PAGE TTITT. THEI MTCHTGAN DAILY WrD EsnAY, 1)ECmmER 7, x9-"? w DAILY OFI-CIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) Volume 8. WEI NESI)EY, D)ECEMBE'R 7. Number 67. l !g meeting and] a f'ull attendance is. expected. 11. S .Jones, Secretary. (4'eological and Gieographical Journal Clb: The meeting which was announced for Thursday, Dec. 8, has been post- poned to Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m. M.WI. ?Senst is, Sec rotary. Scabbard and(I Bade: T{here will be a regular meeting tonight at the Union at 7 :15 o'clock. It is very important that everybody be present at this time. P. E. Slaytoni. Iota Alpha: There will be a meeting of. the members of IoJta Alpha at 7 : 30 o'clock promptly 'I'hur: day Evening, D~ecember 8, in room 3201 of the least Engineer- ing nbuilding. Professor Worley will give an illustrated talk oni 'Transporta- tion." Itl. S. Swinton, Secretary. A. S. C. E. anid Web and Flange: 'T'he're w'ill1be a±-int inner, m' notirn 0*or bota~h soeieties atthe TUniovn. W7d- St aging ;a s-m cla 1l il iier ciow'vtO o eare of the sIndentindemand. J According to an announcement of last nig ht, in the Jpr(,'idtentinI s o~r- al'rnlflein>in :u oginerinW11g re- 1um for thle beie fit of 101) pospeci ie search, how , should again be re- interviewers from thed p i oo of served to thle I nal College of Engin- University Lecture: Professor A. Souter of the University of Aberdeen will deliver a Univer- sity Lecture on "The Latin Bible" at 4:15 p. mn., Thursday, December 8, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robins. Prospective Teachers : There will be a meeting of thie Women's Educational Club at 4 p.m., Wed- nesday, D~ecemnber 7 at Betsy Barbour. Mr. Hlaisley, Superintendent of Ann Arbor schools, will conduct a demonstration of an interview for a teaching po- sition. All women from all schools and colleges who are interested in teach- ing are invited to attend this meeting. IHellen R. ShaumJbaugh, Faculty Sponsor. Bureau of Appointments: G and H.: All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names begin with G or H are requested to call at the office, room 192 Tappan Hall, for interviews this week. Office hours for this purpose will be held from 9 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m., December 6, 7, 8, 9 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday.) Hellen 11. Shambaugh, Secretary. ~Psychology 31: Students performing the personality experiment will be given mental tests onl Wednesday, Dec. 7 and Thursday, D)ec. 8 at 4 p.m., in room 205 Pharm- acology. Those doing the work for 6 hours will report on either day. Thiose doing the work for 12 hours will, if possible, report both days.' Henr'y F. Adamis. Botanjical K nam': Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, D~ecember 7, at 4:',30 o'clock, 13178 N.S. Building. Paper b~y W. W. Tupper, "Microscolpic Identification of Woods." (With lantern 'demonstration.) B. i'. I)avis. IWor ~ For IVaca&tion:I Mr. C. R. Zane, representing the FICTORIA1. REVIEW, will be in room 304 Michigan Union. Thursday, IDecember 8 from 4 to 63 p.m., to interview stu- dents in regard to work during the holidays., J. A. Biirsley. Freshuinanm Advisory (Grioup: The Spelling Contest. scheduled for the Union tonight (Wednesday, D~e- cember 7)' will be postponed until after the Christmnas vacation. / A. It. i3Iorris. Students' Recital Series: Trhe following program will be given in the Students' Rtecital Series in the School of Music Auditorium, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is cordially invited to attend. Chopin: Two Etudes, Albeniz: Seguidille, Rena Pavitt: Golterman: Concerto for 'cello (first movement) Madeline Holmes; Kreisler: Caprice Viennois, Liebesfreud, Helen Hunt; Handel: Why Do The Nations So Fur- iously Rage Together, from "Messiah," Benjamin Z. N. Iug; Dehussy: The Submerged Cathedral, Liszt: Consolation, Ibert: The Little White Mule, Kate ;Keith Field; Liszt: Sposalizio, Chopin: Etude Op. 10 No. 9, Moszkowsky : j uggleress, Elizabeth Schwier; Mozart: Quartet in G minor for piano, violin, viola and 'cello, Rex Keller, Vera Johnson, Beth Hamilton, Madeline. Holmes. Accompanists : Virginia Tice, Louise Nelson.II Ch'lres A. Sinik. Phyt~sics ~ The written examination which was originally scheduled for Thursday,. Dec. 8 will be given at 5 p.m., on Wednesday, Dec. 7, room 202 West Physics building. ..........................B. liievit. LITTLE EXPRESSES OPINIONS ON STAT"rE'S ED)l ,CATI0NAI .RO..GRAM Higlh-School Debates C ontinue This Week t jiurn lisrn, t'. ei ?a~oi C'a;:,oCo('ok, Little a ndil.'t'i mes'Now s c ,:-I. 'ild- ence talked 101r halIf an hiour ov "sev- eral of the lprobloms of the staite's educational progr, to show lie; pro- teges hou all interview Toudbo conduc(tedl. withlithe ])iosp-c-t ivo jeiuii itiiit groupled about the presideout in atten- tive attIitudles, st udyin g the tee lilliqilo on the 1 at erview stoop, thloeTimes, coring becau1150o01t Ii 's511)(TrIor facil-I it jes for u est igtIing physical and chention 1 ram i fleatIions, of suc'h prob- 'I emrs. In anaswe'r t0 a third quest ion Presi- den I Attic, went on recordI as dlefin- it ely op)p)ose( to thlo maintenance of' a not he(r college of lit erature, science, and artis inl connect ion with a state suplanortcd technical university so long the extension departmnent the secmind round of debates of the preliiuiarY series will take place this week, on Friday, Dec. 9. IThis y ear the high schools are 'de- bating the question, "Rtesolved that the direct primary should be abolish- ed." TJhis is the same question that the University's women debate team considered in their contest with Ohio State university. Results of the first round of prelimi- inary debates show that Ann Arbor high school, state champions last year, were defeated by Royal Oak by a unanimous decision. Albion, run- ner up, was vanquished by a Gra,.;# Rapids high school by a 'two to one vote of the judges. i ment will speak on some of his experiences on the recent Greenland expedi- Little his opinion of the state's mai- velsity. as does Michig an. Protection tion. Faculty members of the societies are cordially invited. tenance of two forestry schools, one of the tax-payer is the chief consider- G. J1. Robertson. at Lansing and one at Ann Arbor. The aticn. Unless it can be positively 1. M. Salmond. president favore=d the co-existence of shown that one arts college cannot the two schools as long, as their tuiic- take care of the normal demand for Le Cerele Francals : tions are divided and there is suffi-j B.A., M .A., and Ph.D degrees, the tre- Due to unforseen conflicts the meeting previously announced for Wed- cient student demand to justify the In'ltsepseo eqiiga nesday evening, D~ecember 7, has been postponed until Wednesday, December maintenance of both. President Littli SL(ofd college with buildings, per-~ 1.4, at which time the Cerele will choose its new members. suggested that the purely agricultural! sonneil, libraries, and research facil- _)111o S. Ryan, President. functions or a forestry school could jitiOS should not be imposed upon the be carried onl to advantage at Lansing,, t ,xpa./ers. +ewcomners Section"t, Facuity Womnens' Club:" while forestry research, involving t*md' With regard to the co-existence of The Newcomers' Section of the Faculty Womens' Club will have its next (1d11tionl Lt nical, chemnical, e('0'onol'd, tIhe University's School of Education meeting at Delta Gamma Sorority, 1205 Hill street, ond Thursday, December ,8, c: 1111 ,:ilt'01ii11 1ro< ,.iwlli ,h)z;t )twithI normal s(hools15throughout the at 2:30 o'clock. There will he ail interesting programn and memblers at-e i l f',or 'th: ')loc:ltschool of Yor- lstash lcsit lit Litt le expressed an askd o Win ti er 'iitit ms .st y ~t' c Le liii( tt'slu I1 e,.t,. elnioll tha t, norml schools should ' M argaret T,,111 I uiellySecretary. *.'5>. 1511 t )IIrii1' it~'" 10e Ci oselv , it rain Secondary s('ho001 teachers, and lr. ,tt1. 'Hiew soii l field of01 ; I that the school of Education should Jill' ior (il' lIay Tryouts : work pec uliart) the l llivoril I l~ ivtdt ~tiiii fhg Ther wil heno rynt ~\X~~lles~liY Fm'~uts~il'I'ursdi~'3'll ~ ~. ~ ~school t eachmer:~ and to all research in- day afternoons and( Saturday nmornling will be held in Sarah (Caswell Angell !''e