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Behymer Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith Women's Editor;..........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedter Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor......... ... Ross W. Ross Asistant City Editor.....RichardC. Kurvink Night Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern . Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaumn Reporters Esther Anderson Jack L. Lait, Jr. Margaret Arthuir Marion McDonald Emmons A. Bonfield Richard H. Milroy btratton Luck Charles S. Monroe Jean Campbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Harold L. Passman William B. Davis Morris W. Quinn Clarence N. Edelson Pierce Rosenberg Margaret Gross David Scheyer Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner Marjorie Follmer Robert G. Silbar James B. Freeman Howard F. Siaon Robert J. Gessper George E. Simons Elaine E. Gruber Rowena Stillman Alice Hagelshaw Sylvia Stone Joseph E. Howe ll George Tilley Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner, Jr. Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer ; Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising..............Richard A. Meyer Advertising ...............Arthur M. HinkleyI Advertising ...............Edward L. Hulse Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel Accounts....... ...Raymond Wachter Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication..................Harvey Talcott Assistants Fred Babcock Hlal A. Jaehn George Bradley James Jordan Marie Brumler Marion Kerr J ames 0..Brown Dorothy Lyons ames B. Cooper Thales N. Leningtou Charles K. (orrell Catherine McKinven Barbara Cromell W. A. Mahaffy Helen Dancer Francis Patrick Mary Dively' George M. Perrett Bessie U. Egeland Alex K. Scherer Ona Felker Frank Schuler. Ben Fishman Bernice Schook Katherine Frochne Mary Slate Douglass Fuller George Spater Beatrice Greenberg Wilbert Stephenson Helen Gross Ruth Thompson Herbert Goldberg Herbert E. Varnum E. J. IKammer Lawrence Walkley Carl W. Hammer Hannah Wailer Ray Hotelich SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1927 Night Editor-Robert E. Finch commissions and reparations commis- sions have played a large part in the reconstruction of the structure of the new republic and the personnel and the members of ' these commissions have been, to a large extent, from this country. According to the recent report by Ambassador Schurman who has re- turned to this country for the holi- days, Germany is fast coming to a realization of the place thatwas held by that country before the war. By the exercise of great industry and a utili- zation of all of the ideas of the for- eign countries who aided in the work of reconstruction, the new Republic has been enabled to reach a semblance of the manufacturing place which it held before the war. The fact that Germany holds this place is of great importance to the rest of the world. Prejudice has long ago been dispelled and that fact that this country is now able to take its place in the commerce of the world should occasion great regard for her powers of recuperation. In addition there is the fact that having one sick nation in the world naturally and effi- ciently hampers the actions and the trade of all of the rest of the coun- tries. That all of the nations occupy the place to which their diligence and their industry entitle them, is the ideal of a civilized world. CANADIAN WORKMENj With the application of the new law prohibiting residents of Canada from entering the United States to work unless they possess visas, the difficul- ties at the various points of entry, in Detroit, Niagara Falls, and Vermont were not nearly as great as were ex- pected. More than 500 persons were detained, to be sure, but they had failed to comply with the law in ad- vance, and the delay was the penalty they paid. On the whole, however, the very ease with which it worked shows that the new law is quite unnecessary,' since the workmen from Canada will obtain their visas and enter as before.. The first day showed that the act will not reduce the number of Canadian workmen in the least, and the first day should also show that the United States will waste considerbale money in the end in enforcing the regulation. If the law fails to accomplish any- thing more than a check, and if it is going to require the services of large forces of officers for enforcement, it seems on the-whole as though it might quite well be eliminated from the I books. TED ROL THEATER DEM1AND PROTECTION MUSIC Demands for the appointment of a new University cop to enforce the automobile regulations was made at a lCHRISTMAS MUSIC mass meeting of the Rolls Executive The choir of the Normal college at board Thursday evening. # Ypsilanti will offer a program of * * * Christmas music Thursday night, Dec. C. Cathcart Smutz, who holds the 8, at Pease auditorium in Ypsilanti. enviable record of being the chairman The selections include Noels from of more minor committees and organ- Czecho-Slovakia, Provence, 12 century wnn n r w11w Iw wnnOn IwlYbwl s l1111111Ilwnllnwe" wwwY nnnwrr nrn _- _ _ w iwYn oinni rw rrrr 11 C'mon Folks! Sign Up Now For "Gift Money" In 1928 izations, including the Student Coun- cil, than any other man on the campus, added a new achievement to his long 'list by securing his selection for chairman of the board for the special meeting. * * * "We demand protection," declared Kernel. "We realize that we have been fully incapable of taking care of ourselves, ever since we received our high school diplomas. The Uni- versity is neglecting its duty if it does not come at once to our assistance. * * * "If action is not taken at once, Dean Emery ought to be ordered to goI out on the street himself. He can't catch anybody by just sitting in his office," said Aristide, who evidentlyl isn't very well acquainted with Dean Bursley. . x "We have always supported the auto ban," declared Black Teak. "We would even go barefooted all winter to avoid iossiblr dis.14 otro fti all tho in if Italy, 17 century Germany and modern Russia. A Bible sonata for the clavi- chord, "The Marriage of Jacob," will be played by Miss Madge Quigley, as well as a group of Madrigals and part songs. A children's choir will sing the Prelude to this program with an accompaniment of organ, oboes, and bassoons, after which Mrs. Gray will sing the old French Noel, "O Nuict, heureuse Nuict." Mr. Frederick Alexander will con- duct the choir which is composed of 200 mixed voices. "TiHE WAY OF ALL FLESH" A review by J. Z. (Editor's Note-Although not cus- tomary, this movie review is included to signalize an outstanding dramatic performance on the screen.) There have been plenty of terrible pictures and stories showing the downfall of man through the wiles of ss a 0 :- _ f ,-,- J, h f . , .,rt4t fl ,,,.- ef. i' i ''... c ti__ i_ J 'Ti h I F I i ptlii~ y sasts lasls olllie we 1 President Little told us we should."'I women and the ravages 1so it is remarkable that of drink, and this one, with "The University is shamefully neglecting its duty," declared D'Art- agnan. "If they don't get a new cop at once, we'll hire one ourselves." * * * Copies of the resolution adopted atI the meeting were sent to the Student Council, Assistant-to-the-Dean Emery, the Interfraternity Council, Adelphi House of Representatives, the Univer- sity Senate, the Detroit Times, and the Board of Regents. No action was expected. A RESOLUTION ASING 1 PROTECTION FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Whereas: Kenneth Withrow, official student protector, having engaged in a perfect flop is no longer capable of exercising the I duties of University motor cop; 1 And whereas: Every student in the University is in dire need of such protection as he af- forded; (( And whereas: It is the duty of the University to provide ade- quate protection for the students enrolled therein; Therefore, Le it Resolved: That an officer be appointed at once the same heart-gripping type of plot, escaped an awful fate. But it takes an Emil Jannings to bring a happy family down in ruins by succumbing to the charms of a Chicago "lady" artistically, and make you like it. His fine portrayal of the character of August Schiller, the home-loving, God- fearing father, lifts a picture with a stale plot into the realms of the super- specials. Jannings is literally the "whole show." Playing three almost entirely different parts, from the young man to the broken old pauper, he under- goes one of the most unusual trans- formations that has ever been seen on the screen. The two other important characters, Belle Bennett, the wife, and Phyllis Haver, the "other woman" are so completely overshadowed by Jannings that one hardly realizes they are in the picture. One is impressed with the scarcity of sub-titles, but these are unneces- sary, for almost everything is carried out in pantomime, especially where Jannings is concerned. * * * "1'LAMINGO": A Novel by Mary Borden. Doubleday, Page and Con- pany, New York, 1927; $2.50. Courtesy of the Print and Book Shop, Ann Ar- bor. Were someone to hand you a check for $100 or more right now, you'd think you were dreaming-wouldn't you? Your first thought would be, "Well, now, that's more than enough to buy all the Christmas Gifts I want and still leave rae a tidy margin for the new year. That's exactly the happy thrll hundreds of our 1927 Christmas Savings Club will experience in a day or two. Are you going to be one of the lucky ones? If not, see that you are next year ! ENROLL TODAY IN OUR 1928 CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB ANN ARBOR AVINGS ANK 101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave. .+aYeres.vv. _ t ...... .....o . ........w. -. . =o--...tis=ate _ t f Y .. : f EDITORIAL COMMENTI I I I Ai SO-CALLED COLLEGE MOVIES There is one place where tloe so- called college movie should never be shown-and that place is a college town. For the gullible general public that consititutes the bulk of the movie4house patronage, the moving picture dire tor's conception of a col- lege may be edifying and satisfying; but to the several thousands of stu- dents actually confined in such insti- tutions, thet nonsense thus perpetrat- ed appears in its true light-as perfect rot. No dne objects to seeing a popular comedian making a farce of college life; but the attempts at serious drama, if one dares call such atroci- ties "attempts at drama" are disgust- ing and revolting to those who find it impossible to sleep through them. The freshman athlete winning the rowing meet, the conceited ass reforming to win the hand of the dissipated-looking co-ed, and the poor outcast coming through in the =crisis to win glory for old Siwash have all been overdone to the point where 'they are sickening. The serious influence which these pictures may have on the general pub- lic is' also a factor to be considered. It is general knowledge that, as a re- sult of the perspective given by news- 'papers of the ilearstian taint, the pub- lic has a c riception of a University as some sort f a glorified playground, where studelhts ;go and play football and dance for fdur years and then au- tomatically, by some magic process, receive degrees as doctors and lawyers which enable them to practice those professions. The movie seems . determined to go even farther in this direction, however, and convince the general public that deans are dried up fossils and that faculty members are only employed as objects of stu- dent derision. At Princeton the students have risen against the showing of such movies, and have appealed to the thea- ter managers to refrain from exhibit- ing them. The disgust with them here is probably so complete that even to protest would be too complimentary to the rubbish which has appeared on local screens recently. If local thea- "THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE" (Cornell Daily Sun.) To judge from a highly enthusiastic editorial in the Michigan Daily, the Ann Arbor institution, not to be out- done by Wisconsin and Princeton, is planning an educational innovation, perhaps more revolutionary than any of the several which have been adopt- ed in the past few years by various of our universities. According to the plan which may be put into effect next fall, all fresh- men will be placed in the University college upon entering. There they will be personally noted by the in- structors, and will be given an oppor- tunity for investigation on their own initiative. When they are deemed adequately prepared, they will be pro- moted to a professional school, admis- sion to which will be made on the basis of a comprehensive examina- tion at the completion of two years in the University college. Those con- sidered -unfit for continuing their uni- versity careers will be dropped with a certificate of some sort. The advantages of the plan are obvious. It will give two years gen- bral education to students in all the professional and technical colleges, and should eliminate the countless misfits who, as the Michigan Daily says, "clutter up classes and hinder the progress of whole sections of the more capable." Obviously it will be an expensive plan in operation, but other draw- backs are not now apparent. The1 educational world will watch with in- terest its results at Michigan. Evidently the air hoppers aren't carrying off all -the honors these days. Reports from Mexico City tell us that a new international communication record was recently established there by an Argentine school teacher who made the trip from Buenos Aires to Mexico City on horseback in two and a half years.; The right of a jury to use arithmetic' in deciding the amount of damages to be awarded has been upheld by the Supreme court of Massachusetts in a' to enforce the automobile reg- A review, by Dave Scheyer ulations; We' are teeming with adjectives, And furthermore: That he be clamoring to be unleashed. Bewilder- equipped with some fool-proof ing, stupendous, psychic, incompre-. means of locomotion, that such hensible, crowded, vital, throbbing, a situation as this may never j astonishing, tremendous. Such is our occur again. reaction to this paradoxial "Flamingo" Rolls Executive Board. I as well as we can express it in feeble words. * * 4Think not that this is unmixed lau- APPLICATIO'NS BFLO INdation. The novel is too crammed, to FORP NEPCAIPOSITION swift for mere human understanding. Ever since the afinouncement of the If Mary Borden's aim was to bewilder, Eve sice he ~znuncmen ofthebelieving' that bewilderment is the Rolls executive board that they would spirit og thae twentiethcent as of consider hiring an offical of their New ork, thantsehacentury and of own to enforce the University autoYork, than she has succeeded own o eforc th Unversty utoimmensely. But to the reader, grasp- regulations, applications have been I sp ing for breath in the midst of the flowing in for the new position, kspeeding plot, th effect is somewhat ** * like that occasioned by falling from a NEVER HAD AN ACCIDENT cliff. b The canvas of the story is enormous. 4 IC-RE At least five or six characters vie for I - Gsoes I the center stage, international finance 1467 and plots are generously mixed with architecture and city planning, dis- contented husbands and wives some- how are entangled with the night life of Harlem and spirit messages across Deer Gents: the Atlantic, people are killed and I heer you want a coppur which commit suicide-God knows what hap- wont get hurt. I am a good bisikkel 1)ens! rider and wood make you a good cop The characters can receive but little bekuz I cant go fast enuff to hav a space when there are such a multitude serius aksident. of them, although we do admit that Hank de Tour. Mary Borden has the trick of convey- ing much in a very little space. Thes setting, probably the best factor of the book, shows New York towering to new heights, rising in tall miracles ,-- - of stone in response to the needs andf t ~dreams of man. And, as we remarked before, there is plenty of plot. We liked this book, despite the fact, that from a purely critical standard- we abhor purely critical standards- the writer has tried too much. We Sirs: liked it because it contains the true As an employe at the Maj, I kept spirit of the cities and of the slaves cut a lot of students; as a history in- of the hectic machine. We liked it structor I kept a lot more out of because it did not have a happy end- 14 { t When -Xerxes 4 4 4 This mammoth steam tur- bine with a total capacity of 208,000 kilowatts (280,- 000 horse power) will be installed in the new station of the State Line Generat- ing Company near Chicago. What a striking contrast T IHE great Persian ruler gazed from a hill- top upon his vast army of a million men. It was the largest army that had ever existed. And he turned away with tears in his eyes because in a hundred years all trace of it would be gone. That army was a symbol of power, destructive and transient. Today in one machine, now being bult Min the General Electric shops, ther( b C20mbined the muscular' energy of two mi lion men. This great machine, a steam tumii, i . also a symbol of power-a new poier iat is con- structive and permanent. Its unprecedented size, a record in construc- -AK i ;1,