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September 25, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-09-25

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t rr



Vol, XXXVTII, No. 6.




Crowds Walk Miles and Miles To Dance
With Smiles At First Of Union Frolics



Speeches Advocate Extending System
Of Seenrity eacts in Order
To Stalublize Peace.
(By Assoiated Pres)'
GENEVA, Sept. 24.-Germany-once
regarded as the greatest military pow-
er in the world-is now disarmed and
calmly waits for her neighbors to do
likewise, Dr. StrVemann, the' German
foreign secretary declared tonight in
a plea from the -rostrum of the As-
sembly of the League of Nations for.
the speeding up of preparations f/r
an international conference for re-I
duction of armaments.
Hitting at former enemies in the
Great War, he continued by citing an
incident" of a citizen who appeared
among the peaceful crowd in the
ancient Roman forum armed to the
teeth, and who, when justifying his
arms on the ground that he feared he
might be attacked, was asked, "Who
did you leave to be so afraid?" .
"We in Germany," quietly remarked
the Reich leader, "are often tempted
to say tlfat to our neighbors.
Scores Use of Arms.
Dr. Stresemann insisted that arma-
ments could not and should not form
the basis of security, arguing that
their inevitable defect was a threat to
other nations. Imploring the dele-
gates of more than 50 nations not to
shake the faith of mankind that a
better future will follow the dark
days of the war, lie asserted the
League of Nations could not endure
r. unless the duty of general diXima-
iment was discharged.
Dr. Stresemann, M. Paul-Boncour.
of France, Dr. Loudon of Holland, and
Senator DeBrouckere, Socialist parlia-
mentarian of Belgium, all spoke /nen
the. disarmament plans were sub-
mitted to the Assembly.
It was a powerful address of Ser,
ator -DeBrouckere who acted as re-
porter for thQ disarmament committee,
w 1hi p u.allen ed the most attention.
With years of experience in thf
League's disarmament efforts, he
solemnily warned his hearers that the
road to success would be long and
perilous; yet he eloquently painted a
picture of ferij.nt faith that the goal
will finally be reached.
Interest Growing Stronger.
He emphlasized, however, that the
slowness o disarmament was causing
the mumurs of the people to grow
louder and louder, and declared that
=multitudes are determined to know
the exact nature of the obstacles im-
peding peace, and determined also to
prove that a man is not a primitive
brute destined forever to slay h
An impr.ive feature of today's
session, which was adjourned until
Monday morning for resunttion of
the disarmament discussion, was a
solemn roll call on the question of the
acceptance of the Polish for outlaw-
ing wars of aggression and the settle-
ment of conflicts of whatever nature
by pacific means. Every nation vpt-
ed "Yes."
Pact System I Favored.
The general tenor of today's speech-
res was that If the system of security
pacts like those of Locarno can be
extended, every country will be ready
to accept lower standards of arma-
ments when the disarmament confer-
ence is held.
Pedro Iniguez, former minister of
jAstice of Chi le, advocated region as
well as general security agreements
and emphasized that the interdepend.
once of the interests of all nations
which are primarily economic, is daily
takings the world toward the neces-
sity of stjilizing peace.
Dr. Loudon, who is president of the
League's preparatory commission, on
which the United tSates is represent-
ed, said that America's idea of the
outlawry of war deserved earnest,
ars Not Banned-

At Northwestern'
(;y Associated Press)j
EVANSTON, Sept. 24.-A ban on the

Autaomoblle Ban Seems To Have
Played Havoc With Commuters
The, Union and its dances have
changed. Motorized dates have ended,
and in place of the wheezing cars of
" a popular make".and the purring
eight cylinder sport models that grac-
ed the parking space last year the
lights in the Union yard show nothing
but long rows of emptiness.
In the lobby the gentlemen are
using ill language because some
sorority has moved a mile further out,
and several conscientiously resolve
never to take another woman student
from that house to the Union. During
the early hours of the evening an in-
termittent taxi glides up to the side
door of the building, discharging a
plutocratic non-conformist who draws
nothing but slight sneers from the on-
Whether the exceptionally large
crowds at the dances both last night
and the/night before were due to the
automobile ban or the fact that they
were the opening nights is a matter
of conjecture, but the fact remains

that rarely, with the exception of
football week-ends, has the ballroom
been so well filled at a week-end
party. Most of the women students
seem to have accepted their hard fate
of walking with resignation,- for there
was not diminution of customary
cheerfulness at the parties either
night; and one would never guess
from the outside that the frail crea-
turesthere in attendance had walked
anywhere from a block to two miles
to reach the place, and faced another
similar stroll on the way home.
The idea that the abolition would
reduce Michigan to a democratic basis,
however, is a delusion, for as long
as there remains a 70 cent difference
between a taxi and no taxi th Uni-
versity will be no more nearly demo-
cratic than it ever has been. If gas
lights were installed in the Union,
however, and a row of hitching posts
placed before the building, together
with a giant stove in each room to
heat the place and a bar around the
corner, the automobile ban would
certainly contribute its share for an
excellent atmospheric background to
an old-fashioned party.





Naval Inquiry Into Magruder's Conduct
Centers On Violations Of Regulations

.... --

Verdun, Rheims Belfort, Soissons and
Rome Are Centers of Attraction
For World War Veterans.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Sept. 24.-The American
Legion is marching away from Paris.
Verdun, Rheims, Belfort, Soissons
anji Rome were the destination of sev-
eral thousand legionnaires who left
the French capital today. Belfort, that
stout old French citadel in th'e East-
ern frontier, provided a fireworks for
the French reception to the Americans
The great exodus began with the de-
parture from Gare Lyons of a special
train for Rome. The train will stop
at Nice, Cannes and Monte Carlo.
Premier Mussolini will greet the
legionaires on their arrival at the
Italian capital and today three French' I
ministers wished them Godspeed as
they set out for Italy.
From the highest official to the last
novice, there was nothing but satis-
faction with the success of the con-
ventin and gratitude to the French
for their welcome. At -Belfort, which
city is now known as France's 1871
Verdun, Premier Poincare himself
came from his summer home in Lor-
raine to bid his American friends
goodbye. He made the most concilia-
tory address towards his late ene-
mies that he has pronounced since the
"We know that if mistrust is the
mother of security, excessive mistrust
may cause wars," he said. "Attempts
at cooperation have been made re-
Scently, but they cannot for the
moment bring us complete security.
"The absence of the United States
from the League of Nations constrains
us to consider, if not probable, at least
possible eventualities which would
place us in the necessity of protecting
ourselves and our friends.
"France is animated by the most
peaceful of dispositions. Belfort, in-
violate, both in 1870 and 1914, stands
for the symbol, stands in defense not
in attack."
M. Andre Tardieu, minister of public
works, speaking in English', recalled
his old Washington acquaintances
during the war.
It was remarked today that Foreign
Minister Briand had retained a dis-
creet reserve and kept religiously
away, not attending any Legion func-
There were many rumors that the
French cabinet was divided concern-
ing the manner in which the American
Legion should be received.
A few straggling legionaires are
are still visible on the boulevards of
Paris but they seem to be in fear of
the "M. P.'s. The banking companies
are especially besieged for them. They
stand in lines around these offices
cashing checks to defray the expenses
of the voyage home.

Extension Division
Will Offer Courses
In Michigan Cities
During the next two weeks the Ex-
tension Division of the University of
Michigan will start 43 classes in De-
troit and nine other Michigan cities.
Twenty-eight classes will meet in De-
troit while the ether 15 are scheduled
to start in Flint, Grand Rapids, Battle
Creek, Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Bay City,
Jackson, Mt. Clements and Pontiac.
The Detroit classes are of such a
wide scope as to offer a general ap-
peal to all interested in university
education \nd are open to those who
believe they can do the work. To high
school graduates, all of the 28 courses
carry university credit, while some of
them carry graduate credit.
These classes will offer work in thej
following subjects: Education, busi-
ness law, engineering, English, geog-,
raphy, geology, journalism, philoso-
phy, psychology, political science, pub-
lic speaking, rhetoric and sociology.
Four of the courses to be given int
Detroit are being offered on popular
demand, according to officials of the
extension division. These 'are:
Public speaking. One course to bel
given by Prof. G. E. Densmore, first
meeting September 28, at 7 p. in., in
Room 273 of the High School of Com-
merce. A second course to be given by
Prof. Louis Eich, first meeting, Sep-
tember 29, at 7 p. m. in Room 409 of
Cass Technical High School.
Elemental Sociology, To be given by
Prof. Roy H. "Holmes, first meeting
September 29 at 7 p. m. in St. John's
Parish House, 33mMontcalm street,
Elementary Psychology. To be given
by Prof. Adelbert Ford, first meeting
October 3 at 7 p. m. in Room 273 of
the high! School of. Commerce. This is i
to be the first of a sequence of courses
in Industrial Management.
Principles of Social Case Work. To
be given by Fred Johnson, chief pro-'
hibition officer of the Recorder's
Court, first meeting September 23, at
4 p. m. in Room 127 of Cass Technical
High School.
"While the School of Forestry hasl
expanded considerably, it still is keep-
ing up the traditions which have made
Michigan one of the best forestry
schools in America," Dean Samuel T.
Dana declared at the annual camp-
fire of the foresters of the University

Told That United States Is Too In-
volved With Own Internal Problems
To Help Other Nations
President Clarence Cook Little
urged all foreign students of the Uni-
versity to look for the good in Ameri-
cans, showed them why America at
the present time had too much to do
right here in the United States to at-
tempt to help the rest of the world
settle their problems, and gave his
views on the Geneva situation at the
first meeting of the Cosmopolitan club
held Saturday night at Lane hall.
Opening his remarks with a tinge of
humor President Little said, "Amer-
ica will turn out plenty of Fords to
make the world a smellier and harder
place to live in, it will continue to
give the world all the latest improve-
ments that give speed and comfort,
but it has not, as yet, found itself
enough to forecast just what is going
to be its intellectual contribution, its
gift of culture to the world. At the
present time I am wondering if we
would not be better off without all
these appliances that America is giv-
ing. It appears to me that we would
be accomplishing far more worth
while things if we did not have them.
For our brains are becoming para-
lyzed, we are becoming quite sluggish,
and the whole attitude of the Ameri-
can nation is far from one conducive
to the best in mental achievement."i
Explains "Three Pitfalls"
Explaining that the United States
as a nation had, in its cojparatively
short history, fallen into three pit-
falls, the first being at the very out-
set, when things tended to mediocrity,
and from which we recovered, the'
second the Civil War, from which. we
had a remarkable recovery, and the
third this present danger cheapness
in thought and achievement. Declar-
ing his belief that all of America was
well tied up in this tangle, saying that :
most of the citizens had managed to
fall into the swamp, President Little
expressed concern over the outcome.
Having just returned from a trip
abroad, having had a chance to view
the conditions at Geneva from a first
hand angle, President Little contend-
ed that the world at large is better off
with the United States out of Euro-
pean politics. "There are too many
religious and racial problems right
here at home," he said, "and too many
political tangles for us to solve for
our own country before we could be
of any value as far as co-operation or
advice is concerned. We have politi-
cal parties that have not had an
original thought for years, we boast
religious toleration and have some of
the most intolerant Christians the
world knows. All we can lend the
world is bulk, and that is not always'1
a desirable factor."
Urges Independent Tliiking
In conclusion President Little urged
all the members of the Cosmopolitan
club, who are thinking in internation-
al terms, to get each others views as'
well as the American's, not to become
biased by the University, and to air
their questions. doubts, and sugges-
tions through the channels of their
club. Raja Howrani, new president
of the Cosmopolitan club, presided
over the meeting, which was more in
the form of a social affair than a
business meeting. He announced the
program for the year, and introduced
the new officers.I

Maugazine Article Of Rear-Admiral
Is Studied By Officials
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.-The
Navy department's informal inquiry
into the conduct of Rear-Admiral
.Thomas T. Magruder, in writing a
magazine article criticizing the Navy
turned today on what regulations may
have been violated by the officer.
This will be determined before any
official steps of a disciplinary nature
will be taken, but it was said at the
department that some action undoubt-
edly would be taken.
. Admiral Magruder's article is be-
ing studied by high officials of the de-
partment to determine if it contains
specific misstatements of facts, wheth-
er in writing he was disrespectful to
superior officials, or whether he could
be charged with insubordination.
Secretary Wilbur, who has refused
to discuss the case, disclosed today,
however, that the admiral had failed
to follow the usual practice of sub-
mitting articles to the department be-
fore they are published. In reply to
inquiries, he also said that it was the

admiral's second offense as he did not
submit a previous magazine article
dealing with cruisers.,
The naval regulations do not state
whether articles written by naval per-
sons shall be submitted to the depart-
ment before or after publication and
there is a division of opinion among
naval officers as to whether Admiral
Magruder could not abide by the reg-
ulations by filing copies of the articles
with the department now.
A young officer is now in the midst
of a courtnartial for failing to submit
his manuscripts before publication.
His case, however, also included an-
other alleged violation for writing un-
der an assumed name.
Officials of the navy explained that
it is not the department's policy to
attempt to "gag" officers, but the regu-
lation is designed to prevent inac-
curacies from creeping into publica-
tion and to safeguard against divulg-
ence of military information.
Commenting on Admiral Magruder's
strictures on the organization of the
Navy, Senator Borah, Republican,
Idaho, said:
"I would like to have a Magruder
in every department in Washington."

.. i


Resolution Outlaws Aggressive Wars;
Provides Peaceful Means for 1
Settling Disputest
(By Associated Press)r
GENEVA, Sept. 24.-The League ofj
Nations assembly today adopted, by a
unanimous roll call vote, the recentlyi
introduced Polish resolution outlaw-t
ing wars of aggression. t
The resolution solemnly delarest
that "all wars of aggression are
and always shall be prohibited and
that every pacific means must be
employed to settle disputes of every
description which may arise betweent
It binds states which are me'inbers'
of the league to conform to the prin-
ciples thus enunciated.
M. Sokal, the Polish delegate who
introduced the resolution, described itt
not as a diplomatic instrument but as=
a strong recommendation by the as-
The next item adopted was the
report made by Senor Gue'rero of
Salvador on the private manufac-
ture of arms and the publicity of3
manufacturing figures .
A resolution attached to the re-
port asked the league council and the
special committee studying private
manufacture to work upon a single
text so that the council will be able'
to call an international conference on
the subject as speedily as possible.
M. de Bruckere, of Belgium, then
presented a report on the work oft
the preparatory disarmament commis-
sion and on the resolution concerning'
arbitration, security and disarmament
which is a compromise upon the ideas
of the French, German, Finnish, Swed-'
ish and several other delegations.
The resolution is regarded as one
of the most important to come before
the assembly.
(By Associated Press)
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 24.-Lient.
E. C. Batten, of Wright field of Day-
ton, Ohio, won the Spokesman-Re-
view free-for-all trophy race for Army,
Navy and Marine corps planes, hurl-
ing his Curtiss hawk over a 120-mile
course at a speed often exceeding
200 miles an hour in the national ovr
races here today. Lieut A. J. Lyon,
Wright field, was second and Lieut.
L. T. Jefer, San Diego, Calif, naval
base, third.
In a speed contest for the Liberty
engine builder's trophy, two specially
motored Curtis ships piloted by Lieut.
H. A. Johnson of Wright field an
Lieut. G. A. McHenry, of Fort Croc-
ett, Texas, easily outdistanced three
slower Douglas observation - type
planes Lieutenant Johnson averaged
170.156 miles per hour.
The premier race for commercial
planes today was won by Eugene
Detmer of Tarrytown, N. Y., who av-
eraged 102.548 miles per hour for t0O
(By Associated Press)
WEST POINT, N. Y., Sept. 24.-
Army defeated Boston University, 13-9,
today in the opening game of the sea-
son. Both Army touchdowns came in


Many Students TakeI
Dr. Gale's Courses
Ir Chinese- History
. ,-. .
Courses =in Chinese history, offered
by the history department for the firstI
time, have been proved popular by the
immediate enrollment of more than 45c
upperclassmen and graduate students.
Dr. Esson M. Gale, an Amercan ad-
niinistrator in the Chinese Govern>
ment Salt Revenue department for
the 13 years, is giving the courses.
"While the basis of o' ciental civil-
ization must continue to be studiedl
through the early history of the na-
tions of the Mediterranean basin and+
the comparatively recent history of
Europe, American Interest is turn-
ing more and more towards specific
Asia." according to Dr. Gale.+
"It is largely due to American cul-
tural influences that both China and
Japan are adopting the poitical con-
cepts of the West in their present re-
form programs. The' strikng events
in China of the past two years,.
seriously endangeri'ng American and
Chinese relations cannot be under-
stood, and the situation cannot be met!
so long as there is a neglect of Orient-
al studies in American schools and
colleges. This need is being recog-
nized and courses in the development
of far eastern civilization have now
been established at several of the prin-
cipil Ufniversities and Colleges in the
United tSates.
The lectures will be comprehensive,
including the origins of the Chinese
people and their enlargement through-
out Eastern Asia, their cultural and
institutional development, which in-
clude the principles governing the
written language as expressed in the
idegraph. One of the lecture courses
will phow the increasing interest of
other countries in China, emphasis
laid especially upon the interest ofE
modern times. All the present fast-
changing governmental affairs, suci'
as the rise of regional, control by mil-
itary chieftains and the nationalist
movement, will be covered.
Mr. Gale has recently returned to
this ,country f)ijm China to conduct.
the courses. He has been engaged in
studying the Chinese people since hIs
appointment to the American legation
at Peking in 1908. While there he
studied the Chinese language with Dr.
C. D. Tenney, a well-known authority
on Chinese. Mr. Gale has traveled
extensively throughout China and has
received two decorations, Order of the
Chia Ho (Golden Grain), for services
to the Chinese government.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Sept. 24.- America's
ranking tennis stars, Wm. T. Tilden
II, and George Lott, Jr., Davis cup al-
ternate, play the feature match to-
morrow as East meets West in a final
round of the United States Intersec-
tional team tennis championship on
the turf court at the Chicago Town
and Tennis -club.
Lott of Chicago carries the banner
of the Western team entry against the
Eastern flag waved by "'Big Bill" Til-
den. In the other singles, Luke Wil-
liams of Chicago, or Johnny Hennesey
of Indianapolis, will clash with Wal-
lace Johnston, the veteran chop-
stroke star from Philadelphia. The
doublestilt between the tworteams
will end the tournament program.
Hennesey was taken ill today and
may not be able to play in the finals.
kiV II7 lr-UtC nn n ~i ?Arj'

New Bus System Inaugurated At First
Of Week Is Functioning Well
According To Emery
At the end of the first week of an
auto-less campus, no students have
been subpect to drastic disciplinary'
action for violation of the ruling of
the Board of Regents, placing a ban
on student operated automobiles. "It
is probable," declared Assistant Deant
Harvey C. Emery, "that with contin-
ued deliberate violation of the ruling
more severe action will result."
During the past week more than
100 permits to drive have been issued
bringing the total number to more
than 275 student permits. The license
fee charged by the University for:per-
mits has been reduced from five dol-
lars to one dollar. Students who have
already obtained their permits and
paid the five dollar fee will be granted
refunds. This change has been made
because it has (been decided that the
former fee was unfair, in view of the
fact that a large percentage cf the
permits to drive have been granted to
students who operate their cars in
order to earn part of their livIng ex-
penses in school.
The new bus system inaugurated at
the beginning of the week is function-
ing very efficiently, according r, As-
sistant Dean Emery. The students in
general have co-operated with this
phase of the situation in the spIrtn
with which they have accepted the
ruling. University authorities are
well pleased with the co-operation of
the students, says Joseph A. Bursley,
dean of students. Assistant Dean Em-
ery, who has charge of the enforce-
ment of the ruling, declares: "The
automQobile rule has ,been -accepted In"
fine spirit by the students and people
in general. There have been objec-
tions, of course; but it would be un-
natural if there were not."'
Students of the University living in
Ann Arbor are receiving the same
treatment as students from o0tside
of the city. Permits for Ann Arbor
students have been granted largely in
the case of these students wishing to
chauffeur for their families. It is un-
fair to allow students from outside the
-ity to drive between their home towns
and Ann Arbor, even if only to their
place of residence here, says Dean
Emery, for Ann Arbor students are
not allowed this privilege, if they do
not have permits.
The automobile ruling will be in-
terpreted by University officials to
mean that students should not have
automobiles at their disposal, accord-
ing to Dean Bursley. iAny, methods
employed by students is a patent ef-
fort to evade the ruling, such as the
employment of chauffeurs, or the keep-
ing of automobiles outside of AnnAr-
bor, will be considered as violations
of the ruling, and will be treated as
such, declares Assistant Dean Emery,.
(y Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Sept. 24.-A general con-
spiracy to distribute throughout the
country Tunney-Dempsey and Demp-
sey-Sharkey fight films was seen by
authorities here today following the
seizure of six reels of the champion-
ship match as they were about to be
taken out of the state b/y airplane.
United States attorneys declared
they would look to the grand jury to
handle' the affair, Oscar R. Luring,
assistant attorney-general, intimating
he expected a number of indictments.
Fiive of the six reels seized were re-
leased by Federal Judge James A.
Wilkerson, who ordered one film,
showing the entire fight, Impounded.
Henry Sonenshine, president of the
Goodart company of New York which

took the pictures, was held for the
I grand jury on a nominal bond, charg-
ed with violation of the federal trans-
portation act.
Football Scores
(By Associated Press)
Michigan State, 2G; Kalamazoo Col-
lege, 6.
P ennsylvania, 8; Franklin and Mar-
shall, 0.
Cornell, 4; Clarkson, 0.
Brown, 27; Rhode Island State, 0.
Columbia, 32; .Vermont, 0.

held Friday night in Saginaw Woods.
More than 60 foresters attended the LOCA MAN SAVES KITE
meeting. Every fall the men of the OF MANIAN KOTRC
forestry school get together around a OF ROUMANIAN MONARCH
campfire and recount their ex-
periences of the summer. Talks are (By Associated Press)
given by members of the faculty and CONSTANZA, Roumania, Sept. 24.--
some of the upper classmen. While Robert M. Patterson, of Ann
Continuing with his speech, Dean Arbor, Mich., charge d'affaires of the
Dana outlined the policies of the new American Legation in Roumania wasI
school and told of the opportunities !motoring along a smooth beach on
for research in every field of forestry ,'the Black sea here, he heard cries for
due to the installation of new courses help from a small, half-naked boy fly-
'and equipment. He expressed satisfac- ing a huge kite, which was carried so
tion that the school had started off high by the wind that it threatened to
with so many students taking ad-; pull the youngster into the sea.
vanced courses. ( The frightened urchin was five-year
Also attending the campfire were I old King Michael of Roumania, who,I
Prof. Yrjo Ilvessalo, Finnish forestry' despite his elevation to the throne,
expert, and Walter Bond, assistant ? cares more about kites than kingdoms.,
state forester of Texas. Professor I1- The only raiment the juvenile sov-
vessalo gave a speech before members ereign wore was a pair of tiny trunks.
of the Forestry School earlier in the "Hey, mister, help me. I am losing
day. He said, "The most memorial ex- my kite," cried the young king to the
perience that I shall carry back to American diplomat in the tones of a
Finland of my tour of America will be New York street stripling. . "Come
this campfire. By it .I have become quick, or I may be dragged into the

u so of automobiles will not be placed j
ly ,orthwestern university this year, W eekly M akes First
aiior"ties decided today.
l(c n iJanies W. Armstrong said he ppearance M onday
be Icvcd the present college genera-Ap e rn eMda
tion had adjusted itself to the auto-
mobile. Subscribers to The Michigan Week-
"The automobile is not a menace to ly will receive the first edition of the
morality at Northwestern," he declar- paper through the mails tomorrow.
ed. "The students here accepts and News taken from The Daily columns



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