F PRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - - ---- - - - - -- - - - - - - -_ _ ... - _ _. - - -_ . - - - ,_ -#-r PAGE FIVE |( Clfoman Is Dominant BAZAI Factor In Man's Life, States Will Durant EXV omnamn made man"-declared Will IA; ,' : il EghV And Tu drvi ll Durant whtn hen h e poke at 1ill audi- LITTLE SEES BENEFITS FOR WOMEN IN INTERCOLLEGIATE FIELD DAY Reaf.firming his favor of an inter- many other University women, would collegiate "field dlay" rather than spend an enltiVe week-CUnl in another 121f, Tables Featured BLONDES DISPENSE CANDY torium Wednesday night on "Is Pro- gre;,s a Delusion?" "Woman trans- formed a beast. into a civilized man." "First she tamed the animals then One dime, which will purchase a she tamed man. Man is woman's last square, blue ticket from members of the door committee headed by 4Nlarva Hough, '28, will be the general ad-I mission fee to the Women's Leaguei domesticated animal." "One of the greatest" steps in the progru s of civilization," said Durant, "was the passage of man from hunting In npic-ltns F'l vi rn~ 1 actual women's Varsity teams for athletic competition between schools, President Clarence Cook Little again defined his position with regard to the question of intercollegiate wom- en's athletics. "One of the great values of inter- collegiate events is their broadening influence, and I believe this would be as true of a plan for athleticnmeets as it is true of intellectual contests," President Little declared. "However, I do not advocate a system based on men's athletics, but I should like to see the development of class competi- tion (for ?women between colleges." President Little went on to outline a plan which would enable more than 100 women from each school to par- take in a sort of reciprocal "field day." This, according to his scheme, wouldj include not only games between the sphere, broadening their views and uniting the univer sity women of the country into a single group instead of many provincial factors. Primarily, it is necessary to ascer- tain just how much interest the wom- en as a whole really have in advanc- ing any plan o intercollegiate con- tests. With the new women's field house practically completed, it will be possible to judge this interest. The increased facilitiesi1 menable every girl to develop her abilities to the greatest extent and it will soon be evident whether Michigan women de- sire a wider scope in outside con- tests. In suggesting a plan of action, Presi- dent Little advised the organization of a committee with representatives from both the faculty and the women sudents to confer wih a similar com- mittee of another college near at hand, NAMING OF CAFi Under the auspices of t council, a contest will be from now until Monday, find a name for the cafe will be located in the ne league building. A prize o map of Ann Arbor will b the suggestion selectedI committee from the wom and the alumnae council. The reason for such a expressed by Mrs. W. D. as follows, "The men h their cafeteria lunch roo room" and it is no more that a similar room in building should have i name." So far the room has b of merely as the cafeter name hardly expresses it he alumnae conducted Dec. 12 to7 teria which w Women's f a framed e given for by a joi;t en's league contest is Henderson ave namedj n the "tap than fitting, the league ts familiar een spoken ia but th,4 s purposes1. Lo agrcu ture. ror tnis woman was and Interchurch Bazaar which will iwhohy responsible. It was she who open this afternoon. ,begged man to give up killing, taking Tinsel-covered snowballs suspended life, and to plant life instead. Civili- from - a blue sky will form the back- zation came to man through two ground of the winter carnival with things: the home, and the settling of its gift treasures, fortune tellers, and life in one place. Woman instigatedi side-slows. Preceding each perform- both these changes." sideshows. Precding. eacs peorm- "Women in America are very visib- ance of Bungling Bros.' circus, spon- ly dominant over man," Mr. Durantf coredlby the sophomore ass, the en- continued. "'There are two causes re- tertainment committee of the bazaar sponsible for this: first, the intelli- -:11 ,re , , ,,a~, - 1v! + ;seI ,,.I- SOPH CIRCUS WILL AMERICAN WiNS HONOR BEGIN TODAY WITH One of two American women to be BIG AT TRACTIONS honored by membership :n the royal S'panish-American Academy of art3 "Are you all set for the big cur- and sciences at Cadiz, Spain, is Dor- cs? Good, so am I. They say it's go- othy Torreyson, of the University of t> begretEvythnnkjPittsburgh, who was recently accord- ing to be great verything from pi-- ed this honor on the merits of a the lemonade and peanuts to the all-star sis in Spanish dealing with the mod- equestrienne." ern Spanish-American women poets. "And say, did you know that the l Miss Torreyson is the academy's clown, Pero, is going to be one of the youngest member. main attractions? Why, I saw him last year with Barnum and Bailey's circus in Detroit and he was simply marvelous. The audience just clapped G ifts and hollered the night I was there." "The whole show's to be just as good and better, I guess. Well, so long, old top. Hope you have a grand for a time at the circus. We have heard words like these rippling through campus conversa- M an tions all week. Perhaps there's some- j thing to them. Maybe we'd better go Neckwear: Hand-made and find out for ourselves. We'd hate s Knit ies to miss anything. silk ties at $2.50. Performances for Bungling Pros. I at $5.00. Soph Circus will take place at 4:,0 and 8 o'clock today and at 10:30 to- 'Imorrow morning for children, and at! 4 and 8o'cloc°R.tonorrow. Ti(k(ls are Bedroom slippers: At sold 11-members of the pulblic- $3.25 and $6.50. The latter it _ rd f .2:ice, committees for the :rAa 1wvpresidents of the o- are silk lined, fleece inner ganize Uhotises. Admittance is 50 soles. Big Mark Cross. cents for adults and 25 cents for the children. a study of first aid methods will be 'Kerchiefs: Of the finest one of the features. A second will be I rshlinen,$1.75 each child study, for which the nursere school conducted by the college will furnish opportunity for class observa- tion.l i Gloves: A knitted lined Other work included in the course f- 1 'I will offer} vau(ICviJIC skits, ticts for which may be obtained from the clown barkers who will assist Phyl- lis Richards, '28, and Helen Ruther- ford, '29, in announcing features of the side-shows. / Many Feaures Offered Frances Miller, '28, will give a spec- lalty clo at 3:15 o'clock thiis after- noon, to be followed at 3:30 o'clock gel'e of woman, secondly, the in- creasing nmoral sensibility of man. Women have forever been so much wore clever in handling men than men in ha-ndling wvomen. For example, take an intelligent man and an even ordinary woman in love with each other. Watch how quickly one of them will be twisted around her fing- by 'Turning Tables,' starring Mar- MAr. 1urant believes that we have garet Cole, '28 Marjorie Chavanelle, made great progress in the preserva- '28, and Nellie Hoover, '28, of Junior tion of life. Girls' .Tlay fame. A musical saw andj "Today at 40 we are still young and Slogging act by Martha RoIbinson, '28, in love with life," he said. "Once at 40 is scheduled for 5:45 o'clock. a woman was bent, gray, decrepid andi Saturday at 10 o'clock the Cole, trustworthy. Now a woman is in her Chavanelle, and Hoover company will dangerous age at 40." eiterta in, and at 10:45 and 1:4 ;o' "Nothing is so aggravating" said clock Frances Miller will again per- Dufant, smiling, "as the deliberate form. A dancing skit by Vida McClure, futility with which a woman pulls her '29, and Florenc IHolmes, '29, will be skirt one centimeter down over her presented at 2 o'clock. Martha Robin- knee.' son will repeat her program at 4:15 1\Ar. Duralit believes that natural o'clock. The evening performances at color would be a fine substitute for 7:15 and 7:30 o'clock will feature the cosmetics. dancing act and "Turning Tabres," Lois Porter, '28, will alst give a spec- Iowa women entered into the con- ialty dance at one of the performanc- troversy which has been raging at the es. eUniversity of Iowa over RO.T.C., when Stores Contribute Wares the Iowa League of Women Voters Articles for the fish pond have ben adopted a resolution endorsing phy- conribtedby he ollwin stressical education as an alternative to crue , ryrd by the following stores, compulsory military drill at the state Rubloy Shop, Quarry Drug StoreaAr cad Pharmacy, Mack's,, Goodyear's, institution. Foster's, Lyndon Shop,'and the Mary Loll;: - Shop.,HH IHHiHHHHH The arrany':ement 'of 1he sales coun- - ters of the bazaar has been planned by the r'lacing committee heafed; by Mary Al ice Moore, '2.. The space to the right and left of the gymnasium entrance will be devoted to the church E socielies whose interest in the ha- zaar is in charge of Miss Louise Douglas.. The east end of the gymna- siunm will be turned over to the lea- mgue. There will be a doll booth, bob, = corner, 0 cent, 75 cent, and $1 table, a furniture and home furiiishing cor- ncr an htiandkerchitecounter. 1/Mannutha ~ nead adecifcutrConfections for the candy booth- which with its blonde sales ladies will o occupy the center of the winter scene, Flowers have been obtained from Vermont. _ Due to the flood, some delay in de- 03? livery was caused, all transportation having to rely on truck service. WVire It was previous.ly omitted that hon- orable mention was given to Kappa to all parts Delta for the silk pajamas contribut- ed by their house. of the NtEW ORLEANS.-The University of World Tulane will conduct a "Best Dressed; Man" contest in January and the prize! will be a suit of clothes. CAMPS FLORIST WISCONSIN.-- Fifty women living in dormitories af the University or Wis- 5 So. University Ave. cousin will eat Sunday dinner at the r Pone7434 men's dormitories and an equal numn- her of men will go to the women's various classes of the two colleges, and to get an expr'e)son of lhe opin- The plans are to furnish and equip but would feature also an intercolleg- ion of other schools on the subject. the lunch room in gay colors and iate debate, a. presentation by the ----- ---- make it a pleasant place to eat, and women's glee clubs, and perhaps e venr CHILDR EN RECEIVE the name "cafeteria" does not connote a play. These would take place atitA its real niature. various hours during one week-end. DOLL A GIFT OF Suggestions should be mailed to tC One week-end of this type ould beJAPAN'S PRINCESS Press building, Maynard street, in given at home probably (diring the care of the women's editor of the fall term, while a second such affair Michigan Daily before the date set in the spring would enable those who Fifty-eight Japanese (olls, (orrect1 as the close of the contest. The name were at home in the fall to travel to dressed in court attire, have arrived should he short, catchy and suggest-' some other institution. in San Francisco as an expression of ive of hospitality and good taste. With such a plan in mind, it would - .'ie l)Mhip of .the ('hildren of Jlapa i- -- Ihardly be necessary for any more for the American children. specialized training than at present Tle leader of the dolls "Miss Pai Study Of Home And and objections which have been raised Nippon" staad( nearly three feet high C on the ground of increased expenses and was the gift of the Princess Ter ,Chm Is Introduced for a coaching staff would be elimin-.I the daughter of the emperor and em- ated. press of Ja1au. This gift was At Lansing Co ege One of the benefits of the proposed to the children of America in return plan is that it would do away with the for a shipment o" more than 12,000 This winter, for the first time/ at artificial cleering section. Practical- American dolls distributed to the ciil- Michigan State college, a short course ly every woman on the campus would dren of Japan, for women will be offered by the have a personal friend, or severaIl The dolls exclusive of the Princess' home economics department, in which friends, partaking in the events and gift, which was valued at $350, cost all branches of home making from would feel a personal interest in at- $220 each and the expense was met child care to preparation of food ';ill tending. It would mean that a large by 2,610,000 Japanese girls in kinder- I be taught. group actively interested as well as gartens and elementary schools. Work in home care for the sick with . Osteopathic Physicians Dial 5669 Drs. Bert and Beth Haberer 338 Maynard Street Specializing in Feet Big Reductions on All WINTER COATS i - - "/V ---------- ---- I , i THE LATEST GLASS & PORCELAIN BOUTONNIERES for your furs-35c to $2 MERRICK STUDIOS Open Evenings. 92s Church st. Holiday spirit's in the air! Everyone is hurrying here and there, busy with Christ- mas shopping. But, just think what this holiday season has meant to your winter coat! A coat that was priced as high as $59.50 is now reduced to $49.50. -4 . r ---------- ------ - I iIi' Beautiful TE The Gift Every Feminine Heart Yearns For! WINTER CARNIVAL Women's L e a gue and Inter-Church Bazaar 0io(I $49 .50 I 11 I Dec. 2-3 BEADED BAG'S, COMPACTS, WRIST WATCHES, BRACELETS, BopnoCfES, RNGS 4 Shop now for your gifts ...~'U - 'u-' a 'V V FRIDAY from i p. m. to 9 p. i, eI 1- i m. ".'-rte . . . . .lk .. Rich, deep piled woolen fabrics! Fur collars and cuffs that thrill you with their size! Diagonal seams ana tucks running here an. there,{ guided Monly by beauty. Fine silk linings and warm inter-linings! Of such are the winter coats on sale! SATURDAY from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. C hrkamne (C2h t' 0© / 11 i l 11 IIl 11 ,