T f - I T-- NJA T CJHTGA! , T
: . T air'
I~'OEEI IT.TM11W)AY. r 2TENIRE'RS, 1927l
TII I I A 1 .D"i \ 1t. 1I., !T f. .Y
D J . Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.)
aailatble for a lew 'add it-iolra Ia;csafter the lusnlal rni'ti;''r Is 1 aI < <
AII(cf1I~I ,, 11lust lbe ..,igned and jircei' t I i the \l iul' n ii et
offlice on or' before Friday, De(-emlbei'16.
I !
Volumrle K.
-Nuimber O'S
University Lecture:
Dr. Lee Edward Travis, Associate Professor and Director of the Speech
Clinic in the University of Iowa, will lecture on "Theli Place of Speech Cor-
rection in Modern Education" at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, December 13, in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Roblbins.
U~pperclassmuen From D~etroit:
All upperclassmen now attending the University who have been graduated
from Cass Technical, College, Northeastern, Southeastern, Redford, or South-
western High School of Detroit, are cordially invited to come to the Record-
er's Office, room 4, University Hall, on Thursday afternoon, December 8, from
2 until 4 o'clock to meet their former- high school principals.
Ira M. Snitlh, Registrar.
American Chemical Society:
There will be a meeting of the local Section, Thursday, December 8, at
4:15 p.m., in room 303, Chemistry building. The program will involve:
1. The annual business meeting.
2. A paper by D~r. F. F. Blicke on "The Reducing Action of Grignard
B. A. Soule, Secretary.
Charles N. Staubach, President.
Nev comers Section, Faculty Womens' Club:
The Newcomers' Section of the Faculty Womens' Club will have its next
meeting at Delta Gamma Sorority, 1205 Hill street, on Thursday, December 8,
at 2:30 o'clock. There will be an interesting program and members are
asked to bring their Christmas sewing.
Margaret Van iDuren, Secretary.
Executive Board, Graduiate School:
There will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School
on Thursday, December 8, at 4 p.m.
Ruth A. Rouse.
Bureau of Appoiliments--Ol and H.:
All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose name
begin with G or H and who have not called at the office for personal inter-
views this week should do so today or tomorrow during the following hours:
9 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m., in room 102 Tappan Hall.
Hlen Shiainaugli.
There will be a meeting of tihe members of Iota Alpha at 7:30 o'clock
promptly Thursday evening, December 8, in room 3201 of the East Engineer-
ing building. Professor Worley will give an illustrated talk on "Transporta-
tion." 1 11. S. Swintoni, Secretary.
Wor'k For Vacation:
Mr. C. R. Zane, representing the PICTORIAL REVIEWV, will be in room
304# Michigan Union, Thursday, December 8 from 4 to 6 p.m., toi interview stu-
dents in regard to work during the holidays.
All U111-versity Iv 0111011 arv ('(iiIid0(l of Ihy, Advisrs' Tea at l3arhomr (Ivni
nasin in Ilay from 4 to 5:3>0 o'clock. (,irls of Brown IBadl1 will be. assist ant
(Geoog-icaI anullGeograpieal Journal ('lub:
Th~le meet ing which was5 anniounced for Thiursda y, Dec. 8, has been posit.-
poned to 'Fimisday, Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m1.
I..senstils, Secretary.
10epjartien t I I I1,: nmeidatiou, lloina nce Langiiag'es:
Seniors in tile College of Literature, Science and the Art-4, School of
l'duc at ion, andl Graduate students who have fulfilled the requliremnents andtl are(
candidates for a D~epart mental Recommiendation in French or Spaniishi from
the D~epart[ment of Romance Languages should leave their names in 101) IS. WV,,
before vacaticn. Only those who leave their names will b~e considered.
Othr students, looking forward to tile Recommendation in the more disttalt
future, shouUl consult Dr. Thierme, 104 S.W., about French an-d JDr. Wa;ner,
203 S. W., about Spanish as early in their course as possible in order that the
right courses may be elected.
11. P. Tletie,
La Socledatd I1ispanlca:
A member of the faculty will address the meeting tonight on an interent-
ing topic, and there will be a short musical program. An opportunity will be
given to those candidates who have not yet been admitted to be initiated.
Lane Hall auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Charles N. Staubhacl, President.
T~eachers' Problems- Club, Romance Language D)epartmienis:
There wil be a meeting of tile Teachers' Problems Club Friday (Decem-
ber 9) at 4:15 o'clock, room 200 S. XW.
31. S. Pargmnt.
League For Industrial Democracy:
Mr. W. Mollenhauer of the Detroit Musicians' Union will address a meet-
ing at 8 p.m., Thursday, December 8, at the Michigan Union (See Bulletin
Board for room.) All those interested are welcome.
Charles 1). lBreitel.
Chinese Students' Christiiin Association:
A regular meeting will be held in Wesley IHall, on Friday, Dec. 9, at 7
p.m. Promptly. All Chinese students interested are cordlially invited.
Catherine Tong Chairman.
World War Veterans :I
Application for Adjusted Compensation for World War service must be
made before January, 1. If you have not made application full information i
and application blanks may be secur'ed at the R.O.T.C. Headquarters.
lelimold IMelberrg.
,t11(lceit Branchl A. 1. E. E.:
Mr. E. E. Dr eese, C'hief Engineer of the Lincoln Electric Conmpa>ny willC
spe~ak at a meeting of the Student 'Branch of t he A. 1. E. E., Fiiiay, Dec-
cembehr 9 at 4 o'clock in room 318, West" Engineering lbuildinu. Ilia;iSsubjects
will lbe 'Imaginative Engineering.''
All persons intecrested are invitedl to attendl.
IL. .,Taunr'lyl, Chairman.
l'resdiucn ( ir.', le ('Iib:
R2 guia p meeting of Freshmen Girls' Glee Club. Dec. 8. Bring 2:) i'iit","
f or dues.
Gvendolyll Zoller, President.
l 11,1!'! iu i In l r'?~ :;i-. 3 , i" Mae~
\y'A1,llN(k'i'lN, Dec. 7 C itl' a ned1
efficiency of Llieo P'lt al l'-rvi(ec was~
iiidicci toe day inii Post dl astci--Gcn, r-
al Newv's annu1al report to r Eresident
Coolidge, which recited 4 bat the oper1-
ating dotit'i t «as cuit by -a pprox iniate-
ly $9,000,000 for thle yoar.
When regular overseas air trans-
portation shlall have been deinonstrat.-
cd as practical and safe, Mr. New re-
port ed, thle Post Office departmflent
W:ould cit lalvor to be :i uong the first
to u~o such tofcidii es in advancing
air imilsi to foreignl countrPies, li e
it sed ut borit y to inaugurate such
service under tour-year contracts aft-
e'r adv ert'Iising for bids.
I 'Th e is still c17, :;tisfact iou cii
ilt art alf somle ch a uos of ma fll us-
ers over changes made in 1925,'' he
s;aid. "The' readIjust mont of postage
rates to tbt classes of1snail andl the
services, render'edl their is always a
(l dulImallter.spcialy when such
;reamljustvlent a p ln to business con-
d tions established under rates of
lonig st anding. The changes made are
still under consideration by tihe Con-
greucs mid the department."
A cornprehen 'six e ?Ia for an eqn iit-
Postinast er-'C en eral sa,_id, would be
Necessity Of Savingr
~ Larme Forest Lands
.. .Rell
Newly elected president of the
Southl Texas Secretarys' association
is leading the fight against the pasl-
sage of new Mexican immigration leg-
islation. The legislation wvhich he is
fighting provides for the placing of
Mexico on a quota basis. This will
meani absolute ruin to South Texas
agriculture, according to Bell. The
measure is to come up in the new ses-
sion of congress.
Alex Dow, hon, '11, president of the
Detroit Edison company and president
of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, w~ill speak at a banquet to
A1fl-r pakn at Escanaba at a
Jolt ieetilg of the Rotary and 11-;-
\wa nis clubs of that city, Samuel T.
I), a, (lean of the School of Forestry
alnd Conservation~ returned to Ann
Arbor Tuesday. Dean Dana spoke on
"Coneservation" and stressedi the wide
use and necssity of saving the .forests.
Hle suggested that ,the clubs favor
fire control methods and aid in block-
inig out an efficient adlministration of
state forest lands and also aid in the
ec~ononmic survey which is being con-
ducted, throughout the state at tha3
present time. Dean Dana further re-
quested a closer attention be paid to
forest tax qucAions.
Thlle forest ry dean p~resented the
speech as part of the extenlsion pro-
granm of tile University. The Escanaba
Rotary andl Kiwanis clubs and the
Gladstone Rotary club attended the
Simmons Graduate
Will Be Secretary
Miss Margaret Snyder, a graduate
of Simmons college, Boston, will be-
come the new secretary to the dean
of students, according to Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students. Miss Sny-
d er comes from ,Amherst college, Are-
,herst, Mass., where. for several years
she has filled the position of secretary
of the alumni council.
Miss Snyder will replace Miss Cath-
ee giveu eranpwotonoaoeen ofe
torie uKiern, stiwh oabeenoe
ill health, and' is now spending the
winter with her mother in Buffalo,
Newv York.'
" "" 3 cteriduervu ad thn acualyvf1heme
,uhrnit""dl at the apprrop.riate time. Ichanical engineering department by
Ar,:Port 011 1110 cost of hanllng the the student branch, of the American
;si'oi.;('ass ;'t nma PI(lur1ing 1927 Society of Mechanical Engineers Tues-
wi4. h eioe 2I1 t o Ci 5 4, for Ilse inIi day nighlt.
canierel ion x+ ift Tilat ion fror ('110 nge
of, ratcs. Pstl evence-, for the SER
_K1 5 "; ifat ledl ;8. _121, !Sit , alm l ('VeI c
I',!2( N u :r luols ';(or 1t1eaici l Ii
lvelcmo~eby li)te I 'osi mu asteC n-1
rvial fur',e'isit :nuo 1,iI11lt11l'ox-et':are so handy
E 1 st'l Siic.These inileiidilP' -
E 1lit iY r ltI i rsthat, U
dent's 1)1 vllr'ii "mw forI th 1.71 - .<
fit1 of, ii atstl lant IgO"'S asocal1es Nh-ie one fo@
anid rep1eal ofI thlea'loin'- ye 3 o t e .,-
office(. Rider's P
Clii'\() NI{l'TI 1 1 ;Ti vN -in^SI&RI
V ' I ~ i ' ~ U 1 u n t" r' f.'4 i TIyr-- - - - - - -
and practical
Den Shop
Geology I:
The dlate of thle e:;amiiatioml bas been chlauged from Wednesday, Decem -
ber 7 to Friday, December 9 at the regular lecture periodl. Surnames begin-
ning with A throughl L in WVest Gallery of Alumni Hall; Al - Z in Natural
Science Auditorium.
t I1. 1). Sco(Lt.
Soctioiogy g51:
Members of the class wvho were absent from tile midl-semester, anld who
fail to arranged for a make-up examination to be taken befor'e vacation will
be given a mid-semester grade of E.
R. IH. Ilolintes.
StudIents Interested In Autontitive Engineering:
Mr. Fred *Lawton, engineer for the Willys-Overland Co., will give a talk
on "The Knight Engine," Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m., in the Lecture Room,
Engineering Annex. Open to the public. IV. E. Laty.
To All Seniors:
If there are any SENIORS who have not yet gotten their order slips for
pictures andI wish to do so they may sign up on the waiting list which is in the
b~usiness office of the MVICHIGANENSIAN. This dloes nlot assure you of hav-
ing your picture in the year book, but in case any are needed to complete
the section, .they will be taken in the order in which they appear on the wait-
ing list.-
Bryan Hunt, Editor.
All Campus Organizations:
Contracts for, organization -space in the 1928 Michiganensian have been
mailed to officers of all fraternities, sororities, clubs, and miscellaneous or-
ganizations appearing in the Michiganensian last year. There will be space
" .
ei 'tl(t4'il +Iilamm (lhb: b ' s 'r L ii :,wt tof tit(?' sophomor 0
'There will he a mleetinlg oW tle Negro-Caucasian ('111b at Lane Ihall, Thurs- omui ,I. .lay ov ('H y Ie l rivilege OI'G
day, Dec'ember 8, at S pan1. All mlemibers and friends are urgedl to lie pInesnt -1 wearing the "soph Scu'lt" as wveil as
hlalm d Wile. Seeretary. thie men. -
Ifi cbI an Catcii 4at
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ili! I ElIhI I I~II11I
_ r_______________ _________ _________________w
Scranton, Pocahontas
Kentucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been growing ever
Y ~since it was .established. The secret-
"giving absolute satisfaction to our
customers." We believe it pays to do
business in a friendly way. If you
think so too, let's get together.
. .
-and the smnoowhest writer
you have ever zsed!
Sure ! You'll pay $5 for thoeJunior
or Ladysize, or $7 for'the Dig Over-
size but you've GOT something!
You've got a NON-BREAK-
ABLE. That sa-)ves noney. And
you've got PRESSUrRELESS
'IOUCII. That } ,.ves tiring your-
self out writing themes and tak-
ing notes.
We've thrown these new
Duofolds from the roof of a sky-
scraper, from an aeroplane 3,000
feet aloft, and from the rim of the
Grand Canyon, and not one has
Yet it's 2811Iigh2ter than when
made with rubber ! And it writes
immediately, and keeps on writ-
ing, with merely the pressure of
its own light weight-you simply
guide it. It clears the track for
And it's a satisfaction, too, to
'"pull a good one" when you
write or lend.
That's another thing: 14K
Gold pen points with iridium tips
(choice of six styles) to suit your
hand exactly but so tempered
that your smoothest-talking,
roughest friend couldn't distort
it out of shape for you.
Hale and hearty colors-
Lacquer-Red, Mandarin Yellow
(new), Lapis Lazuli Blue, Green
jade and flashing Black and
Gold-all black-tipped.
35 years of experience, 47 im-
provements, 32 pen patents -all
have been incorporated in this
Master P~en. See what' it does
for you.
y Dufold $s
Over-size $7
The Oratorical Association
Edwin Mo .,Whit ey
In An Entire Play
"The Tailor-Made Man"
Tuesday, Dec. 13-8 p. M.
-XX z>r. .
4 \ ;kyy
Admission, $1.00
Tickets at Slate r's
Phones, Office : 451-4552 Yard Office : 5152
.NOTE : Mr. Whitney is brought here at the request of hundrce l of
course. Don't miss this evening of unexcelled entertainment.
o irns o lc. a r's
"Geo. S. Parker--DUOFOLD"
One caution: See where
the pen points? Do a little
detective work. Look for
that imprint on the barrel
of each pen. There for
your protection, the deal-
er's and our own.
a~on~rtt4t.,.,,,m _s.,nrnnwaI II
ein r,. an aan.. n~,t ..in - asw a ain n-a
i L Rd nd BiakCoelor Co..intnn-Re. Trade Mar
^k U. S. Pat. Office '
._....- - a...u.x0.,.. ,_y ...t . a. ra... _ _ ., ... ._.. .
-. __ ns.,.mb.a a., rninR nvnnhna,,.. n...
___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -~ a~ a ~ aa~ a aa n wr-a a f fl sa
, a
Mimes of the Michigan UnionPeettn9 no pr
1nPrsntte 2d nua InOpr