PACE S :VN EDNESDAY, T FCEMBIT, 7,. 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY --- -- ------ --- fry , [i!., f 1 k.. ...,a,..1 ...,. ,..."~ " . v ~ mr ~~irr MITQ:PURPLE QUINTET TO FACE VETERAN IJU LL.LLtLHITb WABASH TEAM IN OPENING CONTEST IAII~flICIL PA IME(Special to The Daily) F F~I~!I UiA L.l EANSTO(N, Dec. -Northwestern 1 Wabash will bring a veteraqn (TOW ............ i SiX LETTERMEN REPORT FOR BADGER MATs' A (Scil to 1The Di)ly) 7 ATISO\, Dec. 6-With sx lette, -,en from the 1920; squad anl I s ;y# THIS C A SFETHIS CLOSES ALS rAT 3 P.M. ADVER'TI SING A 3 P.L f oft RE\1--Well ncatet room,11in ex elusive residential district, for two boys. Call 755 E. Univ., or phone, 1 1. 65, ,66, (;7 i >hktIf SALE ?OR SALE-Five vohics, "'The Won U; Bes~t Music" for p)iano. B~eeth ove a tia ntovlr~Al half price. Phone 21028. NEWA fur coat. Also several tires:-t, reasonable, pries. Call between 3 will introduce its secondl new majorI of huskies on their Evanston hri - . (S galM to T!Ic i)lily) sport coach here Saturday when. sion. Two seasoned guardIs in C'offel AlAiD'! lce.C6--CGo ccolege^, one, Coach Arthur "Dutch" Lonborg pits and McCorkle are expected to give oif the bigan~at o~ht oe* is Purp~le charges against the Wabash the Purple plenty cause to worry. The ed idwstColegateC'~fei'eic tilecollege five in the opening contest of fcrmer's coolness and albllity urndler the b~asketball schedule. The new -the basket marks him as onc ofthe i; wil inad ~ ader aut nxtPurple mentor is a product of Ilan- greatest guards in the Midwest. In Sauraytec inaugurate th19V27 (cage sas and comes direct from Washburn Iinor, another veteran, Wabash has r rogram. college at Topeka, Kansas, where hei a forward of unusual ability. A "l The Kohawks embeddled themselves M ad unusual success (luring the last !three of these men were members of iseodnceothibaktalfour years. the football squad. in scon plae o thn baketall The Wabash "Little Giants" will Harbison, captain of the visitors, i; circle latst year by registering ineI present plenty of stiff competition for rated as one of the b~est centers in vi(ctories against three setbacks, and the opening game here and Coach the state. He is tall and has a gord came within striking distance of re- Lonborg is putting in a lot of workt eye for the basket. The other forwardl lieving the Cornell collegians of the to get his charges in readiness for job is likely to be handled by Thorn- Midlwest Collegiate crown, the Hoosiers. The visitors opened the burg, said to b~e one of the cleverest The alertness and well1 groomed season here last year and went away dribblers on the squad. Othe'r candi- tactics of the Coe college five makes on the long end of a 39 to 31 score, dlates are Adams, Brooks andl Taylor, them an especially attractive bill forI and they naturally have aspirations guards, Orin, forward and Bayer, cen-- the Badger opener. of repeating again. ter. pi)rom1ising array of inerw material1, (1Coach George Hitchcock, ° Wis !onset NOTICES. j ATH-RYN WING ATARCEL .SliOP1[ S. i I' -, . 3 . f 1 THE GREENWOOD and KILG ORE name on a piece of haberdashery gibes a man the same feeling of smuttg satisfaction that comnes from 'discovering that his dog has ten pages of Pedigree!, 'd wirestliii rmentor, is drilling has' VARSITY INN-Chinese and Ameri- S'pecializes in or istic mar :c llin 1 andi 4, or *after 7, at 122 N. Thayer Ihre o h cmn esn can Restaurant will re-open on the Open evening<>, 709 N. tUniversity. 6,6,G ThSagrmte r ceue th December. New Decoration, hI'llon 21429.67 70, 71' WANTED) everythdgng new! Lunchcledc;e din- 'VANTED TO BUY-C Melody -a eeyhn netLnh35;dn NTIE e toopln the 192r schedule with a pnatf- NTCEW deliver between the p hone. Call Miss Peck, 42 "1 N"I- ice meet within a few weeks and SpcaDier hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p in. Prompt* Central Rtesidence, E. Ann 67t.6 85c, served from 11 to- 2, and from Dlvr.Breu n.1hn 4481, 'with an anusually promising squad 5t .Orfre eua u-2 0 ATDWmn 7 8 : cr' candidates on hand the Cardinal tourers and~ the new ones are wel- {WNEDWmn experienced 5i coach Mopes to make a strong bid foxr'cwme. 512 E. William St. Dial FOR RENT citor can make good money in Ann< Conference honors this year, 21485. 66, 67, 68, 69 Arbor, selling ap'proved householdi FOR RENT-One large furnished article. WG4e teach you. Start now,. ' lldlftl[6iifdlii~11611t1[ID(IIIQ1l1I 1[t911ta11rooml aill¢1(Ikitchenette.111111Studentom annditBoxtte.St4dntBig BRa31,idsRaid ichMic. 66 wife or couinle in college. Caill 55 WANTED-A position for a cook to * 'T D TT Q NTySO O ITE - ..Dviin.Pon 07. ___ get dinners. Have had much clei R 1jE 1NIL"dL ANI""L =FO RNT-Avey leirbl snge once. Dial 8932. 66, 67, 65 I ~room, one b~lock from the Campus. t'WrANTEI)-Young man, school of, 'E" °I 514 Monroe. 67, 68, 69) education, desires room-mate; quiet letl s ivour r atngesim ate FOR RENT-Late Ford Coupe; for Washington. 66, 67, 6t; alor pitig uh a holidays. New tires; good motor.WAT -Fr dtile19 - Programs, Fraternity Pa es= Three can rent it and save on fare WATDFr;odtr ae12 Houehilsmaprs Box 17. 67, 68, 69. or 1926 model, although early '25 (r ueBl ,Sainretc. W~e ___________________ will be considered if in good do ur orkRIG T.2 FOR RENT-Large room for two mechanical condition. Will pay H oorw r I H .- graduate students ;Kor buisiness cash, under $100. Dial 8117 and - woman. Steam; heat. Dial 8544. 422 ask for Chamberlin. 66. 67, 68' E.Z~ 1 Washington. 66, 67, 68 W'ANTED-Four men who would like ci. .-FO RENT-One large furnished to earn some extra, money. See Jack FOR Strong today, University Shops, room for two boys. Running water - in room. Two blocks from Union. Michigan Theatre Bldg, }6oirs for 6etter impressions I Call 8072. 66, 67 LOSW - LOST-A pair of glasses in a browni 711 N. Univ. Ave. Phone 8805 Over Geo. Moe r FOR RENT-Single car garage.. In- leather case, on S. State or tho quire 1333 Washtenaw, or Dial 4677., Campus. 545 Packard St. Dial 7754. F ratern ities a dS oo it e TIES- . i . ter 4 ' a 1 $250 to X0 Give "Dad" one FINE SHiIRTS- = White or fan, r oxford and 0 broadcloth - 300 to 200 HOSIERY- i nterwo'ven Wes8t min ister (impoirted) GLOVES-_ Lined and un- lined, dress or play .f 3-50 650 to 35c' to17 CHRISTMAS Vacation is an excellent time for your linen, blankets and furnishings to be laundered without ienconven- ience to youirselves., The Varsity will be glad to,. laun- derandreturn them. to you on or before the opening day of school. Stored in a safe place there is no danger-of loss by theft during. the period that your house is closed. Phone 4 219 CORDUROY JACKETS- Slicker lined, unlined, brown or blue SILK SCARFS- H andpainted squares HOUSE COATS Beacon Blankets English Flannel Terry Cloth Silk Brocade . -- {- itiiii mimie 1000 to 600 to 1500 to 750 250 650 I Give - LUND1~y Co. a Man a Gift from a Mans Shop DOWNTOWN SHOP I 1111 i