x "rflTURSDAY, flI7GMBPn , 1q27 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ow AMjTAT___, N {s LEAGUE TO ENTERTAINM1errill Palmer Method Is Not Formal But Provides Training For The Future f A A. Tfl NAVE PARTYVWOMEN'SLEAGUE Century-Old Clock GAINS IN SALE OF Keeps Perfect Time AT NSW rin HF l F CHRISTMAS CARDS For Present Owner 111111I VI I1U !iUft Urg Attendance of itir-ersity Woien At Last Party Tro Be Gisen Before Christmas ADVISERS TO BE GUESTS The Women's League of the Univer- sity will give their fourth party to- morrow afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in the parlours of Barbour gymnas- ium. The guests of the occasion will be Miss Grace Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Ione Johnson, Mrs. Louise Van Sickle, Miss Ethel McCormick, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Ruth "igge,' Miss Annis Hall, Miss Laurie Camp- bell, Mrs. Elizabeth Woodward, Miss Evelyn Ogborn, and Miss Ella Raw- lin s. It is especially urged that all wo- men students of the University at- tend on this occasion as this is the Slast large party to be given before SChristmas. Music for dancing will be by Edna Mower's orchestra. Further- ' more there will be special entertain- mentdfeatures in the way of singing and dancing. Refreshments will be ' served. Decorations for the occasion will be in the spirit of the winter season. Arrangements are in charge of Kathryn Butler, '30, who is assisted by the following members of the so- cial committee of the league: Ellen Groff, '28, chairman; Kathryn Butler, '30; Esther Anderson, '30; Elizabeth McCurdy, '29; Jean Dow, '28;' Kather- ine Field, '29. TO CHOOSE NAME FOR CAFETERIA IN LEAGUECONTEST Women who are planning on sub-I mitting names in the contest for iam ing the cafeteria in the new Women's league buildig, are requested to have their suggestions in to Marian Welles, 128, at the :Michigan Daily office be- fore Saturday, Dec. 10. The prize b- ing offered is a framed map of Ann Arbor, and the name which will ie chosen will remain with the buildin as has the "tap room" in the Michigan Union building. The contest, which is being con- ducted by the Alumnae council ai Women's league, is open to all undce- graduate women, It has been hoped that a policy of making the contest an affair of the individuals in vari- ous houses would be adopted. If the undergraduate women do not respond, the finding of a name will have to be turned over to the Alumnae wo- men. UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA - W. A. .4. at the University of Indiana has set aside this week for th emphasiz- ing of health. Lectures, posters, and displays will' aid in the observance of the week. One feature on the program -will be a contrasting demonstration of the fashions of 25 years ago and of today. "Why a nursery school?' ask many, and this question Miss Clancy, super- intendent of the Merrill-Palmer school answered in a recent inter- view. "The stbject of the nursery school," says Miss Clancy, "is not a new one but it has loomed up in re- cent .yeas as a very important ques- tion for educators, social workers and those interested in mental hygiene to consider and discuss. It is these years, so the psychologists tell us, that are the most important of our lives-" According to Miss Clancy, a nursery to most people suggests the home, where a child may play and is car- ed for, school on the other hand sug- gests- a place where children learn and they wonder what young child- ren can be learning in a nursery school. Miss Clancy says, "They are learning many thlngs. Of course it is not a type of formal training as a child will receive when he enters one of our public schools but we hope that he is acquiring in this little school the foundations which will help him to live efficiently and ef- fectively according to his utmost ca- pacity." The nursery school in Ann Arbor is a branch of the Merrill-Palmer school of Detroit. Itwas organized in the spring of 1925 with a limited group of children selected from nor- mal average homes and ranging in age from 18 months totfive years. Children who enroll in the Merrill- Palmer school, have a complete phys- ?cal examination at regular periods. in a room, made attractive with toys, bright (colored pictur'es, low t ables 'nd chairs, the childlsoon'learns to 1 el that this is the place where it is fun to come and that it is not the much dreaded doctor's office that in (be child's mind has been associated with pains and hurts. A daily inspection of each child's iose, throat, and chest takes take 's place upon arrival at the school in r rder to keep out colds and in fec- tions. "In this inspection," says Miss, EClancy, "the child soon learns to co-1 operate, onening his mouth and put - Iing out his tongue, an incident whicii time and again outside is an occasion for battle." "Following inspection by the dwe- or, wraps are removed, each child having his own locker which ie lo- cates by a little picture on a tag, perhaps a guinea pig, or a bird," as Miss Clancy explained, "Just some silple object to visualize his own place in his mind, for of course, we can't read in this little school. Ga- loshes, leggings, coat, and hat all come in for attention because each child is learning how these things are putonand taken off learning in- dependence in looking after himself and care in putting away his things." To a room with low ceilings, bright colored curtains, and toys arranged on low shelves within easy reach, the children come for their indoor play period. Before the play period each child is given tomato juice and cod- liver oil with it and," smiled Miss , Clancy, "amazing as it seems thw children love it." In the play tiiw there are blocks, beads, books paint- ing, clay-modelling, andMontessori material for the younger c'hiilren and carpenter work, with real saws, hammers, and a work bench for the older ones. Also dolls, small dishes, and household equipment to play house with--in fact most everything to delight and interest the child. Next comes the out-of-door play time in a yard equipped with swings, slide, a junglegym to climb, balanc- ing-board, kiddie-cars, tricycles, sand- piles, shovels, sandtoys, large and small boxes to build with, and a piano box in which to play house or store. Inside again the children gather in a circle for a story, a song, a game. or "news" as the children call it. "And how they love it," says Miss Clancy,"to show a favorite doll, a new pair of shoes, a book, or one of their favorite toys."' After this the children rest 15 min- utes before lunch listening perhaps to a Brahm's waltz or a bit of Shu- mann or Schubert, or perhaps even a story, but always resting. At a lunch prepared by a trained person and prepared in a most appe- tizing manner, it iscthe accepted so- cial custom for the children to eat ev- erything on their plates, except per- haps the child who has just entered and he is never coaxed, threatened, or wheedled into eating his food. He eats his lunch as a matter of course, and is soon among the brigade clam- oring for "more dinner." Nap-time follows lunch when 25 little tots, each on their own little bed, covered up with a woolly ban- ket are soon fast asleep. At a quarter to three nap-time is over and it is time to go home. A busy time with each child trying to find the right shoo for the right foot. ".Busy, yes," s~ys Miss Clancy, "but they love it The greater part of the Hall estate fund was designated for the American College at Athens, Greece. n 1 I1LY! i1ILLJ U IIUUUL Forinail opening of the new fih! house will not be held until 1128, but the Women's Athletic association has been given special permission to hold en informal housewarming there on Dec. 14. The party will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock and supper will be served around a grate fire in the main lounge. Members of the party will take af tour of inspection around the field house where later on the activities of the association are to be centered. The large hardwood floor is almost finished and already presents a shin- ing and glassy surface. Bowling al- leys, and rifle and golf ranges are' taking shape downstairs. There are beautiful locker rooms downstairs, and lockers upstairs for profession- als. There is a kitchen in the building which is lighted by many little win- dows and which is painted white ev- erywhere, with light green shelves.' In the basement is a tiny heating room which members of former hock- ey teams will doubtless rate the most important of all. This room has been in operation for some time now and those who attend the housewarming will find the whole house warm. Members and prospective members of the Women's Athletic association will receive guest cards through the mail. These cards will enable eachf one tosbring a friend whoisnot eli- gible to W. A. A. membership- a girl friend--and they themselves may gain admittance only if they remember to bring their membership cards. Au- drey Wright, '28, treasurer of the as- sociation, will be at the door with nembership cards for sale. CHICAGO NORT HI W E ST EI RN-- 90 women were awarded honors by the AE. A. A. for their work in at- - letics, at the annual spread of the essociation. ''br seniors were pre- s(, ted witli letters for having earne: 1,000 peint s. Final reIpoits have been estimated for the amount of money which the Christmas card committee of the Un- dergraduate ca up aign committee has been selling this fall and the amount approximately reaches the sum of $126.00 as an entire profit. These cards were ordlered rom Mrs. Gue- ger~ell of Chicago and the nuumber ordered had to cover all postal rates and insurance costs. The league re- ceived 50 per cent of all the profits derived from these orders. This sum,, while not the actual amount of profit received by the league is as near as any estimate can be reached at the present time. Not all the orders have been received and the orders yet to arrive may enlarge this sum. As it now stands the committee has enlarg-k ed their profits from last year and show an increase over last year's work. The choice of cards this year was wide and unusual. The prices of all the cards was extremely reasonable and orders have been received on very short time limits. Most of the cards have arrived and are being de- livered but the last orders will be taken care of before the Christmas holidays begin. They will be delivered before the 16th by members of the committee. Virginia Read, '29, is the chairman of this committee and it is through her untiring efforts that the su mof money has surpassed that earned by this same committee last year, Imported Musical Novelties Dainty Pow'der Boxes which produce a pleasing melody whenever the cover is lifted. $7.50 to $12.00 Atraclivc Cigarcue Boxes some of which also include lighter and ash tray. $8.00 to $17.50 Mary Louise Shop Nickels Arcade There will be an auction sale of all articles not sold at the League Bazaar at 7:15 tonight at Martha Cook building. Everyone is asked to come. dirs. George \\. Graham of Detroit, is the owner of a clock which was purchased 137 years ago by her great- grandfathe Ire,nry Nolan, in Rich- mond. Through five generations it has hept perfect time and still ticks in unison with the radio announcer's timepiece. All of the works are carved of wood-ratchets, cog-wheels and even pulleys. On the bottom of the big glass door in front is a painting of the first White House at Philadelpia which can be recognized in spite of the fact that much of the pigment is worn off by age. Writing on the inside of the clock says it was invented and patented by Eli Terry and later made and sold by Henry Terry of Plymouth, Conn. The only date on the clock is a slip put on by a repairing jeweler reading '1864. Eight foot letters have been print- , od on t.he a k rnnf in C d~n P jra 1; All members of Pegasus please send this semester's dues of $1.00 to Margaret Cole, 702 Forest, before Fri- diay, Dec. 9. The American Association of Uni- versity Women will meet at the home of Mrs. George Washington Patterson at 2101 Hill St., on Dec. 10 at 3 o'clock. Prof. James M. O'Neill will speak. Tryouts for the Junior Girls' will continue today from 4 to clock in Sarah Caswell Angell of Barbour gymnasium. Play 6 o'. hall Regular swimming meet of the Physical Education department will take place tonight at the Union. The meet will start promptly at 7 o'clock and all participants are expected be- fore this time. The first event will be free style. tn ( u um oofl i n; ea ar Ud apids to aid airmen in telling where they Clarence Darrow forecasts that Ita- are. The wcr is "Cedar Rapids Air- ly will overthrow the Mussolini re- port" cover 200 feet. gime. Iplpillllllplilpilllltll111|111llp1lllllllpilllllllplllllppillliplllllllilllplpplpll DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR - Gifts From France That Are Unusual Rhinestone Buckles- Cut Steel Buckles- . Jeweled Heels- Priced Very Moderately NICKELS' ARCADE """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""plillllllllplpplplllplpplplt h. _________________________ I "Jacobson's Footwear Is An Ideal Gift" BROWN SUEDE We have just received a shipment of the very popular Andora Brown Suedes in TIES AND PUMPS /I ier y Specially Priced PER CHRISTMAS GIFT She hopes that it will be JEWEL R Y Because-It is such an important style note this year that Poiret calls it Costume jewelry and sells it as a part of the Costume and Because-She never passes an attractive window full of it without deciding which Bracelet, which Necklace, or which pair of Earrings she would adore to have. THE RUBLEY SHOPPE In the Arcade .F" Y FEMININE FRIVOLITIES * - 7 Here are gifts that will delight the most blas6. For who could resist lin- gerie fashioned of cob- webs and rainbows? With colors as delectable as the icing on petit fours? With the sturdiest of wearing qualities woven into the very fiber of theIr loVehiness? Gowns, $5-$ 18.95 Teddies, $2.98-$8.95 Dance Sets, $12.95 French Panties, $2.98 Pajamas, $6.50 Georgette Slips, $15.00 Step-ins, $2.98 Poiret Garments (singlettes) $7.95 Bloomers, $2.98-$5.00 (second Floor) i Pre-Christmas Sale Of Luxuriously FURRED COATS In Three Groups for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 950 $ 950 -I $9350 COATS of fashion presenting the new Season's models offered in our Pre-Christmas Sale. These Coats are of our regular stock and of the usual Jacobson quality. This is an ideal time to buy a smart coat for a Chiistmas gift. Most of these coats feature youthful flares; the handkerchief drape; the very definite side closing; tucks, seams, anw many intricate fabric workings. Coats that will carry you through the winter season in the Paris manner. Women's and Misses' sizes included. n Exactly as illustrated' Rich Brown Suede,F with piping of Gold kid, Chic Bow ...... . Others in Straps or Ties $5.85 and $7.85 A comprehensive display of new -- UIf If 1& - a19 IrN"P. ifVrI 0 S I I :1