THE MICHIGAN .DAILY MAKE IUII AUUII[NK TO STRONOMY STAFF pcs"Up nid m1)OEIe*r Go To South Africa To Assist Prof. Rossiter At Soirthern Observatory RUFUS RESUMES DUTIES; Chicago Sunday Evening Club To Enter Upon Twenty-First Year Of Church Unity Several important changes have been made in the asironomy depart- ment which have Jacly gone into effect. Prof. W. C.. Rufus has re- turned from a year with the World Educational cruise and has resumed his regular duties in the department. Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin has beei mnade assistant professor in astron-! omy. For the past three years he has been in the department of astronomy at Swarthmore. He received his doc- tor's degree from the University of Michigan. Along with his work in the department he will make a special study of variable stars. Dr. Allan D. Maxwell comes to the University from Lick Observatory where he re- ceived his doctor's degree. His final thesis while at Lick Observatory was based upon statistical investigations Af the stars. Dr. Hazel M. Losh comes from Mt. Wilson Observatory where she has been engaged , for several years in investigations of the sun. Two of last year's staff leave next week for South .Africa to join the staff of .the University of Michigan Southern Observatory. Both men, Mr. Morris K. Jessup and Mr. Henry F. Bonner are interested in investiga- ions regarding double stars. They will 'assist Prof. Richard A. Rossiter vho continues on leave from the Uni- rersity. New Plans Revealed For Enlargement Of Extension e r v i c e. i 1 a ti c C a S c d T I. t; t s 0 (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Sept. 23.-The Chicago intolerance, because it was an antidote Sunday Evening club, outgrowth of a to the unfavorable opinion of Chicago successful movement for church unity as headquarters of iniquity, it pro- sponsored by business men of all vided a haven for the stranger and creeds,. will enter upon its majority traveler spending Sunday in Chicago, with the opening of its twenty-first and was a popular service attended by season, October 2. non-church-goers. Friendly to all religious beliefs, the "We hope that every stranger who Sunday 1,vening club has invited as its comes to Chicago and attends ourl speakers leading clergymen of every meetings, and the habitual non- Protestant denomination, J e w is h church-goer who drifts in to our serv- rabbis and Roman Catholic priests. ice occasionaliy, will become inter- Each Sunday evening the club's ested in religious matters and be musical service and speaker attracts moved to join a church of his own in overflow congregations to Orchestra the community or city where he lives." hall, its meeting place on Michigan said Mr. Barnes, the president. "The loulevard. club is not an end in itself, but an edu- Clifford W. Barnes,. the president cational instiution. We invite clergy- and founder, had the vision of church men and laymen of all denominations unity twenty years ago when he suc- and creeds, and our audience is com- ceeded in int'eresting thirty of Chi- posed of people of every belief. cago's leading business men, ,among Through the radio we have an addi- them John G. Shedd, David R. Forgan, tional audience of thousands of hear- and George M. Reynolds, in the non- ers in all parts of the country. Many sectarian enterprise which was have written us that they have had bear the name of the Sunday Evening their interest awakened in spiritual club. This summer Mr. Barnes was a. matters by listening to the addresses delegate to the World Conference on given at the club." Faith and Order at Lausanee; Switzer- Speakers already listed for the pres- land, the first great official step on ent season include: Prof. J. Y. Simp-~ the part of the churches of the world son, successor to Henry Drummond, of toward unity. New College, Edinburgh; Henry van Prominent men of Chicago have Dyke, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Wick- said they gave their time to the club's ham Steed, former editor of London work because it was first of all an Times, Mishop Charles P. Anderson outstanding influence against religious "Ralph Connor." DETROIT CLUB TO HEAR CAMPBELL Prof. Oscar J. Campbellj of the En- glish department, is to be the princi- pal speaker at the Second Annual In- vitational banquet given by the Uni- versity of Michigan club of Detroit on October 12. Last year 76 of the 1926 graduating class -,tended the banquet and a mucht larger number is ex- pected this year of those who gradu- ated in June. Eugene G. O'Brien, '{}6-'07, is the general chairman of the affair. Wilred B. S'haw, editor of the Michi- gan Alumnus, has accepted an invita- tion to speak before the Unive/sity of Michigan club of Atlanta, Ga., on Fri- day night, October 7. ALUMNI TO HAVE CHICAGO BANQUE T Members of the University of Michi- gan Club of Chicago are planning a big football banquet in the ballroom of the Hotel Stephens on the night of November 4 to precede the Chicago- Michigan encourter of the following day. President C. C. Little and Gover- nor Fred Green are to be the guests of honor. The University of Michigan Club of Detroit is planning to send a special train to the banquet with at least a thousand on board. LEEDS, Eng.-More than half a 'cen- tury has not abated the fury of the tempest which Charles Darwin raised in 1871, when he published "The Des- cent of Man," to prove the theory that "Mr. Chimpanzee is at the root of man's family tree." Today all England has divided into two camps, raised up its fortifications of arguments and brought all its big guns of accusation and machine guns of ridicule to hear in the struggle de- clared by the British Science associa- tion convention here. The center of the world's interest in evolution has shifted from a musty courtroom in Tennessee to a large as- sembly hall in Leeds. Church and Science have again ranged themselves on opposite sides. England's famous bishops are liter- !ally cudgelling the heads of scientists with mitres and staffs, and the scient-- ists are replying with thunder and poison gas. Sir Arthur Keith, President of the British Science associatign, one of the most noted scientific organizations in the world, started the whole thing when he opened the convention by supporting Darwin's view that man has evolved from an anthropoid ape. Dr. G. P. Bidder, the eminent zoo- logist, supported him by saying that "we owe our appreciation of dancing, poetry and music, our sense of rhythm, to actions that we made when we were only tiny blobs of jelly, millions of years ago." Sir Arthur directly attacked the church in saying: "Nothing can stand still. If the church stands still she will die. The issue is between Universal Science and the Church." Dr. Burroughs, the Bishop of Ripon, a prelate of the Church of England, rallied at once to a counter attack. He pleaded for a scientific holiday and the closing of every laboratory for teAi years in order that a bewildered world might sift and assimilate 'the maze of1 revolutionary knowledge," "Iuman nature," said the Bisbo , "is not yet fitted to be, entrusted safely with' the enormous powers which science is putting within its reach." l A host of scientists returned to the offensive with statements in favor ofl evolution. Sir Daniel Hall, Professor J. L. Myers and the Duchess of Atholl1 replied with more or less ridicule. Detroit Roads May Be Sold For Taxes (By Associated Press.) LANSING, Sept. 23.-Four Detroik United railway properties will be put, on sale the morning of Nov. 24 unless ha ca nc of the exchange of nos, 'his ideas then being that it «a question for the ministries of c' imerce and foreign affairs to d i ,ith-. The premier ha sen'. for all the papers on tI 6 subect. One of the most importkwfn o these, apart fram the American rp1, is considere . to be the letter from Pahl Claudel nn- bassador to tl, United States, treas- nitting the American government's roint of view to the fIllest extenit. back taxes amountingdt% appro ximate- ly $865,000 are paid the state, Kit F. Clardy assistant attorney general, an- nounces The properties named. those of the Detroit, Monroe & To. Shore line, Detroit, Almont & No . ern & Rapid rai'road. Announcement of tbp state's ac- tion against the D. U. R. foilowed a c ference between Clardy and A. L. Drum, receiver for the D. U.' R., during whic i'lardy agreed'to set t sale da t :'hiEd e days to allow a proposed reorganization of the com- panies aiid payment of at least a por- tion of the back taxes. ENGLAND SPLITS OVER EVOLUTION F IN WAKE OF SCIENTIST'S ADDRESS (By AssociatedPress) Nacare Will Try To End Ta.:iff War ( By Associated Press.) PARIS, Sept. 23.-P nier Poincare as taken hold of the _ rance-Ameri- an tariff gestion per:.-nally. He had ot done this during . earlier stages -- Professor W. D. Henderson arrived 1 Ann Arbor recently a.f t; e r iving spent the larger part of the ication at his sumer home in opinabee, Michigan. During the ist three weeks he has been en- iged in lecturing in Indiana and ennsylvania, and also visiting :f, rinceton University. The latter part the three weeks Professor Hender- n spoke at the University of New rsey, formerly Rutgers College, atX conference of representatives of anufacturing concerns in, Now Jer- y who were interested in certain iases of the University Extension ork. According to Dr. Fisher, assistant 3Dr. W. 1). Henderson of the Ex- nsion Division, there has been an zlargement in the classes given last ar, the total comprising 43 classes stributed among the followinga ties: Detroit, 28; Flint, 4; Battle eek, 1; Kalamazoo, 1; Saginaw, 2; ay City, 2; Jackson, 1; .Mt. Clemens, Pontiac, 1, and Grand Rapids, 2. Saddition dto these, the classes of llege grade formerly given by Dr. eorge Meyers of the Vocational de- e now given by the Extension Di- Sion. C E Belgian Professor To Speak Here On European Politics Dr. Herbert Speyer, professor at the University of Brussels, and a leader of the Liberal party in Bel- gium, will speak on the subject of 'Parlianentarism vs. Dictatorship in Hill auditorium at 4:15 p. m., Wedixes- day, Sept. 28. Professor Speyer is a well known apthority on the subject of parliamen- tary government and was formerly a member of the Belgium S'enate. He is the author of a . book, "The Re t 'form of the State in Belgium," and, according to Professor Jesse S. Reed of the politicalscience department, is an experienced and 'able lecturer. During his stay in Ann Arbor, Dr. Speyer will be a guest at the home PROFESSOR READS OLD INSCRIPTIONS (By Associated Press.) LUND, Sweden.--The ancient run- ic script of the Vikings, chipped in tombstones, recittld obituary facts and was believed to possess a magic force for protection of the graves, Prof. Sigurd, of the University of Lund has concluded. Studying inscriptions on stone slabs dating back to the third century, Dr. Agrell has decided that tlt ruic letters, like the Roman, had a certain numerical value. The first letter, he says, was number two, and the last number was both one and 24, just as an ace is counted one or 13 in cards. Is studies are rj;arded as furfish- ing a solid basis for reconstructihn of the primitive Swedish langut7ge. DECREASE SHOWN IN REGISTRATION =mammon* DRINKING is no longer done from a public or ProfessorReed. Statistics obtained from the reg- istrar's office show the total enroll- SPORTS MANAGE1RS ment in the various colleges of the TO HOLD REUNION University through Wednesday night tobe 9,404. There were 208 more registered during the same priod last Members of the eMichigan. Athletic year and the only schools showing 'Managers club will hold their annual gains this year over last are the meeting at the Michigan Union at Medical school, the Law school and the noon on Oct. 22. Thomas Clancy, of new School of Forestry. Ishpeming,- Mich., will preside. This The largest loss in registration is club consists only of the past and shown in the School of Education present student athletic managers. where there are only 482 enrolled as There are only 193 living persons compared with 715 last year. elgible to this club. Of this number 152 are members. IOWA-Enrollment for the coming This club maintains a -qan fund toyear is expected to exceed last year's be administered by the university. by a large number. cud, We have realized the neces- sit of using sanit ary m eanDs. me n.o s n .s nt r Yet people often fail to think of the way in vwhich their laundry I. ,;. It is handled. Thorough steriliza- Lion of every garment 1is one o the features of . it ale Varsity Service Every Artcle Phst Go! Several weeks ago the Surplus Supplies Store Was swept with fire. It is II absolutely necessary that all buildings be rebuilt for other tenants, so the stock of merchandise has been moved next door to allow building operations on the new stores. Everything has been radically cut in price for quick disposal. . - ' r. You will profit by attending this great sale! Buy your future needs now at a saving! Leather Coats and Jackets, Suede and Wool Blouses, Sweaters and Breeches Phone 4219 Tower's Slickers and Rain Coats For Ladies, Men, Boys and Girls :,y; Shirts, Underwear, Lumberjacks, Outing Goods, Alarm Clocks, etc. Blankets and Robes jXUNDPRy CO. All Kinds, for Every Need x.. 11 n1CD WTrVD n- 117T TRV -D'V AMVTl V1I'T TT