-VN AY, I, 1127 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAYLO R RELEASED BY UNIERSTYHOSPITAL, ~ ~ I o o RXei tUrda To STILL. N.CASED IN CAST: IT.VI, ( 11 " hip" rPaylr, i ofli-- lug -Wolveilne (end1 'who)suiri se- ver(; spinial injury inz theMiha- 'Xsco(nsin game, Oct. 15, was released1 1s l(e yesterdlay afternoon from the Un1- i-versity hospital wlhc;e e le ias been rclnfined for the past seven weeks. AWh ile allowed to go home, Taylor is still under medical dare. Helie I] return to the Hospital tomorrow for his new cast being at present encased3 in plaster from his waist to his huio. Ie will also receive physio-therapy treatments at the hospital for some time to come.ei At the time of his injury Taylor h:ad earned a regular position at right . end:u and promised to develop into a wonderful player. lie was a capable ])unter andl passer as well as pass receiver andl his loss will be felt next1 fall if, as it is almost a. Definite fact, he cannot play. Taylor was an all-around Athlet~e and was concedled a chance to be a ilne letter man through his football, baske;htball and baseb~all prowess. Whliether he will have to give up all shorts is not yet known. ALONG THE SIDELINES FIRST WOLVERINE CHOSEN FOR GRID HONORS IN 1898 (conltinu( 4 frii nl Ia o Six. Schuiltza,were of all-time l 1l-fl - (acal ('i~ Ii ome 5f!'say Itha i l})ib:to1? (Coant inued from Page Six.) 1 ing was5 tbe best in the Big Ten. When iin punt formation he was a triple threat. IDoc Williams, M\linnesota ath- letic director andl inventor of the shift, cal led Gilbert the ultimate of value after watching the Mn Mi-nesota-Michigan game. Of Gilbert hie said "His punting alone is enough to estabiish himt among the most valuable player of' an-y team in the country and he is ccrtainly the most valuable on the M;ichligan team." Costello, D~etroit Times writer, is perhaps extravagant in his Spraise of Gilbert, whom lie calls !the greatest back of 1927 andl one 1of the greatest of M~ichigan's his- tory. Hle says Gilbert was the brainiest. of the Wolverine te.-m. Recapitulation of score prediction Ii eserred this (c)onsidera'ition1, w, in i' published in this column for the Iasi.oterf;akie certain7 t hatCost erlman six footb~all (lays of the sea soni shoWw ;ill be so recog;nized . Precri~ption Scalp Treatment A treatm-ent that works wonders on b~ald heads or those slightly bald Worig Guaranteed ,'-6 E. LIBERTY Dal 9471 I LAS SI FIECLI CLOSES GLO v AT. 3PMADVERTrISING AT 3 P. t a general, average of 78 per cent cor- rect choices. Of a total of 168 games predicted, 120 of those picked to win! camne through, while 34 failed. 14 of thle games were tied. The highest per- centage for any one day was for thatj of the Michigan-Chicago game, when t hat score was indicated exactly, and 24 out of 29 choices were right, fora ecnae o 9 FORT WORTII-Bo McMillin has denied the rumor that he will coach at Centre college next year. A', any rate Cunn713ina started ?lhe 10klfine of heroes. caelraslia and Pittsburgh schedld agiign. o season. have Inext '\NATESII--('arroll colleg e loses eight veterans from lher IJ927 grid team. CHRIS TMAS GIFTSr SHOP EARLY AN) SHOP EARLY GREETING CARDS 1,111 South 1:7. 1,111 Soullh U. 1 1Is N ow Open Evenings Serving Light Lunches, Sandwiches, Salads, Waffles and Soda Grill : i ~Special Toasted Sandwiches != Hot Chocolate, Waffles and Pecan Meats I Special Sunday Dinners Broiled Steaks and Chops __________ ___________________ _____________________ __________ __________ EVE ARE;ianxiouis to mtake connfect ion with students for thle ptirl)ose of' selling Ii ie insurance as part, time agents. We arc' otfering a great op)- por1t unityv in your territory. For' fuirt her tufornmtion aplly in writ- ing; to Peoples Fife Insurance Comn- p~any, 211 tiFirst Nttiia IfBank Building, 1) roit , Iichrigan. i 63, (64, 65 NOTICE--All newsboys whlo are in- I erest edlin ;gelling Ia rgoyles a round Ann Arbor, comie to the Preoss Build-' ing Mlonday af:ternoon, bet ween 1 aid 5 p. mn. 65 .)R3ESSMVAKI\G-- Experienrced; can furnish references. E1stim~ate given} on work desired. Phone 3655. STn., Tues., Thurs. NOTICE-We delive'r between the hours of 9:30 and 11 :33 p in. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. 20 100 FOR RE.NT FOR RiENTi-well hcated room, in ex- clusive residential district, for two !boys. Call 755 Ei. Univ., or phone 3189, 65, 66, 67 j FOR SALE LOST-On Campus, Rider Pen, witha namve Donald Ring on it. 11hone S123. Reward. 62, 63, 64, 65, W; , f.O ST-Black leather grained travel- iug bag, after Minnesota game, near Chi Omega, at Washitenaw. Box 1 5. Reward. 62, 63, 64, 65 LOST-Jeweled fraternity pin, Alpha (Chi Sigma, andl guard. Please phone 3479. 63, 64 , 65 LOST--Parker pen and pencil, with name, Howard G. Brown engraved on them. Finder call 4978 or bring to 1819 Hill. Reward. 64, 65, 66 Si! daJ"J _.I" J _./"J../ '.../. ""_..l ' .. I?' P° I"'_./ '_.+I ""0",JJJ' _d.".J 1_.d °M, s? Subscribe For 'H NUCHIGAN BRAND ) NEW (hork blue, suit. From Burberry's, London. Size 38. Mlust sell cheap. Call Wenger 5517. N 63, 64, 65 WANTED iI lI WVANT~I)I--+Four 1men11who wouldh like to ear n sonic extra money. See Jack St rong t o(ltly, lIiversaty Shops, Michigan rl1eifit e BIlg. ~cc~ 11 evry ie arms e 1 rced4.0-$00 S Idrceay 3.0- 45 A mo~SidetrlyiCash /gjen ¢ 0 8 {ji / : a af IL NOW SHOWING! INCREIBLY HILARIOUS UNBELIEVABLY PATHETIC You'll smile the moment whimsical Harry comes on the laugh when you see him with a baby-and when you see him just scream. But when you see him with a broken heart, you've never cried before. screen-you'll in love, you'll you'll cry as it REE'A walk-iriss a rtisry-il ll to) see himii. gets to a si ;Pith ,atele drop.,, 111oI c'md simile-Iris iiiiy aippealinig eyes-his Mionms travel miles R But thle nearest ie creepi sweetheart is escoe-unItil Cupid lolves into) his h((1) / >11 Ak o\\ ' S \ \\ / t/j ~ . ~/4l rf 1(13 turbo --but Harry's a riot ! Only, the screen's Master of Emotion could bring to the slver-sheet a story so hilariously funny and yet o pathetically appealing. [ears and smiles follow smiles -and tears! It's Funny-very, very funny- anid it's Art!l ATA4 -rTr. A*Ty f,-'tx%4T-' TNN AN dA" AN IMIT fill I I I II ;AA IT I VTie . bF I LI I ')I -I) Y I Vi M- lv-IM_ iNE WS Ii