ESTABLISHED 1890 Ad -F Ar 4a y MEMBER ASSOCIATED l PRESSI VOL. XXXVIII, No 53. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1927 EIGHT PAGES INDEPENDENT -BLOC OF REPUBLICANS MAKES PLANS FORHCONGRESS INDEPENDENTS HAVE POWER TO UPSET G. 0. P. IF THEY STAND TOGETHER G. 0. P. MAJORITY SLIGHT Westerners Frame Plans for Oppos- ing Standard Republiean Attempt To Control New Senate HUGHES REPORT BRINGS DREAM OF GREAT WATERWAY NEAR COMPLETION (By Associa CHICAGO, Nov. 30.-Congress in 1822, encouraging a water route be- tween the great lakes and the gulf of Mexico, authorized the joining of the waters of the Illinois river and Lake Michigan. The dream of a century ago is on the eve of fulfillment, with the con- struction in Illinois of the last linkcs necessary to complete the project. The opinion that diversion of water from Lake Michigan into the Illinois drainage canal is legal, given to the ated Press) Chicago began diverting water into its drainage canal in 1900, performing the now-famous -engineering feats of making the Chicago river run back- ward from Lake Michigan to carry, water from the lake into the drainage canal and the Illinois river, which runs southwestward into the Missis- sippi. The diversion was begun as an aid to disposal of Chicago sewage, a purpose which it still serves, although an incidental one, its champions claim, to the larger destiny of the stream 'AE A LAST CONVOCATION IN HILL. AUDITORIUM "T II E COPWiLETE EDUCATION" IS SUBJECT OF FORMER PUBLIC OFFICIAL WAS SECRETARY OF WAR Committee Has Made Plans For Series TWO ALL-AMERICANS INCLUDED IN CAST OF MICHIGAN UNION OPERA Many of the more famous campul The costumes for "The Same To figures, those active in athletics and You," again the creations of Lester of publications as well as those in dra- Chicago, have been executed with the matics, will combine with other fea- same elaborateness that has made the tures in making up the 22nd annual Opera famous as an amateur produc- offering of the Michigan Union, "The tion through the country. Numbers Same To You," which will open rt scheduled to be "hits" will be sup- the Whitney theater Monday night ported by special ensembles of sing- prior to its Christmas vacation tour. ers and dancers, and will be put Two All-Americas will be included across in truly modern style, accord- in the cast in the persons of Louis ing to officers of Mimes. Of these the Gilbert, chosen yesterday by Harry most important are the "Russian Rose" . (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 1-While rath- er late in developing, the usual bien- nial hubbub about Senate organiza- tion is in full swing with the situation admittedly full of possibilities. Western Republican Independents have the power to upset the careful- ly laid organization plans of the Re- publican ol guard by virtue of tIhe close division between the major par- ties. Whether they will use it de- pends largely upon developments to-- morrow at the party conference for the selection of party candidates for Senate offices. As the situation was assesscd to night, it appeared as though the Re- publican headers were a bit appre- hensive that their plans might go aw- ry and that Democratic leaders were wondering whether they would be forced to be organized in the Senate against their wishes in view of the slight Republican majority. At a conference today, which Sen- ators Borah, of Idaho, and Norris, of Nebraska, did not attend, the Repub- lican Independents inder theleader- ship of Senator LaFollette, Wisconsin,I definitely approved a program to be presentedl to the party leaders. Assignments On Program Committee assignents as well as opposition to some of the candidates for Senate offices were included in this program, which was presented to the Old Guard leaders. There was a decision likewise about demanding a dat for a vote on farm relief le- gislation, but there was no definite agreement on this. The Independents are divided among themselves on the proposition of opposing certain of the Senate offi- cers, some holding that committee assignments were far more vital than the selection of subordinate office of the Senate, such as secretary and sergeant at arms, and that the main issues should not be subordinated to such contests. Some of the Independents are per- sonally opposed to all of the candi- dates on the Republican slate and should even a few of them vote the party ticket, Democratic candidates would be elected. Whether there is to be such a vote still remains to be determined. Some of the senators oppose the reelection of Senator Moses, of New Hampshire, as president pro tempore, both because of his participation in the last session filibuster and what they regard as a lack of judicial tem. perament necessary in a presidin;; officer. 00hers Opposed Still others are opposed to the se- lection again of Edwin P. Thayer, ot Indiana, as secretary of the Senate. Senator Brookhart, of Iowa, is espec- ially ' opposed to Thayer. who har charge of the counting of the ballots in the contest brought against hi by Senator Steck, Democrat, of Iowa, who finally was seated, 'zrivid S. Berry, of Pennsylvania, i' opposed as sergeant at arms because of his refusal to carry out directions of the special campaign funds com- mittee concerning collection of bal- lots in the Pennsylvania senatorial election and because of his adminis tration of affairs during the efforts to keen quorums present while th t;'atP ifibuster was in progress. While these controversies went for ward on the Senate side, the House Republican committee on comittees entertained a move to abolish a num- ber of House committees, that have held only a few meetings in recent years, but have furnished year around iobs for numerous employees. ART OF PRINTING SHOWN IN MOVIE The history of the ancient art o priuting, traced from the days of the monasteries up to the speed machine United States supreme court by as a canal. To Be Given At Different a Charles Evans Hughes as master of Several years ago, when the intake Times This Springe chancery in the suit of great lakes averaged 10,000 cubic feet a second, -- states to prevent diversion, is hailed the contiguous states of Wisconsin, At the final convocation of the fallr by Chicago and Illinois sponsors of Michigan, Ohio and New York began the waterway as one of the most im- a fight to stop what they termed a series to be held next Sunday morn- portant steps in its achievement. "steal." In suits in which they were ing in Hill auditorium, Hon. Newton1 subsequently joined by other states D. Baker, of Cleveland, O., will deliver of the Great Lakes region it was con- the address. His subject will be "The tended that the flow of water from Complete Education." MOVIE OF N!SAP Lake Michigan into the canal was low- Baker is a speaker of note and for ering the level of the lakes to suchlmany years he has held a prominent an extent that harbor facilities and Mace in public life in the United shipping were endangered. Staes. In Cleveland he has taken a The rate of diversion is now 8,500 prominent part in the politics of thet Th ecl r cubic feet a second. city, having held the position of city Hughes has held that the diversion, so iciter for 10 years and the office of 0" Modern PI ili('&tioIIforsa10tiecdrnowbndatcntractiith th Every Process sanctioned now by a cotrat with th. mayor in the same city for four years. war department, is valid and that con11 Was War Secretary. gress has authority to regulate such During the presidency of Woodrow NEW YORK IMES FILMED diversion. Wilson, Baker held the office of scre- ~_kN-~----C tary of war in the Cabinet. He was a - "TheMakig o a Geat ewsap- pointed in 116 and held the ofice u- er," a three reel film which was spon- til AUT10RITY i11921. This period included thel sored and produced by the New York I I I CI ',I World war and from this Bakerl TmaAoberac tigleaned much experience which prob-l Times, was shown before a ablyno other secretary of the war in audience, yesterday afternoon, ci the this country has ever had. hi Natural Science auditorium.n iBaker is now engaged in the prac-1 Beginning with the defferent news ir. Eio Littiiiann To I)elineae O tice of law in the city of Cleveland1 1and, in addition to his services in this bureaus in the various parts of this Folk Lore And Legend(s Of Rear respect, is also a director of several country and the foreign stations, the East In Science Hall selar e industries. film traced the news gathering and All of the plans for the convocations1 editorial stages. The second reel IS NOTED AS LINGUISTI Iare in the hands of a special commit- showed how the advertising layouts tee appointed by President Clarencel were made and the classified adver- Dr. Enno Littmann will give a Uni- Cook Little. The committee is assist- tisements were taken in. The compos- versity lecture en the "Origin of the ed in its work by Dr. Frank E. Rob- ing, the stereotyping, and the print- Abins, assistant to the president of the ~.Arabian Nihts" at "1:15 today in theI ing 01the paper were also included a University, and James Inglis, a mem- in this division. The steps from the Nautral Science auditorium. Dr. ber of the board of trustees of the copy desk through the linotyping, the Littmann is a member of the depart- Michigan School of Religion.; proving and proof reading depart- ment of Semitic philology at the Uni- Plans Made For Spring. rments, the casting, and finally, the versity of Tubingen and is recognized lThe committee has already made actual processes of the gigantic plans for the series of convocations, proesss o te gganicas one of the out standing scholars ~i which will be given in the spring.ort presses were shown in a logical or- the field of Semitics. During the past These have been arranged on a dif- der so that the uninitiated might see years, he has been employed in study- flrn system than the fall series, in clearly how a newspaper is made. ing and preserving the fast disappear- that the lectures will come at differ- Shoow Editions ing legends and stories of the Semitic ent. times and will not be arranged The third reel showed how the var- languages. consecutively. Maude Royden, fam-, ius special editions, including the ,Dr. Littmann has been a member of ons woman pastor of London, Eg- Sunday Times, are made up and many expeditions to the countries land, will open the series some time printed. Special attention was devoted where traces of the former Semitic in February. Dr. Karl Reiland, pastor to the rotogravure sections, i which tribes and languages may be found at of St. Georges church, Yonkers, N.Y., the processes were well depicted. The the present time. In 1902, he con- is the other speaker who has been special departments such as the per- ducted a Princeton university expedi- definitely secured for the series. Dr. sonnel, the medical, the Little Times, tion to Syria, and upon his return. Reiland was scheduled to speak this which is the newspaper printed for took charge of the manuscript depart- fall but illness prevented his appear- the members of the Times staffs, and ment of that school until he left upon ance. No other plans have been defin- many of the rest were included. The another trip in 1906. In that year, he itely determined, although the com- circulation and mailing departments made a trip to Syria and collected a mittee expects to have several other 'were shown. great amount of material from which speakers on the program. Besides the Times and the Sunday he published several books on Hebrew -- Times, the company puts out other and Arabian manuscripts.E publications including the "Mid-Week On later expeditions he visit VEGETARIANISM IS Pictorial," "Current History," a Abyssinia and studied many of the SUBJECT OF TALK a monthly magazine which is devoted to more remote and rarer languages and current events and expressions on dialects. He has been invited to That vegetarianism can be made to , current policies and events. "The An- Johns Hopkins university to give sev- play a large part in the spiritual de- s nalist," and one or two other minor eral lectures there on his favorite velopment of the American people publications, subject. for their responsibility as leaders of{ Brown Talks His lecture covers a subject which the western world was the message Immediatetv bfore ,the speech, is known to almost everyone, namely, of Major General Grvinck-Lodeeson 'Prof. Everett Si Brown of the political "The Arabian Nights." One of his in his speeech "Why I Am a Vege- science department made a public an- main studies has been in the tracing taran," delivered yesterday in An- . nouncement of the New York Times of folk loes and legends back to gll hall. General Lodeeson emphasiz- Current Events contest, which will be their sources, and some of h i di ed the fact that vegetarianism will 1 held locally on the campus on April coveries concerning the 1001 nights lruce a mental and spiritual refine- 27, 1928. All undergraduates in the dates back for many centuries. His ment in the individual but will in no University are eligible to enter this lecture today will be given in English-! cae, reduce bodily health or vigor. -cOtest, and three prizes will be given -------- --- As an illustration of his theory the to the winners. The first prize for the CONTINUE PUBLIC speaker cited Ihe natives of Siam who , best paper writt n on the questions, -are forbidden by their religion to eat which will cover current events from SALE OF TIC meat, characterizing them as unusual May 1, 1927, to April 27, 1928, will be --ly happy in temperament and well- $150. A special prize of $75 is being With the special sale for w\oinci~ fitted for both mental and physical offered this year to the freshman or concluded yesterday at the box officei labor. These natives, lie said, are not- sophomore who writes the best paper in Hill auditorium, tickets for the ed for their dignity and spiritual qual- gin tie competition. Professor Brown 22nd annual Union Opera, "The Same ities. made it clear that a member of either To You," will be put on general sale Lodeeson denounced meat eating as _ of these classes will be eligible for again at the side desk in the main an animal practise in which man both of the prizes, lobby of the Union from 2 until 6 j plays the part of a hunter preying 20 colleges and universities are o'clock this afternoon. Tomorrow and uponi his weaker. and more helpless fimbrn(1 s of the organization which all next week the tickets wil 10be sodibrothers. - participates in this contest and the after 10 o'clock in the morning at the __-_ winning papers in each of these will I box office in the Whitney theater. To E TO be entered in a national contest, the day and tomorrow will be the final 1 a IET Y TO HOLD - first prize for which is $500 and a opportunity to procure tickets for the CONVENTION HERE medal. Monday night performance. Th- Op- t era will run throughout the week at Kappa Phi Sigma, national literary 1 CHANGE DATE OF the Whitney with a matinee on Sat- and debating society, will hold the urday afternoon. Applications for out first meeting of its sixth annual con- CLASS ELECTIONS of-town performances will be avail- lave at 3 o'clock this afternoon in able next week. the Alpha Nu room on the fourth floor Freshmen class elections for the The greater number of seats for the of Angell hall. first year students of the Colleges of Ann Arbor performances have been The annual convention banquet will Engineering and Architecture have disposed of during this week, but take place at 6:30 o'clock tonight at f been changed from Tuesday of next there are still some good seats avail-- the Union, following the afternoon week to Wednesday morning, it was able. session which will consist of declam- s announced by Ellis Merry, '28, chair- ation and oratory contests. A cup will Costello, sporting writer of the De- troit Times, as All-American halfback.I and Paul Samson, All-American swimming star, and these, with oth- ers of the activity and honor society representatives, will lend to the Op- era an air indicative of the whole University. IILEE CLUB WILL HEAD NEX RAIOPROGRAMI (Cross, Sturgis, And O'Neill To Speak On Last Mi cigan Night l'rogratit Of Year TO SING COL.LEGE SONGS The University of Michigan Glee club under the direction of Theodore Harrison, of the University School ofj Music, will be featured on the sixth Michigan Night radio program to bej broadcast bi station WWJ. the Detroit by Robert Graham, '28, and "Morning, Noon, and Night" number in the first act, presented by the chorus of 24, and a toe-ballet in the Albertina Rasch fashion. "Russian Rose" will be danced by the special "girls," costumed in - cre- ations drawn after those in the Paris Follies Bergere, each one different. Sixteen large ostrich feather fans,I special black sport creations with va ria-colored accessories, pastel-shade ball dresses, harlequin-and-Columb- ines, and garden frocks all will be used. The "Russian Rose" number is designcd to carry on the reputation es- tablished by the "Lady of the Snows" number of last year, which received considerable praise from critics in the various cities played. Two other selections scheduled to be "hits" across the footlights are the "Indigo Strain," and the "One- Two-Three," a stomp. LITHUA__________ E GALENS SOCIETY TAG DRIVE NETS $300 ON FIRST CAMPAIGN D.AY' AMOUNT DOES NOT INCLUDE DONATIONS OF GROUPS ON CAMPUS LITTLE APPROVES DRIVE To Use Proceeds For Christmas Party For Children Confined In University Hospital With more than $300 collected on the first day of their campaign for funds on the campus, the Galens, hon- orary medical society, will continue the tag day throughout today for the henefit of a Christmas party for child- ren confined in the University hospital. The $300 does not include the group donations made by many fraternities and sororities on the campus, which probably bring the total of the first day's efforts'close to $500, according to Glenn Carmichael, '28M, chairman of the drive from Galens. This amount is approximately half of the total of $1,000 which the society hoped to raise. President Clarence Cook Little en- thusiastically endorsed the project yesterday afternoon, declaring that the drive for funds for such a purpose was something in which everyone } should ,take pleasure in helping. The President urepA that nll ghdnta d y lcUU-L( ,~t1L1 YY,L gL li 1tALC1 l"el aU al s u aen s ancDEP HT U V News, Friday night, Dec. 9, according faculty members assist as much as to the announcement made yesterday .nrupossible in making the drive a suc- by Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric 'cess. department, who is program manager -----Tables In Same Places. and announcer. } Fear Walder maaaras' Comiplaints Versus The . tables for the collection of Next Friday's broadcast will be the Pland Will Fail To Arouse money and the sale of tags will be lo- last of this year, the next to be given Intcrest of League cated today, as they were yesterday, at early in January after the Christmas ---- the center of the campus and in the holidays. OFTONETS WILL ATTEND lobby of Angell hall, besides several Glee Club Popular places in the Medical building-and the The Glee club, which, according to (By Associated Press) University hospital. The officers of Abbot, has proved popular on past KOVNO, De. 1 -The program of Galens are enthusiastic over the pros- radio programs, is composed of ap- rIaemixer Waldemaras; for laying Litl- pect of a successful conclusion for the proximately of 50 of the best voices uanin c plaints aaist Poland be campaign, and are confident that the aIzt inpait the Uiversty.Pheirnrograewil in the University. Their program will fore the League oi Nations, was his Squota will have been reached when the include a number of college songs and of his final reports from the group dona- own scret tonigfht oim the eve o i tions of the fraternities and sororities several popular numbers. More than d-pa'tuire for Genieva. i one-half of the period allotted to the Leon istra former premier and haveabeentabulated, together with Michigan Night program on this Fri- lae~o h hita several special donations of large day night will be given over to the ader of the Christian Democratic amounts. Gaynihtwb -e givm nerot party, who is one of Waldemaias,_amounts. Glee club performance, Abbot said chief opponents, also is going to Ge- nyesterday.t neva as an observer for his party. It PRESIDENT LITTLE'S In addition to the appearance of the isas.nerto htJeoi o -'T~IN Glee club, three speeches will be i- is also understood that .Jeronimos HSTATEMENT Gleedcdub, thespeegheswillbreadinst.Tleshaagis, the leader of the Lithuan- I -- e .Aded in the program to be broadcast. in malcontents, who is in more or .( "To provide gifts and a Christ- talk, AndhuisLexpeCted stofinclueinhis-Itics ory ArtmLns Cross, o his- less voluntary exile in border dis- mas party for the children at ty ndepartment, will give a historicaltricts, also will put in his appearance the University hospital is some- address some remarks about the at Geneva to spike Waldemaras' guns thing which we can all take olic of Maor Thomson of Chicago whenever opportunity offers. pleasure in helping without a dis- Drliy CossMayos Thompsonrof"AChago. During the premier's absent, senting voice. Let us all make Dr. Cross is the author of "A Short which is not expected to be much their Christmas as we should History of England" and a number of longer than a week, Bronius Balastis, want it for our own 'amily. other histories. Sturgis To- Talk who for several years was editor of ' (Signed) C. C. LITTLE. Dr. Cyrus R. Sturgis, director of the the Lithuanian Daily Lietuva in Chi- Thomas Henry Simpson Memorial In- cago, will have charge of foreign at- The money raised will be used only stitute for Medical Research, in which ' airs. for the purpose of work among the research is being conducted concern- Public offices, hotels, and stores in children. There are more than 350 ing the cause and cure of pernicious the Lithuanian capital are displaying children confined in the hospital, and anaemia, will talk about this disease notices such as, "We shall never rest previous to this year no regular ar- and its treatment. It is said that the until Vilna is returned to us, Lith- rangement has ever been made for the state of Michigan is afflicted with uanians, never forget Vilna is under provision of a Christmas party for pernicious anaemia sufferers more a foreign yoke," and "Lithuania, let them. Large numbers of them are than any of the other states in the your morning prayer and evening state patients who will not be visited country. Although the disease has song be Vilna." by friends or relatives on Christmas heretofore been considered fatal, a The only hope of Kovno citizens :s day, and many of them, especially the liver diet has proved to be a cure, that Waldemaras will not yield on orthopedic cases, have been confined The third speaker in the last pro- .ny vital point. If he noes yield, soiV in the hospital for months and some gram of this year will be Prof. James of them say he may as well stay out ; of them for years. M. O'Neill, head of the department of of the country. Hospital Force To Help speech, who has joined the faculty of Premier Waldemaras today tele- The money raised will be turned - the University this year, coming from graphed to Sir Eric Drul/umond, secre- over to the social service department the University of Wisconsin. "Function tary of the League of Nations, a de- of the hospital for administration, and of Speech" will be the topic to be dis- nial of a statement by Premier Pi-a gift of some kind, together with the cussed by Professor O'Neill. Isudski, of Poland, that Lithuania has 'party, will be given to each child. t begun to mobilize and Pilsudski would Any amount of money will be ac- uGALUMNI A Y ET need to take counter measures. 71. cepted by the representatives of ALUMNI Waldemaras declared that there has Galens in exchange for tags, though CAMPUJS P CTURE Lbeen no mobilization and would not all students are requested by officers s -- -be any either open or veiled. He also Alumni organizations which desire denied that the Lituanian cabinet had to secure the University moving pic- t decided not to resume diplomatic re-4 ture may arrange to do so by com- lations with Poland if Vilna was not municating with T. hawcy Tapping, restored to Lithuania. field sceretary of the Alumni associa- 1--- -- tion, it was announced by Dr. Frank ' PHARMACY CLUB Robbins, assistant to the President, HEARS WALGREEN yesterday. It is also quite possible that a localI- of the society to contribute as much as possible. This is one of the few tag days' which will be allowed by the University authorities on the campus this year. In the past few years per- mission for such- "rives has seldom been granted by the University. Any persons wkinm"g to contribute who are not solicited during the period of the drive, may mail their f I S f r i : t t showing will be secured, according to ', Charles R. Wagreen, ead of the contributions to Galens society, care Dr. Robbins, since the Alumnae coun- Walgreen Drug Stores chain, compris- of Glenn Carmichael, at 300 North cil, under the direction of Mrs. W. D. ing more than 170 stores in the larger Ingalls street. Henderson, has applied for permission cities, spoke to members of the Phar- to show it locally. macy college, faculty men and guests MORE TICKETS FOR The moving picture is now being at the dinner of the Prescott club AOL titled and edited by the Metropolitan held last night at the Chamber of J-HOP AVAILAB Moving Picture company of Detroit, Commerce. - and will be ready for distribution with- Mr. Walgreen briefly sketched his Due to negligence on the part of in a few weeks. career of 30 years in the drug busi- some few who had J-Hop ticket ap- ness, from the days when he worked plications accepted, but who did not HIGH SCHOOLS ARE ASKED as a clerk in Chicago, through the be- call at the Union yesterday or Wed- TO JOIN 'ASSOCIATIONginni"g and building of his chain sys- nesday to redeem their applications, . tem to the present time, with his busi- the remaining tickets will be placed in Invitations to join the Michigan in- ness $30,000,000 each year. He gave a general sale today, but only for terscholastic Press Association are many of the precepts that have guided those who had their applications re- being issued to 150 high schools of this career, as an aid to the members jected on the first choice. The com- the state. This represents an increase of the Prescott club, who are destined mittee has announced that the sale from the members of 50 secondary to become druggists. He said: will not be open to any one who may schools last year. A quarterly bulle- "The great trouble with most of us apply, out of fairness to those who tin, the first one of which will be is that we don't try to do all we are were not selected in the drawing. issued a short time before the honi- capable of." He continued, speaking The tickets may be obtained from 2 of the present day, was the subject for man of the Student council election the six-reel motion picture, "The Ro- committee yesterday. mance of Printing," which was shown The freshmen elections of the other in the Natural E iemnce auditorium; classes will be held as scheduled, ac- last night. The picture portrayed cording to Merry, with the freshmen usome of the historical scenes in the of the College of Literature, Science, 1,i.4rn of the sunbifet. but was de- I and the Arts choosing their officers, PRESENT REPOR TS !be given to the chapter whose rre- sentative wins the oratory contest, ON NEW PROJECT and individual awards will be given for the declamation event. Alpha Nu,I Reports and discussion of reports the local chapter of Kappa Phi Sig- of sub-committees occupied the at- ma, has entered men in both contests. tention of the University College com- Fenelon Boesche, '31, will compete in