ESTABLISHED 1890 V IAa ait0, MEMBERI ASSOCIATED PRESS i VOL. XXXVIII, No. 65. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1927 EIGHT PAGES 'TIIF SAME TOUI'LITTLE SIOF "The action CKT ToMK[I night in applyi2 i in lY PREPARATIONS TODAY Summer sessiol tion of policy," Clarence Cook terday that the I desired to knov COMMENTS ON EXTENSION AUTO BAN TO SUMMER SESSION of the Regents Friday extreme of the student who is making ng the auto ban for the up courses which he has failed in the n was merely a defini- winter. The University would be as according to President well off without this type of student, Little, who stated yes- President Little believes. University authorities Questioned concerning the relaxa- v the status of the ban tion of the ban during Christmas vaca- season in order to ar- tion, the President stated that the fact; oyment of enforcement that the ban had been lifted for the dministrative officials. vacation does not mean in the least whether the type of that the ban is likely to be relaxed Summer session was over week-ends. It is possible, how- make the ban unneces- ever, that during the next summer Little expressed the some arrangement will be made hile the summer school whereby at least local students will any teachers and older be allowed permission to drive cars so .includes the other to nearby lakes for the purpose of going swimming, President Little said. - - '-~~ - - - liii inni riIlI iI xeiei viiuxijoe REPUBLICAN LEADERSI CONTINENTALPOWERS INDPENENT STLLMAY MEET PRHIVATELY DIFFER ONQUESTIONSTO STLOFIT FIVE OF WESTERN REPUBLICAN FRANCE, ITALY, RUSSIA ANII INDEPENDENTS MAINTAIN GREAT BRITAIN SEEK OPPOSING VITIWS AGREEMENT CIRTIS ASSIRES REPORT BRIAND MAKES OVERTURES, GEORGIA LOSES TO TECH RIVALS IN UPSET GAME By Alan J. Gould Associated Press Sports Editor ATLANTA, Dec. 3.-Instead of the rambling wrecks that they sing about, Georgia Tech's football team today turned out to be a wrecking crew, and with a few spectacular thrusts it demolished the championship hopes of the hitherto unbeaten University REHEARSAL S E S S1O N S AN IDfor the summer FINISEING CHECKUP range for empl TO BE MADE officers and a .- When asked OPERA OPENS TOMORROW student in the not such as to: sary President Show Is Most Expensive Production opinion that w In History Of Michigan's doesinclude m Stage Performances include i persona, it alp I1 w%.;I% 1 IA-7 IIL4-7A.JJALA4.LI LLL4& VaIL L i L Exchange Of Letters Leaves Move In hands Of Republican Leader; Reply Expected Soon (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 3--Republican Entering into the last lap of its nn a an Arir C 1 t r J '"" UKenneth Withrow, injured Univer- preparation, "The Same To You," the Crsity enforcement officer, will return 22nd annual Union Opera, will go into I i'IMRiI U IIL AI to the force as soon as he has recover-I solid sessions of rehearsal all*day to- ed from his injury in all probability, day at the Whitney theater. With the IWrtiir MiiiR[ President Little said, thus carryingI out the policy projected for some time arrival and clhecking up of the final fhvgtw mtrycefies. of having two motorcycle officers. batch of costumes, and the alterna-_ CThe Tailor f7 Ma" or ivn lions in III C5scner'y completedI in !iil( Iadl~l .11ade Man"To lBe Giil - order that it. better dress the stage, I By EdiwinI M. Whitney At hill everything is in readiness for the Aditoriim, le , 1i. opening curtain tomorrow i]ight. The combined efforts of F. Mortinmer i01 HER PROGRAM POPULAR Shuter, general director of Mimes pro- -TU[ ductions, Paul Buckley, business man- Edvwi i M. Whitney, dramatic recital- ager of the Union and the Opera, ist who appeared here on the Orator- Lester of Chicago, oficial costumer,j ical lecture course last year will be I)isplay Comprises Many Water ColorI and numerous conmitt ees have been the fifth person on the series this Paintings Selected Fromn Uev]en bent for the last week or so in particu- year, appearing Tuesday evening, Showings II New York lar' in putting over "The Same To Iec. 13 iin Hill auditorium. "The --- You" as the last and most extravagant Tailor Made 1Man" will be played by CRITICS PRATSE ABILITY! of a long line of Union Operas. lx- Ar. Wlhitney at that time. _ penses incurred in the production, According to Oratorical officials the "One of the finest exhibits ever music, and orchestra, costmlines, set- requests at the conclusion of his ier- O . ,, tings, and publicity have again broken Irmance here last year were so num- shown in Ann Arbor,'' was the man- ____ -erous that arrangements were made ner in which Prof. Bruce Donaldson, V I this year to bring Mr. Whitney to Ann head of the Fine Arts department, Tickets for the Saturday night AI Arbor again. His performances are c"Iharacterized the American Federa- performance of "The Same To characterized as being artisicall tin- tion of Art circulating water color ex- You" will be on sale this week equalled by any ot her one person. at the box office in the Whitney Of Mr. Whitney, a New York critic hibition, which opens in Ann Arbor theater. A few seats are still says, "There is no one like Mr. Whit- Memorial hall gallery, this afternoon. available for the week-night ey in the entire Lyceum or entertain- The display comprises 76 water performances. meat field. le is distinctive and in- colors, selected froni the combined dividual. A typical, clean-cut, whole- shows of the American Water Color some American gentleman, trained in society and the New York Water Color all previous records, and bid fair tohis art to the finest degree of perfec- club, held recently in New York City. more firmly establish the Opera the tion, he brings to his audiences some- The selections were made by a jury of University as afitting representation thing far beyond that which they come the American Federation of Art and Univn activity. Presentatit to hear. His atmosphere of whole- form a very representative collection, Clarence Cook Little, in a statement soneness attracts and arrests atten- being the work of some 65 artists, both issued yesterday, saids tio, his personalty demonstrates his men and women, from the ~nitedl kd s.genuineness, his ability seizes your States, Mexico, Australia and England. Little Lands Operan. imnagination and visualizes the charac- The federation is sending this show to "The Michigan Union Opera is an- ters as they weave the pattern of the the smaller towns and cities, giving nually the ambassador of the Univer- I many people the opportunity to see sity to the thousands of alum i and Mr. Whitney's performance will be the latest types of water color art friends of -the institutioe n Itty- fie s th und egra tutel . d bid the last of the present year. Governor without having to visit the metro- fies the undergraduate le, a y old sAlbert E. Ritchie, of Maryland, one of politan centers. songs and pictures Ieads the alumnus the outsanding political figures in the The pictures are a diversified group, memory back to the genial times of iUnited States today, who is consid- showing a wide range of techniques its own college years. The Univer- erecd to be a possible candidate for and various forms of water colors, as sity sends the Opera out with cordial the presidency, will be the seventh heavy opaques and lighter transparent good wishes and with justiiable pride speaker on the series, appearing Feb. colors, with some mixtures of the two, in Operas of the past years." .115 in Hill auditorium and following done on all types of papers. Prac- "The Same To You" is if Michiganythan Gay VIcClaren, who like Mr. Whitney tically all of the pictures are excel- more typical of.lifeat hganh ])resents a complete play, and will ap- lent examples, representing as they do ever before, despite the fact tat its pear here Feb. 6. the pick of a much larger exhibit. f party leaders of the Senate and five of the Western Republican Independ- ents found themselves still apart to- night on questions involved in the organization of the Senate at the op-j l ening session of the 70th Congress Monday. Although Senator Curtis, of Kansas, the umajority leader, gave his personal ass1rance that every effort would be n ue to have early votes on certain measures enumerated by the Inde- i eni(dlents he was asked to obtain such assuran 10from the senators of thy. r I'blican majority. 'PI' h views o the two contedingd oieups were set forth in an exchange i of Ptters today which left the next move in the hands of the Republican leader. who is expected to make his repily before the Senate attempts to organize. No Threat Involved While there was no threat in thel letter of the Independents asking for speeding action on the measure for farm relief, limiting jurisdiction of the federal courts in issuing in.junc- tions and an inquiry into the Ameri- can policy in Latin-America, their on- Ily alternative to a refusal by the Republicans to meet their demands would be an effort to upset the pro- gram for organization of the Senate. tiesides givin assurances of his personal efforts to obtain votes on these three measures, Senator Cur-i tis wrote the Independents that lie t could not see why they should fear that any of the proposals would be "pigeon-holed in committee" since, if the Republicans organize the Senate, the committees which would handle them would be directed by Independ- ents, McNary of Oregon, Borah of Id- ah, and Norris of Nebraska. Independents Send Reply In reply, the five Independents -, Frazier and Nye, of North Dakota, LaFollette and Baline of Wisconsin, Republican, and Shipstead, Farm La-, bor, Minnesota-said they had confi- deuce in the committee chairman, but that the chairman could not report - any measure or resolution unless au- thorized to do so by a ma orIty of the committee. "In order that we may be assured - that the committee to which these measures will be referred will re'port upon them to the Senate," their let- ; ter said, "we request that you obtain assurance from the Republican mem- bers of the foreign relations, the ju- diciary and agricultural committees, that they will assist in reporting to the Senate in the three measures ; mentioned." of Georgia eleven to the decisive tune Chamberlin Hints Reestablishment Of of 12-0, while a record breaking Russian Relations; Danzig Is southern crowd of 38,000 watched one Center Of Irritation Ce ____ rof the biggest upsets of the year. (By Associated Press) In a slashing, bitterly fought battle, GENEVA, Dec. 3-Possible private through the muddy morasses of Grant meetings between representatives of field, Tech's wreckers knocked the France and Italy and Russia and advance "dope" into a "cocked hat," Great Britain to discuss differences put an abrupt end to Georgia's march between the respective countries, was of triumph and simultaneously lifted one of the burning topics of discus- themselves to the top of the Southern in tonight after adjounent of the Conference heap. mTo the astonishment of half the big preparatory disarmament conference. crowd and hysterical delight of the Speculation as to whether Premier other half-depending upon partisan Mussolini would follow up an opening feeling--Tech uncorked an attack that given by Foreign Minister Briand to caught Georgia by complete surprise, talk over personally means of eradi- pushed over two touchdowns in sen- eating friction between the two coun ° sational fashion and erected a defen- tries came to the fore with the ad- sive barrier that matched all counter journment. Delegates also kept their efforts of the mighty Bulldogs to turn eyes open to learn if Maxim Litzon- the tide.1 off, head of the Russion delegation, ------- -- oulid take advatage of the oppor- tunity to talk v ith i1ot]. Briand over nt to t l wiw h 11 . B i d ovrdifferences w ith France and also with Sir Austen Chamberlin, British foreign secretary, with a view to re- I establishing diplomatic relations. ILL Definite Problems Seen There were other more definite As chrod And Wachs Will Present problemis to worry statesmen. The Notes Of National leetig free city of Danzig, whose Merman Which They Attended pop~ulation always has ins~pir'ed For-_____ eign Minister Streseman to rally to I P their support, seemed aetermined to IFEAR RUSHING REPORTS get Poland out of Danzig. Poland,! therefore, is arrayed against two hos- Suggestions for the regulation of tile states in measures coming before fraternity rushing during Freshman the League of Nations council next week will be presented to the inter- week-Danzig aid Lithuania. Lithu- fraternity council at its regular meet- ania has protested that Poland as ing to be held at 4:30 'clock tomo- been trying to overpower the Wald(- row afternoon in room 304 of the naras government of Lithuania. Union. Poland was given the ightnby the A committee, appointed at the last council to utilize the port of the free meeting, consisting of Ellis Merry, city of Danzig as a warship base and '28, William C. Pusch, '28, Wayne also to use a small peninsula at the Schroeder, '28 and J. B. Wood, is pre- edge of the city for landing war mu- paring rules to control rushing during nitions. Therefore, say Poish spokeu this week so that it will not conflict men, it is unnecessary for Premier with the activities the University has Pilsudski of Poland, as has been re- planned for the freshmen. Previously ported from Berlin, to promulgate a it has been suggested that rushing be scrtd ajadeferred altogether during this week, secret order to regard Danzig as a bu h o ni et h tti ol e military base for Poland, since Po- I but the council f a needlessly drastic action and one too land has no intention of exceeding drcacin an one rights already granted.! difficult of enforcement. Any rules Desire Port Clhanged[limiting the hours during which fresh- this the Danzigites retort that men may be entertained, so that the To ths hen adessetiat University may have no grievances, their city has been made essentially can be enforced by the judiciary com- a military center and that Poland ca eefre ytejdcaycm shouldtaynsfer allndfitshalitParydmittee of the council, as this body has should transfer all of its military Ithe power of placing fraternities on and naval activities to the Polish porttpowerion.i compleion aprobation. of Gdynia, now nearing completion a Wayne Schroeder, president of the short distance down the coast. council, and Edward Wachs, '28, sec- eEnrique Vill eChileanrmemberretary, will present a report of the of the council, is special reporter of sessions of the National Interflatern- hgproblems which ity conference, held in New York Nov. have been pending for years and hop- 25 and 26, which they attended as rep- es to make recommendations which resentatives of Michigan's council. will be satisfactory to the free city, The question of delayed rushing wa Poland, and Germany. rife at the national conference, with Russian problems and proposals the support led by Col. Alexander A. have a paramount place in the dis- Sharp, who denounced "cut-throat" cussion that followed the adjourn- 1 rushing methods. The undergraduate 1 ment. Litvinoff encountered an over- section of the conference, l1owever whelming defeat today when he made .voted against long-delayed rushing by a demand that the next session of the 27 to 7. preparatory disarmament commission The problem of whether or not to be convoked Jan. 10, before the se- delay rushing has been a mooted point curity committee meets again, so that i at Michigan for many years, but it is preliminaries for the forthcoming In- hoped that this year's council will ar- ternational Disarmament conference rive at some ultimate conclusion in could be pursued uninterruptedly. the discussion. However, he accepted philosophically A few other questions deferred from the commission's verdict that it was the previous meeting will be con- impossible to hold another session of sidered tomorrow. the preparatory commission before , March 15, the late eventually select- DETROIT ALUMNI "BUST" od. ed ----WILL BE HELD SATURDAY TRY NEW SYSTEM - ! n r r r rr- evr rA . v1 Members of the 1927 varsity footbal BAKER WNILL DELIVER ADDRESS IN CLOSING CONVOCATION SERIES FORMER MAYOR OF CLEVELAND WILL TALK ON "COMPLETE EDUCATION" IS PROAJNENT POLITICIAN Was Secretary Of War In President Wilson's Cabinet; Is One Of Leading Democrats Hon. Newton D. Baker, of Cleveland, Ohio, will deliver an address on "The Complete Education" at the student, E convocation to be held at 11 o'clock this morning in Hill auditorium. This convocation is the closing one of the fall series of convocations. Mr. Baker is a speaker and public figure of note, having spent all of his life in the limelight of public activity. In the city of Cleveland, Ohio, he has been prominent for many year as a lawyer and politician. For 10 years he held the position of city solicitor in that city, and for four years he held the office of mayor. At the present time lie is engaged in the practice of law in that c'ity and holds the position' as a member of the board of directors of several large corporations. Was in Wilson's Cabinet During the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, Mr. Baker, one of the leading Democrats of the country, held the position of Secretary of War in the Cabinet. This office was given to him in 1916 and he held the position until 1921. This period, the one in which the United States was trying to with- hold herself from the war and at the same time preparing in the event of warfare, is one of the most interest- ing in recent American history. And since Mr. Baker was at the head of .all the departments which were prepar- ing, he has brought from that experi- once a wealth of knowledge and train- ing. All of Mr. Baker's experience in politics and public life tend to make him an interesting speaker. Varied experiences, blended with ability to see and. understand situations has tended to give him a broad outlook on life and the problems of the world. The title of his address, "The Com- plete Education," indicates the nature of his thoughts. Special Committee Serves The .plans for the convocations are in the hands of a special committee appointed by President Clarence Cook Little. The chairman of the commit- tee is John Snodgrass, '28E. The i committee is assisted in its counsels by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the President of the University, and - James Inglis, a member of the board of trustees of the Michigan School of - Religion. The soloist for the service will be - Robert Graham, and the accompanist will be Cassius Jolly, borth. of the s School of Music. plot has forsaken the collegiate theme prevalent last year. There are more representatives of the various depart- ments and activities than in the past. It has drawn the members of its cast and choruses, its committees, and its functionaries from dramatics, athletic, Glee club, and publications, and is truly a student product. In this way it has assumed the burden of a broad- er activity, and has come to offer training in many different lines. Book Authors In Cast. The Opera book is the product of Vincent C. Wall Jr., '28, music and dramatic editor of The Daily, and Thomas J. Dougall, '28, a former as- sociate editor of the Mliebiganensian.I The authors have collaborated in writ- ing the lyrics for all the music. The laiter Was written entirely by Williamn iI. Lewis Jr., '29, "leading lady" of last year's Opera, "FroiIt Page Stuf. All tlirec students have prominent roles in the cast of "Tle Saum e To You" in addition to their production work. Much of the labor of picking and t'aining choruses, formeily haml led entirely by la lorthmer Shut- c'r, 1;:ie'ral director, has been taken over by stu ent assistants, taught by their work in other Operas. Tlmw 'ast find choruses, as well as the committees, were obtAled firoii hundreds of tryouts, who have been working at their l)Jo siiice last slprift g. Pro rams have been0rawi l) dif- ferenithy to Shit thei locaiity of thle (hii ferent performalcs, containing lbrief resumes of the history of Mimes and Michigan dramatics and of the Unio. The cover for the program and iusi- cal scores was taken front the poster designed by Theodoie Rogyoy, '28A. Bond Theft Is Theme. "The Same To You" is in two acts and four scenes, and is laid around a bond theft and the ultimate recovery. The locale of the action shifts from a Long Island garden party to a modern night club and underworld rendezvous, the Indigo Isle. The plot and music has been constructed on a different plan than formerly, the old enior Appointments For 'Ensian Pictures To Close Tomorrow Tomorrow is the last day on which it will be possible for seniors to make. their appointments with the photo- graphers for their pictures for the 1928 Michiganensian, according to an announcement by Bryan Hunt, man- aging editor of the publication. Due to the fact that all of the in- dividutl pictures must be completed by Cirisuntms, this is the final exten- sion of time that can 1e allowed. Ac- cording to the editors of the year book, all of those seniors who do not comply with the ruling that their ap- pointmients must 1e made tomorrow viii not he represented in the book by their picture. ' I'e 'Etisian office in the Press ln.ilding will le open from 1 to 5 'cloclk t oi'orrow afternoon for the plurpose of issuing the slips which ii-t 1be presented' to the photogra- plher. These slips cost $3, of which $2 may be applied oil the order, the ith'r dollar e.oing to pay the expense of Aking tile picture for the year ,' o 11 The show will remain open after- noons, from today until Dec. 16. It is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Art Association. In addition to this display the Amer- ican Federation of Art circulated ex- hibits of oil paintings, etchings and print collections. It is a very active body in encouraging and fostering American art and in building up Amer- ican taste and appreciation. ADVERSE AIR CURRENTS END ENDURANCE FLIGHT (By Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO,, Dec. 3.--Rougl air currents today halted the attempt h . e , Y LITTLE WILL PRESIDE AT RACE BETTERMENT MEETING IN JANUARY 3 ) of Capt. Charles Kingsford-Smith, - Australian war ace, and Lieut. George N GiWEMEN TS REACHED Pon(, United States Navy, to set a new ON SMITh, VARE TROUBLE endurance flight record. The fliers were forced to brimg their ^ (By Associated Press) big tri-motored Fokker monoplane to c WASHINGTON, Dec. 3-Conference arth at Mills field here two hours and aiilfer conference dealing with impend- 19 minutes after they took off in an in: contests over fle seating of Sem- effort to stay aloft until Monday-. Ftor-cl(' Framk L. Smith, of Illi- They were not disheartened by ail Iiois, and William S. Vare, of Penn- tire today, however, nd announced sy ivania, were held today at the cap-; another start would be made tomor-~I itol, but if any agreements or deci- row in the hope that they may relmi1I Sbuions came out of them they were in the air longer than 52 Hours and 28 well concealed. minutes, the woi'ld's record set last Rtepuhblican leaders were concerned August by John Ristios and Cornelius chiefly withi an attempt to bring about Edzard, German aviators. a delay of the fight until after theI o Preliminary arrangements 'for the race betterment conference to be held at Battle Creek, Jan. 2 to 6, have - been announced by President Clarence. Cook Little, president of the confer- ence. The meeting will be the third since the World war, and the commit- - tee in charge, headed by President Little, includes two other Mid-West university presidents, Max Mason of the University of Chicago and Glenn Frank of the University of Wisconsin. To assemble the :acts of race de- i generacy and also ) ' UFFALO, Dec. 3--The University ol Michigan swimming team easily de- feated the Syracuse university squo; 40 to 20, in a dual meet tonight in the Buffalo Athletic club natatorium. The Wolverines piled up a command- ing lead in the first three events, and never were headed. Cermak, of the Orange, and Hal- stead, of Michigan, finished in a dead heat in the 200 yard breaststroke event. HILL TO SUCCEED INJURED OFFICER R. M. Hill has been appointed As tUniversity motorcycle policeman to1 aid in the enforcement of the autom)n, bile ban, according to assistant to the dean, Harvey Emery yesterday. Hill succeeds Kenneth Withrow, who was seriously injured when this mot- orcycle collided with an automobile. last Tuesday night. N. Y. WORLD TO PUBLISH DETAILS OF HARDING'S P.E(IMV A NI) 'A E PLIT' organization of the Senate. There wasI 1o indication, however, that either Smith or Vare had consented to stankl aside without a protest until organi- zation could be perfected.j Students May Drive' Cars Over HolidaysI The ban on student automobiles will go out of effect at 6 o'clock Friday night, Dec. 16 and will not go into force again until 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, Jan. 3, according to an an- nouncement made from the office of the President Vesterday. This will re- OF YULE CHR IIT Y j Owing to various difficulties that! have arisen during the past years in the distribution of Chiristmas gifts I aong the families of the poor, a new plan has been formulated by the Fam- I ily Welfare association of Ann Arbor, headed by Mrs. Maude R. Boynton. I Gifts will be made and families will be cared for through the medium of the bureau, instead of directly by groups. or individuals. The plan is not an original one; it has been tried and proved successful in many other ! towns and cities, and it is believed that it will solve the problem here. For a number of years there has been ,dissatisfaction among the students that the family whose name had been given them was not really needy. The I 1 f , I } I 1 i f teams will be feted by the Detroit rong ieam u MuIJe alumni association with the continu- benefit of humanty are the two pur- auce of the annual banquet known as hoses of the conference. Special the Alumni "Bust." The affair will[ gioup sessions will be givent over to be held the night of Saturday, Dec. 10, i reports of recent progress in the field in Detroit. i of bacteriology, medicine,nutrition, All members of the squad, the coach- cugenics, and education. ing staff, several speakers, anod special The conference which will be at- guests, including many personages tenddd by several hundred of the prominent in football circles, will at- 1 country's foremost scientists, on the tend the event. The program and one hand, and educators on the other, list of speakers have not as yet been all interested in the problem of a announced. united front on the question of Wrace betterment, is being organized under ethe auspices of the Race Betterment Freshman, Election foundation, the founder and president of which is Dr. John Harvey Kellogg Arrangements M ade and which sponsored the first and sec- A end conferences held in 1914 and 1915 Definite times and places for the at Battle Creek and at the Panama class elections to be held Tuesday in i Pacific exposition in San Francisco.