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December 06, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-12-06

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TUIT'STAY, trD%TlrMB,, G, 1 2 7




_____________________.... ...... .. - .. ............... ........ft....


____ Iparsec
Physical Examinations Will Be lima eq~e
To Prevent Breakdo~wns Caused Tl
By Strenuous Work fe c
. ~5 ("0
A hidden genius or two in the worldI r1
of the drama, with perhaps a few les- 4_1d l


ser lights, may be discovered this
afternoon in University hail auditor-
ium when junior women will assemble
to "flit," sing, and recite in the pr--
liminary tryouts which will offi ciall y
open the production of the 24th an-
nual Junior Girls' Play.
Tryouts will begin from 4 to 6~
o'clock, and will b~e continued on
Tphur~sday from 4 to 6 o'clock, the
scene being changed to Sarah Cas-
well Angell hail of Barbour gynmnas-
ium; on 1Friday from 4 to 6 o'clock,
the place to be announced later
through The Daily; and 'Saturday
from 9 to 12 o'clock in Sarah (Cas-
well Angell hail.
Academic eligibility, requiring a
"C" average of grades, is a prei'equis-
ite for participation in the play, whilc
financial eligibility demands that eachI
participant has paid the $1 fqe2 im-
posed upon each junior womant. Re-
ceipt for payment of thin tax must be
presented at the tryouts.
Physical fitness is of the greatest
importance, and the executive com-
mittee has asked that each woman
gauge her ability carefully to ascer-
tain whether she can carry both hor
class work and her practice withiont
too much strain. Heart and fin ex-
aminations will be requested for all
the more strenuous choruses.
The committee is anxious that there
be no nervous breakdowns at tte
close of the show this year, according
to Elizabeth Wellman, chairman o>
the play, but they are placing the en-
tire responsibility upon the- individualI
girl to correctly judge her ability.
All junior women interested in
scenery designing are asked to at-
tend the meeting at 3:30 o'eclck to
day in Barbour gymnasium. 9,11
sets will be selected by contest, the
prize offered to be announced in the
near future. The regular poster con-
test will open after the Christmas
Second semester sophomores and
junior women academically ineligible
at present but who are sure of eligi-
bility at the end of the semester arc
invited to try out. Tryouts are wve]
come to bring their own piano ac-
companists. It is estimated that 150
women will be used in the produc-

ij Ilelii.
eve Ii
inlg 11
"ta wV
her (1

iflen Are Now Necessary In Modern
(Court Room, Ccinclades Social Worker
)e court could not g~et along with must be trustworthy. She will find it
omenr at t he present time. Every an" insurmountable obstacle if her
,; n1ndol. Ote direction of women, clients feel that she is not absolutely
to be trusted with their private busi-
Ic (a ,t a (ebt ed to them for thelir et
ance," i the opinion of M~rs. "Then there. is always the question
Peel, friend of the court of of the level of communication.
t-ina' county. "All the prejudice Through experience I have found that
at wcmen in the,,court room has it. is impossible to raise most people
d long ago. Women now fill to your level, and that it is, therefore,
highiy important offices and are necessary to bring yourself u"wn to
tered by lawyers to be quite oni theirs."
aual footing." Placing Children Is IDiffienu
ework of NMrs. Peel as friend of "It is in placing the children in
o~tis the care of the c-hildreni suitable homes," Mrs. P'eel continue(],
*or('ed' parents. If neither parent "that I come in contact with the most
!fll)CI 'int to (-are for the child, disagreeable characteristics of the1
feel ulaces it in a suitable hiome1 human nature which figures so prom-
ulpe iViies it evenI after the place- inently in my work. P~eople talk a
MiJs. Peel also investigates the great (deal albout odoing things for
(00(1i, ioiiS,,)before and after the childlren if they only ])ad the oppor-
ce, andl replorts to the jug. t tunity. It is highly romantic to talkI
lit Au a. reel has the sulpervisionl of hielping unfortunate c-hildren on
0 ('lil W1"u ll11 under l6 years ofl the other side of the globe; but when
who are wards of'fthe circuit the opportunity arises right here in
SWashtenaw county, their high ideal-
~m er hpp tosa,"ilrs. Pe ism fades and only selfishness re-
"that the attorneys, througholn mains. Then the door1s of the home
-ounty are very agreeable, anm. acs- closedl. They do not c'are to 1w
favorably inclined toward wo-I bothered; and t hey begin to fuss over1
in the (-oliit. 1 have heard] of no t he color of the o-hil'seyes and hair.
;? ('riticism11. 'rThus, my great est pnobloim is to f'ind
eu ('Neeled I I .J -ileiiI Court the iight people who are willing; to
ere arc', in fact. sever-al posi- take these unfortunate children.
whic'h oui. to be filled by wo- Mrs~. Peel is a. pionleer ini couritj
Soni c'it ies which have given tivoi-k. Shie began in the Deti'oit courts
posil ionS to men, are now turn- ]Seai-s ago when prejudice againlst w9-
ien1 overi to womlenl. Such offices mien was so strong that befriendingI
le frienr of Ith('ecoiiit and posi- a friendless girl was cause for head-
ini thle juven ile c'ourit, ar-e Cs- I lines. There was no place for a we-
ly adapted to the capabilities m an, they said.
ind(,yst :ilijg of \women ialone."'I Divorce Causes Dlin~quen~cy
'hnaaceristics Requiired I Mrs. Peel feels that (divorce is the
on entering this field." she said, main cause of delinquency in child-
)mnan must lay aside all personal iren. "If the home were b~uilt on a
lg. She must develop at least an more substantial basis," she said, "the
(ro indiifference which will, how- divorce problem would be solved and
1)e strong enough to render all a subsequent decrease in the number
lecisioiis impartial. She must: cul- of delinquent children would follow."
.a. sytipathietic unilerstandingi; "Young women entering this field of
npatl ly i!1I lie sociological sense work must not be discouraged," Mrs.
ilisan abhility to enter the Peel concluded, "We can't make the
01 (tli l'( and interpr-et their world over. And while it is our aim
;his. ;he should learn to dis- to put people in a different attitude
with s.'utimenf ality and othier toward life, we cannot be solely re-
le2d feli iil pr-ejudices. It is sponsible if they remain unchanged.
iiee(;sary thait she b)e always I constantly console myself with the
and firienidly to ever-yone. Per- idea that. the majority of people are
most iliiport ant. of all, a woman right-thinking andl right-living."

fl fl mi ~ 5 Co-education is again in the spot- the girls are restriainied, are made to InIloildor that those women of the
T U IIU t PR LSIIIEN Sligh1t 0o' public interest. Whether the coniform to many rub's, which has a tednytUodte ooetp ttniversity who have enrolled with
_ hysa n hstp f-r ttto ecenttdebat e of 8a(cnampus debatitng te~eiyt nllte ooetp fthe Bureau of Appointments, for
Honoring tile pil-esiolents of all or-- society on the advisibility of co-edu- for full four years." teachiing positions niay become better
ganized women's iresidences, teAd- aio was responsible for this focus- Leadership Is Developed. ac-quainted with the methods used by
viseis of Women, assisted by tile! ing of interest, is uncertain. How- JIean MeKaig, a senior, ini giving her school principals for choosing tech-
house organization committee of the level-, it was thought that a concensus opinion said "Scholarship is higheri ers, the Women's Educational club
Women's league, will be hostesses at 'of campus opinion might prove inter- =a woman's college but a co-educational !will have a special interview at their
an informal reception and (linner atI eating. With that in mind various school makes for more normal sex- next meeting at 4 o'clock, Wednesday,
5:30O o'clock today in Barbour gymna- ;people about the campus were inter- adjustment. Campus activities give a at Betsy Barbour House.
sium.i viewed and asked to give their opin- much broader field for the develop- Through the efforts of Mrs. Hellen
Recognizing the responsibility which !ions on cc-education. The following 'ment of leadership and self-expression,, Shlambaugh, head of the Bureau of
each president of league house, soror- views were obtained:' I believe in co-education. Those girls Appointments, Otto Haisley, superin-
ity or dormitory assumes in order to j CoEduceationi Is Natural. who transfer here from women's col- tendent of the Ann Arbor high school,
(curry out the present system of self- D)eanz Buirsley, dlean of men, when leges come here for developmnentf will be0 at the meeting to conduct a
govenmet, MS.311iie? loyd 1SSasked isilli opiion repliedl, 'Co-educa- which} the b~roader fieldl offers." rO'iii~TVeVwt n ftesu
Grace Richards, and Mis s Beatrice 'tion has colle to stay. It is the N \CC4 "l For essA rtif~icly. dents in the School of Education. The
Johnson. the Advisers o1 Women, ! natuiral way in educ(ationi. Boys and I Elizabethl Wellman, a junior, saiys girl chosen wvill have had 110 teach-
spolisor this annual affair-. It a fford ilsgrwxls oehr1hr sil "dalIblev htc-dcto u or~ inter-vie'w experience whatso-
a zn oppoitunity for the Advisers to rao cyte should not be eellofer tocolg men and wvomen op- oer and Mr.I-ase will ask ques-
Imeet the presidents, and foir the latter !- cltoeporr"1)1tunity for- a higher cultur-al devel- Itosa fh c- osdrn h p
to become socially acqluaint ed with .. r v~-iy fMchgn lso puent than is possib~le in nion-o-edu-Ipicnfoa position in his school.:
eachb other, in the hope of better; been a co-educational institution for cat~ionlal schools. Realizatio~n of this1 According to M\rs. Shambaugh, this
understanding andl friendlship ini the ; 50vear's,"'lhe5sa(1, '"and was one of ideal is the goal of edlucators. Actulily, interview will undoubtedly be of great
Bo:ird (of Representatives, which is tile first co-educational schools inl this !lhwever, its taenmcy is to give 1t0ovalue to eveiry one of the inexper-
Shoeir organization in the League. i :flCooii;-\.'much eniplia sis to social ao-Iivity asiilo wnewhhverctye-
Dr. MNargaret Bell, mepresenting pthe i(: th;' vit Itte'.oplpp'si' dto ac'ademic , mit]to develop ia rolled withnwhtheau eau. ety n
p~hysical education dIepartmenlt:, and hlavirngig ad explerience inl1)oth all feiniine type that is sti-onger than Mrs5. Shliaiugm hopes that a large
Evelyn Ogborn, '28, chairmaiio: bhouse I estei-ii uwoman's -ollege' and in the the masczeiliiio. rThlis tenmdencoy will be ii ui'bei- will attend so that .they may
or~liaion. will r-ceive wihteA-jInicsto ihigani, Janiice Peclz1. ovricomle when uiniver-sity menC and b)Ceeit fr-om the presentation. Mr.
visers at the rec'eption, wiche will be I senot', said,'"Whether- a girl should go weiiio'iilaptin to meet each other on a Ilaisl'y will hold a. discussion session
folowe diecty y te dnne, te to an oco-e'duciejoinal oi-to a vornl a lss,art tiahl plne',and to i-ccog- ,immnediately after the interview in
lteo'siga o'lc.col ilege depends entli-ely on the gii'l, iZ( lC(iote I)abtis0' I whio-h he 'will at tempt to clear up any.
Inlud i(ed am ong the 139 guests areic.on hei- individuality. In regard to the dental comradeship anod stimulation as oloubtful maile rs. Tea will be served
MHiss Shiirley Titus, dir-ector of uts- 1 advaiitages of the two types of irlsti- iwell as of recreation, which seems at af'tem the discussion peiriod.
luzg at the Ulniversit y hospital, Leona tuius he big wmnsclee have peetto be thei- only mater-ial in- 1________________
sehedepeidentS of the Student r11 s many advantages as thelear-ge uini- fereat. M\innesota women wer-e urged to
council of nuiirsondes~tf tl h n estes, theugstaffe(If the-sale study thme economic conditions of the
pIca euctin vealtnentan WIIco)~-lleges do not." j')~Pa country, at a meeting recently, by Miss
illleier of the advisory ofic-e. M\ichli- (ldes aite View Of 1the. Or a iz to s ln Margueirite Wells, district director of
gan tunes, led by at table of soin; A Stuodent who has haod fif'e years J T old Joint Pq rf the League for Women Voters.
leaders, will aodd to tihe festivity o~f exper'iec ol campus, said, ''A co- CJ:
te ccsol;albsns wilb du(-ational college gives tile sulnt CONTiE4.STS FOR NAME WILL
eliminated, accordinlg to Mliss Riclh- asnutlo nie n ils After their i-egular- practices Thurs- COTNE1TISW K
arlch <dool thle students get a distorted day, Dec. 15, the Univei-sity Girls' Glee
i view of life. A co-educational insti-; club and the Freshmen Girls' Glee Suggestions for a name for
CLUBS O F TOLEDO' tution gives a woman a better basis of, club will have a joint social meeting. I the cafeteria lunch room of the
SHO I TE ES I training to go out into the world." Rfehet ilb evd n Women's league build in~ will
Co-educational Is Broadeniing.f be received until Monday, Dec'
LEAGUE BUILDING Mam-ie Hartwig, a junior who has spirit of Christmas will prevail. 1.Tenm hudb acy
b-ieen in this university since her attaciv and representative of
rfThe progress oIf the Women's league freshman year, has the following to A mail parachute invented by Ar-'. hospitality and good taste.
building was outlined by Mrs. W. D. say in regard to co-educational insti- h old Waldan, Swedish flying expert. The judges will be Miss Anna
[Henderson, e~xecutive secretary of the tutions, "A larger field of worthl-while hsbe ucsflytidota Lloyd, chairman of the commit-
Alumnae ('ouncil, at a luncheon held experiences can be obtained at a co- tee of Advisers to womenfour
on Sat uroday at the Women's City Clmub educational college or university than Stockholm. The opening of it is caon- Iudrrdaewmn n h
by the Toledo Association of Michigan can be obtained at a woman's college. trolled by a mechanical device so that members of the alumnae council,
Iwomenl. A large number of Michigan T[he latter is therefore the more nar- tile parachute doesn't spreadl until it. I A framed illustrated map of
1wolmen w'ee present at. the luncheon, row of the two. Some girls, however ! is nearly to the ground. This insures Anni Arbor will be presented to
and t hey showed nlinoh iintere'st i the -ould notgot on in a co-educational I au accurate landing for the mail the undergraduate woman hand-
outline glIvenl by Mrs. Henderson, wilo school. Tre are some types of per- (which has previously been blown far I ing in the winning name.
was the truest (If the associationi. ,soialties which would progress in one ;from its odestination. '
Last splring Toledo women succeed- type oIf school andl some that would
lad in raising the $10,000) which is (pr-ogress5ill another. I believe that! I _____________________________________________________
necessary in or-der' to entitle them to there is less class feeling in a co-j
name a room in tile league building educational schlool than there is in s,
when it is completedl. The associationl, school of the other type. In a co-edu-.
uinder its plresident, Mrs. ''T'homas H.I cational school. I feel that the stu- I
Brown, '19M, is now working on its dents are really living their lives DESS
delinquent list in the hope that T~oledo under more natural conditions, that SE
may have 100 per cent collections they are living more nearly as they,
from the members of its association, wish to live. In a woman's college Sa e o D r ss

Smocks.Are Offered
Aft 'Wholesale Price
Smocks wornI by s~ellers at the Wo-
Imen's League andl Interchlurch ha-
14aar are being offered for sale at the
low wholesale ?;rice of $1.75. The ma-
jority of the smiocks are of medium
size, that is, size 36, although there
is a slight range of sizes.
All of tile smocks are white..- If
.ite ones are not desired, the mater-
ial is guaranteed to take a dye. The
smocks were bought in Detroit and
are of an attractive style.
Anyone desiring to make pu-chases
may call Josephine Welch, '29, at

There will be a meeting of the cen-
tral committee of tile Women's Ler'-
gue and Interchurch bazaar at 4 o'-
clock today at Barbour gymnasium.
,The freshman swimming meet will
start promptly at 7 o'clock Thursday,
Dec. 8, at the Union.
The regular meeting of the F~acuity
Women's club will be a reception and
dance at 8 o'clock Thursday night at
the U~nion. All members are invited. to
fattend this Christmas party.
Basketball practice will be held this
'week and next for the freshmen, Mon-
ulay .iuv rL andy nnrat r, U Cnlr f,'0)

Detroit ,Alum1 nafe To I3301, for informationi - sophomores, Monday and rensa
I NI4T AE., iV~o4 seniors, Tuesday and T'hursdaay at Sp n o5r m or Nocok.Rpr tBrorgyns
FOR . BSKETBALL TEAMS at 4 o'clock, for juniors, Tuesday and
Ben' ft O LeAgu 'Thlursday at 4 o'clock, and( for- the
Be ei-f e n. i Ocmte h il~l im onltinme,,please.
a ceams wh ibteneth 0a
For the benefit of thme NWomen's lea- I nmuial basketball Tournanient and who___________________________
gue building fund, tile Detroit Assoc-l have nlot yet turmned in entry blanks '
iation of Michigan-'Women is spoin- Ishiolld do s(o immnediately. Teams
soring a perfoi-mance of "S'aturday'" I:hioulol sign up for their pr-actice Iy
Cide"oModyn;lt e.1,;hor kihMsHal ideinetf et at the Garrick theater'. 'The associa-1 teanis are included ad1 anyomie who i
tionl has bought out thme house for that aha-sn't as!.te'am to play on maiy 5see
night and expects to fill it to capacit. Al' ias i1 al l about it.
according to Mrs. A.1). .llenle-som, 'bhore is still timle left foir puactjse:
council. jno'sday, andl Thursday nighits, and
"Since the prvoceed~s of AMonday's Vridaiy after-noons orme open for thlis
performance are to go) to) tileleagu ,' ,p1urpose.
says Mrs. Henderson, "it is hoped that HIeairt andal ung examinations, mus1t ~/
if Ann Arbor people are planning to) be fI rnled in to M''iss hallrs oflic, im--
go to see Saturday's Children' they no'oiately. Those whlo have had thmi
'will purchase tickets for M\onday , for Hio-keo (0)not need re-examina- /
night." f ion;; for hbasket ball.
Regular tickets for "Satun-day'-I - --
Children" may bey obtainedl at the { Ciaroline' Eyj-ine, of Puma, Airiz.,. has-
box office of the theater, or mail or-'risen in time national 4-H3 club as ati r ma besn i .'r sut o h rsklf l e d ngf
You are counting on giving What do you do on
photographs for Xmas and a dewy day?
must have them good,
promp'dy, and at a moderate
price.Wear Mack's smart
Igaloshes, of course!
Cur advanced styles for this
season are tile finest to be
had, ~~
Frames In all styles and sizesPrcsMdae


Christmas Concert, Thursday, Dec. 8.
200 Mixed Voices-I 60 Children's Voices
Frederick Alexander, Conductor
Old Music-Old Instruments-Young Voices
'Tickets, i)(centis by lalil fromh Fredericki Alexander, IDirector
IN or-mal Co'nser~vat ory, Ypsilani
Patrons standinin~ii linre for ticke~ts ~oni (oncert nig'hmt likely to
miss5 "Prelude," doors then being c'losed.

Formal Gow'ns, Sille Undies, Hosiery,
Negligees and Pajamas
See these values.
Every fall dress, satin,
.georgette, jersey, twill, mark~ed
down for quick clearance.




! ,
EJ s
' 'L"'{. B
, ,



323 S. Main St.
"The Best Placc to Shop After All"


. .. ..


Rarely are service and style more smartly
combined than in these hose at

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Heart Yearns For!-

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Not before, we bel~eve, have such fine four thread service
chiffon hose that are silk to the top been priced so low. They
may be had in a wide range of new winter shades-This
low price prevails until our present supply is sold.

IShop now for your giftsl
(cl Ia u-1A 1 YlT I 77)TA "V I '



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