature to be Each smoker telling the other, we suppose. At any rate, it's first-in popularity as well as quality. It has beaten every record ever made by a smoke. Modern smokers have lifted it to a new world leadership.