PA G r F, -I TIHE MICHIGAN DTALY SVN")AY. DECTMBER I, 192~ Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.: The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credi~ted to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Inn Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- m 'ster General. Suscription by carrier, $4,oo; by mail, *4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor. Press Building, May- aard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN .d Fllis :B. Merry i c kly. ,Charles E. Behymer Staf I .Philip C. Brooks (ourtand C. Smith , i .'.. . ... Marian L.. Welles 1-1 erl'ert E. Veddle eae ubos a~ Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. e sV E, tarRoss W. Ross t ity Editor. . Richard C. Kurvink N ight Editors I_ FinehiG . Thomas McKean J. 'rwart li ooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters esther Anderson Jack L. Lait, Jr. Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy btratton Luck Charles S. Monroe Jean Campbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Harold L. Passman William B. Davis Morris W. Quinn Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg Margaret Gross David Scheyer Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner Marjorie Follmer Robert G. Silbar James B. Freeman howard F. Simon Robert J. Gessner George F. Simons Elaine E. Gruber Rowena Stillman Alice Hagelshaw Sylvia Stone Joseph E. Howell George Tilley Charles R. Kaufian Edward L. Warner, Jr. Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF{ Telephone 21214{ BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising ..........Richard A. Meyer Advertising...............Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising...... ....Edwa~rd L. Hulse Advertising ............John W. Ruswinckel Accounts.................Raymond Wachter Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication.................Harvey Talcott Assistants Fred Babcock Hal A. Jaehn George Bradley James Jordan Mvarie Brumler Marion Kerr ames 0. Br-qwtx Dorothy Lyons awes B. Coope Thales N. Leningtoa Charles K. Correll Catherine McKinven Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy Helen Dancer Francis Patrick Marr Dively George M. Perrett Bessie UI. E gel"n Alex K. Scherer Ona Felker Frank Schuler Ben Fishman- Bernice Schook ,Katherine Frochne Mary Slate Douglass Fuller George Spater Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson Helen Gross Ruth Thompson Herbert Goldberg herbert E. Varnum E. J. Hamme sLawrence Walkley Carl W. Hammer llannah Waller Rtay Hotelich SUNDAY, I)ECEMBER 4, 1927 Night Edit'or-MILTON KIRSHBAUM --- sent most of the potential applicants of the last two classes." It is in these two statements that the good and bad points of the ques- tion are contained. It is a blessing in disguise that the campus should be overrun with a great many "repre- sentatives seeking recruits," because, as it is pointed out in the next para- graph, a great majority of the grad- uating students are still undecided as to careers for which they are best fitted. Contacts with such representa- tives afford students an exceptional opportunity to give serious considera- tion to the future and what would be expected of them if they were to fill certain positions. Even though it be true that such procedure tends mo- mentarily to disrupt their academic work, is it not worthwhile that the graduates, after four years of expen- sive training, should pause and con- sider the line of work they should fol- low for the rest of a lifetime? In maintaining that concerns send- ing such representatives have some- thing definite to offer the graduating students in regard to advancements in the future, the bureau tends toward only a partial solution; there is just a slight tendency in that policy to say that a college man should be on the lookout for "a $10,000 job or none at all." It should be regulated so that it is not so much the salary and possi- bility of quick advancement as it is that efforts should be made to see that each graduating student selects the line of work to which he can best adapt himself. This done, the other gains are bound to follow. SUCCESS The student body as a whole, and Galens medical society in particular, are to be congratulated on the suc- cess of the recent campus tag days for the purpose of giving a Christmas party and Christmas gifts to the chil- dren confined in the University hos- pital. As a result of the support of the students to the campaign of Galens, nearly $1,000 has been raised, and the children confined in the hos- pital will be given such a party as they have never had before. In addition to the immediate bene- fits from the Christmas party, the success of the drive has made it pos- sible for the s=ial service department to purchase man items of permanent equipment for the entertainment and occupation of the childre. How much this equipment will mean +o children confined, as many of them are, for months and years in the hospital can only be imagined by an outsider. NEW SELECTIVITY In the past seven years the position of the Medical school of the University like other professional schools, was made extremely difficult because of the rapidly growing demands for a professional education and the limited facilities of the school. Each year the number of applicants refused has increased until in the current year the school accepted only one-fourth of the applicants for admission for a degree. But in this elimination of many ap- plications it has been felt that the selectivity was not satisfactory for in regarding scholarship alone, the school was missing many other points of detection which could be well em- ployed in the selections of prospective doctors. The Board of Regents at its recent meeting accepted the plan which has been devised by Dean Cabot of the Medical school. The applicants for admission will not only be required to have high scholarship records, but - SP1 D T f Rl I. Feeling that House of DInid style are most unethical now, 'ie stopped - into our faorite barber's esterda, 1 to have the hi-weekly harvest reaped. I Our especial barber was in a bluec funk-in fact, he so far forgot him-c self as to cut up the left ear instead of the right, as usual, and to use an extra dose of Pleur dLe Lis.t * * * After the deep suspense which al- ways accompanies the process of hav-t ing one's bangs clipped, we screwedc up enough courage to ask him what1 was the cause of the muttered cuss words and occasional appeals for di-, vine aid and succor. What he told us was a sad story, and we pass it on,< not to bring your tears, but so that you may know how to avoid possible, trouble and consequent murder with the tonsorial artist, one of these days.; * * * Yesterday morning, the shop was filled with busy people in search of haircuts, massages, and the rest of the things that barbers vend. Happiness and dreams of a substantial showing in "blue ink" filled the Head Barber's mind. While he was rhapsodizing on whetjler to buy a new Ford or ani automobile, the door opened and in tripped (tripped is used in the sense that Shelley, Byron, and the rest use it, and not in the sense that Leoni Erroll uses it) six sweet coeds, evi- dently bent on patronizing the bar. ber's art. * * * The H. B. changed his mind about a car and had chosen a Packard by the time that the first chair was empty. "Next" cried the barber and one of the sweet young things arose, took off her coat, and demurely mounted into the chair. "Gimme a trim on muhl neck," she coyly stated. Seeking to make a fine impression of his work amongst the rest of her companions, the H. B. labored hard and long to bring the trim to a high state of perfection. Finally he finish- ed, and turned expectantly to the rest of the group-pride swelling in his heart and hopes for a bigger job ris- ing as they carefully surveyed his latest masterpiece. It WAS perfect! S* * "T fihank you," ,said the sweet young thing I Ie had just llmbed down from Ithe chair, and handed hima I" E I! Probably, she mientally recorded1 that he was ungrateful for not thanking her for the tip!! Rising as one, the other five took their places behind her as she threw him one last scorching glance from the door, and in perfect line, they all walked out the door into the bright sunshine. * * * The air around the shop was still blue at a late hour last night, and it wasn't cigar smoke either! * * * With the brilliant wits of the cam- pus publications writing the book and pushing the publicity it looks like a big season for the boys. Judging by the mistakes and the tribulations which are heaped upon the heads of the publications this should be a big number filled with laughs. And here's hoping that the esteemed column on our right doesn't review the show be- fore it opens as they have been known to do with other shows.-(Adv.) * * *x ANOTHER OPERA TO ENI)RE The playful little things of the THEATER T A T C i 1 LVI V a 1%.I TOiIORRO W Nl(dIT: The 3.imlles present their twenty-second annual opera, "The Samiie to You," at 8:15, o'clock in the Whitney theater. * * * Tonight "The Same to You" will thump painfully through a final dress rehearsal. Only those who have at one time or another participated in this ritual can appreciate the routine of dancing and singing for hour after hour, the chorus sweating off one make-up after another, the principals with aching muscles and hoarse voices, an endless shifting of lights and scenery...... But this travail and distress is the only assurance that the first-nighters have that "The Same to You" will a light hearted and lighter toed musical comedy, all frisk and froth and costumed' and mounted in sumptious and elaborate entirety. The music confected in the odd disson- ances and stumbling rhythms of the nation's favorite troubadour-George Gershwin; the well drilled ensemble effects of Sammy Lee, John Tiller and Seymour Felix; and a cast with poise I and intelligent comedy that carries the plot thorugh an amazing tangle1I of melodrama-this is the sum total of the ingredients that make up the show, but this is dependant entirely on what may be developed from thisI material. And as I have before pre- dicted with such constant optimism- I think there will be a show ready by tiomorrow ight. . :r '3 ,'} l 1this 2. A Book Chri"Sti . 41 i Let us help you select that Christmas Gift SBoth Ends of rla ham"theyiadnl 9 .. + rj.rM 'i: iie i"1f i1'fr"z' r fi Y Fountain Pens, Desk bac ALt RI d m Service Sets and Typewriter ked by Specialized ersPei 315 State St. Service s are doubly welcome when Service. n Shop .i I 0 * * DETROIT SYMPHONY When the Detroit Symphony orches- tra comes to Ann Arbor Dec. 12, it will he bearing garlands of laudatory critical adjectives. Under the bril- liant leadership of Ossip Gabrilo- witsch this organization has become so effective that critics vie with each other in pointing out its excellencies. All the virtues, it is said, that make for the glorification of a symphony orchestra are contained, in Gabrilo- witsch; he is poetic and dramatic; he has an extremely nice sense of proportions; his musical nature is incorrigibly noble. To have his com- ing to Ann Arbor announced with such a fanfare of critical trumpets makes us await the event all agog with anticipation. The program will probably be made up of the music of Berlioz (that rare- ly heard thunderer), Beethoven, Brahms, and Richard Strauss, also Gabrilowitsch may play a piano con- certo. Of Richard Strauss's there will probably be Don Juan, a tone poem rarely heard in the Mississippi valley, although Olin Pownes talks of it as he would of a pair of old shoes. * * * THE ELSHUTCO TRIO Under the auspices of the Matinee Musicale, the Elshuco Trio will pre- sent a concert of chamber music in Mimes theater at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening. The trio was founded in 1917 by Willem Willeke, and with his associates, WilliamA Kroll and Auerlio Giorni, these masterly musicians have been creating a tradition of fine cham- ber music throughout the United States,-a tradition established by the famous Kneisel quartet, and now be- ing carried on by the trio. Artist in- dividually, the ensemble is a fine in- strument for creating this type of music. Their special talent lies in interpreting the music of Brahms. William Kroll is the violinist, Willeke violincellist, and Aurelio Giorni is the pianist. Osteopathic PIhysicians Dial 5669 Drs. Bert and Beth Ha berer 338 Maynard street Specializin ig m Feet THE RAE SUNDAY-MONDAY "A Desperate Game" TUESDAY-V-WEDiNESDAY Norma Shearer li "AFTER MIDNIGHT" This "Ad" with -10c - RAE 4i /// r{ / , ;N : . -( ; ^ ' ; ' ...... ...... ............ ~ DAC WITHEN you feel that' the grinding routine of acaderuC life is getting you down, and when you are blue and in need of some' form of recreation, l)ANCE AT GRANGER'S. You will find that attendance at one of our mid-week or week-end parties will be a sure cure for the blues. Bill Watkins and his Wolverines furnish the music and you will enjoy dancing to the rhythmical melodies he furnishes. Dancing every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Granger's Academy- -- --.--... --..-........-..i....-.... -------.-- A' SUMMER SCHOOL CARS By action 'of the Regents at their meeting Fridtay night, the ruling pro- hibiting thQ student operation of auto- mobiles "from and after the beginning of the first-semester of the University year 1927-28" has been specifically ap- plied to the Summer Sessions. Shorn of, all false imputations, the decision seems to mean simply that the University governing board de- sires to observe the operation of the ban for onbe entire year. Its members feel very Ilkely that if the results of the experiment are to be worthwhile it should be continued for at least a complete cycle. Unappreciative of the real attitude of the Regents, some observers may regard this decision as indicative of the future action of the Board. Spe- cifically, it has been understood that the present prohibition and its en- forcement is experimental; and that in the relatively near future some change may be expected. Under such circum- stances alone, the recent ruling might be construed to show a trend of feeling adverse to modification of the ban. In reality, however, the Regents are merely interpreting their resolution of of last June, and it is conducive to effi- cient administration and good under- standing that they should act with such great foresight. AFTER FOUR YEARS After thorough study of the situa- tion, the Yale Bureau of Appoint- ments as well as the department of personnel tirdy at that University have wisely concluded that business representatiyes wishing to employ graduates must first' show suitable opportunities for advancement before interviews will be allowed. "The number of companies sending representatives to New Haven is in- creasing, and while this method of campus reciruiting appears generally to be an improvement over previous procedure, liew and special problems n cI ariselie efoin. " writis Alhrt A Novel Christmas Gift for Her Adding diamonds to her wedding ring will delight her. She will take great pride in its increased beauty -and Joy in your thought- fulness. Prices are modeate. A A lMN EWtERS AO SILVE1IS~t's AFeop , :) r .) t 3 r i i . - -11 -- I -- - --4- - I -- I- - each applicant must aso appear oe- Iin o ffrts to reniindiur"irnwn Un. n' effrt to'..' rep d " fore a special committee which will judge his fitness in matters which have much to do with success in the pro- fession. The things which will be considered by this committee will be personality, general history, honesty, intelligence, and practical suitability for entrance into the profession. The intelligent selectivity which will result from this combination of scholarship and personality is a step toward the ideal in American educa- tion. It will not only raise the stand- ard of the profession but it will also serve to raise the standards of the Medical school of the University. I Working with a select group, chosen in part for the industry and ability that they have before displayed, and also for the marks which they haveI received, the department will be able to progress rapidly and achieve aI higher goal than is possible with niediocre material. The Regents and Dean Cabot de- serve great commendation for obser- vation of the defect, discovery of a remedy, and the prompt application of a new system. The most gracious and kind profes- sor would seem to be the one who -Anrnrr ttr n ir'n #nan riir e a c i Awpery" will begin with their annlual attempts to shake the various parts of the Whitney theater apart, tomor. 1 i i 1 1 i row evening. Each year, the old relic * * * of the days when Shakespeare was WATER COLOR EXHIBIT produced in the original is subjected The American Federation of Art to this most severe of strains while circulating water color exhibit will the boys prance around and try to open this afternoon and every after- fall through the floor. noon until Dec. 16 in the gallery of ** Altnni Memorial hall. It is difficult, Junior girls ile said to be very in- wel-nig iposib to commeid for dignant about the efforts of the men sPeciai attention any one picture in to knock down the historic structure Ithis show, since by so doing we must at the corner of Main and Ann. "Our slight a dozen others, just as worthy. efforts have always had Michigan's Culled from a much larger exhibit interest at heart much more than have in New York, it should and does, rep- the males," said Prof. Jawn Brown, resent the best that is being done in leading lady and nraster mind of the the medium of water colors. Seventy- Play for past years. ,ix pictures comprise the exhibit; the work of some sixty-five artists; show- Following is the official list of those ing all the varying techniques of who will review the Opera for this which water colors admit. Only the Sheet Of Studut Opinion, during the Impressionists, who, following the j next week: lead of Matisse, have done really beau- Monday night-President .of Pub- tiful things in water color, are absent. licity committee. There is no medium of art allowing Tuesday night--Vice-president .of more versatile expression than water Publicity committee. color. In this show, one finds careful WC(Inesday night--First sophomore detail carried out to its ultimate in on Publicity committee. Rutherford Boyd's "Sandy Beach" and Thursday night-Second sophomore in the colorful, poster-like work of I on Pnhiifv nmmitte Muriel Mattocks, besides nietures. i irx. ; i ! " . I I ', ' ' f AMERICAN RUG CLEANING WORKS Rugs and Ca -t Clnd-id-Rpde --- ----- -------- ------ ..... ........ .. . ........ ............ 1032 Green St. Phone 8115 4: °' :. . .. i { 1 I. I ' ; , , I i Last Day to Pay For Your Daily Subscription Tomorrow Your paper will be stopped Tuesday unless your subscription is paid. ;x I