THE MTCTiTCAN DATT-Y SUNDAY, ? 1J C'J IJJJJ 'C' -J. 1927 TIlE N4R1 ITCIAN flAil Y 63 MILES AN HOUR LONDOCN (lerm my ,nd Great B~rit- OREGON-Under a ncw regulation its store delivery of freight. amn rdav exclmnge(I notes mutu- the University of Oregon lib~rary will ay hiliovisas on passports c, stay open evenings. Soap and toilet preparations m ado ibi a oa~entering (%,,h other' s 000- in this country andl sent ab~road eacih .n;>> he aolflii is to be effec-I One railway in Elnglandl is operat- month have an average value of near- ii re az). 1. ing 1,40 rcsi connection with ly $1,400,000. State st reelt,('ieag.,«will sa n on:h the world's bihet~biew .70 specially designied 5 n~r i ry 2,000uwttor 80 cnlo r 1alzda Imiijs. hi h " CEO.ADE'S STAGE SENSATION! Cleverest of All College Comedies! CPO, N Prexy's pretty daughter recruits football team by flirtation-then-~ A torpedo speedboat with a whirlwind airplane motor, piloted by Mrs. )William 1.. Leeds, the, former Princess Xenia of Greece, clippedl off 63.117 miles an hour on Long Island Sound in a test. Called the Fan Tail, the c:raft was designed by johannes Plum, former naval attache of the Danish legation Y'1PSILANTI NORMAL CHOIR Christmas Concert, Thursday, Dec. 8. 5 P. N. SHARP 200 Mixed Voivec, Singing alla Cappela--1 60 Children Frederick Alexander, Conductor .Noels from Czeechi- Slovakia; Province and Germiany (17th Cenitury) ; Old 'nglandl; Modern Russia, Madrigals and Part Songrs. A K uhnan "Bible. Sonata" (1 696~) for the Clarichord. TJicket s, 50) cents by mail from. Frederick Aieander, Director Normial Conservatory, Ypsilanti Patronis standing hi line for tickets on concert night likely to miss "Prelude," doors thenl being closed. ,WARNE A BAOS. - pre4eflt" .. .... To. Humor Your Appetite is Our Business High Quality Food-Properly Prepared You can bring your friends here to dine and know that you are treating them to the best. Come in Once-And You'll Come Back Again 4 High-Class Restaurant With Table and Counter Service V ..4. C sW1Jo ,,/ ' t ( "/5tt , 3 Witt icollier, Ann Arbor Restaurant 21633 A S ,TWO WEEKS Beg. Sunday, Dec. 4 T H EA TER Saturday Matinees Only A Lafayette at Wayne-Cadillac 1140 One College Widow-Forty College Widowers! PREVIOUS TO ITS 'SEW YORK OPENiING4 "Beware! Talke care! ,She's fooling thee!I" They swept the college t: victory-all for her sake-- then they found out her secret ! Oh,.boy ! RUSSELL JANNEY TheI Producer o:) "TI'h e Vaabond King" PRESENTS A -New Muasical R~)aIee of Arlsto -a"ic Englanid and the Old WIest Based on Edin 11 tiltoiia Boyle's 'Fa a ts Play "THE SQUAW MTAN" Iusic by R DIF FIIIL Conposer of "The Vagabond King'" and "]Rose Marie" Books and Lyrics by Brian Hooker and W. H. Post Scenes and Costumles by James Reyniolds .MIisic and Orchestra under Direction of Anton Hleindl D~ances Created by Busby Berkiey Staged by Rlichiard Boleslavsky COMPANY OF 175 with ALLAN PRIOR PRIC S : ights, $1.00 to $3.50. 31 atiiiees, $1.04) lo $2.50, 1)1115 tax ON THE STAGE- JU L ES HOWAR'D WILL TAKE YOU FROM THE "BATTERY TO THE BRONX" Accompanied By Jack Kellar-Ginevra Robert-Billy Blask-Madge North-Joseph Caruso #' ALSO-RAM IHAMILTON In "NEW WIRINKLES" PARAMOUNT NE WSJ, NEW AESOP FABLE JMAJESTIC ORCIIErSTRA unde(lr the dirpecti of KARL WIEPlEI{IIOLD So-JACK MUL HALL in "MAN CRAZY and "S.ix American Belfords -W 1 1 113i 1111111 lhllI Il~lil1hll I lihilIlli 1111 111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111111111111 1111Iiit 1111 ± a~~ -4XLdI ~ ~ ~l/K eCordially Invite otTo Inspect OurStock of Fashion Jewelry. 4 1 x. I VANITY CASES GOLD BEADS NECKLACES PENDANTS BROOCHES REAL STONE RINGS BRACELETS PEN AND PENCIL SETS .:: . :v r : ; ,. .' .,; a. .s: , ..: . L .. v . .. DIAMONDS WATCHES CLOCKS CIGARETTE CASES FORMAL SETS GLASSWARE SILVERWARE MICHIGAN JEWELRY V I