TNF MIC "T -A-W n-NYT-:Y .
11-1V l 7IT l 1 .3'?t J hV* *.d .s S L'1...L 1 ..UI
MSDCMBER 6~iw, 9
Juior Research Clubh: i1G TSN BLPI,
The regular meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held at 7:30 PAOSIATNSGT OE RZ
pl . 1 1 a u a c e c ui d n , o u s a , D c m e . h o l w -u' O SI g a pers w ill b c' read : A . E . W oo d~h ead "A M ir o-C in em t ozrapi h fovr St udv T[ D .
________________________________ _ oF aras te; H. H. Riecker "Experimental Studies of Hemoglobin Reger-
atoPublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of ain"Teewl also be initiation of new members.
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until Paul TIBarkCN[[B[etary
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) _ Landscape Clu; : Prof~. Felix W. 1 a ~ ow ski of Ihe de-
Volume S. Vl'ESDAY, D)ECEMB ER G. Number ib. { Mr. Rtussell Gish, M.L.D., '25, will address the club on Wednesday, D- ptti'tif of aeronutical egineering,
cember 7. All landscape students are invited to be present.balffo shu tnoatedte#
Actioni of thle Discipline Commuaittee : ___eorge_____cH'.eene o eomeeia1 aroauth
Mr. H-er'man F. lMiethe, '29, 1928; eddes avenue, having been found I(4eOl~gjeail anid Geographical Journal Club: being hield there.
guilty of having operated an automobile violating the ruling of the Board of A;jl.metnofheGlgiaadGoraiclJuallbwlle
Regents, has been suspended for the residue of the presenct academic year. j PlAjitmeigo h elgcl n egahclJunlcu ilh he confrenceas; been called by
J. S. Reeies, ecltdy in room 4054 N.S., at 7:31) p.m., on Thursday, December 8. Professors ~1hCt-wiL0 h oms
__________________Hobbs will give an illustrated lecture on the "Results of the 1927 Greenland
Expedition." All interested are cordially invited to attend. !SiOl of onumel c for aeronautics for
Bureau of Appointments: G and l< :X.W esisScery thpuoeofdc.sng rblm
All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names '.W esis ertr. ti P~P5 fdsusn ~olm
begin with G or H are requested to call at the office, room 192 Tappan Hal, orfrnthag the field of commercial
L~a ,o Di lispanica: aer)a L(t. DBeideCs authorities upon
for interviews this week. Office hours for this purpose will be held from 9 The December meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica will be held at Lane hs et-n h ofrec ilb
to 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m., December 6, 7, , 9 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- ,ahl auioim hrdy e.8a :0 .Apormo ak n ui
day and Friday.) atte iie by one representative from
Helien 3t. Shambaugl, Secretary. is being arranged; a large attendance is desired as there will be a short buiprat eah of the five institutions of learn-
_ ________ motn business session.
St iLierryCl *Charles N. Staubacli Presidenet. luzwh ichli ncude in their eurricu-
Mathlema~tics SafKiterr olege: . Ii I 8 'iSO iii 8 'onei~Ics. At thi js
There will be a meeting of those teaching sections of Mathematics 1 and fiw( ,o 8 cige e erds %il be made byj
Mathematics 7 in room 3010 A. H3. on Tuesday, December 6, at , p.m. EnIgineer'Iin~g Debating' Socity:whtic h ca cli of lese lie inst itut ion - -
John 11'. lriish'u . Will meet 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 6 at the Michigan Union. See cam 1x', alifo;'nia Institute of Teh-I
___________ ulletin hoard for room. , ..-.1-----1...,.,.".1...,
r , '.+ c
Larger And More Diversified Program
Planned For Attendants At
1928 Sumnmer Session
P~sychology 104i:
The class will meet for examination this morning in room 2,31 Angelli
.1 Ullicl' EItIaitiO~il ('lass :
There will be an informal dinnier at the Michigan Union, Wednesdlay,1
December 7 at 6:30 p.m. All members or' the class are urged to attend.
Please get in touch with your group leaders before Wednesday noon.
Slellij ("ornuwell, Secretary,.
Fngineeriuig Students :
The Aeronautical Society will have a meeting Tuesday, D)ecember (6 at
7:45 p.m., in room 302 of the Uznion. Mr. IDriggs, of Lansing, designer and l
builder of the airplane bearing his name, will give a talk on aeronautics.I
Prior to his location in Lansing, Mr. Driggs was connlectedl with the Engineer-
ing Division of the Army Air Service for a.(onsiderable length of time. All
E{ngineering Students are welcome.
R. IV. Miller', President Aeoi( Soci~ety.
Entering Sopluoniore and Upperclass Women anud 'Those WhIo 11a1e Not hin-'
Ished the Requirement inHyglene :Lectures:
The sixth Hygiene Lecture will. be given on Tuesday, December 6, at
4 o'olock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring blue books.
Margaret Bell, -4~. 1).
House 1Presidents:
The Presidents of all organized houses-halls of residence, sorority and
League hiouses-are invited to the House Presidents' Supper on Truesday,
December 6, in Barbour Gymnasium at 5: 30 o'clock. If any President has
failed to receive her invitation, she is urged to consider this notice as one,
and to telephone her acceptance to .8316. The occasion is informal, and will
be over at 8 o'clock. Grace Richards.
Adelphii House of Representatives :
1The annual party with Athena, Portia, and Alpha Nu will be held Tuesday1
evening during the regular sessions, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. All mem-
bers will, meet in the Adelphi room prior to the dancing and entertainment.
Robert J. Gessiter, Speaker.
.11cis Pi-tsical Educatfion Club:
The third meeting of the M\en s lPhysical Education Club wvill be
room 20 Waterman Gymnasium, Wednesday, December 7 at 8 p.m.
:Matt Mann will speak on "The Qualifications of' a Camp Leader."
portanlt meeting. andlia fuill attendance is exp~ected.
held in
C'oa ch
All im-;
{1. S. ,Tones, Secretary.
set i~stIu it ute of Technology, the U~ni-
),~ t of Michiigan, and Niew York
1~) \ rs vw l le 1inane the local"
Pr: 1M I li thOilin1i;iloil of Conu1net-
c'ial aIcy-ora itics, with 2jurisd ict ion
over l i" priiodu~ct 01' local aeionatlx'cal
1118 nIII]'ate111.01rs.
Thle pr'oviions 15ofthtiis a-re'ein''ni
will staute t hat, befor'e passing a ju-
pi1'oval 11poll ithe 0protducl(t"s ofthe nmann(-
fnctiui'eirs ofa eronautic (al supplies andl
dlevices, the' commission Avill require
that it th'st hie ass'd 11pon1 by thle
local bram'lu. P-ofessor Pawlowski is.
of c'ourse, i'epi'cseuiit rgOte University
of ;' lchgan.
- Edward H. Kraus, dean of the sumi-
mer session, said Saturday that the
budget of $225,729.42 will completely
fcover the needs which the summer e.
se-sion has. It will offer opportunity
for the largest and most diversified
}ti~" program of studies ever presented by
the University during the summer
, , .. , ";; months, he declared.
Expansion in several fields will be
{ necessary, Dean Kraus believed. In
the graduate school there were more
-NN than 1,000 registered last summer and
Dr. ,JuIM-; W'iiguer-Jtuiregg' as a result of this there will be nmorQ
Psychiatrist, o1 Vienna, Austria, who courses offered in that branch next
bee awrde th 127 obe przesummer, particularly for the benefit
hasbee aai'edthe197 Nbe przeof teachers who attend the suxmer
talia lflea11i e disor vemedly the.session. The undergraduate's interest
nualiii it n u. to' pralsis will not be overlooked, however.
DEB ATE SOC~~IETIES~ Further enlargements of the follow-
ing departments of the literary college
WIL HO D J INT will take place, hie announced]: Eng-
MEETING TOANIGHT ~isory, classics, psychology, lo
'1 In Ifour (c 1l)ii for'enic societies iiclsiecspeech, andzolg.I
-Adelplii, Alphai. , Athena, all d the engineering' school additions to
Vori' ---wll ol toigt tei anilltime electrical engineering, mathe-
Ithit ma -\n ill 01(1ftonighttheiroannual n~tit's, mechanism, and drawing do-
baro; meet hug, iii liebform.Ofan shortpartments are to be made.
'I~e p'og'am conist chefl ol Simiilar impr'ovements in the otheT
t'ls(byprofesosstes chrefland branches orf tle summer session will
talk byProessrs ensoreandbe nmadIe with an outlook toward unm.
O ':eill. 011110the ajitnient of sp~eech, proving the woi'k for' graduate stu.
wh~licht will take place in thec Adeiphi dents in particular. Two visiting pro-
reom. 'Vflis will be tfollowed by two fessor°s, L. K. James of the University
hou rs of dancin, to take place in the of Pitts burgh, and M. T. Vanhrecke,
Alpha Niul'oomi. I of Yale, will be among the Instructors
All t .emnbeu's 'of thle o'01 societies here.
arie r'emiuestod to meet first in their Two gener'al courses in forestry and
ownir l'Qsp4ctive rooms, and then g;o conservation are to be established.
t(, Adtel phi for the pr'ogr'am, which The general trend Is toward 'enlar'ge-
will begin at 74:30 o'clock. All moma- ment and improvement In all depart-
bers ol' the faculty of the speech de- ments of the summer session, Dean
yartnier't will be present with their Kraus said, and the budget which was
wies and will act as hosts andA chap- 1 recently passed by the Regents will
0 ron es. cover this very adequately.
II igliland PIark ('hi b :
''here will be a banquet at (6:30 o'cloi'k in room 31S of the Union for
lmmbers of the Ulniveirsity of Michigan H-ighbland Park Club. A general meet-
lug wvill be held at 8- o'clock.
A ddis on C'on01', President.
Tau Beta, Ii:
There will be a regular meeting of time Michigan Gamma Chapter of' Tait
Beta Pi on Tuesday, December 6 at 6 p.m., at the Michigan Union.
IV'. E. Berger, Secretary.
'Alpha Nui:
The inter-society meeting with Athena, Portia, and A'delphi will be held
tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Alpha Nu men will meet in the Society's room just
before the regular time for a short business meeting. The program will 1)0
of interest to all members of the Society.
Lyle E. Eiserni, President.
31 ehiganensiaii Lower Business Staff:
Impiortant meeting for' all tryouts Wednesday, December 7, at 4 o'clock.
TontiL. Yates, Sales M~anager.
Gargoyle Staff and Tryouts:
Meeting 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Frederic W. Ziv, Managing Editor.
Youngstown Michigan Club:
Meeting of thei Youngstown-Michigan Club, Wednesday evening, Dec.
at 7 o'clock in the Union room 304.
I j.
( '
study? Yb is is ;.p'obicm Nwh1ich D".
(lreene of the University ilsychl'o",4
departmne~t hopes to at least; paritial y
solve with a series of experillents
which lie is now conducting upon a
group of more than 800 icheligan stul-
According to Dr. Greene, the tesits
now going on uii der hiis direct ion are
the most carefu'anud (let ailed stufdy
} yet under't alon ill t Iiis part icutailactec I
of psychology.
Dr. Greene 1; coinduct ing his e -
perinent along Ithe Ilice:; (ftcontrolled
reading, each iist 11(14 t Jheiiig' given a.
pamphletof t echun ical i at ('lial Co
study for ::;5 minuutes. A portlion oi
them are :;upp)0ed to repaid as; sxv ift ly
as pois-uhie, going over' the material
a n muiiwu'o01time(s..Another group~
r'ead1s slowly, covering the miatter hut.
once. A third group makes notes as
it readls. At thle end o1' the allotted~
pemriod of study a (compirehensive test
is given. From a tabulation of the r--
sult's of these tests Dr)i. (1 ucene hopes
hill1el Foundation :
Dean Wahr will speak at the Foundation IHouse on Tuesd(ay evening,
cernber 6, at 7:30 o'clock. Ihis subject will be "Jacob Wassermann,"
A.IllinrnV " hn nrl iiu T11 n - I Te...,.,L..smet . will 1e-serv._
Woment's Leagueo
There will be
boor gymnasium.
Bernard Goldman.
University Lecture
Opportunities For Laboratory Work: Professor A. Sc
There are several good opportunities for girls to do laboratory work aiaul sity Lecture on "TI
few hours daily. Apply at once, Barbour Gymnasium. Naul Science Au
Beatrice W. Johnuson, Advisemr of Women.
All (Campus Organizations: SHAW O
Contracts for organization space in the 1928 Michiganensian have been
mailed to officers of all fraternities, sororities, clubs, and miscellaneous or- r A.LUMNVII
ganizations appearing in the Michiganensian last year. There will be space
available for a few additional pages after the usual number is taken care of. Wilfred B. Sha
All contracts must be signed and presented at the Michiganensian business Mcia lmu
office omn or befor'e Friday, December 16. Mcia lmu
anud Interchiurch Bazaar:
a meeting of the central committee at 4 o'clock at Bar-
Jean X~c aig, General Manager.,
'outer of the University of Aberdeen will deliver a Univer-
'e Latin Bible" at 4:15 p. in., Thursday, December 8, in the
uditorium. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. IRobbiuns.
to gain much valuable evYidence on
various methods of studiy.
aw, editor of the
s, weekly publica-
-'__ '
Organizations IDepartment.
American Chemical Society:
There will be a meeting of the local Section, Thursday, December 8, at
4:15 p.m., in room 303, Chemistry building. The program will, involve:
1. The annual business meeting.
2. A paper by Dr. F. F. Blickie omi "The Reducing Actilon of Gmigmmar
Recagent s."
R. A. Soule, Secretar'y.
Dr. 0. S. Duffendlack will speak on '"Some New Viewpoiints omi Electriic
IDischairges Thr'ough Gases," at 4: 15 o'clock, 'Tuesday, December 6, ini room
1041, East Physics I3uilding-. All interested are coirdially invited.
IV. F. Colby.
tion issued by the Alumni association.,
left today for New York city to attend
the executive committee session of the'
American Alumni council, of which he
is president.
The committee will sit throughout
Wedmnesday at Columbia university.
The yearly report of the council will
bie presented at time time.M
BOSTON, Mass. - A gmeat blue
beacon ato'p the Ritz-Carleton hotel-
her'e Sat urday evening, told of the con-
quest of the IHarvarid cr'imson by the
EYale 1blue.
, v
,ice' '
, ,
;,, ,:
° ;
- - .. : .
Fountain Pens, Desk S
Sets and Typewriters
ked by Specialized
315 State St.
sare doubly welcome when
This is one of the many styles
we're showing. Oxfords, blues,
tans in durable long-wearing
weaves. Styles and proportions
for every man. Quality through-
in our overcoat
sale. Every coat
Wednesday Night, Eight to
The dances at Granger's are, alwvays a most pleasant w~ay to
spend an evening. The mid-week dances in particular are a
welcome break in the routine of the mveek-
Bill Watkins and
I I his Wolverines furnish the music and entertainment features.II
Others at $35 and $40
I (All with two trousers)