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December 09, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-09

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STUDENTS, DECLARES MISS COOPEROf Traditional HolidaCelebration


P RFITA BL[ E ETjByAlthough the idea is a comparative- tastes are concerned women as wellLIDAY M IT1Y Christmas wastaetme ofEglamour
y rcent one and an entirely new as men seem to have a Uiking for Crsmsi h mryEgad
pioject on the university campus ten 'pie, and it is for this and ice cream]of"feudal days was a time of glamour
organized houses are now under the and cake that they are constantly UO- --- - .
Unlergraduate ('iinpadigii Cionnittee supervision of Miss Lena Cooper, uni- siring more of. Miss Cooper is ex- The parlors of Barbour gymnasium iI fit fro" "hih "C (ei
Realizes large St;ii; idoves versity dietician. They are: Helen tremely anxious that people be very will be the scene of the party to be nany of cur most treasured customs.'
Are Mortarboard Ware Newberry Residence, Kappa Kappa free in offering suggestions as .o given this afternoon from 4 to l The English celebration is, indeed,.
----D Gamma, Kappa Delta, Alpha Gamma menus and recipes of which th-'y are o'clock by the Women's league. All cue of the most interesting and fas-
MAPS AND CARDS ON SALE Delta, Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Delta especially fond. Although she is <;;me- omen othe University are cordially cinating, for there the ceremonies
DetSigma Kappa, Phi Sigma Sig- what limited in her selection . otinvmited to come and have one last xw rc more elaborate I han in most
Final reports have been approxi- ma, Kappa Alpha Theta, gnd Phi Del- because of a lack of sufficient cooi- good time together before the holl- unl tries.
m for 'h both hih ta Theta. Because the plan has never j ing facilities afforded by several of days. 'he lum uddig, the Yule log,
been carried out before, there are no the houses, she hoxes that in time unusually the use of holly and mistletoe ide-
the U ndergraduate campaign commit- precedents to follow, and thus the 'these conditions will be bettered. jhas been promised. There will be craicon hadlrolling have all ieen
precedens to folow, and ats iike ahhescarolliiog whavebellttbren
tee had charge of during the Women's first few months have been entrely "Generally speaking, the coopera-ousic for dancingi by Edna MowersYinlherited by T usfom the Englh
lea;ue and Tnterchurch bazaar as for experimental purposes. tion has been very good," declared orchestra.cs in addition there will beo Yuletide. These customs, which mosth
Sfar as Miss Cooper can say after Miss Cooper, "and it is upon this co- of us have adoted in some form or
sand whicingthistboowhiearnedrtotalled
msecma few months she believes that the operation of the houses by which I adi be served. Winter decraetionsother go back to the days of King
0. While1 this sum does not seemplan has been successful. "At least," am kept informed, that the success will be used. Arthur aud the Round Table and even
enormous at first glance when one she says, "no one has complained of of the plan depends." Kathryn Butler who is in carge of before then.
realizes that this was only one arnali the food, unless it is to say that they All bills are sent in duplicate form, arrangements is assisted by the fo- dward the Confessor, who was re-o
part of the bazaar and considers the are getting too fat, and then when I one to the house and one to the ofree lowing members of the social commit- Sicnsilble for introducing many Nor-
small articles which this Pooth had offer suggestions for dieting, tney of the dietician. They are signed by tee of the League: Ellen GIroff, '28, man features to the English court,'
en sale and their extremne:y I r seem reluctant to take them." the cook and in this way they are chairman; Kathryn Field, '29; Kathryn eind William the Conqueror were
es it is found that their results bring The mens for one week are made able to know that the goods has been Butler, '30; Jean Dow, '28; Elizabeth among the English rulers who were
eei is fod thatheireults br i ut and distributed to the various received. Checks in payment of the McCurdy, '29; and Esther Anderson, crowned during Christmas time. Pag-
lest sellers of the league bazaar. houses one week in advance, thus giv- bills must be mailed to the office by '. eants and general merrymaking made
Teeller ofthew leage baar ing opportunity for any changes the 10th of each month, and in spite iiiliant these coronations. The
Te bosh wa i cas o gl which may be deemed necessary 1a of the fact that women have the repo- WOMEN LEA DERI PAN TO Chriatases of th Henrys and of
'aret Bush, '30, anl it was throughbe made. Miss Cooner visits eac tation of being unbusiness-like, Miss;Eliabet, too, were filled with pomp
herOT untrin efortptht te bot
was made gossible and carried out house under the dietician system Cooper expresses extreme satisfaction PROMOTE WORLD PEACE Eliaburing toreign of Charles i I
t a 5ucces5ful finish. The articles three times a week, and discusses the with the punctuality with which the Ini order to consider what action is pudding, which had long been famoust
which were sold here were, Pig menus with the cook, giving any as- bills have been paid. open to flwlmen iZlens to niomote in England under the name of "hach-
which ,wre soldw ere adfr, Pigsistance in the way of recipes. T- "There is a two fold purpose in peace and the League of Nations, a in," was reerhistened "plum pudding."9
l~oards, which were used for caiL hy oer on 's suyCneec"ht
aether, they go over the supplies in such a system. First is the health n"-_ woman 3tudy ConI'eence hs about the same time, the Twelftht
tnsue succes, with a Anmfom the house and make out the necessary tive and the desire to raise the stand- opened at Amsterdam with 200 de-fight Ball was instituted. This was a
' kesG .Jzz- it h Ag orders. A large order of staple arti- ard of living whici has existed in n 1 gates representing 15 European con- r4eat festival to which came the olt
co.' a is o sheAnn Aes, sugar, flour, and canned goods past, by supplying more fresh fruIs tries 1)esies other coutrics through- nd the young, the peasants and the
m and Mich is made once a month. and vegetables and paying particular ut the world inclhding the United nobles. The feature of the affair was
These later ae o sale at all timestion to the conference with attention to well balanced rations. metinl was openet by Miss a huge cake, containing a gold. ring.
These hiter are o sale at ll tunesThe meeting wsOee yMs
and may be procurel from any mom- the cooks, Miss Cooner holds a week- The second is to safeguard organized Ruth Morgan of the American League A young girl was chosen to cut the
ber of the Tndergraduate campaga .y consultation with a representatim' houses from financial deficits.",ny one who drew the
her of te nocugrtuac frm each house, in some cases tia For special events such as pateso Women Voters, and many p~omn-(keadtelcyoeworwth
committee or from Jean Wallace, '90, 1rossaparties nt women reformers were present in-Iring was the king's partner in thec
by calling 21616. Wl,0may be the stewardess or house man- and guest nights Miss Cooper makes cluding Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, of Idance. At midnight all the holly, mis-c
age. They talk over the menus for an effort to plan for the occasions if UL'tletoe, and Christmas green were ta-
XMortartrnzrd adds hoseifth United Staes, and Lady Astor, nfteo, niCitnagrnwreak
Mortarboard had a very successfulthe coming week and discuss any dif- sufficient notice is given her. This England. en down and burned in the fireplace.
f cuties which may have arisen and week several of the houses are gv
booth at the annual Christmas bazaar: gmv- Lady Astor, 'n a speech at one of IWassail and Twelfth Night Cake were
Mrs. William B. Henderson, executive any suggestions which members o lug Christmas parties, for which roast the sessions, made an appeal for served during this ceremony.
the houses have to offer. Insofar as goose will be the peice de resistance. understanding and cooperation and While many of the ancient ciis-
secretary of the alumnae council ex- _understanding___and___________________and____Whil__._many__ofthe__ancient____ils_
pressed herself as being very pleas- urged particularly an understanding
ed with the outcome. Over 75 orders ue ts C Tan 3uccessfuly Engage In between America and Europe. In her
for gloves were taken, and 12 orders . . . I opinion it is more important for
for hosiery. Oth A cademic And Campus Activities Europe to understand America than
The addition of the hosiery to the America to understand Europe be-
cause America has apparently been
Mortarboard sale has been a very for- Does the individual who participates side work done during their college thoroughly misunderstood in Europe.
tunate move, for this has proved pop- in extra-curricular activities receive career. It gives them an indication
ular and are good values. The retail enough benefit in the way of exper- of the breadth of their interests. Ex- PARTY POSTPONED.
price in the stores is much higher. ience, honor and knowledge to over- tra-curricular activity is the strongest
ortarboard is able to undersell them balance the work, responsibility and (hanch in which one can learn per- The W.A.A. party, which was
so reasonably because overhead is anxiety that is caused by them? This sonal responsibility. There s n re- scheduled to take place Dec. 14
eiiaeis one of the most discussed questions hsbe otoe ni fe
The glove orders taken at the ba- on the campus. Some enter college sponsibility in every day work forhas ee n postpone until after
zaar are now in New York, and It and gain recognition at the end in after the assignment is given little i the Christmas holidays.
i expected that deliveries will be both academic and extra-curricular done on the student's own initiative.
One of the dangers in a large college__,-'
rapid, and finished by the end of the work, others deem the former more or ne o. t e dangrs in a dlargetcollege
coming week. For those women who necessary and do not desire to do any- university is the tendency to havePhave a permanent wave for Christ-
a few persons holding all the major a
ordered gloves the last part of No- thing other than academic, while m T1 7 nias. It will add to your enjoyment
vember and did not receive them a many neglect the former to such an offices. Miss Johnson believes that a oherfecteaV holidays. Telephone today for
gabtle tr be in the usual place in exttthat they are often placed on this danger is being eliminated thi wyne anappointment. You will like our
University hall from 3:15 to 4:15 o'- probation. Michigan by the point system. By this S iingSymbolser vice
clocl today. Miss Beatrice Johnson, adviser to system, a woman is limited to 14 honor "We Are Expe'ts"
points at one timge. Each recognized of a W r Eprs
All women who are interested in women, is a strong advocate of extra- acivts gie ac ve n iB N
either gloves or hosiery can obtain curricular activities. She believes, activity is given a certain value inor BONT
them by going to Mrs. Hendersor~'s however, that scholastic achievement points according to the honor it bears Successful Vacation
toic i Alumnae Memorial hall. Wo- hudawy oefrt r- and the time it involves. At a recent, Permanent Waving
officei should always come first. The pre- self-government conference Michigan's
men are urged to visit there and to requisites of campus activity, accord- point system was voted one of the MICHIGAN
look the samples over. Included in the ing to Miss Johnson, should be good most efficient in the country, Miss
displace are all silk semi-service health and a scholastic record tend- o st ed. yThe Vapor System % BEAUTE SHOPPE
weight and a very sheer chiffon. Prie- ing toward "B." In concluding, Miss Johnson af- Permanent Wave hi Theater Bldg.
es range from $1.50 to $2.00 a pair Much can be learned, continues Miss firmed that extra-curricular work is
This sale will be on until the secona Johnson, through taking an active not incompatible with good scholastic SHOP
semester. Women are urged to pa- part on campus. There are many standbianng.This nbeproved by the RR OR SHOP
Ironize this as the proceeds go toward valuable social contacts made sandig.s Thi canudent provedby ther i1I~1~U
the league building fund. Since two commit ees. Employers when look- vay throgh colleges Inorany cathses 19 Cuttiig Apts.
weeks are needed for delivery, an ing through the record of prospectivew thmro h co In Phone 7t3rh
ise in q u ire in to th e o u t- m ore on s t
early selection is advised. employees often inur1nt h u will accomplish.

toms are no longer part 0!' ouf ' -r -TO FuTURE T[A'IER
oration of the Christmas season, yet
certain adaptions of old(1 'c'enIli,"
have been retained. In some tit 14 More than one hundred women o
families, the wassail bovl still ih.s the University, many of them inter
a place of honor. Hot ale, ginger, - ested in education and enrolled wit
gar, and roasted apples a'e served, the Bureau of Appointments, attel
and at the approach of th Ne"' .ar, ed the monthly meeting of the 'W
each guest drinks to the health o; tne
others. iin's Ethucaitional club which wv
At Queen's College, Oxford, . hld ilast Wednestlay afternoon in ail,
boar's head ceremony on Cthci:rinms BeIsy Barhour dormitory. This is or
afternoon is still carried out. The ci1 the largest groups which has eve
head is carried in on a silver dish attendedl the meetings of the club.
held shoulder high, while the "I'oar's Owing to the fact that those enrol
Head Song" is sung. ed with the Bureau will soon be :n
Iterviewing high school officials fo
NOTICES teaching positions, a deionstrati
interview was held by Otto Haisle
Sigma Kappa announces the ple( ig;ngprincipal of the Ann Arbor hitg
of' Ruth Banfleld, '28, Dorothy Clkt school. Haisley, aving had muc
'29, and Elizabeth Valentine,'31. Sat- experience in that line, took the pa
urday afternoon at 2:30 initiation will' of a high school principal question
take place in which the follo ngTuing a prospective teacher. Janic
girls will be initiated. Miriam Th1onp- eck, '28, was the prospect for th
son, '28, Wilma Crawfortl, '29 Lois position, being well chosen as Si
Webb, '29Ed, Eleanor Coryell, '293, and tas enrolled with the bureau, WI
Viola Allen. incex<rienced and an applicant for :
, Engtish-History position, in realit

Junior Girls' Play tryouts will ccin-
tinue from 4 to 6 o'clock today in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall of arbour
gymnasium, and from 9 to 12 o'clock
to morrow in' Sarah Caswell Angcll
hall. The tryouts tomorrow will close
the preliminary set of tryouts. Second
tryouts will beh el ,after the Christ-

According to Mrs. Helen Shambauj
head of the Bureau of Appointmen
the interview was carried out ye
well, and she believes that it ga
those prestnt a chance to see at A)b
hand what type oft questions are as
ed and the qualifications desired why
11h10 aini l - nr a sitin

41.yVul,;5 W111 FJG 1,1C14L1 Ul


as vacation.

Claim is made by
angley, Republican
ect from Kentucky,
ly grandmother in

Imumediately after the intervieN
--laisley conductetl an open discu
Mrs. Katherine sion period at which he answerq
represeijative- questions Put to him by those Wl
to being the wished to know more about intervie
the new con- Cjnn qualification methods.'
Tea was served after the meeting

Don't Miss This!
Values to $25.00 Dresses for
sport, and business. Sizes, 14
to 524.
Sale Friday and Saturday I
323 S. Main St.
"The Best Place to Shop After All"

"Ann Arbor's New Store"

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529 E. Liberty St.
New Michigan Theatre Bldg,
Drastic Reductions
Certified Savings of 25 % to 35 %
Dress Up for the Holiday
Just arr:ved-143 advance style dresses in the new
shades of red, light blues, greens and tans-and blacks,
of course. $ .7 5
Others, $16.95 to $24.75

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Good Luggage
Serves as a Cherished Gift



Iz-. et us help Y~o
Christmas shopping ceases to be a burden when
you see our assortment of gifts suitable for


Luggage-the welcome Christmas gift.
Quality luggage gives years of hard service.
The purchase of good luggage is wise economy for the boy and
girl starting off on a'four years' college career. Or for Mother and
Dad who leave after Christmas for the South. Mack's selection of
'.and luggage and trunks includes various qualities at moderate prices.
Boston Bags, $1.95
Over-Night Cases, $4.75
Hat Boxes, $4.50
Suitcases, $1.35 up
Trunks, $8.50
Fitted Cases, $18.50
Brief Cases, $2.50

every taste, type and purse.



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