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December 07, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-07

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Michigan Has Never Beaten A Harvard
Team In Four Games; Lost Last
Game 7-0 In 1914

Applications for out-of-town per-
formances of "The Same To You," the
22nd annual Union Opera, are now
available at the Union main desk. The
application system for these perform-
ances is used in order that alumni
an'd friends of the University may have
first call on the tickets. Any one


Gaens honorary medical society
initiated 15 men at its annual initia-
tion banquet held last night at the
Union. The men admitted to the or-
ganization were: Dr. Cyrus Sturgis,
Robert Burhans, '29M, Norton Can-
field, '29M, Henry Dunlap, '29M, Rol-
ENGINEERING lin Fiero, '29M, Harold Fox, '29M,I
EN WILL Gayland Hagelshaw, '29M, Jerome'
ICERS Jerome, '29M, Leo Knoll, '29M, John I
Mabley, '29M, Kenneth Moore, '29M,
ELECTIONS Fred Osgood, '29M, George Relyea,!




A review of last night's per-
formance of "The Same To
You," 22nd annual Union Opera,
will be found in the Theater,
Books, and Music column on
page four.



Michigan and Harvard will meet may procure applications for the ask-
on the gridiron in 1929 and 1930. Com- inn. There is no limit on the number
ing as the culmination of negotiations of tickets that may be secured with
that have been in progress for several each one. These are filled out and
weeks past, the authentic announce- sent with the money to the theater in
ment was made yesterday by fielding I which the Opera will play.
H. Yost, director of athletics. A re- wTi f the Saturday night per-
arrangement in the tentative Confer- fokmanceo the Opera are now on sale
ence schedule was made to effect the fat the box office in the Whitney
addition. of Harvard to Michigan's list theater. There are a few seats yet re-
of opponents. maining for the other shows this
The dates for the home-and-home week.
series for two years have been defi-
nitely designated. Harvard will play
on Nov. 9, 1929, in Ann Arbor, for the V
first game. On Nov. 8, of the follow-ing ya Miig wn PORCh STR
ing year Michigan will journey to E
Cambridge for the return combat. The
first game will be the initial apar-
ance of a Harvard team in the Middle 0 U I Si
West, and the second time it has been-
west of the Alleghenies. Once the Detroil Or'ganiization Will Be Third
Crimson crossed the contient to play I Number On School Of isie's
in the annual Tournament of Roses Concert Series
contest. ---

{29M, Neil Swinton, '29M, and Bernard
harmacy and Architectural Heads are Watson, '29M,
Chosen at Poorly Attended Charles Chapple, '28M, president of
Class Meetings Galens, administered the oath to the
men and President Clarence Cook
Freshmen of the engineering college Little was among the speakers.
and of the College of Literature,%
Science, and the Arts will elect their
class officers for the year today, ac-
cording to plans made by the Studentrr
council elections committeefor the MHE
final class elections of the year. Thel
engineering freshmen will be held at
Savage, Moyer. 1"ralmseth To Compose
11 o'clock this morning in room 28 W crine Team 'omorrow In
of the West Engineering building lBrmmmes' Law ArgumentI
while those of the College of Liter-,
'ture, Science, and the Arts will be held INAUURATE NEW RIVALRY
at 4 o'clock today in Hill auditoritunt
At the two freshmen class elections Michigan's Varsity debate team took
held yesterday in the architectural eol- its last workout preliminary to Thurs-
ege and the College of Pharmacy, day night's idcbate with Minnesota
William Wildern, '31A, was chosen f yesterday afternoon when it met a
president of the architectural fresh- !team chosen fro the University
men while Myles Duellman, '30P, was
ciosen president of the freshmen class slua(l before Prof. James Milton
of the College of Pharmacy. B1otlh of ONeill's class in debate and argumen-
the class elections were poorly at-- ation.
tended. The Michigan team which will de-


efendants Contend Right To Employ
Detectives To Keep Jurors
Under Surveilance
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-Harry F.
inclair, wealthy oil operators and his
ssociate on trial, before Justice Fred-
rick Siddons, on criminal contempt
harges, must show by testimony that
hey are not guilty if they wish to
scape punishment.
Justice Siddons overruled without
rejudice the motion made by Sinclair,
is associates, Henry Mason Day and
heldon Clark, and by William J.
urns, his son, Sherman, and C. L.
eitch, of the Buins Detective Agency,
o dismiss the charges.
Justice Exhildts Concern.
The justice, in whose court the Fall-
inclair oil conspiracy charges ended
n a mistrial, out o which grew the
ontempt proceedings, declared he
vas concerned with whether a jury in
United ,States court could be shad-
wed by detectives.
The court at one point interrupted
)istrict Attorney Gordon to inquire
hether he believed any defendant in
criminal case has a right to pro-
ride intensive surveillance of a jury
here there was no suspicion that the
urors would act improperly. He
tressed this point frequently during
:h arguments for dismissals advanced
y counsel for the respondents.
Burns Admits Employment.
Sinclair, Burns and their associates
Here charged by the government with
sing Burns detectives to shadow the
il jury with the intent to "spy upon,
o bribe and intimidate the jui ors,"
herman Burns, directing head of the
urns agency, admitted accepting the
mployment and also maintained that
e was within his rights as long as
he shadowing did not overstep the
ounds of the law. Justice Siddons
ondemned Burns for his part in the

, .^..




Began Rivalry In 1881
Michigan has never defeated a Har-
vard team in football. Rivalry be-'
tween the two institutions was begun
as early as th~e fall of 1881, when the
eastern school triumphed, 4-0. Meet-
ing again in 1883, John Harvard again
emerged victorious, 3-0. Following
that game, football relations between
the two were broken for 11 years.In
the 1895 game the score of the first
game was duplicated.
Not until 1911 (lid the Wolverines
again clash with their eastern rival,
when the participated in one of the
most famous games of Michigan's

The Detroit Symphony orchestra,
under the direction of Ossip Gabrilo-
witsch, will present a program next
Monday night in Hill auditorium as
the third number of the Extra Con-
cert series, sponsored by the Univer-
sity School of Music. This will be the
last musical attraction on either ser-
ies until the appearance of Paul Ko-
chanski; Polish violinist on Jan. 18
under the auspices of the Choral Un-

football anuals. The game terminated An additional concert will be given
in a 7-0 Harvard victory, although Monday afternoon, with the direction
Johnney Maulbetsch, all-American in the hands of Victor Kolar. This
half back for Michigan 'and captain of will be presented specially for the
the team, gained more ground than school children of Ann Arbor. A spec-
the entire Harvard team combined, ial program has been provided for
tearing their line to shreds. this event, and it will be accompan-
Harvard Has Totalled 18 Points ied by a lecture by Miss Rhetts re-
While Michigan has neither defeat- garding the appreciation of the num-
ed nor scored against Harvard in any bers to be played. Arrangements have
of the struggles, Harvard's efforts at Ibeen made with the authorities of the
amassing points have totaled only 18 public schools by the officials of the
in four games played. i A School of Music whereby a full at-
The advent of Harvard in Ann Ar- tendance of the students can be as-
bor two years hence will be the first sured. No admittance fee will be
attempt of Michigan to schedule any charged to the children who come in
of the Big Three elevens away from th aiu coIgrus u dls
ther on feldsine Yst ookcan Ithe various school groups, but adults
their own field since Yost took con- will be admitted to the balconies for
trol in 1901. 50 cents. Gabrilowitsch will not ap-
ear for this concert.
LAW SCHOOL MEI PThe Detroit orchestra has but re-
TO HOLD FORMAL cently returned from a tour of the
East, during which time it appeare,'
Law students will hold a formal in New York and other metropolitan
dance Friday night, Dec. 9, at the Law- centers. During the space of a few
yers club, according to an announce- i years under the leadership of Gabril-
ment made by the Lawyer's club com- 1owitsch it has brought considerable
mittee in charge o the affair, which note to Detroit, Michigan, and the
.is sponsored by that gro up , middle West through its performance,
Elaborate preparations have been and is regarded by critics as one, of
made for the event, and decorations the best of the ensemble groups. Sev-
appropriate to the Christmas season eral symphonic programs are given
will feture the event. One of Jean every year in Detroit in additio* to
Goldkette's groups, Frank Jones' or- the regular season tour, and Ann Ar-
chestra, has been engaged to furnish 1ior has secured additional hearings
the music for the affair. through its proximity to the home
Attendance will be limited to 115 city.
couples. Tickets will be sold for---
$3.50 and may he procured from DISTRIBUTE PROM
Rowan Fasquelle '29L, John F. Mc-
Carthy '28l, Theodore Ryan '28L, ori FAVORS AT UN O
Theodore Wood '29L, all of whom can I---
be reached by calling the Lawyer's Favors for the annual Sophomore
club. Prom will be distributed between 3

_ bate against Minnesota in Hill audi- a
FRES1IIEN ELECTIONS TODAY torium is composed of Richard Sav- vi
age, '30L, Elliot Moyer, '30L, and Paul w
College of Literature, Science. Franseth, '29. It was opposed in the j
and the Arts rs
ipll Auditorium......... . . . I practice4:ebate by Jarl Andeer, '29 tt
Engineering College. William Bishop, '28, and' John Drake, b
Room 48 West Engineering I '2SEd.
I Building .. ............11:04) The debate with Minnesota marks a
ne w epioch in Michigan debating as it w
is the first -time in the history of the u
Elect Minor Officers. two universities that they have met o
The minor officers in the freshmen upon the debating platform.-t
class of the architectural college were Sixteen men were chosen for the S
chosen as follows: vice-presidelt, University squad some time ago by B
Perry Stufflebeam, '31A ; secretary the men who are coaching this year's e
Keith Pierce, '31A, and treasurer, Dale team, Professor O'Neill, and Densmore h
meehring, '31A. John Pottle, '31, ran mnd Brandt of the speech department. t
against Wildern for the office of Class The three men were chosen shortly b
president, Lucille McClelland, '31A, ( afterward who are to represent the c
ran against Stufflebeam for vice- ( University in the debate tomorrow a
president, and the other two offices night.
were unopposed. No definite selection, however, has
In the freshmen class of the College been made as yet of the six men who
of Pharmacy the minor officers were will participate in the Central League
elected as follows: vice-president, debates with Ohio and Northwestern
Victor Middleton, '30P, secretary, shortly after Christmas vacation.
[,ester Wetmore, '31P, and treasurer, The question which is being used
James Hayden, '31P. Fred Watring, as the topic for argumentation is "Re-
'31P, opposed Duellman for the ofice solved, that the principles of the
of president, Wayne Watkins, '31P, Baumes law of New York should bel
opposed Middleton for vice-president; enacted into law in the other states."
Robert Swisher, '31P. opposed Wet-
more for secretary, and Joseph Sahl- TRUEBLOOD SAILS I
mark, '31P, opposed Hayden for 11
treasurer. FOR BRAZIL SOON
The freshmen engineering election I______
this morning will be held at the reg- Leaving Ann Arbor tonight, Prof.
ular assembly of the class, though Emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood of the
officers of the Student council elec- speech department will take an ex-
tions committee will be present. The ; tended pleasure t r i p through
freshmen literary election which will I South America. He w ill sail
be held in Hill auditorium this after- from New York the end of this week,
noon is expected to be the largest arriving in Rio Janeiro about Christ-
of the class elections, and it, too, wUl mas day. Professor Trueblood will
be presided over by members of t he visit in Buenos Ayres, Argentine, and
Student council. i then cross the Andes into Chile,
To Have Primary Ballot srending some weeks there.
Different colored ballots will be us- Sailing from Valparaiso on his re-
ed at the two elections, according +o trn journe-y, he will proceed up the
an announcement made yesterday by lwest coast of South America, pass
Ellis Merry, '28, chairman of the , through the Panama Canal, and re-
Student council elections conimuittee. turn to the States via Cuba. His itin-
and the election of president will take crarv includes several days stop in
place with a primary ballot beiii firs't( Havana and on the Isle of Pines. i~e
1 ast to choose the highest two rem willh return to Ann Arbor during the
among the candidates, while the sec Spring vacation in time, he says, to
and or final ballot will be cast in' ' coach the golf team again.
mediately following. The poliy D
choosing the highest two from -mo n I
all of the candidates nominated an
then voting on them on the final b illONO RWAATHIN WITH
lot will be followed through all of II O
the offices. I
OF TWO TEAM PLAN Dr. Carl V. Weller, professor oI
pathology in the medical school,.an-
tension facilities to the largest num- nounced yesterday the publication ol
her of studentscpossible should be the the Warihin Anniversary Volume, a I
goal of the collegiate athletic sy-- ol dedicated to Dr. Aldred Scott
tems, and in his opinion also the Warthin, professor of pathology and
new plan will not prevent the exodus director of the pathological labora-
of students on the days when the first tories in the medical school, by his
team plays away from home. "It will pupils and early colleagues.
cut it down, however," he stated, "y "About 18 monthsaago, a group of
Seliminating the borderline cases." alumni declaredI that such a volume
The President expressed thes ho1 cwould be very appropriate to express
th Pwith d two teams men who had no t honor due Dr. Warthin upon the
' completion of his thirty-fifth year of
previous high schmool training coiiitj
r s s rnjteaching in the medical school and,
perhaps gain places on the teams. Ht, upon his sixtieth birthday on October
decried the situation where only high 21, 1926. Work was started soo after-i
school stars have chances of mki wards, and the book has just been
the Varsity teams, and stated that in published," said Doctor Weller. I
t*imn the division between time two I l a n ,do

President Calvin Coolidge
Who yesterday addressed the opeU-
ing session of Congress. Presiden'
Coolidge also re-affirmed yesterday
his decision not to be a candidate for
President in 1928.
Tells R pI licm Leaders le Regards
Himself As Eliminated
From uRIco
(By Associated Press)
WAShI[NCTON, Dec. 6--- President
Coolid ge inIoriimn d the Ricpublican-
party and country today that 4he re-
gards himself as "eliminated" from
i the presidential campaign of 1928.
He declared his, "decision" would i
be respected, and advi e his party toj
s t itself seriously to the task of "se-
lecting another candidate."
The announcement was made in aI
speech delivered by the President toj
members of the Republican national

Recommends Flood control For Lower
Mississippi And Construction
Of Boulder Canyon Dnm
(By Associated Press)
WAS'HINGTON, Dec. 6--Calling up-
on the people to continue a "stern
self-denial" in national expenditures,
President Coolidge laid before Con-
gress today a moderate program of
erxpansion for its defenses and nat-
ural resources.
In a message which touched upon
virtually all of the legislative' issues
which have aroused interest and spec-
ulation, the President presented
views differing only in minor details
from those he has previously out-
lined on the major problemns of farm
relief, taxation, flood control, foreign
relations and the state of the army
and navy.
Informing Congress that le had not
changed in his opposition of the Me-
Nary-Haugen farm relief bill with its
equalization fee, lie recoimmended in-
stead a federal farm loan board with
a revolving fund to build up coopera-
tive marketing and aid in the dispo-
sition of crop surpluses. On tax re-
vision, he stood by the Treasury's
The Navy, he said, should be ex-
panded by the addition of cruisers,
submarines, airplanes and carriers a
well as the development of the mer-
chant marine as a second line of de-
He recommended that flood-control
be confined this year to the lower
Mississippi River, with provision for
adequatesdikes, energency spillways
and aides to navigation; cationio
that this problem should be met by
viewing it as a separate, iational
question without atteniipts to link it
with other lroposals for river cOin-
trol and expansion; and suggested
that the peole enjoying the benefits
of landkreclaimed by government-
built dikes share a partial, although
perhaps lighter, burden of its ex-
Warns Against Debt
Contending that the country had at-
taned a prosperity never exceeded
and therefore was in a position to en-
joy some of the benefits which re-
sult from economy, Mr Coolidge pre-
sented the spectre, nevertheless, of
a large national debt and warned
that until revenues now directed to-
wards its reduction could be diverted
to internal improvements and nation-
al development, the people must con-
tinue to sacrifice and the government
must continue to economize.
"The Secretary of the Treasury,"
the President said, "has recommended
a measure which would give us a
better balanced system of taxation
and without oppression produce suf-
ficient revenue. It has my complete
The President reiterated his belief
in a high protective tariff, declaring
that any reduction of the levies would
work a hardship on industry and ag-
riculture alike.
Although but one paragraph of his'
message was devoted to prohibition,
the President emphasized the need
for both the people and public offic-
ials to "observe the sanctions of this
constitutional provision and it, re-
sulting laws." Recalling that Congress
and the states "with one or two nota-
ble exceptions" have passed adequate
laws for enforcement of the eigh-
teenth amendment, Mr. Coolidge de-
I clared that "The federal authoritieq
proposed to dischetg'qe their obligation
for enforcement to the full extent of
their ability."
) Discusses Foreign Policy
Although the message was devoted
almost exclusivelyeto domestic affairs,
the President did inform Congress
again that American intervention in
foreign lands was merely for the pu-
pose of protecting the lives and prop-
erty of this country's nationals. Hle
defended the administration's policy
in China and Nicaragua and express-

ed the belief that the controversy with
Mexico over oil and land laws, by "a

Farm Relief.-Creation of a
federal farm board to admin-
ister a revolving fund to help
Flood Control. - Construction
of dikes,- emergency spill-ways
and aides to navigation on the
lower Mississippi.
Taxation.-Moderate reduction
as recommended by the Treasury
and retention of certain excise
Army. - Large enough for
national defense with a generous
supply of officers.
Navy.-More cruisers, submar-
ines and airplane carriers, but
no participation in a naval build-
ing race.
Prohibition. - Strict enforce-
Foreign Relations. - Under-
standing with other nations to-
ward outlawing war and negotia-
tions or covenants not out of
harmony with the Constitution.
Philippines. - Congressional
supervision of revenue expendi-
tures and visit to the Islands
every two years by a Congres-
sional committee.
Panama Canal.-Construction
of a $12,000,000 dam at Alhajuela
for flood protection.
Merchant Marine.--Stop furth-
er building; turn ships over to
private capital as second line of
naal defense.
Inland Navigation.-Projection
of the Gulf to the Atlantic water-
way through the St. Lawrence.

committee, who called on him at the]
White House. The immediate effect
was to electrify a meeting which had
been expected only to produce a po-
lite exchange of generalities.
Mr. Coolidge's words fell with par-
ticular force upon those of his friends
who had maintained that despite "I,
do not choose to run" statement, he
had by no means eliminated himself
and would be drafted in 1928.
It took but a few works for the
IPresident to dispose of his intentions
toward a renomination.
Only a few of the committeemen,
who are in Washington to select next
year's convention city, had any ink-
ling that such a declaration was com-,
ing. It had been generally understood
amongst them that they might expect
from the President no elaboration of,
his statement of August 2, but would
listen only to a general discussion of
party issues.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 - Assured
that President Coolidge had no pref-
erence, delegations representing a
number of cities seeking the next Re-
hublican convention fought hard to-
day to retain the support of national
committee members they had receiv-
ed, before Chairman Butler announc-
ed that he favored Kansas City. The
committe which will make a selec-4
tion tomorrow heard arguments of
contesting groups at lengthy sessions
Chairman Butler held out for Kan-
sas City, despite a White House state-I
{ nient that President Coolidge had no
1 choice and believed that Butler also
was aetually neutral.

-i-- -'-nd m-o 5 o'(10(k today arnd tomorrow in
BIBLICAL SCHOLAR ihe lobby of the Union. The cards
i(cluded with the ticket purchase
TO GIVE LECTURE must be presented in order to obtain
--1 he tokens.

Pr. Alexander Sout er, notel Bible
scholar, will deliver a lecture on '"''he
Latin Bible," at 4:15 o'clock nms-
.ay afternoon in tIe Natural Science
Drn. Souter has beeniR egius Profe"-
sor of 1Humanity at the University of
Aberdeen since 1911. Previous to this
he held the position of professor of
New Testament Greek and Exegesi
in Mansfield college of Oxford unii-
For the last 30 years Dr. Souter
has been the most prominent studen,,
of New Testament criticism, and has'
published one of the best-known edi-
tions of the New Testament in Greek.
All campus organizations givingi

"I think it ought to mean a r-
naissance in the field of intercollegi-
ate athletics," President Clarence
Cook Little declared yesterday in re-
gard to the new two team system
y adopted by the Western Conference
last Saturday. "It means a whole
change of policy," he declared, "and
1 think we'll see a real democratiza-
tion of college athletics."
President Little disavowed any di-
rect connection with the adoption of
the new plan, declaring that he had
not been actively engaged in promot-
ing it for almost a year. He express-
I La ii fiation that the nlan as fin-

"I am very much in sympathy with almost conpletely disarmed them-
the stand of the University of Wiscon- selves, and as a result desire universal
sin against compulsory military drill," disarmament to their own level."
"Russia at present," Mr. Eddy stat-
Sherwood Eddy, noted Y, M. C. A. offi- ed, 'has no force capable of being
cial and lecturer, stated yesterday in used in aggressive warfare in any way,
an interview. Mr. Eddy was in the and no imperialistic motives. Since
city for less than half an hour, stop- before the war, when the Russian
ping for a conference with President army numbered more than 5,000 000
Clarence Cook Little, and left early soldiers, the military organization has
yesterday afternoon. been steadily reduced until far less
"I am strenuously opposed to conm- than 500,000 men are under arms in
pulsory military drill for university Russia now."
sturents in nnv case," Mr. Eddy de- I "Mark me I am not a nrotaEonist

firm adherence to our rights and a
scrupulous respect for the sovereign-
ty of Mexico," would be olved with-
cut impairment of friendly feeling.
h'While the President's adherence to
his former policy regarding agricul-
ture did not come as a surprise, it
was noticeable because neither polt-
ical repercussions nor his summer in
the West seemed to have affected his

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