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December 08, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-08

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Only One Section Of Baumes La~w Will
Come Under Discussion Through
Common Agreement
Michigan men's first intercollegiate
forensic contest of the year will tak
place at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill and-'
itorium when the University debate
team meets Minnesota.
The Minnesota team will have the
affirmative of the proposition "Re-
solved, that the principles of thE
Baumes law of New York should be
enacted into law in the other states."
Although the debate question re-
fers generally to the 'entire code of
Baumes laws, the debate tonight will
center upon one section agreed upon
by both teams. This act provides in
substance that it shall be mandatory
upon the judge to sentence the crimi-
nal to life imprisonment who has
been found guilty of four felonies.
The'Minnesota team, which will ar-
rive in Ann Arbor this morning, is
composed of Harold Goldengerg, Jos-
eph Vesely, and 'Cedric Jamieson. It
will be accompanied. by its coach
Prof. W. E. Morse. ,
O'NeIsl I( Coach
Richard '. Savage, '30L, Elliot Mov-
er, '30L, and Paul Franseth, '29, are
the Michigan representatives and will
speak in the order named. They have
been coached by Prof. .James M. 0'-
Neill, head af the department of
speech, and Gail E. Densmore, of the
same delartment.
Savage is a member of Delta Sigma
Rho and was a member of the Uni-
versity team that debated against
Northwestern at Evanston in the
Central league debates last year. lie
was a member of Adelphi's freshman
debate team in the annual contest
with Alpha N during his first yea'
on the campus and previous to that
had three years experience in high
Moyer is the second Michigan
speaker. This is his first intercolleg-
iate debate. He is also a member of
Adelphi and hd one year's experience
in high school debating.
The third Michigan speaker, Fran-
seth, is a new man on the campus
this year. He has been teaching
school for the past two years. Prev-
iously lie spent two years at the
Kalamazoo State Normal college,
ing a member of the debate team each
year. He also had two year's high
school experience, debating on the
East Jordan team that was a finalist
for the state championship. Franseth
is a member of Alpha Mu.
Weaver Will Be Judge
Prof. A. T. Weaver, of the depart-
ment of sneech, at the University of
Wisconsin has been chosen as the
judge of tonight's arguments. The
chairman is to b Prof. E. D. Dickin-
son, of the law school.
It was erroneously stated in The
Daily yesterday that this was the
first debate between Minnesota and
Michigan. It has, however, been mo
than ten years since the two schools
met-in a forensic contest.
While in Ann Arbor the visiting
team will stay at the Union. A lunch-
eon is also to be held there in their
honor after the debate.

The present week will be the last
inl which men who (desire to enter
the Union bowling tournament will
be able to pWay their qualifying
rounds, according to announcement
made yesterday by the officials in
charge. Three complete games are to
be played by each one desiring to
enter and, the average of these thrr'
will determine the class in which he
will be entered.
Competition will be divided into
two classes: singles and doubles. The
tourniament nroper will start soon aft-
er the Christnas holidays and prize'
will be in the form of silver c(', ,
given by the University lIntramura
depar: ment. Although no definite an-
i'ouncement has yet been made, it
is CXI)Ccted that medlals will be given
to the runnersup in both events.
Students of the Architectural col-

According to a statement issued
yesterday from the office of Paul
Buckley, general manager of the
union and treasurer of the Union
Opera, "The Same To You," local
ticket, sales have this year bested
those of previous years by a consider-
able margin. The amount of tickets
sold for the Ann Arbor performances
of the Opera has been steadily increas-
ing year by year,' Buckley declared.
Originally, the seven performances
were given at the Whitney theater
more to give the cast and choruses a
chance to accustom themselves to
Council Orders Sale For Benefit Of
Tuberculosis Funds At Last
Meeting Held At Union
An opportunity will be given thel
students on the campus not affiliated
with any fraternity or sorority to buy
Christmas seals for the benefit of the
tuberculosis funds, it was decided last
night at the regular meting of theI
Student council held at the Union. A
table will be placed in the lobby of
the Union next Tuesday for the pur-
pose of selling these stamps, and Wil-
liam Jeffries, Grad, was appointed
from the council to take charge o1 the
The fraternities and sororities on
the campus will be given an oppor-
tunity to purchase these seals through
the direct nail solicitation to be car-
ried on under the direction of a Stu-
dent council committee headed by
Russel Sauer, '28.

regular appearances than anything
else, and while an effort was always

# '

DDIpQwfJT f ri AQ


A review of last night's per- ' g ! IL IULI! UIUt LLlO
formance of "The Sanme To You,"j{-
22nd annual Union Opera, will
be found in the Theater, Books, LA WBEN1 IIOGERS IS ChOSEN
and Music column on page 4. PlRESiDENT OF FRESHMEN
made to effect a wide distribution on RESULTS O VOTE CLOSE
the campus and in the city, unpacked
houses were an expected occurrence. Chandler Garrisen, Jane Howard, AndI
This state has gradually been reliev- i Rilth Bisho Are Elected To
ed by the growing campus interest in Minor Offices
the production, and this year the peak
was reached when practically every At a poorly attended freshmen class


performance was sold out before the election held yesterday afternoon in
first show.f Hill auditorium, freshmen of the Col-,
Operashave been enabled to ii lege of Literature, Science, and the
crease their annual budget for trip, I Arts chose Hollis Jencks, '3,, as class
costumes, and settings through this president. Earlier in the day, at 11
popularity, and the more money that o'clock, the freshmen of the engineer-
was taken in, the more there was put ing college chose Lawrence Rogers,
into the show. This was likewise a '31E, as president of their class for
factor in enabling the producers to the following year.
better the quality of the show, Buck- Though the freshmen literary class
ley said. election was poorly attended, it was
Applications for all out-of-town marked by considerable enthusiasm
performances were obtained later and a fairly close but decisive contest
than usual this year, but there has between Jencks, the winner and John
been a considerable demand for them den Bleyker, runner up for the class
at the main desk in the Union. It is presidency. Jencks, on the final bal-
the policy of the management to sell lot, led by 107 votes to 88 votes. The

out the various theaters where the
Opera plays as nearly as possible
through these applications, in order
that alumni and friends may have the
first chance at seats. The first of
these performances will be given a
week from Friday at the Auditorium
theater in Chicago.
Drama Translated Froa Spanish Will
Be Offered By Play Production
As Last Before holidays

It was decided also at the meetingI
of the council held last night that a TO BE GIVEN NEXT WEEK
regular day will be set aside for the-
collection of class dues sometimue in Tickets for the first of the seasonal
January, and that until that time it productions of Play Production "The
wvill be unnecessary for the various Romantic Young Lady," by Martine2
class treasurers to attempt to collect Sierra, will go on sale today in the
dues. The council will furnish reg- box office of the Mimes theater and
ular forms upon which the various also in the lower .corridor of Univnr-
treasurers can record their collections sity hall. The play will run for three'
and disbursements at that time. performances only, beginning Tues-
Other matters taken up were a re- day, Dc. 13. It will be the last of the'
port of the elections committee, which legitimate dramatic productions of a
under the direction of Ellis Merry, '28, campus nature until after the Christ-
completed the handling of all the raas holidays, when the Mimes Play-
class elections with the consummation ers will give "Seventh Heaven."
of the freshmen elections in the liter- "The Romantic Young Lady" is in
ary college and the engineering col- a translated form from the original
lege yesterday, and a report revealing Spanish of Sierra. The translation
the possibility that the University was accomplished by Harley Gran-
moving picture will be shown in Ann ville-Barker and his wife, and was
Arbor. supervised by them in its first Eng-
The committee appointed to investi- lish playing in 1920. It has formerly
gate the Burton memorial, and the been produced at the Teatro Royale
ways and means of securing it, will in Madrid in 1918. The New YorkE
report at next week's meeting, it was 'premiere did not occur until 19 25.
stated, at which time the presidents , The plot of "The Romantic Young
of the various senior classes will be Lady" deals with the disillusionment
invited to the meeting. of a girl who had been denied much
J. A. Bursley,, dean of students, at- participation in worldly pleasures,
tended the meeting and following the and who has had to seek her adven-
regular business session he led an ture in the writings of a popular
informal discussion on the various Spanish novelist. A series of unique
phases of Student council activity. adventures lead her unknowingly into
Charles Gilbert, '28, will attend the the presence and association of the
annual convention of the National writer, who is known as the appari-
Student Federation of America to be j tion. The drama is one of the few
held Dec. 15, 16, and" 17, it was re- modern examples of Spanish comedy
ported by Courtland C. Smith, pres- of a contemporary nature.
ident. Gilbert was originally chosen Rehearsals for the play have be-
to represent the University at this proceeding for some time due to the
conference before the meeting was fact that an earlier playing was
postponed from Dec. 1, 2, and 3. Cyn- scheduled but had to be postponed
thia Hawkins, '29, has been chosen by because of date complications. The
the Women's league to be the women's cast, as in those of last year, has
representative from the University at been taken from the all-campus try-
this meeting. outs, under the direction of Earle
JFleischman, who has succeeded David
WOMEN INJURED Owen in Play Production. All of the
AS TRUCK RAMS sets have been constructed by classe
in stagecraft under the direction (A
AUTO O CURVE Richard Woelhaf, Grad., an asistant(
~~.in the department. !
Mrs. Edna Vermitt and Mrs. Glenn
Bossard, of Milan, were seriously in- HUGHES WILL NOT
jured late yesterday afternoon when SEEK PRESIDENCY
the Oldsmobile coach in which they S K R I N
were driving was struck and partly -
demolished by an International truck (By Associated Press)
belonging to the Brown Avenue NEW YORK, Dec. 7-Charles Evans
iof ld H ITh P fl t id th oom in his ';e-


two men ran on the final ballot after
being chonsen from a field of five on
the prelipinary ballot.
For the minor officers of the fresh-
men literary class the majorities were
likewise decisive in every case, with
Jane Howard, '31, being chosen as
vice-president, Ruth Bishop, '31 as
secertary, and Chandler Garrison, '31,
being elected class treasurer.
Zlany Are Nomnated
For each of the offices except that
of class treasurer, more than two were
originaliy nominated, with five run-
ning for vice-president and three for
secretary, is addition to the five who
contested the office of president. The
three men in, addition to Jencks and
den Bleyher who ran for class pres-
ident and were eliminated on the first
ballot were John Dobbin, '31, Law-
rence Sweet, '31, and Mason Bailey,
I"or vice-president five women stu-
dents were nominated, with Katherine
' McllMurray, '31. Marion Hinton, '31, and
Iiel en Barry, '31, being nominated in
addition to Miss Howard and Mary
Gay Von Boeslager, '31. On the first
ballot the two named were chosen by
decisive maporities, and on the final
ballot Miss Howard defeated Mists
Von Boeslager by a vote of 111 to 77.
Three women students contested the
office of class secretary, with Barbara
Swift, '31, and Jess Simmons, '31,
running in addition to Miss Bishop.
Miss Swift, reached the final ballot,
where she was defeated by Miss
Bishop by 114 votes to 74.
Garrison Wins Large Majority
There were only two candidates
i contesting the office of class treas-
h urer, with Edward Cronwall, '31, run-
nin a ainst arrison; Garrison won

- I
Who was denied the right to take
the oath of office as a senator from
Illinois by vote of the Senate yester-
Football (uad, (ah si , anagers,
And Baud 11ill a('. To Banquet
Of Detroit Graduates
Making their last out o town trip
of the season as a unit, the members
,f the 1927 football squad, the entire'
coaching staff, the Varsity band, and
the student managers will entrain Sat-
arday for Detroit to attend the annual
Alumni "Bust" given in honor of the
team by the University of Michigan
IAlumni club of that city.
No pearranged program has been
>repared by those in charge of the af- i
air, but the general procedure of
past banquets will be included in this
year's, it is expected. In the after--f
noon, all guests will be entertained by
attending one of the local matinees.
Numerous gifts are to be distributed
o the various members of the team
after the banquet in the evening.
IEach graduating player will be pre-
sented with a ring engraved with
block M's. All members of the team
,vill receive the annual gift of theI
board in Control of Athletics, a gold1
fcotball. Captain Bennie Oosterbaan
will receive a special type of football
which is awarded to any Michigan,
man who is placed on the official all-
American team. It will be engraved
with a spread eagle and fittingly in- I
scribed. Saturday's award will make
the third that Oosterbaan has received -
since he first played on a Michigan

TO BAR 1I1i, 1 E1lD.G TO
FINA Vole On Exelusion Will 1 W
Tak~en: After ilearlm.), Before Siw-
ial Campaign Funds Committee
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7---Although
denied the oath of ofitce, pending a
further hearing, Senator-elect Frank
L. Smith, of Illinois, gained some
advantages today in the Senate.
First hi opponents abandoned
their efforts to bar him without a
hearing and then of their own init-
iative obtained unanimous consent for
him to plead his o wn case on the
S'enate floor before a final vote on ex-
clusion is taken after a hearing be-
fore the special campaign funds com-
nittee, headed by Senator Reed, Dem-
crat, Missouri.
The Senate twice voted against giv-
ing Smith the oath, the first time
50 to 32 and the second [5 to 29. Then
it fook up the case of Senator-elect
W illium S. Vare, of Pennsylvhnia,
with the expectat on of disposing of
Sthat temporarily and in the same fa-
shion befo te te week <enI.
1 Gikv Smaith I'tg at To Appear
It was leed of Miso-i chairman
of the committee which investigated
the Illinois senatorial primary cam-
paign, who obtained unanimous con- I
sent for Smith tbe given the privi-
lo ge of the Set!t.d floort o s50(ak in
his own behalf after the counittee
has reported(.
On 2, third and inml roll call, the
Senate adopted, 53 to 2S, a resolution
of Senator Norris, Republican, Ne-
braska, vigorously condemning
Smith's acceptance of contribution to
his nrimary canaign fund from the
out lclas of publ c rervice rorporla-
tions which commonly had business
before the Illinois comnmerce cominmis-
sion of which he then was chair-
man. This resolution specifically re-
ferred the case to the campaign funds
committee, and its adoption removed
any doubt as to the Senate's view that
that body is legally constituted and
has never ceased to function.
'Ihere was no word of protest from
the friends of Smith against reference
of the case to the Reed committet-
although such a proposal had been
expected to bring strenuous opposi-
tion from the group of senators who
tied up the machinery of congress at
the end of the last session to prevent
tdoption of a resolution authorizing
the committee to act during the re-

Choice Made After Deadlock Lasting
Hours; Detroit Holds Third
Place In All Balloting
(By Associate4 Press)
WAS'HINGTON, Dec. 7,-The 1928
Republican national convention will
be held in Kansas City, beginning on
Tuesday, June 12.
Deadlocked for hours, the national
committee made the choice here today
on the twentieth ballot. Seven cities
figured in the voting, but for the most
part it was a fight between San Fran-
cisco and Kansas City.
At the start the Pacific Coast city,
which had announced it was ready
to offer $250,000 to defray expenses
of the convention, was in the lead and
on the fourth ballot was within four
votes of a majority.
On the ninth ballot, Kansas City,
supported, among others, by Chair-
man Butler of the national committee,
forged into the lead, and doggedly
held out.
At one time, Detroit, third througn-
out, but well behind the leaders,
showed a spurt, but it did not get
far. Other cities receiving vote, at
no time enough to put them in the
race as serious contenders, were Chi-
cago, Cleveland, Philadelphia and San
Compromise Sought r.
Several times during the tedious
balloting, the committeemen and wo-
men-102 of them had the say as to
where the next Republican president-
ial candidate is to be nominated -
sought unsuccessfully to work out a
compromise, but it was not until a
few-committee members from West-
ern States swung away from San
Francisco that the issue was settled.
Although the loing day of bftlloting
gave the committee members little
time to think about anything else,
they did digress long enough to pon-
der over President Coolidge's ampli-
fication of his Black Hills "do not
choose" statement. A great share of
them expressed conviction that the
president's declaration that he was
"eliminated" from consideration next
year would be taken at its face val-
They were particularly impressed,
it seemed, with the manner in which
Mr. Coolidge delivered his amplifica-
tion, in' the East Room of the White
House late yesterday. A great num-
ber, after a night's reflection, d Glar-
ing he did so soberly, convin ingly


.~*. .--** ~ ---*-*- -'-C..and with determination.
this office by the largest majority of team. ndActiowdIdmillnWait a_ .
the election when he polled 119 votes Coa Elton a n Die Senator Reed of Missouri will wait WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Its Senate
to Cronwall's 69.. Yost will be called upon to deliver unlaftr teReedaofM sr tewllowai
The presidential race in the fresh- talks during the evening, as will Cap- until after the Senate has acted on machinery clogged by the Smith-Vare
e sein ee tain Oosterbaan, Captain-elect Georg the Vare case before he calls his fight, Congress today could make
men class of the engineering college tam Fr an, prine t e- committee together to continue his only a one-half start dn the many leg-
was a three cornered contest between Rich, Fred Lawton, prominent De-y inqiry where they left off last year islative problems clamoring for at-
Rogers, H-eary Gilmartin, '31E, and troit alumntus, and other men famed in saiepolm caorn frat
Cecil Cameron, '31E. Cameron was football fields. The Varsity band, 75 after extended hearings in Wash'g- tention.
eminaeon, the balot, and strong, will play during the evening. ton and Chicago. In the Senate the long-drawn out
elminated on the first ballot, and on Smith will be permitted to appear election battle came to a partial cli-
the final count Rogers defeated Gil- in person and be represented by coun- max with members voting 53 to 28 to
martin by a vote of 140 votes to 100. R sel and to call any witnesses he may deny Frank L. Smith the right to
The vice-presidential contest in the RE P TED ACTIVE' desire. Committee members said they take the oath of office as a senator
engineering college resolved itself in- ,- would seek to expediate the hearings from Illinois.
to a free-for-all contest with six men (By Associated Press) so that a final report may be made Vare Case Taken Up.
in the field. George Weyle, '31E, was BUDAPEST, Hungary, Dec. 7-__ before the Christmas holidays if pes- Temporarily disposing of his case,
finally chosen from a field which in- Two days of disorder, during which sible. There is no doubt in the minds it turned its attention after a recess
tluded Jack Stkes,n'31, John Stan- three men were stabbed to death of any senators but that the commit- Ito the right of William S. Vare, o.
Dybevig, J3sEh Douls Mile, ChrEs many persons injured and severalE tee will advise against seating Smith Pennsylvania, to take the oath, but
Dybevig, '31E, Douglas Miller, 31E. buildings destroyed, have occurred in and also against seating Vare if his late in the day the senators agreed to
anhthe town oI NagyvaradRumania, case is referred to it. And there like- postpone a ballot on this question
Ion the final ballot, n Weyle wasth tono NayrdR ai,
nt and enear the Rumanian-Hungarian bor- I wise is no doubt but that both of the until tomorrow. While this was tak-
chosen by awvote of 112 to 101. der, reports from the frontier say. senators-elect will be excluded from ing place at one end of the capital,
Fr secrtar yaose rrepondingly The demonstrations were at first I the Senate on the final ballots. the House at the other side got down
no mingty directed against the Jews and then --to business. First it received the an-
large number of men were nmntd
Swanson bein g against the Magyars. Magyarad for- NEW TESTIMONY Huda budget messyge from President
withMarsallSwanon eingfinlly 1 Coolidge requesting the sum of $4,-
merly belonged to Hungary but was gBROUGHT2,
sen from a field that included Rob nnexed to Rumania. I UP 28,793,75 to meet the operating ex-
ert Turner, '31E, John Daly, '31E, j annpesesdf thogRvrnmetifo.th
Clare Wheeler, '31 EandWilliam A ian mamned Sonnefed, susected OIL SCANDAL fiscal year 1929.
Bird, '31E. Swanson was elected on of spying on the proceedings of the ---After ltearing the communication
the final ballot by a vote of 130 to 78. congress, was stabbed to death. M. (y Associated Press) read, the house flung into considera-
The final officer elected by the et- Vajszlovitz, owner of Hotel du Pare, WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Ground- tion of its first legislative measure,
sineers was the class treasurer, and which was attacked by the students,'I work for the testimony, by which the the nearly $200,000,000 deficiency ap-
George Johnson, '31E, was chosen for ' also was stabbed to death, as was an government hopes to convict Harry propriation bill designed largely to re-
this Position. Running against John- unnamed Hungarian actot. Many per- F. Sinclair, wealthy oil operator, Wil- place a somewhat similar measure
son were Richard Hicks, '31E, Richard i sons are reported to have been serf- liam J. Burns, famous detective, and that was caught in the Senate filibus-
'Furniss, 1 Edward Russel, '31E, -ously ijured their asociates of criminal contempt ter some nine months ago.
Malcolm Lwrie, '31E, and Allen Cal- ~~--~~~~ ~ of court, today was laid before Justice It is the expectation to send this
laan, '31E. ,Johmnson defeated flicks REPUBLIC SHOO TS Frederick L. Siddons in the supreme measure to the Senate by tomorrow
on the final ballot by a vote of 120 OFFICERS IN PLOT court of teistrict of Columbia. , night but there is no assurance of
to 89. Calling Charles . Ruddy, Burns'I that body being ready to give it atten-
By Asiated Press) Philadelphia inatnager, who had charge thou for some time to come.
ADGR S TO TRY S SALADsoRate bicofSal-of the Fall-Sinclair oil jury surveil--
BADGERS TOV TR Y SAN SALVADOR, Renublic of Sal- lance, as his first witness, District
TWO-TEAM PLAN vador, Dec. 7-An army colonel and lAnhorney Gordon introdued reports SOPHOMORE PROM
a major were courtmartialed and shot made by the detective to Henry Mason iFAVORS NOW OUT
(Ily Associated Press) 1 today for participation in an u suc- Day, vice-president of the Sinclair Ex-
MADISON, Dec. 7.-Wisconsin made cessful uprising against the govern- ploration company and one of the de- ss
men ths mrnig. heoffcer wee ;fedans i th cotept ctin. hes ,Distribution of favors for the an-
known its attitude toward the Big ent this ornig. The officers were fndats in the contempt actio. Thes al Sophomore Prom was begun yes-
Tem conference plan for playing do- (Col. Juan Aberle and Maj. Manuel -reports showed the jurors had been nuay Sophomore o abnue yes-
ble header football games today when Alsaro. subjected to intensive shadowing., iterday ant will be continued toda:
..Fr1ni'Pi42ro.'orte 1t( Iezvodpeni' and i i-nt'rE,, ,t1i m nuft. -v reinltroduced.,dbetween the hours o o53 '

'Transportation company, oz I Uio,
on the road south of Ann Arbor.
iThe two ladies were about seven
miles from Ann Arbor when they met
the truck on the curve. According to
the truck driver, LeRoy Fultz, his-
stecring gear jammed and lie was nit-
i cable to make the turn. He claims that
lie waved to the occupants of the
coach to pass him on the wrong side
of the road but they failed to heed
his sigiidls.
SThe women were taken to the Uni-
versity hospital where it was reported
last night that both would recover.

tugnese aee se u1 1 1 ,
half for the Republican presidential
nomination. The day after President
Coolidge eliminated himself for the
renomination, the former secretary of
state issued a statement saying:
"I am not a candidate in any sense."
"I am keenly disappointed by Mr.
Coolidge's decision," he said, "bot s :
far as my attitude is concerned.
stand by the statement I made last
May. I have nothing to add to it."
Mr. Hughes in his May statement,
issued when reports were that a
Hughes boom would be launched in

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