ESTABLISH E S1 890 AWg -.Adfij & " Air AL MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESSI WAMMON.M."m ------------ - - Vol. XXXVTII, No. 52. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1927. TEN PAGES Uflin ~~JJETMAINTAINED' BRIAND SESACCORD'LEPRaOSO IN FUTURE BETWEEN' EUROPEAN COUNTRIES'i DESIGNATE NEXT WE[K FOR ELECTION OFALL FIRST YEA oRFCERS FRESHMEN OF VARIoU-S SCHOOLS' ANI) COLLEGES TO MEE.T ! ~FOR FIRST TiMIE SENIOR TO PRESIDlE Re pertorv Gompany O RI.IflAMDIISTAP PESSI MISMIISAMORN 'To Present Fourth IU iLL DII 1WWITH NEW LEADER Production ORBEEFT F ATE RMATIIS Appearing tonight at the Whitneyjz A[T[H QTAT[Q IL hL DAUlIT theater ill the fourth and last of their ...DR N FIO PTA. YI~J W L t ITALY CAN lBF SETTLED) AMICABLY,' HE SAYS DEPUTIES AIR VIEWS schedulldpr'oductionks, the Theater Re pertory compiiany of the New York Theater Guild will present Sidney Howard's famous comedy "The Silver Cord." Coming to Ann Arbor on their fist DRIIVE ('COLLECT FUNDS WILLI CONTINUE THROUGHOUT ALL TODAY AND TOMORROW MANY GIVE GROUP GIFTS "IS P~ROGRESS A DIELUSIONI" IS SUBJECT OF PHIILOSOPIHER IN SERIES ATTRACTS BIG AUDIENCE _road trip outside of New York, the -__ Raia"Mme4 ru usoiI' ifretCloe alosT B s; Guild played "Arms and the Man,"-y) First Attempt At Organized Donations Declare StnpitWt eadT o ahCasTedyGeorge Bernard Shaw, in their initial i Ever Mhade For'ospitalGr Italian Empire And Wednesday performance on the night of Nov 17 Serice Fund .~ ____ ~Returning Thanksgiving day for mat-I___ (By Associated Press) Freshmen class elections in all !'nee and evening shows, A. A. in'( The first of two all-campus tag. "Pess threats of trouble between Erpa ' Guardsman" by Franz Molnar were~ dren confined in the University hos roWat wAINv 0-AcuuaigI~illchools n olgso h nvriy"r i ass "ad "Texdys oruhesdrpse fagvinachl- iths faue.pital a Christmas party and Christmas hoo ntoswrgieanarnintaWednesday, it was decided by the Stu- -_.-gifts on Christmas day will be heldnihp French chamber of deputies todlay, dent council at its weekly meeting held j oday on the campus eider the aec l ndIayme ofteeieeicparticularly friction between France last night in the Union. The fresh- j J sie fGlnhnrr eia most t 0 tags will be maintained in Angell hll 'f w r Several radical deputes professed x architectural college, annd the College ? UIIJI~ Li fIIU and at the center of the campus in ere to see a great many war clouds in( d . ,:,.. of Pharmacy will hold their elections IUY~ 1LI IIII front of the Library building, besides:^ ott;,; avac the European sky, but former Minis- lri ' o edyatenowieth c-- -Several places in the University los- < o cml fero hleIh lc-i edto ter Bri.and in an eloquent resume 0 toofofteioleee itra. L. Meanpta n 3edca chollsin the foreign situation , was as usually sNotedh Colenti it WhO (listooDepicted."howt The drive for funds will be contin i1'tiLa iraintiatu b hshpflsl.H vnws to extat the acid of chanlmoogra Science, and t he Arts freshmen will I lmortant Characters And Ib thisso heposiiltyofurnc seilhefu.saHe.hic hsvadenbehedansedesayptes- iTh At ed through today and tomorrow,andIThe actlg premier of Rumania, Cassertei oi, hesbsanc vic asmaebehedonWensdySens nTh.Atofficers of Calms are hopeful of rais- jwhose cower ~to withhold the attacks { gans And Italy straightening out their (11t- pictudoa il loeposy. Dr. Dean is 1heeI Arrangements will e gotten unde(lr H7 ,i t[ le-L~pAU!T IhI/i ng more than $1000 for thle purpose; of the monarchists is doubted on the my ee coun t.icfewa gorriv d i o u e a m e i t l om tecondu t o1'; FR A N KE L IN rtji lj Io tthe party andlgifts. Continent, lie took office recently truly s War between the two cutre, .lesafe (lays aofo h leper these elcions, it was aninoiniced by -- Several large group donations from Iuplon he death of his brother, Ion, and gre! Briandt declared, was unthinkable and1clyofIiokinte lala officers of the council, and Ellis iDex'eopmiet of the art of printing fraternities and sororities htave al- since then his tenure has been mark- grief, b' her deptie i sladswhere his laboratory is io. Merry, '28, chairman of the Student tru;ialissae' rmtetm elybe et n codn;t hs e yfwursns impossible. Some of he deut e d.trhoalncilsagelromthetimnredyceensettteacoringtolhohave b je iipriing. sideen"lto think othierwise. They re- tdcuni eetoniomitetilhae was first discovered until the pe;- ;in hrgIfth rveIn ayo - in charge ofthegehofve, ad anysor-f the-othe-r-cl-ss peated a few of Premieir Musoliii's lire f hseaso te terc ass (lay, will be showun in "The 11- I ganizations still dsirilig to contril)-D. ambitous oation abou Itay's, ightselectons.I man(e of Printinig," a film to e pre- ute as a group may do so iby sending C O K itr an rambt s ofASKpileU NeI AU TU0 RColeuse ~ varied Bllt s seated(lin Natural Sience auditorium their (donations t C'lcnn C(trnsiclel OYllICLO1CMKS FORM A TH 0So heo cal socialist Montizny went so far asCO D Iiffercnt colored ballots will bre at 7:30 tonight. Thre picture depicts 82M, at 300 North Iuals street, air asa.~ to say that there could be no doubt use in the varipouschool~ls andl ! cnip l all the most inpotait (chairmaniii of the divex'c from Galensffj "YetRIIIII i, as that Italian activities hvetune 01RBO C LLECTIIN lges, and teIc twime announcec enes a ad ch1~aacters which played :Many To Benefit Al.NNUAL PROMl I riiin "Yt against France. h~ unL[ of each ee xacn tie annud part sc nes h history of printing. Thee are more than 350 children Insi st "Italian youth has been worked up - as soon as arrangements can be made. Amoing the inpotant cha'acter's tihe Uniivesity hospital who w~ill he ;Ij11past re to a redl hot pitch," said Montiziny. Special Set of Shelves Set Aside For A committee for the investigation; who appear in the picture are Gutten- benfte ythemnyIn or f UinOnPeetto fCrs cvlal "The Italian newspapers pound~ away Aldog'rapdtIldoies To Bse Placed of ways and means of securing the berg and Benjamin Franklin, replicas the funds will be used for work amongWihTcesClntatw en te ida tht Ialy ughtto ad IIn Pendleton Library Burton memorial campanile was also of the presses used by these two men the adult patients. The fnds will be FWt ik~ ie htw msbethe greatest nation in the --- appointed by the council last night, who played so large a part in the gundrvrowin oia erie e world, writers in these papers say1;'MANY BOOKS ALREADY IN William Brumbaugh, '28, Jo Chamber- history of printing were constructed partment of the hospital for admiinis- I3 CKETS REMAIN ON SALE once a that the League of Nations' disarma-,- I in, '28, and Meiry will serve on this for use in the scenes in which they tration. --"m met policy is for Italy as posiofi tunic i Following the plan started last year committee, and the purpose of the in- appeared. After the completion of the This s the first time that any such Miniature cocks engraved with "has c of nessus which would paralyze Ita- for the collection of alumni books for vestigation will be to find how soon 1 picture these models were presented extensive attempt to provide the chil block Iis on a red background will greater ly's movements and is therefore un- thselsofedeonibaynte an intensive campaign for funds can to the Newberry library, Chicago, by dren confined in the hospital with a constitute the favors; for the annua and o acceptable. ICrsma atzasbeatemtdtion~i~( Powili~ ob There is a systenatic effort to show I Union, 50 letters have been 'ent out for the securing of a memorial for the ;(der whose direction the film was pre- Previously all of the Christmas ac ii- ird ,i, D ec. 10, in teball room ofzaIn the Italian people that France has to alumni authors. A special set of perpetuation of tihe memory of thle pared. iies have been in charge of private theleg iion. DI Jiibutimoo favors will toyt beoetermraInm. ~hleswl ectaiefrti o-lateorsdn aio eo atn "h oac fPitn°" was individuals, and as a result many of take pace froal 3 'o ck until 3 forced beco e th ir m rtal enem ." lve wion las eth e too s idc ome Pe s mitcThus fam, due to the fact that. the shown for the Irst time this year at the children - received no attention Inext, ednc" dry afternoon in the, lob- IC The cowasnlenist deputye oCkaniomew3s drive for funds necessary for the com- !the Graphic Arts Exposition in New whatsoever. Of te large number of, y of the Union. The favor car ds that I w Theen torerpesentiottcaskltheaalumn pletion of the Women's league build- 'York City, Sept. 5-12. According to children confined, nearly all are state Wer included[ with the sale of tickets "if the clouds everywhere, event in America. authors to send to the Union auto- ing has occupied the attentions of the officials the picture gives an intimate I patients and few have parents or (must be presented mn exchange formeti lie p ctpi d Unltureds aznSama he asie p thifboktheing Uniebooksa tin.o actionalhasion f thetio a d iet rnomahe re athaswh w il eidletofe er;vheluf, n ve tis.tea ts greedily at Central and South Aller- Ithe books which have been requested been deferred, and it was the sense of art of printing. on Christumas dlay. Many of them, with Final preparations for' the affair lnowle ican countries. M. Briand in a long ar'e: Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley's "Life the council, unofficially, that wvith the orthopedic handicaps, have been con- shave beeni comfpletted, according o th obl :spee'cli repeated once more that Italy 'and the Student," Harry A. Franck's completion of the drive for tie Won- I DL)ESCLOS SPEAKS fined to the hospital for several years, statement of George Holbrook, '301,l ing. Y has nothing to worry about in the e- l'agabond Journey Around the en's league it is probable that he I~~TT and it is seldom that the social service chairman of the proni committee. things gently signed Franco-Jugo Slavian W°vorld" and Wilfred Shaw's "The Uni- time is ripe for somec action onl the IN I~R ST FIRiENCH 1 department is able to secure funds for ( Jack McGay's Country Cub orchestra imagnil treaty of amity and arbitration, which' versity of Michigan." 'These are repre- projected memorial campanile. SO IT ' E T R the staging of anything as extensive of Detroit, one under the auspices of IBall! 'I was critized, in Italy as inimicalble senative of the type of books which at- Convocations Plans Announced F____ steprjce Chita party. esx An Amount Acceptable sic for~ the eveming. pia wa to that (coutry. tempt is being made tosecure but John Snodgrass, wr 'Suan-Tede ~founder of modern impression- Anyaoutomny wl Jc encoattes will bf unshythe mi-r "It is toC sad M. Biamd, be thee willbe novls writen bygamountatofwomoneyeswilltebe spc-g ngScorationsar" willhebeihungppbyd the grad tha tw spekersof ime prig Su- isic rt" as te ttleeppl ed Any the representatives who will Goodhew Floral shop, and will elan- corner cause a w arship w ent to Tangier that 'naes. of the U niversity included as day convocation series have already Claude M onet, fam ous French artst,( be in attendance at the booths on the or t l ca r ou th hoi a sp rt I Tunu t w d s ov ed J g S a i ( n ta -el.b n s c r d, nd h t M u e R y e ,1by Au te De o e t r ayf eramsine u nf r a t g, h u h al A r n ee tsa e benop e ei ian warship recently visited Tangier I William E. Nissen, '29, is supervis- well-known woman preacher of Lon "noo in the first lecture given this Aragmnshv'em opee Dr. D and Morocco disputed territory be- i'ng the work of the committee as don, England, will open the series yea r udrte asieIf eCr students are urged to contribute gen- with the Reograms company to film'isvr tween France and Spain, with result- chairman. I-Ic is working in coopera- some time in February. Dr. Carli l Fiancais, campus French society. eosl to the undertaking by officers the dance while in progress. ter w ant criticism and comparison to the tion with Wilfred B. Shaw, editor of Relnwoeadeswsncs lueMnt h a ona of Galens. i George H-olbrook, '30E, of Ann Ar- may b lire-war incident of the visit of the the Alumnus, in the editions of which sarily postponed from this fal due to 1840 and] ied but a few years ago,ofTediebthGanswlbene oywlledtegrdmrcashe hours ofthe few tag days permitted on the escort of Miss Doothy Hay Williams, German vessel Panther to Agadir at, all books ever issued by a Michigan his illness, is the other speaker who certainly presents one of the mostcapstiyerItsexcedsne'2,loofAn rb. a time of tension). 'We knew her dur-I graduate are listed. It is hoped that has been definitely secured, though !interesting figures in the modern ar- Unvriyatoitepaentgat- Caeoeeo teeetwl n ing the war and the treaty merely a complete collection of such works no definite date has been set for his t nvriyatoiishv o rn- Caeoe o h vn il in-Spe.h onertsastaintahaexs-Iwill be obtained, coming. lsi world. Hle began his artistic ca- ed permission in the past few years elude the following: President Clay yDuthnt c~ onearsItsngiatedafter-tRussioSauera'28,has exiosnte( reer as a caricaturist, and was soon tomr(hnoeo w ognztosec ok-iteadMs ite Duran' ed frGETarARIANws neotiaed atefRomste cuncil'2totakecarginedof !discovered by Eugene Buml, well 1 to maks such drives for funds. Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. "Youe Ittaly a rhad e Frefusedgge tiFrance'sA N W IL suggestionu cil toknoechime o !ainter.iter Hededeveloped d y, -rapidlyDe n M rti er_._C olein hil for a tri-partite agreement between AD R SSM ET N the distribution of tuberculosis 'and, as a reaction against the class- Brhy ea otmr1.Coe becaus the three ntions."ADDRESS iGeorge W'N 3Christmas seals to the various frater- ' ism which had prevailed more or' te s In Newspaper adMs.Ce; en eog .saloon, th treiatali cs" ay.- - I Se Patterson and Mrs. Patterson; Dean yu rian(1 Disusses Ital. --- jrities and sororities of the campus less un to that time, specialized in ToC1JohnRifigrmn r.Efigr Yu Speaking of Mussolini himself, .M.I ajor (GeneralhJ. D. Gvnk-o- IThe council has taken charge f this landscapes and rural outdoor scenes. Ma~ing To Be flSh N o'xvn ieldng 1. Yosngtrand Mrs. Yostge; phial Brndsadthat tie Italian premier I esen, formely with tie Dutch army work for seeraFieldingIn he.exYostonandtMrs. Yost;ec indspraid rather extensive" d- and now a resident of Ann Arbor will frsvmlyas nteeecto ftemse icI Ir n /lMotfion iPictuireI Coach Elton E. Wieman andI Mrs. Wir ii is'e'ha) ~ i-spa 45n'le tdyinro -- -----es he developed the theretofore uni i Y~~iJ1~~~-' IWeman; Prof. E. M. Baker and Mlrs. share sires in defense of his conty231 spangae45l 'cok timesubec "Wy SroomVX'SOCIETY lunow+n "theory of complementary 0i ae' rf .C rw n Ms eto te 't sometinmes does not show al21Agll hall o h ujc WyS H N 3 A eto the friendliness we would like to see, . 1 anm a Vegetarian," as the opening T N MN r, ymaso hc odats "The Making of a Great Newspap- Brown; Prof. E. Hi. Leslie and Mrs. young but that is not reason for losing out'1peec of a genrmal discussionm being ITENE can poduce striking efiecs by prop- er,"' a three-reel film produced by theLel;Pr.1V.AFayrnd rs has"Iplanne by the olstoy league. I tiy conitrasting and reacting comple- Newr York Times and showing the Frayer. haired of Folowu Gneal rvfck-od- Te members of' the junior class of' mentary or opposite colors against publication of that paper, will be Tickets for. the formal are now onj day sl "Pol a om Wydnty.tbthe College of Literature, Science, anti ;eac'h other. His brightly colored sonal:5ocoktdyi a-saei h ob fteUmo.osa talk with Italy'?' ''i\. riand contin- cc> ;n's addrecss shorter' talks will be shw at41o'lctdyinN- u a ne, 'btI av awysbemiapa -K~ei y evrl mebe' o tmeIthe Arts, having proved thielymetali :works showe) a marked iimprovement umal Science auditoinutme.lobbyoftheUnion. tsnf'teedrc-cfcistolisand faculty and studehn~tbody favorinig the hby a. log and perilous *oiiney ard ; ;oer'i the hill, drh anelvasses done by The hpitue. shows all tie various I -- I Ma tia rteedrc ovrain h unn ansaddw h i rxc >o n twst i CHOLERA SW EEPS heci 1 have already encountered lMussolinil Vegetarian' proposals. Those plan- tm unn ad nd(ovmtei 1-l 'dc'Si5 nI tx teps in tie pub ication of the paper n atRneada oaioadIwilh1nigi le meeting are also hoping that er ie, were initiated info 0Sphinixstyle of painting that cameto be caing wtutegahrnIf 1 V R ALL KEDA~L j simple ate hme agdant orno andwwitouli-Iam'ii tms h tid willior sohonorary ~society of the iteary; known as "Impiressionism." Desclos ies iephlcto fteppr t ~) ed0(.' Iwho not fav'oring vegetarianisimillvii tolege, at the animal fall anmiu' (ecriled tie reactiois amd surround- advertisinadisdsrbto-I ACTA o.3.A coeafre hI leak ag"aist i order to preseit held last nighi t tie Union. sags which brought about these. otasuatclyalo h ~ae p~~il ssepig Bmgl 73mii toxward any oppositnion of accordt and 1b)0th sides of tie debate.p The memnm who entered the portals ofi chmanges in artistic technique, 1ofiewspaperdonm. cases, with '2139 deaths haviig been ;iitlle amrbitmation susceptible of bringinmg the Sevral vegetarian suppers were 'the organization are: Horace Barton, --- -- Tfhe filmm is being showim in conjutme" reported from all parts of tie prov- i by hei two Hii to Ianii U K.YESR T I understanding. De- held last. semester by tie Vegetarian I '29, Glenn Carlson, 29, Frank Meese, IB CIEY SR TN t ion with tie New York Timaes Inter- inca withintie execption of Calcutta ; re~m~ spite existing f i t o a e t e i m s c e yNme haVle d e n iel h s '9 a l M ns l 2 . D n otn, , '29 I W L C E A S C O A C H/ collegiate Curren t E vn ts contest a id for tie week endled No xember 19. "A d co 'cinthat an accord xwill colie semmiester, and following today's lecture Kenneth Patrick, 29, Feiitoin Rabe ' a pait of the program institutd by It is estimated here that if tie pi- (have about. Time consc'ic(es of their people it is expectedh that several imore will 29, Rolland Taylor, '29, Ray Wachter-Ftiat naper in creating a more wide- Jennmi follows the ordinary course it!I our fc wv>uld nmot per'mmit them to thiunk of i1be planned. '29, amd Dallas Whittle, 29. (By Associated Pies) I speditrs-ncreteet. wl nrae5 e eti eebr wa." '1 COLUMBUS, Nov. 30.---Likeihood sra ne's ner'n vns ilices 0pi ei mIeebr Frnc eaeuly nlie. D cember Issue Of Gargoyle Features gal. here will be no radical change in; Durant (Qualifies Statements M ade About E N4 M, Briand spoke of Frances meduc- I ~ l~C s Ohio State's football coaching policy ( -*~~H t~on'in armament to show that it xwas l Parody OfiiM ichilgan Union Opera C s bys enroigtineo eppontmnt ome InCou se furatorical Lecure II-a :....,:ui mm ,rmne. nc "t fiat ,he Pesienteore________ofall W ome___ >s America D~estined To Resel eater Hleighits Than Any Civilization Before Imism is tie morning after icism." these words Dr. Will Durant, pher and author, who last )roved to an Ann Arbor audi- at filled Hill auditorium al- ocapacity, that le is also a r, depicted the age in which living, and one which, like ev- er, enjoys a ceitury of rapid ement, he said, passes at the ask itself, "Is Progress A De- lieve in progress," Dr. Durant di, "but I wish to know moe, tmy belief than any or all of mies can tell me. It has been >aid that knowledge increases Lnd that in wisdom there is ot both are essential to pro- Thing's Have Moved Fast Durant declared that never In have things moved so rapidly earth, under the sea and in the they have in the 19th century. .e said taking a somewhat pe- t turn, if the history of the aveals anything of what Amer- y look to in the future, this tion, too, will pass away ani here we are noxw-studying and g today, savages will roam ,gain. rica," the speaker averred, ;ome in and built a civiizationi rthan any ever seen before, IC which I think is destined to greater heights thmanm any cvi- has ever seen,, yet if past his- ells us anything we will b to yield to the inevitable." knowledge Brings Gloot yoder," the speaker continued, re is not a certain bereave- n us, a little quite gloom in our because of our. Increased dge? It is the spirit of our age 'eve nothinig and hope for noth- et, how can you but hope for in this age of happy youth fent surroundings- and foot- P'hose who despair now are tha ho hoped in the day when Ifto- is thought to be just around the .Pessimismi is the morning aft. anticism." ing then from the pessimistic urant said: "But after all, lifc. y much worth living-no mat- hat our delusion of progress e. Moments of Soy Ear outweigh of suffering and toil." Morals Are Geographic faking directly to the moro ul portion of the audience, D. t flung at them the assertion: are the most moral generation Cory. You think you are immora e, where we usedl to freqen s, you now carry a flask fat hip pocket. It is only a geogra- difference." nen also came in for a generous of the popular philosopher's at- n. "Today at 40 we are still and innocent," he asserted. a woman at 40 was old, gray- decrepit-and trustworthy. To e is at the peak of her danger- ge. .n is the last creature that will 'ihized by woman," he continued, time problem would be much r if woman herself were civiiz- We niature more slowly than rly, Dr. 1)u ;ot stated, begin- :o live, especially xith regard to >ct, at the age of 35. "We live ;ht and work by day-and sleep .st of the time," he concluded, how niuchl happier our lives. been since we have conquered ar of tie dark." QINEER'S GROUP' )LDS INITIATION viug scrubbed their way into raehaony1shp I five menmbers othtie university's ath- Trianj Onrance hdad onlye 12mpurnioredh shipsuivi 0eadnsaledytodaye on.timeicconrip "s xviwis timeakdinstitemutive wheadliningen latly ofistheman- 1927, compared with 30 in 1914, 6 de- Ihtcbad Id iht aeasaeeti a edmse usd i om t the C stroyers compared with 270 before the fbe tie Opera number of tie Gargoyle nal Union Opera." Disquietude of sonicof the alumni read to one tiing," Dr urant told alone, and read anti wrote the rest -ciitec wa, andi two fast cruisers as agis sterglr eebrise h The "Music Hatim Charmms" section at tie team's shoinig under head o thattme thatt m5bfr.H lometoe hty-nagazinme is wlvhoi'7"y devoted to a contains a reviewv of the music of the coachD'JonW Wicdrgth the crowd ta besieged him backstage Asked in what light lie regarded the duc i~ o t'nsripsrice from three razz" of the Michigan Union Opera, new opera. It is written by Martin J.! past football season and demand of in Hill auditorium last night after his tendency on the part of modern youth! the U. reist iehdmeduced time size of I 'The Same T'o You." Cohn, '29, amid discusses all the tunes ' the student publication, The Lantern, lecture "and that is chiefly to the to belittle religion, if thiere was such I Ph ti'. V'eeinammn.A itting cover, of purple, yellow featured during tie nexv show. for " ew blood" on the oard, appar- women. I hope they will forgive me a tendency lparent, Dr. Dumrant re- arch? Rusii ryo 0,0,w ich lholnies, '29A, depictiing a chorus andf gins Prouty, "Robespirre" by Ililaie cs le reappoiinted tie faculty mem-' cerming them." lcue saying that tie youth of tie { '29f7 sail wspara dedt on all occasionis, solo singinig nunmber. Thme edition is Belloc, "Jahmma," by Mtazo de ha Roche, her.s of t1me board who have been inI Thus the popular philosopher who present gemitiatiomi were minore imoral Pat cv n - ,t fete,,oar peaceful natuore. Ile imade tup in thie Iform of a progranm "Camels" by Daniel Streeter, amd office since 920. declares and evinces his natural aver- than those of any o~ler generation, Georg - ,".V, l 111i Pll V'ii,'~ inf~xvemutiflU with the title page of tie opera, "Tie Great ear," by Lestemr Coheni Tie president made no statement in sion to interviews, evoked another and that if it was true that they side- I I~nal files, junior honorary society of olleges of Engineering and Ar- ,tum'e, 10 mien wer'e initiated into organization at the annual fall ioul banquet held last night at nion. men who gave the Engineering its senmi-annual cleaning xwere: es :Moore, '29E, William Hough, Willianm Leslie,. '29E, Euge 13 rhy, '29E, John Ilapke, '29E, e McDonald, '29E, Arthur Me- td, '29E, Tomm Yates, '29E, Bern-